Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 1118: Maka

Chapter 1118 is really fragrant

This operation, Zhang Fan performed was quite troublesome.

The first is that the children are too young and are always on the line of life and death. And the large area of ​​skin damage is like a child who has been bleeding a lot, a clear liquid child is like a big fat man lying on a sauna bench. The tissue fluid is like sweat beads, and it keeps spilling from the body. This kind of moment is really not much easier than a large blood vessel licking blood out.

The human body is a complex organism. There are many elements in it. Why does a large amount of blood loss or fluid loss lead to death? In fact, it is very simple. First of all, a large amount of ischemia will not persist in the brain, because the red blood cells in the blood are small boats that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

When the ship is gone, oxygen can't get in, and carbon dioxide can't get out. The brain becomes drunk first, just like a person is drunk, and then the brain becomes poisoned over time. The same is true for fluid loss. A large amount of fluid loss will first cause electrolyte disturbance in the body.

The various electrons of the human body maintain a balance to produce various substances, such as energy ATP, such as protein, and decomposition of sugar. When a large amount of liquid is lost, this balance will be messed up, the production that should be produced cannot be produced, and the production that should not be produced will be produced in large quantities.

For example, it originally produced ATP, but it turned into a large amount of lactic acid. During strenuous exercise, the muscles will become sour, which is lactic acid. And when a large amount of lactic acid is produced, the electrolytes that were originally disordered in the body become more disordered. Many office products pop up without the catalyst, and many of these things are toxic.

It can be said that after a large amount of test solution, a person's death can be explained by poisoning himself.

While Zhang Fan is undergoing surgery, he has to discuss the treatment adjustment of the child with the anesthesia team of the internal medicine support group as the operation progresses. After all, surgery is a destructive treatment, and this treatment will aggravate the stress response of the child.

It can be said that this treatment will speed up and increase the chance of death of the child. There is no doubt that if one is not careful, the chance of a child dying on the operating table will follow the progress of the operation and the more skin the operation will cut. The greater the chance.

Not only need to discuss with them, Zhang Fan also needs to record this brilliant operation.

If Zhang Fan's previous surgery was the result of a lot of practice in the system, then this time it is a supernormal performance of accumulation. Just like when some people take the exam, they are obviously not good at doing one question, but the secretion of adrenal hormones makes him suddenly ding-dong like Brother Hugh, and a light bulb lights up on his head.

What I can do now is so exquisite, and I may not be so exquisite in the future. This is the so-called flash of light, but it is definitely not an epiphany. Therefore, Zhang Fan had to make a record. As long as it was recorded, he would continue to remove the liver in the future, and he had to keep reviewing the operation in the shortest time, and then this extraordinary performance would become a normal level.

Therefore, it is too simple to be a doctor, and to be a doctor of mixed life. As long as you are admitted to a practicing doctor, then you can find a public hospital to find a more relaxed department. You can guarantee income from droughts and floods. .

But it is difficult to be an aspiring doctor. Hard work is the most basic thing, not to mention, but also talent. Many doctors have worked hard for a lifetime, but they can only sigh in front of some operations. It is not that he is not working hard enough, but that the talent is not enough. This industry, like many technology industries, is getting more and more. At the top, the more talent you eat, the more you eat your body.

I knew about my own affairs. Apart from being able to endure hardships and his natural talent is ordinary people. Although there are plug-ins, this half-dead plug-in made Zhang Fan continue to perform operations without any other help.

Therefore, Zhang Fan had to seize every time Chang Chao played. If you want to go far, you have to pay more than others.

Not only did Zhang Fan work hard to do more surgery, even if he became the dean, he didn't put down his physical exercises. Without special circumstances, running around the periphery of the hospital every morning has become a scene of tea. The extraordinary performance this time is the reward of the ascetic life since graduation.

As the operation extended bit by bit, Zhang Fan finally dared to gasp. Just like being a thief, Zhang Fan controlled his breathing during the operation. If the adult surgery is to dance on the egg shell, then this surgery is to dance on the egg membrane.

If you don’t jump well, it’s just a matter of being beaten up.

Although the sweaty slippers are like soaking in water, the operation is slowly getting more and more secure. Because a large area of ​​skin has been transplanted, Lao Li's materials are really good to be honest.

Tilapia skin is better than any pig skin. Moreover, it has no immune rejection effect, so if this material cannot dominate the world in adult scalds, in the field of infant scalds, it is definitely a king of existence.

Imagine a child who is in danger, the doctor dared to give the child material that repels strongly, but this material is not available.

Therefore, when a child has a soft and weak torso, buttocks, and limbs transplanted with skin materials like patches, the child's life state slowly begins to stabilize.

"Zhang Yuan, blood pressure and heart rate are stable." The anesthesiologist wiped the sweat from his forehead. During the operation, Zhang Fan would lower the blood pressure, raise the blood pressure, lower the heart rate, and speed up the perfusion. To be honest, the command is good and it is too difficult to execute.

Every medication is a risk, but fortunately, I finally got through it now. In his early forties, he looked at the infant on the operating table and the sleeping child. He didn't know what was going on. He was very proud and very pleased. It's like looking at your child's mood.

"Okay!" Zhang Fan nodded gently. His feelings on the operating table are particularly single, without excitement, and no emotion, as if there is a pile of meat in front of him, regardless of male and female, regardless of age.

"Professor Li."

This time Lao Li didn't dare to distract himself. Hearing Zhang Fan calling him by name, he responded immediately. "Hey."

"I need a lot of burn patients now." Zhang Fan is also not welcome, regardless of his ability or not, anyway, just one sentence, I need such a patient number now.

"Okay, after the operation, I will call immediately." Old Li's lips were shaking. He saw that Zhang Fan was going to make great efforts to guide this evening.

In fact, Zhang Fan would not think of the guide. After all, his starting point was too low. It was a medical undergraduate who started at the county hospital. Even if he had an academician teacher, he actually spent most of his time studying on his own. What kind of guide did he never expect , He now felt as if some details of the operation were beginning to blur. Therefore, in order to get this kind of operation as soon as possible and perfect this kind of operation, he needs to do a lot of operations. Go steady.

"No, let your PhD student get your materials. You should contact the patient now. It's best to have one in the afternoon." Zhang Fan was anxious, so he asked Lao Li to get off the operating table to contact him.

"It's already night now!" The head nurse in the operating room pitifully glanced at Zhang Fan, whose back was soaked in sweat, and gently inserted.

To be honest, during the operation, those who dared to intervene in Zhang Fan were probably the head nurse. After all, when Zhang Fan did not rise again, she would cover this Fan openly or secretly. This is the so-called incense love.

"Oh! Tomorrow morning, it's better to have such an operation, please!"

"Okay, I'll go now." After speaking, Lao Li got off the operating table. There are tears in the eyes.

Touched, so touched, for his own materials, Zhang Yuan really threw himself down to help, he was choked up, how many years, how many years, how many years have not met such a friend. Yes, it is a friend. In the past, he thought Zhang Fan was a helper. Now, he thinks Zhang Fan is his friend.

Zhang Fan on the operating table didn’t know yet, and he unknowingly moved Lao Li. If he knew, Zhang Fan would definitely laugh. Lao Tzu was afraid that his perception would disappear. The amount of surgery required by the system was too large. It’s too much effort to open the burn department.

This can be regarded as unintentionally planting willows.

In the operating room, the operation has entered the final stage. This kind of long-term operation is actually not felt in the operating room, just like a man who has not taken off the other's pants before falling in love, a day passed without knowing it.

The doctors and nurses still don’t feel tired now. Really, this is not a lie. It seems that the body knows it. It’s not the time to look for things, so it also cooperates. Once the operation is over, the mind will relax. This kind of long-term operation definitely can Ask the doctors and nurses to peel off the skin.

But the observation experts outside the operating room are no longer good.

It’s okay to let them undergo the operation, but if you want them to observe the operation, it won’t work. It's like running a long distance, the driver is not tired yet, the driver is almost dead.

And this long distance made them too worried, because of Zhang Fan and Zhang Fan's record, none of them wanted to miss it. The Burns Department is a small department, and it can be considered a second-level department. However, this department is small, but there are too many studies in this department.

Apart from others, the military burn research institute of the Golden Retriever country alone is the top of the industry, and the Golden Retriever has done too much research in this area. Although they are not very involved in academia, many of the current burn treatments are They sent it out casually.

Therefore, although this department does not have a general degree and does not have many people who do orthopedics research, this department has been solidified a long time ago. If you want to get ahead, you almost have to have a background of studying abroad. But now it’s different. Although it’s a child surgery, you can see the posture and this is going to be a guide.

A guide cannot be handled by one person, and a large number of people must help. Although they can't take the lead in getting this guide, they still have the qualifications to participate, and there are actually not many places to participate.

Therefore, a group of people sitting in the observation room eating the meal in the cafeteria of the Tea Vegetarian Hospital, their waists were almost broken, but no one left.

No one talked about surgery, as if everyone came to the operating room of the Chasu Hospital for dinner. "Hey, the braised pork from the tea-based hospital is good. Well, horse intestines are also fragrant."

"Can it not be fragrant? Zhang Yuan is a gourmet, don't you know. Last time we had a meeting in Magic City, Zhang Yuan and I talked about the characteristics of North and South food."

As soon as I said this, several other people looked at this person with a kind of disbelief, but unbreakable eyes.

This consciously provoked the anger of the public, "I am also delicious, and I am also delicious. I didn't talk about other things, so I talked about diet!"

Expert Zeng was eager to chat with this group of people, and he wanted to participate, but as long as he passed, the chat would automatically end. He is isolated!

Just when everyone was dubious, Lao Li came out of the operating room.

(End of this chapter)