Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 1172: You choose for him

Chapter 1172 You choose for him

Except for some special occupations, most people rarely see mass rescue scenes. This kind of scene, really, I hope that people who haven't seen it will never meet for the rest of their lives. In addition to leaders, such scenes are often ordinary people with special occupations, such as police, soldiers, firefighters, and people engaged in dangerous fields such as coal mines and chemicals. To be honest, it is not a good thing to be able to see such scenes.

When the individual was rescued, it seemed that the emergency room of the hospital was chaotic. The doctors yelled and the nurses bluffed. In fact, they are not. This is just to prevent some useful details from being missed. Looking at the medical staff running around, in fact, at this time, it is not chaotic.

It is often seen that the doctors are in order, and then everyone needs to worry about whether something has happened.

And now it is orderly. Medical treatment is a group that seeks common ground while reserving differences. When the individuality or characteristics are not manifested, it is the time when everyone is most worried about it. As with many things, you can play a little temper, or even play a little temper, but when it comes to danger, try a little.

Waiting, especially when a large number of patients are about to enter the hospital, the mood of the doctors is really difficult to describe, but if you find an example, it may actually be like going to a blind date or going to a bath center to find a girl. When the blind date or sister hasn't appeared yet.

At this time, guys are generally nervous and excited, excited and depressed. This is a complicated mentality, and the doctor is actually the same. The younger the doctor, the more complicated the mentality of doctors who have not experienced such large-scale battles.

I imagined that I could become a superman and came to a critical illness. When everyone was desperate, he jumped out and rescued the patient. But the hands with rubber gloves and the legs wrapped in white coats trembled slightly. Betrayed him or her is just a first brother, which is not a big deal, sometimes the first brother will feel urinary rush, obviously only ten minutes ago.

However, people like Ouyang, Ren Li, and Zhang Fan have already passed this period of anxiety and excitement. At this time, they are just accumulating adrenaline, waiting for the moment of the outbreak. Any job actually requires passion, and this time is often the highlight of the doctor's career.

If they are divided into ranks, Zhang Fan and the others are already the ranks in their eyes and without codes.

When the patient enters the hospital, in normal times, the individual emergency department, that is, a few nurses, if the patient is critically ill, at most a few more doctors will come out, and then they will swarm up like a group of big white geese released from the goose ring for food. The little tadpole rushed to the toad.

This is different when there are a large number of critically ill patients. Must be orderly. There are four or five doctors in a row. There are about five or six rows before and after. The queue cannot be short or long. If it is short, it will cause disorder, and if it is long, it will cause inconvenience in movement.

It's a bit like a musketeer queuing to shoot. Following the commander's command, one row is finished and the other row moves forward.

"Male, about 27 years old, fractured left femur, hemorrhage, shock! Suspected pelvic displacement, venous access has been established!" The medical soldier who got out of the explosion-proof vehicle immediately shouted out the patient's general confidence, which was a handover .

When Zhang Fan heard this, he immediately shouted: "Wang Yanan, Orthopedic No. 1 Operating Room!"

"Yes!" Wang Yanan led several orthopedic doctors and several orthopedic nurses to quickly push past the flat car. The few people said one, two or three in unison, and then the patient was moved to the flat car. The nurse checked the venous channel, Wang Yanan and the others. A doctor ran while checking.

This kind of division of labor is practiced through non-stop drills on weekdays. Wang Yanan examines the lower body of the wounded, another examines the upper body of the patient, and a doctor examines the patient's brain, such as a series of basic vital signs examinations such as light emission.

"Xue Xiaoqiao, the third operating room outside the brain!"

"Xue Fei, the second operating room of the emergency department."

One by one, patients in need of surgery were diverted, and those who were critically in need of surgery immediately went to the general operating room of the hospital. And some mild cases that still need to be treated are arranged in the emergency operating room of the emergency department.

To be honest, this kind of command must have a good understanding of the hospital, a special familiarity with the doctors, and a good understanding of various diseases. Otherwise, such a scene can never be directed. Not to mention ordinary doctors, even some senior deputy directors may not be able to command.

Commands at such moments almost always give orders casually, otherwise the rescue will stop and the rhythm will be disrupted.

Don’t look at Zhang Fan standing at the gate of the emergency center and making arrangements one by one. It seems very relaxed, but he not only has to arrange the patients in front of him, but also has a number in his heart, to set aside an operating room. I don't know the number of the sick, and I can't transfer it during the operation. That's a sinner.

Therefore, a leader in a special industry is not good at doing it, and even a layman is a leader in a special industry. He used to think that Ouyang had a bad temper, so he raised his triangular eyes when his words were wrong. Now he finally realized why Ouyang had a bad temper.

When the patient is right in front of him, but there are not enough doctors in his hands, or not enough operating room, and seeing the patient dying, but there is no other way, the feeling of depression is very uncomfortable. Even a lady becomes a shrew.

"Zhang Yuan, the patient has a crush injury on his right arm and is already experiencing ischemic necrosis..."

What does this mean? It means amputation. In a car accident, this kind of crush injury is the number one enemy of doctors. Don't look at the bone stubble from a broken thigh that is like a dog tooth.

However, this kind of injury, as long as it is sent to the hospital before the shock reaches the organ failure, the doctor can put together building blocks for you to tidy the patient. Crush injury is not enough, especially ischemic crush injury.

Obviously the limbs are intact, but the doctor has no choice but to cut off the necrotic limbs or organs as soon as possible. Otherwise, once necrotic infection occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Have you contacted your family members?" Zhang Fan's hair stood up. He is not only responsible for commanding personnel to rescue, but also for making important decisions.

For example, right now, if one organ is removed, and it is also the removal of an important organ, the patient’s family will not be able to contact for a while, and the time cannot be delayed for too long. What should I do?

"I don't know, I'm busy now, saving people is the priority, and other things have not been carried out yet." The traffic police can only say that in response to Zhang Fan's inquiry.

In a medical accident, when the patient loses consciousness or cannot contact his immediate family members, the hospital leaders even have the obligation and responsibility to choose the best treatment for the patient.

Moreover, in this special situation, everything is focused on rescue, and almost everything is going through the green channel. From treatment costs to rescue costs, it is an afterthought.

"You are now his attending doctor, and you have the right to choose the best treatment you think!" Zhang Fan did not have a doctor number and could only delegate authority. Because he can't take care of it, really can't take care of it.

"Quick! She's dead. The car window frame is inserted into her chest." When more than a dozen patients had been diverted, one of the most critical patients came. When rescued, they were almost rescued one by one.

The armed police’s cars are not enough. They are requisitioned directly on the highway, with priority in requisitioning official vehicles and public buses, and then private vehicles.

Reasonable, seeing this situation, save people first without saying anything, and some are unreasonable, fearing that their car will be contaminated with blood.

A young woman was out of luck when the car was rolling down the river valley. Her seat happened to be the first place to touch the ground. The car window shattered instantly, and the metal of the window frame broke.

Then the metal frame was inserted into her chest cavity in the deformation.

When the patient appeared, it was impossible to describe.

A thin young woman was lying on a stretcher. Four people carried the stretcher, and seven or eight people supported the half-high iron frame.

"You can't move. If you move a little, the blood will go out. We can only cut off the window of the car. Come on, save her, I'm still angry!"

Several armed police officers with immature faces and even beards are still children who have not yet grown up. They are **** and bloody, holding on to Tie Kuangzi. As they speed, they work hard to keep the metal car windows still. Without them, even nine lives would die on the road.

Zhang Fan took the lead and ran over.

The down jacket worn by the wounded has long been indistinguishable. Below her right chest, a window frame with a thick fist was inserted into her chest like a pestle. In the blood covered with blood, there are countless glass ballasts like blood diamonds.

Under the sunlight in the early morning, there was a little red light shining, and it looked very strange. It's like a dress with a red diamond.

Fortunately, the glass of this window is not shoddy, it is all small particles when broken.

Zhang Fan touched the carotid artery and ran toward the operating room with the flatcar. Theasu now has many particularly good departments, as well as many general departments, such as cardiothoracic surgery, a hospital department, especially some High-precision departments, without years or even decades of development, rely on a short blood transfusion, no improvement at all.

Now, this patient, Zhang Fan has no one to send. Because of this kind of difficult cardiothoracic surgery, almost no one except Zhang Fan can do it at the Chasu City Hospital.

Zhang Fan accepted the sick number.

Ouyang stood on the commander's position with an iron face. The wind in the winter morning passed by, and his gray hair moved slightly on Ouyang's forehead.

"Call, let the medical staff who can be drawn from the first branch and the second branch quickly gather at this hospital. Contact the regional blood bank. Call the direct flight team and ask them to rush to the incident immediately. Be quick."

Ouyang knew that the later the patient was rescued, the less he could be delayed on the road.

 Master the first two chapters

   Chapter is wrong

   But Lao Zang himself has no authority to change

   Everyone is old Zang with broken hands

   It’s the twelfth lunar month, it’s the New Year

   Old people often say

    happy and sad

   So, on the day of reunion soon

   Everyone must pay attention to your body

do not catch a cold

  Don't go to crowded places

   It's okay to fight with my love at home

   Hidden cat with children

   Don’t keep thinking about going out and shopping



(End of this chapter)