Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 257: Monkey stimulation!

Chapter 257 Monkey Stimulation!

Ake was sent to the Department of Infectious Diseases. Before the laboratory report came out, Zhang Fan had given him a doctor's order and the digestive tract was isolated. Typhoid fever. Symptoms are a systemic manifestation, but it is actually a fecal-oral disease.

It is also typhoid. If it is a cholera or plague today, you can directly set this theatricin area as the epidemic area. Although it is a typhoid fever, you must also report to a higher level unit.

In the New Year, the CDC received the report and went to the hospital for verification after going to the hospital for verification! As soon as the epidemic was reported, the hospital's leadership team was here. No, no, this is not a joke.

Hua Guo has strict control over this infectious disease, one person per case. If the hospital is not quarantined today, the doctor on duty, the director of the department, the director in charge, and the director of the hospital cannot run away. Those who are lighter are removed, their licenses are revoked, and those who are severely punished by law!

In this way, there were also many people who were isolated. First, Ak's two brothers were also isolated, and then the rest was about the CDC. Their action was carried by the police!

Infectious diseases are terrible, one is contagious, and the other is that most of the infections are latent, and most carriers of infections are invisible infections. Even if they are infected, they cannot be seen at an early stage. This is it. Terrible, comes with stealth!

Typhoid fever has an incubation period, that is, after being infected, it lurks for a minimum of three days and a maximum of sixty days! Ake burned was already confused. After entering the department, Zhang Fan took the medicine directly. Zhang Fan was very sure about this disease, so don't hesitate anymore.

His four hepatitis B patients, the heaviest guy left without saying goodbye. In the morning, I checked the room and found that the patient was absent. He didn't show up for two days. Zhang Fan asked his girlfriends, but he knew nothing but the phone number and name of the person. Spread into the sky!

The liver of a male with hepatitis B disease has become swollen. It is estimated that it will not take long for ascites, splenomegaly, and esophageal varices to appear, and a series of diseases will follow! What could be done, no one can find it!

Zhang Fan has been too solid this Spring Festival this year! The Department of Infectious Diseases has this feature. The sick number is two or three kittens when the doctor is busy. The doctors have long hair. When the doctor is busy, the whole department is too busy.

Zhang Fan is busy. The private hospital can only let Shao Hua's father and Shao Hua and Lao Chen negotiate to get it. Fortunately, the operations in this hospital are all focused on hand and foot surgery. There are two kinds of results. They can be replanted and cannot be replanted, and nothing else is involved.

New Year's Day is difficult, and this is a verbal statement of the old Chinese ancestors, because at this time, not only must families who have been tired for a year eat better, drink better, dress better, but also take the year It's difficult to settle the accounts.

It is also difficult for some people in modern society. When ordinary people are preparing for the New Year's products, they hide around and wait for the day of the thirtieth year before dare to go home for a few days because they owe a debt!

Some normal accounts, if it is not before the 30th year of the New Year, the accountant will not ask for it during the Chinese New Year, at least until the Spring Festival, this is a custom, commonly known as an agreed one Customs, but one kind of account is an exception, gambling account!

The rapid development of the country, vigorous urbanization, and demolition have caused many ordinary people to suddenly turn from civilians into upstarts overnight. This wealth came too quickly and fiercely, and many people were not ready yet. As a result, the mentality changed. All kinds of weird!

When hundreds of thousands of millions or more of funds suddenly make a family no longer need to worry about life, when the whole village suddenly becomes very rich from food and clothing, these have not yet practiced how to control People of these properties have all kinds of heresies.

Buy a car, buy a luxury car. Buy a house, buy a big house in the city center. Dress, non-international brands do not wear! These are understandable, as long as they have passed through this insecure mentality in the early days, they can return to normal life.

However, once infected with drugs and gambling, the consequences are often more miserable than before the demolition. Many people want to return to their lives before the demolition.

Absolute poverty overnight is not uncommon in such demolished families. Even if the compensation for demolition is lost, many, many people not only lose light, but also have a lot of debts.

In recent years, the country has vigorously developed its frontiers. The streets of Chasu City have also been full of many young people who carry handbags. The streets are full of people who have no legitimate occupations and can live very moisturized. . These people are living a rich life by gambling.

On the fifth day of the new year, Chen Feng was taken to Zhang Fan's private hospital by the police, and his left hand was chopped off with a sharp weapon. He is a typical demolisher who compensated him for more than 3 million. He lost all the demolishment money in a month, and owed many loan sharks. He who hid in Tibet in the east was finally caught on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. The accountant was stuck at home.

Ordinary people often don't understand this, because normal people know that gambling and poisoning are not good things, so they will unconsciously stay away from this thing.

But in recent years, there have been a lot of people. Wherever they move, they go and open casinos. They are very clever, so clever that there is no way to control the country without spending much effort.

First, rent a house, rent a house in a high-end neighborhood, a thousand rent a day! Then set up the casino in these normal family areas, and change places for a maximum of three days at a point.

Those who participate in gambling do not need to bring cash. Those who participate in gambling are clearly understood by those who set up casinos. It is very clear how much money the family has compensated.

The organization of these people is very strict. The renting of the house, the wind and the wind, and the lending and lending are all a strict system.

It's not even lost, and then they loan usury to these demolished households, and then they're done. These people who lend money are ruthless and have endless means! The usual thing is to frighten, frighten family and relatives, and interfere with your normal life.

One more vicious thing is to organize some special patients to go to the door and ask for accounts. Even more vicious is chopping hands or even killing them!

Chen Feng, a driver of trucks in his early years, was not a good man who could run long-distance trucks in the 1980s and 1990s. After the demolition, the truck was sold. As an upstart, there was nothing to do every day and it was very boring. Slowly, some interested people were lured into the casino.

Lost the family, and owed millions. After hiding in Tibet for more than half a year, he was finally blocked at home by debts. He didn't say much, just lifted the knife and did it. One person overturned and chopped several wounds, and was eventually chopped by his hand. The accountant did not expect this person to be so hot, all those with special diseases came to the door to disgusted Chen Feng's family.

The matter is big, the police came, and ran, ran, got caught, and although Chen Feng was chopped off one hand, he also chopped down some of the people who were to be accounted for, these people were sent to the city hospital .

Misfortune, Chen Feng is estimated to have spared his life. He was chopped five or six times by himself. The wound was either on his head or on his neck. Anyway, he went towards the place where he was going to die.

Before the fifth day of work, an emergency doctor in the emergency department had a broken waist! While the emergency doctor was busy with suture examinations, a patient with excessive blood loss was found to have AIDS!

The sick man is as thin as a firewood stick, and the wind blows him away. The wounded was severed the most, the head and skull were cut off!

I really want to thank the country for giving the ordinary people a peaceful living environment and allowing most people to live in a peaceful environment. The country has vigorously cracked down on gambling, and many people think it is a big deal. This is also a small atypical example. Gambling and poisoning are not uncommon.

The hospital is a place of right and wrong. There are normal diseases and diseases with special incidents. There are not many injuries in this kind of fight. The doctor's job is to save the lives and help the patients.

But when it comes to AIDS, really, to be honest, everyone is afraid. There is no cure for this stuff. There are such patients in the hospital, and the doctors in the emergency department are shaking!

"Dean, dean, a patient in the emergency department, AIDS, blood sprayed on me! ~"

"Did you get in your eyes?" Ouyang's voice was sharp and could directly break the eardrum.

"Probably not, I'm wearing glasses! And just sprayed on me!" The doctors in the emergency department were almost crying!


"OK! I'm wearing gloves!" The doctors in the emergency department began to tremble after fear. If this patient does not have blood transfusions or blood tests, no one knows that he is AIDS.

"I'm here, you must be careful! ~ Give the nurses an explanation, be careful!"

Are doctors in the emergency department timid? May put!

There was no good way for Ouyang to come, so he quickly appeased the doctors and nurses in the emergency department. It was really different to know in advance and suddenly.

In this way, you also have to treat people, because he is a patient! Blood transfusion, treatment, and then sent to the infection department! Because the patient developed fever and cough! Lung disease is here!

In its early years, AIDS was called wealthy disease. This disease came from Africa. AIDS has a story in the medical community.

Said to be a certain tribe in Africa. Group living **, every night on the full moon, the tribe has become a coverless assembly, and they also have a custom, like Asan, like to use divine oil.

Asan is a little bit better, and he uses drugs. This tribe in Africa likes to slaughter some kind of monkeys and apply blood to that place of men. It is said to have magical effects!

Then there is Hu Tianhu Di, the children of the tribe don't even know who their father is. Because the incubation period of AIDS is long or short, the short one or two years, the long reaches ten years or even longer.

Then, in a certain year, the wealthy circles in Europe and America suddenly started to explore Africa. These rich people in Europe and America, lack of excitement in life, go to Africa to find excitement, brunette! The original wild girl is so exciting.

Then I developed AIDS, and after I returned to Europe and the United States, I continued to stimulate, and the disease spread throughout the world. The United States reported the first case in 1981, and then the first case was discovered in 1985 in China!

In 2002, 70 million patients were registered worldwide, and the known death toll was 20 million. The high incidence area in Asia is in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand! The next thing is to envy America's Maruko!

Although there are three ways of transmission, the most important way of transmission is sexual transmission. Sometimes, don't be congratulated. Fuck and call the little card in the hotel casually.

Once infected, there is no way to regret it. Not only was he ruined, but maybe his family was ruined. There is no cure for this most terrible disease.

Don't pull a magician, it is a character built with a super country for hundreds of millions of dollars for a certain purpose. Do you have hundreds of millions? Can you be someone for some purpose?

No! Then cleanse yourself, this disease is really not a joke! And the disease is not far from us!

(End of this chapter)