Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 27: He is in the operating room he is still

Chapter 27: He's In The Operating Room

Since the system upgrade, Zhang Fan has been busier than before, and almost never goes to the department. Just stationed in the operating room, the head nurse of the operating room also appreciated Zhang Fan's efforts very hard, and found a bed in the male nurse's lounge for him to rest.

"Director, our hospital is a major surgery. The opportunity for further studies is very precious to me. I also want to study other surgeries. Can you help me tell the hospital and let me go to other surgeries."

"Oh, joint or spine?" Lin Cong thought Zhang Fan was going to learn other orthopedics.

"Everything is here, and I want to learn general!"

"Do you still have general surgery? What kind of surgery can you do."

"Extra appendix, thyroid disease, gastric perforation, intestinal obstruction, various hernias, basic operations can be done." These days the exercise in the system has not been dropped at all, after all, the system is the most important.

"Eh!" Lin Cong opened his mouth for a long time, too surprised. Is this still talent, is it genius? He couldn't do some operations.

"Okay, I'll ask the dean, it should be okay." After Zhang Fan went out, he thought to himself: "Did the major surgery train people like this?"

Regarding Zhang Fan's situation, Lin Cong personally reported it to the dean, who was also from outside the country and was surprised when he heard it.

"Okay, I'm not afraid he will learn, I am afraid he will not learn. All operating departments are open to Zhang Fan, including obstetrics and gynecology. Let him go if he wants. I also want to see where he can go." This It is really a scholar's mentality, but also a state and a mind!

In the morning, Zhang Fan was on the operating table of joints and spine, and in the afternoon on the operating table of general surgery. Sleep time is reduced to four hours a day, which is still cumulative.

The system requirements are too high, and Zhang Fan is not afraid to relax. After finishing the training, he has to wait for one year until the practice certificate is available before he can go to work in a large hospital. Moreover, he may not let his hands go for surgery like this .

The boss of the hospital spoke and the departments cooperated quite well. In the laparoscopic surgery of general gallbladder stones, "Dr. Zhang, it is safer to tie a little bit forward. It is safer." Director General Pu personally gave Zhang Fan a platform on the operating table of gallbladder stones.

"No, you can come to general surgery. Orthopedic surgery has no technical content. Wait a few days to take you to make a big stomach cut. That's the real technique. Carpenters who are better at orthopedic surgery can do it." The director of Puwai tempted Zhang Fan, who has a good understanding of technology and a humble effort, does not like it.

"Well, you come to find a carpenter for hip replacement surgery. Zhang Fan, the general public is either a big feces or cut bags, orthopedics achievements are extremely explosive." Hospital surgery also has a contempt chain!

Tired, exhausted. But Zhang Fan didn't dare to rest. For two months, Zhang Fan had never seen the sun. Marks were drawn on the face with masks.

"Where's Zhang Fan?" Batu also came to the Youth Medical Training Hospital for management. He may have to be transferred to the Health Bureau after the training.

"In the operating room." The director of internal medicine and Zhang Fan have a dormitory. They have never seen Zhang Fan since they were young doctors.

A few days later, Batu came to Zhang Fan again, "still in the operating room, he never went in. He has become a legend of the young doctor."

"This bunny, don't die." Then Batu called Zhang Fan, "Where are you?"

"Bayuan, I'm in the operating room."

"Come out, you will not register for the exam. I'll wait for you below the surgery building."

To register, Zhang Fan has forgotten this. For half an hour, Zhang Fan went to Lin Cong to take a leave. Although Zhang Fan is now undergoing surgery, he is still a traumatologist.

"Sir, I went out for a few hours and the director of our hospital came."

"Don't worry, I'll leave you three days off to see the sea. The department will organize an event tomorrow night. You must participate. I have been here for several months and haven't invited you to dinner." Zhang Fan's performance has already let Lin Cong, they incorporated him into their own system.

"Bayuan, I want to die." For more than two months, he had undergone a crazy operation. Although it made Zhang Fan very tired, but removed the distress that the system could not be upgraded, his heart seemed to have removed a large stone, and people also had young people. Look. Talking, hugging Batu.

"Your boy, the smell of disinfection water. It's all thin, and it can't be so desperate." Batu was also glad to see Zhang Fan. After all, people are emotional animals. After spending more than half a year, he likes Zhang Fan more and more.

"You're not signing up for me, come to Jade Bird City specifically."

"You have a big face. I have also come to study for a month. I have been to you several times since I just arrived, and I couldn't find you."

"Why don't you call?"

"I came to see you, nothing happened, I didn't call. I have to register today. I just contacted you. The registration information is all ready for you, so I just left a photo." Then, call Li Liang and explain, and it's OK.

"Go, I'll take you to meet the world." Batu said after seeing Zhang Fan get it done.

When the old bus came, Zhang Fan was also happy. He followed Batu to a five-star hotel.

"Today we have buffets, there are more than 800 of them, and I haven't eaten them yet. I saw them today." When Zhang Fan first arrived, he had a good meal while the government was entertaining. As soon as I heard a big meal, my saliva was coming down. Every day in the box lunch, the taste buds were almost out of function.

Fish, big fish, meat, all kinds of meat, shrimp, prawn. The plates in front of them were changed one after another, Batu had been full for half an hour, and Zhang Fan was still eating. Zhang Fan hasn't talked since he started eating.

"Slow down and have a drink. It's not a loss to take you to a buffet, and wrap your face when you will go out. Otherwise, they won't entertain you next time." Batu ridiculed Zhang Fan drinking red wine.

"I've had lunch for two months. Just point at this meal."

"After a few days, take you out to sea. It's a shame that I can't go out to the sea."

"I don't care, just give me the money."

"Oh, you die, young, don't worry, the days are still long. Do you have any plans after the exam?"

"Eh! I haven't thought about it yet." Zhang Fan was embarrassed to say that he couldn't eat others and said: I went to the big hospital after the exam.

"I don't know you yet. The county hospital is too small to support you, and I can't afford to delay you. Look at it. If the health bureau can't get in, I will go to the hospital in the city. At times, you cannot quit. "

"Rest assured, a phone call, just watch my performance."

"Oh, a little energetic."

Batu's son also studied medicine, and is about to graduate. General study, no need to think about postgraduate entrance examination.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Fan and Batu returned to the hospital. Batu's training was purely for tourism. A few days later I took the other three of the county hospital to the sea for a tour. Called Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan didn't go. For Zhang Fan, there are many opportunities to go to sea in the future.

Come again and ask if you're not afraid, if you're not afraid, quickly know what I want

(End of this chapter)