Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 273: Shura field

Chapter 273 Shura Field

The high-speed motorcycle finally found Lao Yang in front and a garbage cart parked in the middle of the road. A dozen motorcycles you chased after me. The front row is better, you can avoid it and focus on the middle and rear. There is no way to directly use the motorcycle.

Brake brake, four heavy motorcycles rushed to Lao Yang's garbage truck in an instant! Although it is slowing down, the huge inertia cannot stop. The big rock at the riverside intersection is actually an obstacle where they placed the vehicle to prevent it from entering the riverside avenue. I did not expect to meet Lao Yang who was in a hurry to dance! ~

Unexpectedly, this unexpected and tragic accident occurred. The other motorcycles hid in the past. Although they hid in the past, there were still two motorcycles that came together on the side of Lao Yang because of avoidance. The motorcycles they met were just like crispy potato chips, and they just fell apart!

The two men and women in the car were directly thrown into the garden next to the road. One of the riders and the other avoiding motorcycle wheel directly severed one leg! As easy as cutting tofu, the calf was twisted into a boned meat filling instantly!

The four people who threw themselves into the garden didn't even have a sound! Only the wheels that were still rolling, the bloodstained wheels rolled lonely into the distance!

Lao Yang opened his mouth and looked at the motorcycle rushing in front of him, "Well!" The huge impact sound spread to the distance! Lao Yang didn't know if it was good or bad.

I wanted to finish my work early and go find an old lady to dance, but I met this group of guys who died. It can be said that the luck is not good, and a little bit of luck. This garbage truck is more vulnerable to sanitation because of the sanitation workers, so the quality is particularly good. Almost all of them are welded by the thickness of the steel plate in the palm.

In this way, the puppets of the four motorcycles struck the garbage truck with unpleasant green smoke. The energy is too large, the steel bars on the garbage truck's stubble spread directly into Lao Yang's belly like a hedgehog, and bloomed on Lao Yang's belly like a candle for a birthday cake! The garbage truck pressed on Lao Yang's chest. Instant energy, click! There are at least seven or eight broken ribs in the sternum. And still multiple fractures.

The lower limb was directly crushed by one of the lost riders and the out of control motorcycle. Click! The lower leg of the right lower limb is broken directly! The huge, intense and rapid pain attack, Lao Yang rolled his eyes and went unconscious!

It is because this garbage truck, despite being pressed on Lao Yang's body, can be considered to protect him, and his head and cervical spine have not been seriously hit! Fortunate in misfortune.

Three of the motorcycle riders and the three girls behind the car, because the vehicle had fallen before the impact, with the inertia and motorcycle hit the garbage truck together, six people squeezed together.

The fragile neck exploded like a twist. Under the impact of huge kinetic energy, the motorcycle rider's hat became like a piece of paper.

Blood, red blood, accompanied by the blue smoke of a motorcycle scatters like a fountain! The brain pulp, white brain pulp, hula lasa sprinkled all over the place, like the tofu brain overturned in the same bowl, almost cilantro and pepper!

Six young lives instantly became corpses! Fortunately, at least it is not painful. The brain and neck are broken first. You should not feel pain before you die.

Following these three motorcycles is a white motorcycle. The little girl who reads the third grade is sitting in this car, excited, exciting, and too exciting. Huge engine sound and fast speed, so excited! It's going to heaven.

The other three bikes were found early and the brakes were early. When the car behind them was found, the distance was very close. The rider with two knives and a sharp brake were directly with the white motorcycle. Somersault, skipped Lao Yang and his garbage truck. Turning over and throwing out motorcycle and rider parts, hands, a hand with motorcycle gloves, flew up the roadside branches.

The brakes are too fierce. The little girl behind is like a rag doll thrown out by the owner. She shook her limbs and screams. God! Flying in the air! Snapped! It was thrown directly into a pool of watered flowers on the side of the road, and it sounded like a rotten box fell to the ground. The screams ceased!

More than a dozen motorcycles, riders and girls who had no choice but to escape, this instantaneous event was over when they were not even ready for surprise.

There were a total of six motorcycles in the accident, and the little **** the last car screamed. The others were like silent lambs or slaves with gagged mouths. .

Someone who was clever, just said nothing, just started the motorcycle and quickly left the scene without looking at it again! One is gone, not stupid, running for dozens of seconds. The girl in one of the cars felt unsuitable, and eventually couldn't help but called 120.

"Is there a city hospital? There was a car accident at Shuiting Huayuan, Binhe Road, and it was dead. Come on!" After speaking, he hung up the phone regardless of the question from the operator.

120 is the same as 110, as long as someone calls the police, regardless of true or false! Even if there are nine fakes, as long as one time is really going, life is more important than the sky, but this group of young people play with their lives like children's play. Finally, something big happened, and regret is no longer necessary!

In the 120 car, Xiao Li yawned. In the early hours of the morning, when people were most dormant, they didn't take the rest of the night. It's hot, and there are more people in bars and in the evenings drinking beer and barbecue.

Have a drink and then: What are you talking about! I'll just shit! Then came a crackling meal, beer bottles flying, fists tossing, and after the head broke, the wine woke up! The loser is admitted to the hospital, while the winner is admitted to the police station.

The 120 doctors hated summer nights most. They had fights and injuries almost every night. There were also drunk men who were beaten like pigs. They did not take advantage of the other person. Scolding doctors is shoving nurses, very many.

In this case, if there is no police, the hospital will usually leave the security of the security department with you! You can control his hand, but you can't control his mouth!

Scolding, threatening, everything, really, 120 doctors are the doctors with the highest injury rate, a pediatric, an emergency department, and now there is a facial feature, sometimes like a battlefield!

Many unemployed people are in trouble, and they have a conflict with the doctor. It does n’t matter. It ’s a matter of days, and it ’s not that they have n’t been in. The doctor is in trouble. Can disgusting you! So when encountering this kind of thing, the doctor can tolerate it and it is very difficult to do!

In the early morning, when even the taxi went home to rest, the 120 swift Mercedes-Benz was on the road in the city and arrived at the scene of the accident in ten minutes. When Xiao Li saw the scene, he was shocked and worked for several years in emergency. Ke, he can be considered to have seen the world, but the scene really scared him.

Like Shura field! The scattered limbs, legless feet in high heels, stepped firmly on the middle of the road. Under the blue smoke and sparks of the motorcycle parts, the 120 headlights illuminate, the blood and water flow on the road like a stream, and the white brain is on the ground! I don't know whose corsage, swaying slowly in the breeze with blood!

"Come on, call, hurry up, call 110! Call the hospital!" Xiao Li's voice trembled. The 120 driver was a veteran and was busy calling. The emergency nurse's legs were soft. It was terrible!

(End of this chapter)