Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 301: End of transfer!

Chapter 301 End of Transfer!

Leukemia, to be honest, this disease is really heartbreaking. Because it is so abominable, it ranks the sixth among the death rates of all malignant tumors in China. It has the highest fatality rate among adults under 35 and children!

This is the scary part of it. The lovely child, the child who has not had time to think, bears great pain early on. In the hematology department of large hospitals, there are little bald young monks everywhere. Really, it is extremely sad and extremely sad.

What is going on with this disease? Simply talk about the history of this thing. When the disease was first discovered, most of the patients were dry radiation workers or people who had been exposed to radiation, especially next to Maruko. After World War II, this country was very powerful. Their research on this disease was at the international frontier because After World War II, there were a large number of leukemia patients in their country, all caused by something called a bad boy.

The next large number of patients are workers who have been in contact with various chemical agents for a long time, such as workers who made shoes in the early years, because they need a benzene-containing glue to make shoes, and then decoration workers, and the rest are some. Special viruses can also cause this disease, but the specific virus is unknown! Here is heredity, all of which may lead to this disease.

Ordinary people, viruses, genetics, ordinary people cannot prevent and choose, so there is no way to do this, and the technique of abortion is not good. But you can always avoid this radiation and chemical agent.

For example, a simple one, a house decoration, you get a variety of styles, a variety of moods, hair use, inside the decoration materials, a lot of various glue, all kinds of radioactive substances. Which one is pathogenic and the other is not pathogenic, can you figure it out? No, simply decorate it! Because of leukemia, for now, the exact cause is unknown! What kind of substance is causing it? Sorry, I don't know yet!

Both chemical and radiation can stimulate the human body, especially children's bodies are stimulated by these substances, causing genetic mutations in the body and then causing leukemia. Many people think that leukemia is a disease with elevated white blood cells. It is actually wrong. To put it simply, leukemia is a genetic mutation that causes malignant clonal replication of hematopoietic stem cells.

Hematopoietic stem cells are the precursors of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in blood vessels. After being induced by various factors, it becomes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Leukemia is caused by a large number of malignant replication of stem cells due to genetic mutations. This stem cell is fiercely replicated and cannot mature and immature. Cells occupy the living environment of normal cells. Because its body is white, people call it leukemia. In fact, this disease is really a disease in which all three lines of cells are reduced.

Why is it that the disease is abominable? First, it likes to bully young children. Second, it is a blood disease. This thing can spread throughout the body. When the disease is early in the bone marrow, it is rarely found because of its symptoms Not obvious, there may be only one typical early symptom, sternal tenderness! Maybe not!

Bone marrow is a hematopoietic organ, and the sternum is the most superficial hematopoietic bone marrow, so there is tenderness. Can it be found early? Can't find it, almost all of them were transferred to the whole body when it was discovered. Then, the disease is in the bone marrow, but it is manifested elsewhere. The types of leukemia are different, and the symptoms are different, such as gum bleeding, lymphadenopathy, central headache, skin lesions, and even male ** pain. Corresponding symptoms may appear in almost the entire body.

This is why this disease must be treated with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, in fact, uses various drugs to kill cancerous cells throughout the body. The drug does not distinguish between good and bad cells. Normal cells and abnormal cells can kill you, at most it is a little more selective.

With the development of science and technology, Novartis, a great giant, has developed a targeted molecular drug, imatinib. What does this targeted molecular drug mean? In fact, the gene that directly changes or induces mutation through this drug, no longer produces this cancer cell, which is a permanent cure.

This medicine, giant cow, is also expensive. If a patient takes one year's medicine, if he takes the estimated drug produced by the original factory, it will be at least 300,000 in China. This medicine is the only one. Count. Moreover, because this company is too bullish, it has its own pricing power. What does it mean, that is, it wants to sell a few hairs and a few hairs in a region or a country, you are not willing to do it! Then I'll run out of stock for you.

Although Asan can also produce, but this thing is a high-precision thing, the efficiency of Asan is still not as efficient as Novartis.

"Doctor Zhang, open the checklist for Xiaoyu and let him take a blood test." Dr. Ruan said to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, come on, man, I'll pay you a bill." Zhang Fan said to Jiang Chunyu as he opened the bill, "Can you talk about your treatment?"

Because Zhang Fan has been in the department for a long time, and has not yet encountered such a patient, today there is finally a patient who has been treated quite successfully, so I am curious, a doctor's curiosity.

"Okay, I don't know what to say, let's talk from the beginning." Xiaoyu said after a little hesitation, after all, he hasn't told anyone in the past few years. After Zhang Fan let Xiaoyu sit down, Xiaoyu said with a little memory:

When I was diagnosed with this disease, I really did n’t dare to imagine it. I did n’t believe it at all. How could I get this disease? Was the doctor misdiagnosed? However, the results of the examination were consistent with the symptoms. I was indeed leukemia, anxious!

After being hospitalized, he continued to draw blood, kept drawing blood, and then started chemotherapy. Xiaoyu smiled shyly when he said here, then said:

I used to have long hair, that kind, um is like the kind of Andy Lau, haha, very beautiful, but after starting chemotherapy, I had to change my hair style, and then all kinds of discomfort, nausea, vomiting, what to vomit , I have no appetite at all, just like there is a layer of plastic in my stomach that keeps me vomiting!

There were more patients at that time than there are now. There were all kinds of blood diseases in the ward. We encouraged each other and supported each other. Although, many of those patients at the time had gone, but those days, really, really made me feel All kinds of warmth have made me mature a lot.

Just when chemotherapy was the most uncomfortable, I watched my parents laying the floor under the bed at night. Really, sometimes when I see the window, I really want to take a leap and get rid of it early. What's so uncomfortable doing? I feel uncomfortable and my parents work hard. Besides, there are brothers and brothers at home, and it's okay to miss me.

When Zhang Fan heard this, he looked at this young man who still had a green smile. Although he had a green face, the words were full of endless vicissitudes!

Xiaoyu saw Zhang Fan looking at him, he still smiled and said:

Maybe at that time, my parents also felt my state, staring at me deadly, constantly encouraging me, and always encouraging me. The word my mother often said was, Xiaoyu, look at us all After so many and so many sins, you have to cheer. When we get old, you need to be filial to us. At that time, it was small, unreasonable, and uncomfortable with chemotherapy. It was always inexplicable.

Grumpy father, in which year the character changed directly and became extremely tender. Even speaking is slow and whispering. My brother did a bone marrow match early for me. Maybe God feels a little cruel to me. Chemotherapy results are better every time.

Finally, I can be discharged. You see that I am just like an ordinary person now. My biggest wish is that after I graduate, I won't go there, stay with my parents, and honor them. Xiaoyu laughed as she talked, she was so beautiful!

"If you can grow up healthy, it is your greatest filial piety to your parents. In the future, face it bravely and don't have any other ideas." Zhang Fan opened the checklist and handed it to Xiaoyu.

"Well, I've grown up. I won't let my parents be sad. Thank you, Dr. Zhang. I'm gone and I'll be checked."

"Okay! Go on." Zhang Fan looked at Xiaoyu leaving, his heart warmed, I hope there is no more pain in the world! May Xiaoyu stay away from this abominable demon forever!

One month was fast, and Zhang Fan's hematology department was over. The transfer of doctor's career is over, although there are many, many regrets, but for the future medical career of Zhang Fan, this year, it really helped a lot.

This year's transfers, various departments, various diseases, various patients, cured, uncured, and dead, these patients gave Zhang Fan an overall medical concept, which is systematic, but the system is just a It's just a tool for practice, and the disease is facing people not cars, not benches, but living people. Only a living patient can give a doctor who is new to the medical profession the biggest promotion.

One year's transfer also improved Zhang Fan's medical knowledge. Although he is not proficient, an internal and external treatment method and therapeutic thinking have given Zhang Fan a clear system.

A doctor, no matter how skilled and proficient in the future, in fact, the true medical literacy is established in this year or three years. Because these doctors who have just entered the industry and are still ignorant, when they really face life and death for the first time, it is the most shocking and most touching time. As time passes, as these doctors grow, the heart can only grow. The harder they are, the more they are like stones, which is also their frustration.

Many, many excellent doctors can encounter too many lives and deaths throughout their medical career. No matter how shocking life and death are encountered in the future, for the first time, when facing life and death for the first time, that feeling or shock cannot be replaced, so these years are very important years in the life of a doctor.

These years are also the most difficult years for these doctors. They do n’t have a high income and do n’t even have any so-called human rights, but what they still have to do is get married, have children, and decide, and that ’s where they dare not delay. In the hospital, I do the most and the heaviest work, and often do not get the trust of the patient, "What will happen to him so young! Change to a doctor!" Yes, you can choose, but sometimes, please give them a little bit , Just a little bit of dignity, euphemism, don't suffer!

They are not afraid to work. For more than 20 hours, or even more than 30 hours, they have to go to work with a shaft. These referral doctors are not without work. It does not matter. Who made them choose this profession. However, the best It's not exhaustion that hurts people, but heart. When you don't give them dignity at all, have you thought about it, will their psychology be distorted?

When the doctors were discharged, Zhang Fan's doctors in this session were considered to have completed the transfer of doctors. Although there were various reasons for the doctors to decide the doctors in advance, the doctors who were able to follow the formal procedures were considered to be officially ended. Are you happy, happy, but also unhappy. Some of them failed to find their favorite department because of poor exams or poor performance when transferring subjects. These have passed!

A group of young doctors, who have gone through the experience of transferring to other departments, have washed away their astringency and are now officially entering their medical career. Ouyang was rare and generous once. This is the first group of doctors trained in her way. Of course, she will look at them differently because these doctors have better basic knowledge. Medicine sometimes does not require you to be advanced, but it must be broad and comprehensive.

Junfu Hotel, a relatively high-end hotel in Chasu City, of course, it is impossible for Ouyang to make a reservation for the highest-end hotel. In the largest box of this relatively high-end hotel, there are three tables and a large table of more than twenty people, full of people.

Except for a few leaders, the rest are doctors who have completed the transfer. Ouyang rarely holds a white wine glass. The old lady hardly drinks. Even when the city leaders come to inspect and do entertainment, Ouyang does not drink. She is qualified to not drink.

But now, the old lady wore festive clothes and changed her usual expression of frost. A toast with a smile on his face said: "You, the youngest generation in the hospital, have passed through a career in transfer. These days, there are pain and sorrow, joy and joy, all kinds of helplessness, all kinds of fatigue, but you It ’s all good. You ’ve all survived. Although your medical career has just begun, there is a background in this transfer career. I believe that in the future medical road, nothing can stump you, because you even I have survived the hardest time, what about others? Today, on behalf of the hospital, I welcome you, and welcome you to become doctors and become one of us. Come to raise a glass, drink this glass of wine, eat this meal Food, I hope that you will continue your efforts in the future. Don't forget, don't discard the spirit cultivated during the transfer, and the good habits cultivated during the transfer. Come! Raise a toast! "

This night, the young doctors breathed a long breath. Regardless of whether the department was good or not, they finally decided, and no longer like a stray puppy, no home, no feeling of being accommodated.

After three glasses of wine, Ouyang wine quietly left. She was here, never thinking about letting these young doctors relax. Ouyang left, and the other deputy directors also left, leaving a good man for thousands of years. The hospital secretary accompanied the young doctors to make a joke!

Three glasses of wine, Zhang Fan did not drink a glass, no problem, if it is really drinking, it is estimated that Ouyang did not leave, Zhang Fan will have to trouble others, so in order not to trouble others, Zhang Fan did not drink a glass of wine.

Ouyang was gone, and the young man finally began to release the sadness of this time, singing and dancing, there was even a male doctor, who pulled the secretary to dance! The secretary accompanied the joke cheerfully, presumptuously? It's presumptuous, but they qualify! The doctors who can survive the transfer or the future regulations are all good. Years will remember your efforts!

*** Noisy, washed away the haze in their hearts, although they changed from a transfer dog to a hospital dog, there is always a fixed nest.

End of transfer!

End of transfer

Lao Zang with endless dissatisfaction and endless regret has finally ended this chapter!

Thank you! Thank you for your support along the way.

Not much to say!

Lao Zang bowed to you!

Thank you for your subscription and thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)