Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 314: Yitianjian

Chapter 314: Reliance on the Sword

The world is full of all kinds of contradictions. For example, the medical industry is a service industry. Patients are God and patients are customers. There is nothing wrong with this. Now, no matter what level is being promoted to satisfy patients, Satisfied customers. If dissatisfied, the consequences are serious.

However, medical treatment is a profession that pays special attention to technology and experience, and it is still a matter of life. Often, doctors need to make some judgments, and the judgments are very risky. It is really easy to satisfy patients in medical attitude or medical ethics. But involving medical technology may not satisfy patients. How to resolve this contradiction? It's really tough.

A simple example is a fracture operation. If the doctor wants to satisfy the patient, the steel plate is fixed tightly and tightly, and the applicator is straight and looks too good, as if the steel plate was originally grown on the bone. The patient is satisfied, but this is nonsense.

In order to reduce the periosteum damage of the patient, the fixed steel plate is very ugly. After looking at the X-ray film after surgery, it feels scattered. The patient did not understand. If he encountered another army division with two knives, he would be in trouble, maybe it would be a farce.

There is an old saying in orthopedics: we are treating people, not movies. This is a contradiction. An irreconcilable contradiction. Is there a way to make the movie look good and have little damage? not yet.

Zhang Fan made a simple examination for the child and said to Baiyin Tibu: "Manager Bai, let's be hospitalized for examination. After completing the examinations that we should do, we will start the next treatment."

"Is it serious?" Bai Yintibu and the child's mother looked at Zhang Fan worriedly. Everyone is the same. I look forward to not getting sick. When I am sick, I look forward to a small illness, especially my child. Once they are sick, the parents ’heart will be broken.

"How to say, you have to be mentally prepared. This operation is not a minor operation and the recovery period is very long. The child is not a simple fracture or appendix. This operation is an orthopedic operation and takes time." Zhang Fan Explain to Baiyin Tibu and her sister.

The child in the clothes did not know the seriousness of the matter. He grew up in the grassland and was very curious about everything here. He looked at this strange place with big eyes and murmured. What attracted him most was A human skeleton model in the corner of the house, as well as various pictures on the wall. The sadness or worry in his mother's and aunt's heart could not be realized.

Baiyintibu's sister said to Baiyintibu in their own words: "What to do? Could you find an older doctor and see it again?"

"No, I've inquired about this doctor, the best doctor in the city hospital." After that, she turned to look at Shao Hua, and Shao Hua also understood her meaning, "Zhang Fan, it's OK without surgery. Or It's better not to go to the bird market. "Some words, Bai Yin Tibu couldn't say, Shao Hua helped out.

Zhang Fanlue said after a moment of thought: "It is too risky not to have surgery, and the child is growing up. It is best to have surgery as soon as possible. It is not impossible to go to the bird market, but I think it is not necessary." Forced, but he was unwilling to let go of the operation.

Orthopedic surgery, Zhang Fan has not done it in reality, and the city hospital has not done it. This kind of surgery is very difficult, especially for children's orthopedic surgery, we must consider various comprehensive factors. Adults are good at it, just fix it along the physiological anatomy position and go to orthopedics. But children can't do it. First of all, children are constantly growing and bones are constantly changing. Once the operation is not in line with the child's growth trend, it is directly a medical accident.

And this operation must be done as soon as possible. The spine is like the beam of a car or a house. Once there is a problem, it is followed by changes in various related organs. When you are older, even if you change the spine, there is no other organ. Deformation of the spine first affects the changes in the sternum, hip, and pelvis.

"Trouble Dr. Zhang, let's be hospitalized first, really trouble you." After talking with his sister, Bai Yintibu said to Zhang Fan.

"It's okay, it's not bothering. Asian man will be admitted to hospital."

"I'm here, I'm here." Jiang Nini said quickly, and then watched Shao Hua secretly. I took the patient number and opened various examinations, which didn't require Zhang Fan to worry about. Shao Hua looked at nothing, and said to Bai Yintibu, Zhang Fan, and Wang Yanan: "I'm going to work first, and then call me if something happens. phone."

"Thank you!" Bai Yintibu said graciously, holding Shao Hua's hand.

"It's okay, I'm gone!"

"I'll send you off." Zhang Fan hurriedly said to Shao Hua.

"No need to send it, you go to eat." Shao Hua said, finishing a bit of snail shirt collar for Zhang Fan. Although it was not necessary to send it, Zhang Fan sent Shao Hua to the surgical building.

"Come back." Zhang Fan turned away from Shao Hua before turning to the office. As he walked, Zhang Fan thought. How to say this operation, it is too difficult, he could not do it alone, he must let Lao Gao and Pharaoh help him.

"How to bring two enemies together?" This is a problem. There are too many aspects to be discussed in this operation. Absolutely, once there is discussion, the two can quarrel. After thinking of various methods, Zhang Fan felt that it was impossible. In the end, Zhang Fan had to look for foreign aid. If there was a voice-over at this time, it should be like this: It's time to pull out the Yitian Sword!

Zhang Fan, who was going to return to the department, did not return, but turned to the administrative building. Why go? Of course, you're looking for Ouyang. You have to let the two orthopedic surgeons sit down and discuss the problem with ease. Only Ouyang is there. Although this is a bit bullying, Zhang Fan can't help it, life is so contradictory.

At noon, although it was a break, Zhang Fan had to find Ouyang earlier and settle the matter. The old lady Ouyang went to the city for a meeting in the morning. Although the city hospital has developed rapidly in recent years, it seems that the country has started to support the national medicine recently. Many resources have a tendency to tend to Chinese medical hospitals, and the old lady also quarreled all morning. No way, noisy or not, just so much money, give the hospital a little more, the city hospital a little less.

Zhang Fan knocked on the door and waited for dozens of seconds before hearing Ouyang's voice: "Come in!"

"Dean, do you have a rest? Or I will come again later!" Zhang Fan said to Ouyang with a probing smile. This is the advantage of being young, knowing that they are resting at noon, but Zhang Fan can still bother with a thick face.

"Everything is here, what else do you pretend to go in." The quarrel is too energy-intensive, not only to have momentum but also to make sense, so it is also a manual work. After Ouyang pressed her temples, she slowly sat up.

"Dean, our department has a special sick number." Zhang Fan said to Ouyang after he sat down.

"Special disease number? You don't go to your director, why run to me?" Ouyang said, looking at Zhang Fan. What kind of person is Ouyang, who can carry the old Huang to develop the internal medicine, but also the old lady of the superior dean. Zhang Fan couldn't guess anything, but it must be about personnel.

"Um! I'm looking for a director, not just one. I can't get it, so I'm here to ask you!"

"Yo! Let me talk about it." Ouyang was interested. She was also a good activist, the kind of fighting man Lao Mao said.

"That's it ~~" Zhang Fan Barabara explained the matter in detail.

"You don't know much about this disease. I know that if there is no surgery in the early stage, there will be heart problems in the later stage. I encountered such a case when I was still in the Department of Cardiology.

"Sure, but there is a very troublesome problem."

"How trouble?"

(End of this chapter)