Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 485: Slowly insert

Chapter 485

Chrysanthemums, there are many poems describing chrysanthemums, but in modern times, the more famous one is this: I will spend a lot of flowers to kill after I bloom in September 8th. The sky is full of Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor.

Moreover, I do not know which great god, compared the **** with a chrysanthemum. This great **** is very bullish, and the description and metaphor of the **** is very good. It is not in the medical field, it is estimated that it is also specialized in dry chrysanthemum and **** related work.

Otherwise, most people can never describe such an appropriate metaphor. Why describe chrysanthemums as anus, not lilies, not trumpet flowers?

There are reasons for this. There are two types of flowers on the inflorescence of chrysanthemums. One of them is a simple chrysanthemum, commonly known as "flower heart". The corolla is connected into a simple shape. The lower part of the room is 1 room, surrounding the main 5 stamens.

It is this kind of flower, which looks like anus. Especially similar to the tight anus.

Anal, complex structure. It is about 4cm long, and when it is derived from the **** to the anus, it starts to thicken, just like the lips. There is a vertical **** column.

The mouth has teeth and the **** has an **** column. Just as the teeth open from the throat and eyes, the **** column is such a muscle string, like a toothless old man or old lady. It's no exaggeration, some strange diseases will cause **** teeth, and this tooth comes out of the **** column.

It is estimated that when the son-in-law created a man, he was lazy. He was holding the mouth as a template for the anus.

People are so weird. What was originally indifferent, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find that they are from the same source.

For example, the kidney and **** (a) pills are cousins, and the kidney is almost an enlarged version. They played together until the moment before they were born.

There are abundant sublingual venous plexuses under the tongue, and there are super developed internal and external venous plexuses in the anus. How developed is this terminal venous plexus, which is almost a spider web lying around the anus.

At present, there are many theories on the etiology of hemorrhoids, such as the fall theory and the varicose vein theory, but they cannot be separated from this venous plexus.

Sitting for a long time, squatting for half an hour while watching the mobile phone in the bathroom, and clogging foreign bodies in the **** are the culprits leading to hemorrhoids.

Many people have a white wine banquet the day before, and the next day they do n’t have a headache and **** pain. This is because a lot of irritating food can cause congestion at the end of blood vessels.

Over time, the blood vessels were enlarged and thickened by the blood, and then they became congested, and the congested blood vessels took the surrounding fat and turned into a packet.

Suddenly one day, this bag suddenly fell out of the **** and hung on the **** like a ball. This is the origin of hemorrhoid prolapse.

Hemorrhoid prolapse not only looks weird, but also painful, and the twisting pain after incarceration. Can make a strong man crying and screaming, crying and screaming: Oh! Huh! Huh!

What good man has no tears, let him try a prolapse incarceration.

There is a white line in the **** mouth, which tightens the place where the intestine is derived like a rubber band. This is the boundary between the famous internal and external hemorrhoids.

Above the white line are internal hemorrhoids, below the white line are external hemorrhoids. Of course, since there are internal and external, there is a mixture.

Anal fistula is a disease that seeks another channel. 90% of **** fistulas are caused by perianal abscesses. This thing is to open a mouth directly on the **** and go straight to the intestine, forming an **** without **** column!

Anal fistula treatment is troublesome. For those who have incision treatment, it is very painful to directly open the lumen violently to allow the body to grow new granulation plugs.

The second type is on-line treatment. Use a rubber band or a corrosive medicine line to enter the fistula opening on the butt, then pass through the **** and finally exit the anus, then tighten.

In fact, the tissue in the **** fistula channel is tied tightly with a rope, ischemia and necrosis, and then the body re-grown new tissue by itself.

The third is to directly remove the entire fistula, which was originally a thin channel of a toothpick, cut into a thick channel of chopsticks, and then sutured.

The most terrible thing is complex **** fistula, which cannot be treated. It can only be drained by wire. In technical terms: living with a fistula is also a safe choice. Come all the way, smelly all the way!

Because there are some special **** fistulas, once the estimation is insufficient, the **** levator muscle is damaged during treatment, which is a big deal. Maybe sucking the cool breeze, the feces can be sprayed from the anus.

"Lift up!" After Zhang Fan packed, he stood in front of the operating bed and made a gesture, and said to the visiting nurse. The advanced operating bed is like a tower crane. Below is the type of hydraulic steel bar that crosses a triangle. The bed is lifted up slowly by electric remote control.

The old-fashioned operating bed, like the old-fashioned artillery cannon, when the bed was raised, the itinerant nurse had to grasp the disc with a handle to rotate, because without a booster, a person with little strength on his arm could not shake at all.

After adjusting the operating bed, Zhang Fan started the operation. This operation is very simple.

Use a guide wire that has a certain hardness but can turn, a thin guide wire like a hard plastic rod, with a thread tied at one end, and slowly enter.

The **** fistula is not necessarily straight. It is like a person who is soft and scared. When it encounters a place with abundant vascular plexus and many system immune factors, it goes around.

Zhang Fan slowly inserts an **** fistula with a plastic rod. This must not be anxious, otherwise it is either going the wrong way or inserting into the normal fat layer.

This kind of surgery is usually done by a married doctor. Unmarried doctors can't do it, especially if they are single and don't know what it means to come slowly. And because Zhang Fan has a system, he will.

With a silk guide wire, she entered the **** fistula a little, and Zhang Fan was close to the patient's anus, which was disinfected, otherwise the smoked smoked to death.

Zhang Fan closed her eyes and felt the direction of the guide wire through the feeling of her hands. Inserting it little by little, when suddenly feeling a sense of breakthrough, Zhang Fan knew that the guide wire had entered the **** at this time.

Even textbooks say it is a sense of breakthrough, but what is a sense of breakthrough. Inserting a normal fat layer is also a sense of breakthrough, and protruding from the fistula is also a sense of breakthrough.

How does a novice doctor know? Really, this kind of feeling can only be realized after getting married and experiencing it carefully. For example, when you are playing with a balloon, the moment you insert a balloon with your finger is a sense of breakthrough.

Those who don't understand will never understand. Those who understand will be understood by the teacher as soon as they say it.

For example, Zhang Fan now closed his eyes and felt the breakthrough from the guide wire, and he understood that he had entered the **** and had absolutely no fat.

After entering the rectum, you have to be more careful. The intestinal wall of the **** is very thin. It is easier than inserting the fat layer. If you don't use enough force, you can poke the **** into a mouth.

Feeling, experience, surgery in such a non-visual condition is too important. There is nothing wrong with having one more operation.

Experience can be practiced through work.

The cultivation of the feel is very troublesome. You need to touch more and practice more than you can practice too much.

For example, the sensory system of the hand and abdomen is the most sensitive, but once used too much, the skin of the hand and abdomen is keratinized and the sensitivity decreases.

So Zhang Fan never does housework at home, just to keep the skin on his hands sensitive.

Entering the rectum, Zhang Fan then turned the guide wire from the opening with a soft force, parallel to the rectum. This is a small difficulty. What is the energy? For example, you quarrel with your wife, you push someone, and then you bring a little energy to your arms, this is softness.

"Tooth forceps!" Zhang Fan said to Zhuang Hongxu when he felt close to the anus.

Zhuang Hongxu Lisuo handed the tweezers to Zhang Fan. Loosen and close, the tooth forceps slightly open the small mouth, and then plug it along the anus. When the tooth forceps enter about three or four centimeters, open.

Directly is a simple **** spreader.

"Come out, come out." The itinerant nurse's eyes sharpened and saw the black guide wire for the first time. Zhang Fan pulled the head of the guide wire and the tail of the guide wire in his hand.

Here comes the difficulty of the operation. Although the front is difficult, there are still traces to follow. But the last step is really based on experience.

Not only Zhuang Hongxu, but even the doctor on the bed widened his eyes on Zhang Fan's operation.

Zhang Fan held the guide wire in one hand and the rubber band in one hand, and slowly began to operate ...

The eyes of several assistants were getting wider and wider. This step was the most critical step after the operation. The former director would not explain it at all, and Zhang Fan spoke at this time! ~

Ask for a ticket

Ask for a ticket

Ask for a ticket

Roll over: oh! Huh! Huh!

(End of this chapter)