Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 72: Buggers

Chapter 72

Shao Hua also advised Zhang Fan to buy it. In recent years, the momentum of real estate is very fierce, and the Jinghua Jiayuan community is really good. Zhang Fan finally made up his mind, buy it!

After Wang Qian said hello, Zhang Fan's loan was processed quickly. For a time, Zhang Fan was carrying more than 100,000 debts.

Spring is here, everything is reviving, and the animals are in the mating season again. Borrowing from Zhao's famous saying, spring is here, Zhang Fan also transferred to the department of digestive medicine.

As soon as he was enrolled in the department, he had not assigned a teacher, and the hospital asked the doctors of the department of digestive medicine to lead the village to the countryside. As soon as spring arrives on the grasslands, various parasites also begin to multiply. The government let the municipal hospital discharge the medical team into the grassland, responsible for worming herders to prevent the epidemic.

It is not necessary for the directors of the hospital to go to such a small job. A group of referral doctors, led by the attending doctors, scattered to various pastoral areas. Zhang Fan went to Sumu Taixiang in a group of four.

Zhang Fan is familiar with this place. Although it was spring, it was still cold and the herders had not yet transferred. The smell of sheep on the grassland was gathered in the winter nest.

Although it came to be responsible for pest control and epidemic prevention, herders came to the countryside when the doctors heard it. They don't care if you are buggers or not, a group of hula ladies come to see a doctor.

Meng Ke is also the director of the township health center, and he warmly entertains the doctors in the city. He and Zhang Fan are old acquaintances. When they met, they enthusiastically held Zhang Fan in their arms. A mountain-like Mongolian man held Zhang Fan like a chicken.

Several herdsmen also knew Zhang Fan. The parents of that child had killed Zhang Fan for a few months. They invited Zhang Fan to their tent and warmly welcomed them.

The old Hu of the city hospital is very curious. In the past years, he also went to the pastoral area to fight insects. He never encountered such a good thing. Generally, they are entertained by the local health center, which is like being invited directly to the house by herders today.

More amazing things happened, and the local living Buddha also led a group of people to come. For faith, the herders here are very religious. Many herdsmen knelt down to receive the living Buddha's care.

In the surprise of the doctor in the city hospital, the monk embraced Zhang Fan. He didn't speak Chinese, but he could see it from his expression. He was very happy to see Zhang Fan.

It was a small banquet, but the arrival of the living Buddha turned into a party. More and more herders have also arrived in the tent. With mutton, bacon, ghee, and cider.

After a while, I started singing and dancing. The doctors in the city are the objects to be looked after. The prairie nation is very hospitable and has a good temper. The living Buddha sat beside Zhang Fan, and other herders did not come to interfere with their conversation.

The other doctors couldn't do it. They were drunk and pulled to dance. Although the level of horse milk is not high, it can't hold many people. After a while, I was drunk in the tent.

The next day, Hu Zengxiang, the veteran of internal medicine, was particularly curious and asked Zhang Fan: "You seem to be very popular here."

Zhang Fan explained briefly. Several people, including Hu Zengxiang, were particularly surprised. They did not expect Zhang Fan to have such an experience. Although they are all in the tea city, the grasslands are too far away, and they rarely come to play. So I do not know much about pastoral areas.

In the hospital, the crowd was full, and the elderly were the majority. Usually rely on Meng Ke and a few people here, many diseases can no longer be seen, confused and let go home. It's also far from the county seat. Sick, as long as it is not seriously ill, it will be fine to sleep for a few days.

Someone must see a doctor. Most are medical diseases, Hu Zengxiang is the main force. There were no problems in measuring blood pressure and doing physical examinations in several departments. There are no major problems with underlying diseases. At this time, Ouyang's policy reflected the advantages, and it could be used immediately. Although it was transferred to another department, there were no problems with basic diseases in internal medicine.

High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and old chronic branch are all chronic diseases of the elderly, which are also available in township health centers. After a group came and another group, the message transmission on the prairie was slow.

On the third day, the number of incoming talents gradually decreased. Everyone took a sigh of relief. Although tired and dying, all smiles. The simple life of the simple herdsmen has greatly relieved a group of doctors in the city.

If there is no so-called success and no comparison from the society, practicing medicine here is also a treat. What is said is what the patient believes in them, without questioning and without conflict. It is really a kind of spiritual enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment.

Meng Ke prepared to grab mutton by hand. The mutton in the pastoral area is not valuable, but the general herdsmen are also reluctant to eat it. If the doctors in the city do not come down, they will not slaughter livestock this season. In fact, herders do not eat meat every day, but also occasionally. People in cities have not eaten as often. That's a TV show that eats meat every day.

Just as Zhang Fan was preparing to eat, Su Mutai's living Buddha brought a group of people into it.

"What's wrong?" Meng Ke asked.

"Mutu drank yesterday, and today he drank again. As a result, his stomach hurt a lot in the afternoon. The living Buddha said that the doctors here could see it." Zhang Fan they were confused.

However, the language is inaccessible, but the disease can speak. His face was pale and passive, with a coma and blood stains at the corners of his mouth. Zhang Fan knew at a glance that the problem of the digestive tract was still a problem of the upper digestive tract.

Meng Ke turned his head to Zhang Fan. He didn't understand other doctors, but he knew Zhang Fan's level. The team was led by a physician, but fortunately it was from the gastroenterology department. A slight physical examination revealed the problem.

"Hurry to the hospital, we are all physicians here," Hu Zengxiang said.

"Zhang can do it. Good technique!" Meng Ke pointed to Zhang Fan.

Hu Zengxiang looked at Zhang Fan and said, "It's too dangerous. This person is in shock. And there is no blood source. This person is a major gastrointestinal bleeding. Now I rush to the hospital and hope that it will be difficult to say any further delay. . "

He is a physician and doesn't know Zhang Fan. The method he said is the safest at present.

Meng Ke looked pitifully to Zhang Fan. When spring arrived and the ice had melted, the road began to turn around. This situation was bumpy all the way, and it became impossible in the county. And this man is still a relative of Meng Ke.

Fan Zhang pulled Hu Zengxiang aside for a moment of thought. "Dr. Hu, look, this person has to have surgery right away. There is no hope. The equipment is okay here, and their dean can anaesthesia, do it! I can do it. Just assign me an assistant. "

Hu Zengxiang stared at Zhang Fan for a long time, "You think about it, we are the worm team, but as long as you reach out, you will be responsible. The doctor must be realistic. You can't be a hero."

"I'm sure, I'm responsible for something." Zhang Fan said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll help you ask them a few transfers, to see who is willing to help you, let me say first, if no one helps you, you can't force it. I know you are familiar here."

Whoops! Three chapters a day, today my son coughs!

Never press again! Tickets will still be required

In fact, this is tomorrow, but Bo Po and Xiang Zi are too fierce!

(End of this chapter)