Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 882: Antelope becomes walrus

Chapter 882 Antelope Turns into a Walrus

The patients are all women of the same age.

The difference is mainly in the skin color. For example, Zhang Fan and their patients say black, she is not so black, not black, but she cannot be said to be white, that is, yellow in black and brown in yellow.

I don’t know if it came from that country. Even if I covered my face before entering the operating room, I changed my surgical gowns, but the turban on my face had to be taken off after entering the operating room, which is also amazing!

At this point, people in China are doing a good job, especially in the border areas, people are not allowed to drink in the school. As a result, the drunkards on the streets are drunk and die on the streets every winter.

Those who do not allow divorce, who read the chant in the trumpet, are divorced seven or eight times.

When the woman took off the face towel, Zhang Fan looked at it, and did not fall into the country! Anesthetize and disinfect.

Song Ping started to disinfect, and Zhang Fan washed them.

After disinfection, Zhang Fan put on surgical gowns and gloves on the operating table. After iodine sterilization, the belly of a woman looks like a piece of fat with pigskin pressed by a car, with an exceptionally uneven gully.

"Stretch marks are so heavy!" Zhao Quanping said softly after glancing at it.

"Not stretch marks!" Master Zhang Fan shook his head.

"Yes, this is not stretch marks." Zhang Fan also said.

In fact, it is not really stretch marks, but after the patient is quickly obese in a short period of time, the skin expansion can not keep up with the accumulation of fat, resulting in a full stomach crack. I thought it was a bunch of flesh-colored bugs, a crack in the belly, and it was all over the place.

"How much pressure is on his husband's heart!" Song Ping, who was on the operating table, shook his head after the disinfection was over.

"Hehe!" Zhang Fan's master brother and Zhao Quanping smiled. However, when Zhang Fan didn't respond, everyone smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Fan, who was on the operating table, just like Bao Gong, did not talk about emotions at all. Song Pingyuan thought that the atmosphere was a bit tense and wanted to drive a car to ease the atmosphere.

result! The nurses all smiled, but Zhang Fan didn't respond.

The device nurse is the Huaguo Uighur girl, and the traveling nurse is the Huaguo Ha girl. It wasn’t Zhang Fan who saw them, nor was they talking, but when Song Ping was driving, both girls laughed!

On the Dubai side, in fact, this situation is not uncommon. Everyone has said that in Dubai, out of 100 people, only 10 are local indigenous, and the others are foreigners.

Pakistani people who rent out, Filipinos who work as nannies, Asan who works as workers, and Chinese who work as a matchmaker!

Ren Li shook her head helplessly under the operating table, her heart was ideal, "This vulgar surgeons!"


Colon cancer is a disease that is too rich for the poor.

Before 1990, this disease could not enter the top three in China. Two thousand years later, this thing has become a prospect in malignant tumors, second only to lung cancer.

Moreover, the more developed the urban economy, the higher the incidence of intestinal tumors. In the intestine, the most common site for tumors is the rectum, followed by the colon. However, with changes in economy and diet, colon cancer has changed the pattern of rectal cancer in China.

In Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries are actually the same. To put it awkwardly, it seems that the wealthy people in Dubai and the Middle East are all local tyrants, driving Prado, wearing Prada, and the pet is either a tiger or a lion.

In fact, more than 40 years ago, they were still riding camels in the desert with many sheep. Hungry to **** a bite of goat milk and eat a piece of naan! From time to time, you have to wrestle with your pet.

As a result, oil was dug up and suddenly widened. Then the diet structure immediately began to change.

In the early years, although there were many fetuses with four or five lambs on their stomachs, in fact, they still needed to weigh the meat.

As a result, after widening, the old wheat pancakes were not good anymore, and the old Chinese tea was not fragrant.

From the previous high-fiber diet, it turned into a high-protein, high-fat, delicate food.

This is the case with Lao Mei, a high-fat diet, in which the fat content exceeds 41.8%.

Why is fat easy to cause colon cancer? Because the digestion of fat requires the participation of bile, high fat stimulates a large amount of bile secretion.

This thing is combined with fat, and it becomes an aromatic hydrocarbon that is particularly similar to carcinogens.

The general died before the battle, not afraid of you being awesome, but afraid that you would come more often.

There is also the reduction of cellulose, what is cellulose stuff.

In layman's terms, it's the grass you can't digest. There are actually two types of anti-cancer mechanisms of cellulose in the intestine. First, it reduces the concentration of fat and bile, and secondly, it accelerates and reduces the retention time of food in the intestine.

The heroes of the rivers and lakes often say that they should be happy and enemies. In fact, life is also the same, eating comfortably, pulling smoothly, is considered happy.

For example, after digestion of protein and fat, it is like mucus, mixed with bile and greasy and adsorbed on the intestine. The peristalsis of the large intestine is from top to bottom, wave by wave, like a worm walking forward, it looks like a range It's quite big.

However, for this digestive product like mucus, the propulsion effect is very small. And at this time, the role of cellulose comes, it is like a woven bag, put these things into it, like dehydration molding of instant noodles, directly form a column, and then, at this time, the intestinal propulsion function has only effect.

Just like getting up early in the morning, many people cough out their coughing lungs, but sticking phlegm means they can't do it or they can't get it out.

This is particularly obvious in the current children. They do not like to eat food, and parents do not force it. After a meal of milk and a meal of two old men, they will have a puzzling stool for three or four days. The child was holding a big belly every day, and her mother took Kaiser every day.

Parents think that this is to love children, but it is not.

In addition to eating habits, there is one of the most cause of cancer, that is parasites.

Why Maruko-guo’s digestion is so strong, and people’s endoscopes, an Olympus monopolized almost all digestive endoscopes, because there are many patients.

Ordinarily, if you talk about the fat content of food, compared to the United States, the small **** can directly be regarded as vegetarian animals.

There are quite a lot of colon tumors in Maruko Nation. The reason lies in parasites, especially schistosomiasis, such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang in China, because schistosomiasis in this province is also a high incidence area of ​​colon tumors.

Actually speaking, it is also because of the diet that all love to eat fresh products. How fresh, how come. As a result, I ate the belly eggs!

The fat woman on the operating table is an example, a heavy fat lover.

It is estimated that when the sheep were grazed in the past, the envy of watching others eat meat became a hatred. After the oil was found in the back of the yard, they were out of control.

As a result, it didn't take long for the antelopes, which were originally like elves on the grassland, to suddenly become walruses.

The arms are fat like the thighs of ordinary women, lying on the operating table, the belly is like a fan, the flesh is pulled at the edge of the operating table, black and yellow, black and yellow skin color, without looking at the face, I thought I was lying like a second brother .

The fat thighs are like two doors, and I don’t know how her little feet support her walking.

It is really more difficult to perform surgery on this obese patient and another obese female patient.


"Are you Chinese?" Ren Li asked curiously as the two nurses understood Chinese.

"No, we are citizens of the UAE!"

"Oh!" Ren Li nodded and said nothing again.

The operation begins!

For ordinary people's surgery, doctors usually use a knife handle to draw a white mark in advance. This is to prevent the blade from deflecting when the knife is lowered, and also to allow the assistant to pull the gauze slightly with purpose.

The surgical incision is actually the same as the tailor cutting the cloth. It needs to be tightened to cut, otherwise the cloth will be like a dog's bite. The same goes for surgery, where the skin is tight when making an incision.

And this fat woman can't do it, absolutely can't let the assistant have outgoing pull on both sides.

Because a woman's belly fat, like skin filled with water to become a avoidance of the ball (a) pregnancy set, without pulling, as long as a small mouth, fat can make your thin skin a big mouth.

Inside, there is a story that a little young man quarreled with a middle-aged man. The little young man scared the middle-aged man, and gently pulled it on the belly of the middle-aged man with a knife.

The young man just scared people, even the middle-aged man's shirt was not scratched. As a result, this obese middle-aged man stood up with a big belly and pulled it, and his belly was like a broken zipper, with a big mouth cracked in his belly.

The lad finally convicted a crime of intentional injury. The boy would like to thank the shirt, if it is not a shirt, it is estimated that the intestines can come out.

Song Ping and Zhao Quanping, with one hand on the lower abdomen and one hand on the upper abdomen, feared that the knife edge would crack. Force one upward and one downward.

"It started, they all started, they are doing skin disinfection, and then enter the abdominal cavity. Several teams are similar, but the American team has a relatively large knife.

Well, Maruko Nation is the smallest. The surgical team in Germany is not too big or small. "

The referee team explained the operation while explaining to the prince group. As for the Hua Guo team, others directly ignore it. We all know that this is a team's face-saving project, and I was not prepared to let them on.

As a result, this group of people was really ashamed of the surgery, which also made people in Britain and France even more dissatisfied.

What is discrimination, they will not be like the street aunt, pointing at your nose and saying that you are cock, the discrimination of others is simply ignoring and ignoring you.

"Oh!" The Prince team's eyes did not pay attention to Hua Guo at all.

When Maruko Guo first started, he did the fastest. With a small knife edge, there are fewer bleeding points, and there are fewer bleeding points, so there is no need to stop bleeding, so when other teams are still bleeding, they have already entered the abdomen.

In abdominal surgery, it is a layer-by-layer entry. Not as everyone thinks about it, a knife is drawn down, and the laparotomy is performed directly, and the intestine is pulled out. That is to kill the pig, not to perform the operation.

Zhang Fan didn't worry about holding a knife at all, because he was thinking about it in the operation himself, and the master and the uncle often said that slow is fast. The so-called speed is not that you rush out, but that there are no extra steps in the pursuit of excellence. This is fast.

At this point, Zhang Fan's team is also good, no one wants to roar.

The master's skills were born out of the master, and Zhang Fan's essence in general is actually born out of Lu Lao and Wu Lao, and the other two assistants, under the suppression of Zhang Fan, they are actually learning Zhang Fan.

So the team is very harmonious.

Cut the skin neatly to expose the fat. Normal patients should remove the fat at this time and look for the white line of the abdomen.


(End of this chapter)