Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1235: gather together

Chapter 1235 Gathering together

  An article by Xinri Mama is titled, Lies cannot change the truth. It immediately made Chasu and Zhang Fan famous.

 Where is the tea content?

 Does an appointment need to be made to see a doctor?

 Can I ask Zhang Fan to fly a knife?

Zhang Fan finally realized why celebrities still attend the Spring Festival Gala even during garbage time. It’s so powerful!

Of course, ordinary people will not follow Xinri Mama every day, but they can't resist other media reposting it.

 Other media are not so subtle.

 “The master of liver and gallbladder in China is Chasu!”

 “Shocked, there is such a person in the border area!”

 “The young Chinese guy who shocked the world!”

 “The miracle doctor! The miracle doctor! The miracle doctor again!”

This time, Zhang Fan became completely famous. On weekdays, everyone keeps scolding headline-grabbing articles, but every time they click on the news, the first thing they click on is actually the headline-grabbing article.

“Oh my god, New Daily Newspaper has come out to support Zhang Fan, what a fart!” Several Weibo bosses from China looked at the content of New Daily Newspaper and felt a wave of regret in their hearts. Public opinion platform, this place is the most unstandardized place.

Especially for some super big Vs, trivial things can get over 100 million clicks.

 Whether it is just living a private life or seeing the essence of things clearly, no one can say, but there are definitely more people who are living a private life than those who see the essence of matter clearly. In fact, often these people, who are just high-end trolls, are there to speak. It's simple. Whoever can give a meal is the one they speak to.

However, when Xinri Newspaper spoke out, okay? The big Vs who were originally scolding Chasu Hospital for the water paper, which ruined the country's reputation, and were chasing Zhang Fan for cheating, are collectively pretending to be dead.

Ouyang refused to give up, but this new type of communication media directly made the old lady confused. In the past, if Chasu Daily dared to talk nonsense about Chasu Hospital, the old lady could call the newspaper secretary’s office.

 But now, no matter where you go to find someone, you can't go to court over a sarcastic remark. Therefore, the old lady actually had a rhythm of clenching her fists and not knowing who to hit.

Zhang Fan was indifferent to the Internet and didn't pay much attention to Mishima's invitation. Even if the emperor from abroad calls, it will be of no use. His basic position is tea.

 The surgery made him known to colleagues in the liver and gallbladder, and Xin Daily's exposure made him even more famous. Now he can't care about anything else. He wants to use the east wind of New Daily to achieve his goal.

The Royal Hospital sent an invitation letter to Zhang Fan. They felt that if the invitation letter was released, Zhang Fan would be like a doctor on the street, reporting with flying hooves!

 As a result, after waiting for two days, not to mention Zhang Fan himself, even Chasu Hospital did not respond.


This time, the Gallic chicken was happy, the golden retriever also showed his teeth and smiled, and even the Berliner poodle started to see the joke.

 Although other countries would diss if any old lady in Mishima was fine. In fact, they are all envious in their hearts. So, you have seen Golden Retrievers suppress Gallic chickens and poodles, but have you seen the media of other Golden Retrievers frequently and frequently ridiculing these two countries?

 Very few, but Golden Retriever versus Mishima, to be honest, the Golden Retriever media almost always deal with it with a perverted mentality. I don’t know why. Is it because the ancestors of these gangsters were kicked out by the Queen back then? I still feel unhappy.

Anyway, the old lady has a flowery head, and the Golden Retriever media can analyze a lot of the content of the story.

People in China have always focused on golden retrievers in recent years, and other countries don’t pay much attention to them.

 Actually, when it comes to the military, the Golden Retriever may dominate the world, but in other industries, the Golden Retriever may not be the leader.

For example, Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammalian embryo in the world, was created by Mishima. Gallic chicken is also very powerful in the medical field, especially in the field of biopharmaceuticals. Not to mention other things, the high-end market of cosmetics and cosmetics is almost monopolized by Gallic chicken. Don’t underestimate these companies that make lipsticks. These guys will soon become famous. It can become a pharmaceutical company, and it is definitely not comparable to the pharmaceutical companies in China that can only send medicines to the countryside and sell Dali Pills.

 Let’s not talk about Berliner poodles. On medical examination instruments, they almost always use golden retrievers.

 So, when Mishima Royal Hospital invited Zhang Fan and posted it on the official website, they seemed to be waiting for Zhang Fan to come and pay their respects, but...

“You have been invited to three islands. Are you not going to go? Or what do you think? Why don’t you reply?”

 In Zhang Fan’s WeChat, classmates’ private chats are almost all about such issues. Zhang Fan was very annoyed by it. At the beginning, Zhang Fan was quite enthusiastic. But as we chatted, something didn't feel right. Fortunately, Shao Hua found a way to get Zhang Fan an avatar for the wedding photo, which made things much better.

 “Female masters are scary!” Zhang Fan finally realized the power of this sentence.

 As the major media forwarded it, the wave of medical treatment came together with experts. Zhang Fan's first large-scale meeting since taking charge has been put on the agenda.

In the conference room of the hospital, the middle-level and above-level leaders of the hospital gathered in the conference room. "Comrades, Chasu Hospital and Chung Yong University have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. We will use this agreement as a starting point to orient ourselves towards people's health." , seize the opportunity to jointly apply for scientific research projects..."

Zhang Fan sat in the chairman's seat solemnly and spoke official language. In fact, the meaning was very simple. That is: Brothers, come on and apply for scientific research projects, otherwise Zhongyong will take all the agreed funds!

 After saying these things, Zhang Fan entered the main body of the meeting and established a scientific research workstation. From the standing committee members to the resident experts, Zhang Fan spoke out one by one, and then everyone discussed it internally. How can we improve the internal and external strength of Chasu Hospital through mobile experts?

Don’t underestimate local diseases. Just liver hydatid is a very serious disease. It can be said to be a cancer in the parasitic world. There are quite a lot of this disease all over the world, not to mention China, such as those who sell ore. Austrian country, Aguo who fought with Mishima for an island, and a little bit of Xinlan country.

 These are all countries with high outbreaks of liver hydatid.

 Each country has its own approach. But each has its drawbacks. Is there any cooperation between countries? Yes, but it won't last long, so if Zhang Fan's workstation can be used for a long time, it will definitely be a good thing that can produce results.

 “Why didn’t you invite the leaders of the Chasu government?” Ouyang looked at Zhang Fan’s invitation list and whispered to Zhang Fan.

“Do I need to ask the government?” Zhang Fan was a little confused.

We have money. Now we are no longer the small temple that went around asking for alms, and we are no longer under the control of the tea government. Besides, I didn’t even invite the leaders of Bird City. Is it necessary to invite someone from Cha Su?

“Hey, why are you so careless? A meeting without a leader is not a serious meeting. Now you think it is unnecessary. If the work site develops in the future and needs land and policies, will you ask others for it?

Even if we are no longer under the control of Cha Su, the one in charge is still better than the county magistrate. There will be many places to deal with in the future. If you invite them to a meeting of this level, it will not only cost nothing but also allow them to share the meeting expenses.

 What they need is face, what they need is to show their face. They don't want your workstation, but they can also serve as bodyguards, do you understand? "

Ouyang glanced at Zhang Fan.

“Hey, as long as you are here, I really don’t have to worry about anything. You are the Dinghai Shenzhen of Chasu Hospital!”

 Zhang Fan kept licking the old lady.

It’s not that Zhang Fan really thought it was good for the old lady to pay attention. In fact, Zhang Fan wanted to let the old lady do more work. In the past, there was no need for Zhang Fan to fawn over. But things are different now. The old lady stopped working. Especially when it comes to administrative work, there is no such thing as a scoundrel.

Zhang Fan flattered her, and she did a little better. Zhang Fan refused to flatter her, so the old lady rolled up her sleeves and went to watch Bangzi TV series.

 Zhang Fan is also sad!

Sure enough, after Zhang Fan sent the invitation letter to the Cha Su Government, the leaders took it seriously.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? We are very passive now, very passive! If you look at there are four or five academicians, this mediocre vice president must be the deputy department. Since Chasu Hospital can invite so many Experts and scholars, our government must not hold back.

 First of all, I decided that the week-long city cleaning will begin now. We will use the most beautiful, tidy and clean city to welcome these experts and scholars.

Second, provincial and even higher-level media must be involved, and we must create a pearl in our border areas and even the northwest. Comrades, we had no opportunity or conditions before, and we were unknown.

But it’s different now, comrades, it’s different. We have a king bomb in our hands, and we must not destroy the deck of cards in our hands.”

  Chasu government leaders attach great importance to it!

Hygiene campaigns have been launched in the streets and alleys, and the benefits are real. The old stupid, big, black garbage dumps have become beautiful. Public toilets that were not found all over the streets before are now there.

All kinds of gods on the streets and alleys are also cleared.

Ouyang was proud because the Chasu government paid for the conference expenses, which included food, drinks and accommodation.

 Zhang Fan’s brothers, especially the third generation, gathered almost all at Cha Su. A few second-generation people also came, but they all came under the pretext of chatting with Old Man Lu and Old Man Wu.

They apparently did not participate, but in fact, they were left to Zhang Fan to take charge. After all, the second generation is getting old, and among the third generation, Zhang Fan may be the only one who can carry the flag in the future. So the old guys came one by one.

“Master, master, uncles, don’t you name them?” Zhang Fan looked at the bunch of old men and women sitting at home, and felt very proud.

If this guy comes, China's liver and gallbladder disease and even general surgery can be set back twenty or thirty years!

The old men drank Zhang Fan's good tea and ate Shao Hua's toon scrambled eggs, chatting lively. There are very few opportunities to get together like this on weekdays.

 “Go! Go! Go! Just go and do what you have to do and don’t bother us!”

Gentlemen, Lao Zang’s eyes have been infected these days.


 Don’t talk about looking at the computer, you will shed tears when you see the light

The wind blows and you can’t open your eyes

 I’m barely feeling better today

 Hurry up and write a chapter seriously

I'm really sorry


 (End of this chapter)