Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1252: Crohn's

Chapter 1252 Crohn

To be honest, Chasu Hospital is now the leading hospital in the border areas in terms of general hepatobiliary surgery, general gastrointestinal surgery, orthopedics, and burns. If it weren't for the fact that the reserve force has not yet been circulated, it would mean that there are no substitutes for each carrot.

If it were not for the talent shortage, it is estimated that in the entire northwest, including the city where digging subways is like digging tombs, these departments and the Chasu Hospital could also become the leading brother. Unfortunately, the talent limit is too obvious, so I can only yell at Stan.

 It cannot scare large domestic hospitals yet.

However, there is now a saying in the world that the liver and gallbladder are restricted in large borders. In the past, doctors from the Department of General Surgery and Hepatobiliary Surgery in the capital, Xihua, and Shaanxi provinces came to the border areas to perform surgery. Now the route is gone.

Even if the Frontier Hospital is not willing to contact Zhang Fan and the others, it can invite ordinary flying knife doctors. Those who are slightly famous will no longer come to the Frontier.

This thing is very similar to the relationship between countries. There is no egg in your country, but people are right in front of your house or even come to your house, take out cows and urinate on your girls. But once you have an egg, well, everyone is a civilized person. When meeting, you must wear formal attire and a tie. It is best to wear a tuxedo. If there is a misunderstanding, we can sit down and negotiate.

 So, now in the border areas, hepatobiliary surgery is almost unable to recruit doctors with some qualifications. Moreover, patients on the border now also know that when they encounter liver and gallbladder diseases, they don’t need to go to the bird market, just remove the tea.

The cost of Chasu Hospital is cheaper than that of Niaoshi. It doesn’t mean that the treatment fee is cheaper. They are all tertiary hospitals, and they are also provincial hospitals. The prices are the same. However, Chasu is not the capital, and eating, drinking and having diarrhea are relatively cheaper. The bird market is much cheaper.

For a time, just like the spring rain falling at night, many houses in the city were slowly rented by people, and small apartments were more popular. The most obvious ones were various small fly restaurants, and their business suddenly became more and more popular. It was much better in previous years.

“The tourist season hasn’t come yet. I’ve been so busy these days that I can’t even breathe. I haven’t smoked a cigarette all morning.”

 Cha Su The old man from the Kazakh ethnic group selling milk tea on the street complained to the fat aunt.

 In the early years, before the railway was connected to Chasu, the living conditions of Chasu were like this. There is no restaurant doorman before eleven o'clock in the morning.

Only when the sun came out, the breakfast shop slowly lowered its door. The aunt slowly took out the milk bag and waited for the milk to be delivered from the grassland.

Chasu’s milk tea is salty, and it is different from the milk tea in big cities. In big cities, a cup of milk tea costs more than ten yuan, and there are many bells and whistles.

The tea-based milk tea is very simple. Put the brick tea in the teapot, add some grass fruits and some Sichuan peppercorns, and then boil it. When the tea is like red wine, filter out the tea leaves, then add half a bowl of hot milk, half a bowl of tea, and a spoonful of green tea. Salt, and finally put some milk skin.

 The long-lasting milky fragrance does not have the fishy smell of fresh milk, but has more plant spices and tea fragrance. The milk skin is slightly chewy for the teeth and is definitely a kind of enjoyment after getting up in the morning.

 There is no burden on the stomach and intestines from big fish and meat, and there is no instant high blood sugar caused by steamed buns and rice porridge. Therefore, after Zhang Fan came to the frontier, he didn't think much about the beef noodles he used to love, and he didn't have diarrhea even after drinking milk tea.

 The whole city is slowly waking up with bowls of milk tea, and the pace of life is extremely slow. On the street, the Uighur men played chess, and the Han men played chariots, horses, and cannons. The snow-capped mountains in the distance are so peaceful.

Because of the cheap housing prices, the pressure on Chasu is really low. The streets and alleys are either restaurants or guesthouses, and if they are not guesthouses, they are entertainment venues with various small curtains.

Although the entertainment here is not high-end, it can really make people in big cities envious.

 Seven or eight friends sit together, order meat or vegetarian dishes, and then have a good time drinking, singing and dancing. The night can start at seven o'clock in the evening and last until two o'clock in the morning.

 So, the suddenly busy business made the small traders here feel a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, no one expected that a hospital could boost the economic vitality of a city.

 This is something that ordinary citizens feel.

There is also a high-tech zone, with factory buildings rising from the ground. In the past, there were development zones, free trade zones, and even provincial offices here, but most of them were leather companies or tax avoidance companies.

 The largest enterprise in the development zone is a yogurt factory, and this yogurt is also sold locally at Chasu. You can’t even find Chasu without it. It is said to be an enterprise, but in fact it is just a workshop.

 But now, things are different. In the high-tech zones, various pharmaceutical companies and equipment companies have sprung up.

This is all headed for Chasu Hospital.

 Citizens may want a slower life, but the government does not think so.

 So, although the current Chasu Hospital has been upgraded, in the eyes of the Chasu government, it is a leading enterprise.

Chasu Hospital, which is already free from the government's control, can still receive border subsidies from the government. Ouyang still has to ask for money, people, and land when he has nothing to do.

 Most of the patients in the Second Branch Hospital are from Stan. The locals in Chasu now go to Chasu Hospital for medical treatment, and other hospitals have stopped looking at it.

 The first thing to say is: Go to Chasu Hospital and have a look. There are academicians there. A person who doesn't have enough milk needs to go to an academician, which is the arrogance of a tea amateur.

  In the second branch, the guards were wearing new uniforms.

“Stand up and cheer up one by one. Our bonus this year will only depend on these few days. If anyone is holding you back, I won’t be polite. You should walk goose-stepping in the yard in the morning, which is a good slogan!”

The chief of the security department was mobilizing his security guards in the yard.

Zhang Fan led a group of doctors to the second branch. Looking at the guards who seemed to have changed in the yard, he shook his head and smiled. It wasn't bad, but it felt a bit deductive.

 "Zhang Yuan! Hello, hello!" People in Stan, especially those with some status, used to speak two languages, one was Lao Maozi's language, and the other was Stan Mandarin. Not many people can speak Chinese.

 As for this person, he can actually speak a few words in Chinese.

Zhang Fan looked at the sturdy but small-eyed wealthy man in front of him and greeted him with a smile. At Chasu Hospital, we probably need doctors like Zhao Yanfang and others to translate English, but translating into the language of Stan is much easier. Just recruit any Shaomin nurse to be the translator.

 At this point, Ouyang also claimed to be a professional translator hired from the Tea College. The cost of translation is several hundred per day.

Once a person loses his face, there is really nothing you can do against him.

Physical examination, in order to show the importance of Chasu Hospital, Zhang Fan led doctors from young doctors to middle-aged doctors to finally experts to do physical examinations.

 The inspection has already been a slam dunk.

“Diarrhea, blood in the stool, unexplained low-grade fever, antibiotics are ineffective.” Zhang Fan looked at the patient’s past medical history.

 “Prepare for colonoscopy and pay attention to your diet.”

After giving a few instructions to the doctor in charge of the bed, Zhang Fan said to the wealthy man with a smile: "I can't eat anything spicy lately. I need to stop smoking and drinking."

“Can’t you just drink a little bit?” Tuhao said, one of the few words he could say in Chinese. When Stans speak Chinese, they often like to use inverted sentences.

 “Not at all!” Zhang Fan also replied with an inverted sentence.

After exchanging a few words with the patient, I left the ward. Although there was no colonoscopy yet, several experts knew what was going on.

“It’s probably an autoimmune disease.” Zhao Jingjin said while holding the medical records.

“Yeah!” Zhang Fan nodded, and then said, “Let’s check first!”

 Autoimmune disease, the name sounds very soft, just like the girl next door, petite and well-behaved. In fact, this disease is particularly troublesome.

 Furthermore, there is no specific medicine yet.

For example, the famous systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and ulcerative colitis.

 In fact, these are all autoimmune diseases.

This disease, if we talk about the cases, it is directly linked to biochemistry and immunity. Doctors in general departments cannot understand this stuff.

 In fact, even doctors in the endocrinology department are not clear about it.

To put it more simply, they are actually intracellular guards, some tissue factors that can kill bacteria and cells, attacking normal cells in the body.

To put it simply, for example, lupus is actually caused by mutated factors leaving some traces on various organs. At this time, white blood cells and mast cells lead the troops, and when they see such traces, they don’t care, and they go up. Hammer.

 Then there will be large-scale system problems.

Therefore, this kind of disease is often relieved by hormones. The more the drug is used, the greater the dose. The patient seems to have been beaten, the face is also bruised, and the body is swollen, as if a balloon has been blown up.

Before Zhang Fan and the others had gone far, this tycoon from Stan sent his personal secretary to look for Zhang Fan.

“Dean Zhang, can you solve our boss’s constipation problem first? He hasn’t had a bowel movement for more than ten days, and the enema given to him by his private doctor has no obvious effect.”

“Okay, I understand, I’ll let someone deal with it later.” Zhang Fan nodded.

 “No wonder he spent a lot of money as soon as he came. It seems that this person is really uncomfortable.”

Zhao Jingjin smiled at Zhang Fan and said.

This kind of pain of not being able to defecate for a long time is not experienced by ordinary people.

This feeling is like having Sun Xingzhe in my stomach. It pops out and hurts from time to time. Moreover, my stomach is so empty that it is almost sour, but I just don’t want to eat. This is like why Princess Iron Fan borrowed a fan from Monkey King.

This kind of discomfort sometimes makes patients want to put their hands in the back door and take a dig.

This is why there is a saying in the rivers and lakes that eels are used to relieve bowel movements and drinking oil is used to cleanse the intestines.


 “Crohn!” In the afternoon, the digestive endoscopy center called. The wealthy man got a direct diagnosis after a colonoscopy.

After making the call, Zhang Fan directly asked the gastroenterology doctor to give him conservative treatment first.

 (End of this chapter)