Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1254: It’s so hard to make this money

Chapter 1254: It’s so hard to make money

 Many people don’t understand how women feel uncomfortable during menstruation.

And if this discomfort increases the pain level, it is actually the discomfort level of Crohn's disease, and the menstrual pain can be relieved, and this schedule is fixed.

 For example, if it falls on the 1st this month, it will not deviate too much next month. Of course, it does not necessarily matter if you take emergency contraceptive pills.

 Furthermore, this disease can be said to be a disease of wealth even more than diabetes.

 Suffering from this disease, it is almost impossible to concentrate on work. For example, I finally made an appointment with a girl. I washed my hair and sprayed perfume. I got excited, but my stomach started to hurt and I had to go to the bathroom.

Moreover, going to the bathroom is like a big rooster. You have to walk all the way and squeeze all the way, every ten minutes, every ten minutes.

 This is still mild, and it has been treated regularly.

There is another kind. After long-term treatment and formal treatment, the patient obviously eats a lot, but it is like suffering from anorexia. The eye sockets are so deep that the bones can be seen.

Zhang Fan took the colonoscopy report of Stan Rich, and now he finally understood why this guy had a big head and small facial features, as if he was underdeveloped. This thing is not natural, but a complication of Crohn's disease.

 What is the intestines for?

In terms of absorption, the small intestine is the place where proteins, fats and most trace elements are absorbed, while the main absorption function of the large intestine is water.

 Many people feel constipated, so they drink more water. When they drink, everyone gets hiccups. As a result, he was constipated and still felt uncomfortable the next day and wanted to go back and take it out.

 This is the function of the large intestine. There are also some vitamins and electrolytes that are functions of the large intestine.

 The main sites of onset of Crohn's disease are the terminal ileum and the right colon. This means that this thing is prone to disease in both the large and small intestines.

  If only the small intestine is affected, the patient is obviously malnourished.

If only the large intestine is affected, it will cause sterile diarrhea because of the absorption of water. Because there is too much water in the intestine, the large intestine cannot retain this slippery feces, and it will not work without diarrhea.

When the rich man in Stan was being treated in the Internal Medicine Department of Chasu Hospital, he didn't say a word, just said that he felt uncomfortable, and said nothing at all about the doctor's treatment plan.

 In fact, people have seen it and received treatment in many countries.

  has no effect.

This time, Lychasu actually came to Zhang Fan for surgery.

  But they didn’t say it.

After a set of treatment was completed, Tuhao handed Zhang Fan the previous treatment plan.

“Well, you have already undergone this kind of treatment in France, why didn’t you tell me.” Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed.

“Perhaps you are of high skill and can cure me, so I won’t have to operate!” The wealthy man’s shrewd eyes flashed brightly.

“Thank you, I will definitely give you the best possible surgery.”

Zhang Fan looked at the other person and nodded.

 “Haha, I know, so I came to find you!”

People are really different in what they can bear.

For example, some people, when they have just made some achievements, or are about to be promoted, but have not yet been promoted, they will happily publicize it all over the world, and then find someone to hold a banquet to celebrate.


 There are some people, such as the wealthy Stan, and when you deal with them, you will automatically take them seriously.

 Money is one aspect, and the other aspect is the respect given to doctors.

“Look at me, I’m wearing a horse-loving robe, drinking spring water with gold foil, and eating roasted camel every meal. But I can’t even control myself when going to the bathroom…”

 “Well, we will definitely improve it, don’t worry.”

Zhang Fan was unable to continue.

After leaving the operating room, several nurses were chattering together.

 “That robe of his is from Hermès!”

 “Oh my God, it’s so beautiful!”

 “Have you seen that bag of his? It’s a limited edition.”

“Okay, just stare at other people’s decorations all day long, and hurry up to change the dressing. The alarm bell is about to ring.” Zhang Fan shook his head and drove away the group of little girls.

 “The quality of service still needs to be improved!” Lao Chen looked at Zhang Fan’s face and said this immediately.

"Okay, I don't want to deal with these little girls. After all, everyone who has never seen them is curious. I heard that a rich man who contracted the first floor of the hospital came. Who wouldn't be curious. Just don't delay the treatment. We are not a private hospital after all. .”

 The next day, the operation began.

This kind of surgery is too time-consuming and must be done in the morning.

 This rich man's Crohn's disease is present in both the small intestine and the large intestine, which leads to alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Like the world of ice and fire, if you have diarrhea today you cannot touch your anus, but if you have constipation tomorrow you will want to leave the back door wide open.

 That is to say, they do not have the habit of using toilet paper and only use water. If they had used toilet paper, they would probably become anemic from wiping their buttocks.

Many people think that toilet paper is not very good, so they go to buy a toilet with a washing and blowing set from Wanziguo. This can reduce the probability of hemorrhoids.

 Actually, this thing is a fake advertisement created by Xiaowanzi.

 Why do they never talk about reducing hemorrhoids in their commercials selling toilet TVs?

 In fact, after humans evolved to walk upright, hemorrhoids and intervertebral disc herniation were two diseases brought about by evolution.

 And, the toilet aggravates the incidence of hemorrhoids.

Squatting to defecate is uncomfortable, but squatting to defecate will not cause hemorrhoids.

Sitting on the toilet is comfortable, but sitting on the toilet can actually lead to the onset of hemorrhoids due to the increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if you have hemorrhoids, you can try squatting to prevent recurrence.

Moreover, you cannot look at your phone for a long time while squatting, because your feet will become numb after squatting for a long time.

 For intestinal surgery, Chasu Hospital has no particularly high-end surgeons except Zhang Fan.

The intestines belong to general surgery, but today's general surgery is divided very finely, especially for more difficult surgeries, the finer the divisions. In the country of balls, intestinal doctors can divide it into several sections.

For example, in general surgery in China, some doctors do gastrointestinal surgery, some do hepatobiliary surgery, and some doctors do vascular or double gland surgery.

 There is a big difference here. So despite the fact that Zhang Fan is prospering with his liver and gallbladder, now that someone has a problem with his intestines, Zhang Fan no longer has a particularly good assistant.

 What is Crohn's disease?

 It can be said that it is a disease that cannot be cured and cannot be killed.

 Not only is the effect of medical treatment poor, even surgical treatment is quite difficult.

 First you have to cut off a piece of intestine.

 In the establishment of the intestinal tract, no matter how long the small intestine is, each meter has its own function, and after the physical structure is changed, the first thing to consider is whether the patient will suffer from long-term severe constipation caused by surgery.

 Also consider whether the patient will have to relieve his hands after half an hour after eating.

 Don’t look at some people who have to go to the bathroom after eating. The old people will scold them for their chicken belly.

 Actually, this is not irritable bowel syndrome, and the diarrhea you had was not what you ate half an hour ago, but what you ate yesterday or even the day before.

 This situation is just a problem with the mutual control of the brain and intestines.

  But if the structure of the intestine is changed, to be honest, it is unclear whether the brain can continue to effectively direct the intestines and whether the intestines can continue to obediently accept the instructions of the brain.

 So, this kind of surgery is not easy to do.

 In the operating room, I looked at the people who were going to have surgery today.

“The gastroenterology department is also looking for someone!” Zhang Fan sighed.

As soon as Zhao Yanfang was assisted, Zhang Fan pulled her from the laboratory to the operating table.

 This kind of surgery, from the beginning to the end of the surgery, to be honest, doctors who are not skilled enough may not be able to find out that there is something wrong with the surgery.

 Only after the patient has undergone surgery, is ventilated, and starts eating, will he know whether there is a problem.

 After many such operations, the doctor was complacent, and then after a few days, the patient was put on a liquid diet. As a result, before the bowl of rice cereal was finished, the patient had complete rice grains flowing out from his buttocks.

Furthermore, once this kind of surgery is done, there is no chance of improvement.

 So, after surgery, it is often difficult to save the patient. This is the kind of surgery we are talking about.

Zhao Yanfang is a transplant expert, so she is good at intestinal nerves.

 The second assistant, Zhao Jingjin, is a hepatobiliary surgeon, but there is no surgeon with higher qualifications than him in the department.

 Sanshu, Zhao Zipeng! This one is an anorectal surgeon.

He is currently the captain of the Chrysanthemum Protection Brigade of Chasu Hospital.

Although they both belong to the intestinal tract, people have done the lower third route of the intestines.

However, Zhang Fan still had to rely on other people’s experience in the intestinal tract and give certain suggestions during the operation.

 Nowadays, ordinary surgeries and Chasu Hospitals can easily recruit several teams.

 But the difficulty was a little too high, and the team immediately became a patchwork team.

 So, Zhang Fan now understands Ouyang's desire for talents.

too difficult.

  Disinfection, in terms of disinfection area, is probably only as high as that of a whole-body burn skin transplant.

The first is abdominal disinfection. The first layer of iodine tincture disinfection, especially the navel, requires special care, because the intestinal flora has already become a swarm due to the use of various drugs. If it is brought into an ectopic site from the skin surface Colonies are more troublesome.

 After disinfection with iodine tincture, alcohol is deiodinated. Then add povidone iodine.

This is not over yet, we need to disinfect the area around the **** multiple times.

No one can guarantee how much intestine will need to be removed after the abdomen is opened.

If too much is cut and there is no way to connect it, the **** will have to be rebuilt.

 So, when you get started with this kind of surgery, you have to think about the worst.

 The more you think about it, the less passive you will be during the operation.

 Zhao Yanfang rarely undergoes surgery.

 She is actually mainly knowledgeable in the laboratory and mainly in theory.

 Let her pull the hook or pull the thread. It’s actually not a big problem.

 However, if she was asked to tie a deep intra-abdominal hemostatic knot, it would be difficult for Lao Zhao, whose hands were trembling a little.

It’s hard not to let her work as a first aid, otherwise she won’t be able to see the field of surgery and she won’t be able to give Zhang Fan advice.

 So, Zhang Fan was quite confused about today's surgery.

 “It’s hard to make money!”

Amidst Lao Zhao's disgusted gaze, Zhang Fan didn't say anything disgusting.

 (End of this chapter)