Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1276: All is well

Chapter 1276 Everything is fine

 The Queen is going to confer honors, and the people of Mishima are very busy!

 Zhang Fan is even busier.

 With this trend, Zhang Fan found many, many people.

“Do you think my title is a bit flimsy, and you need to prepare something for me in advance so that the Queen’s title does not look so abrupt?”

Looking at the person who wanted to demolish his operating room, the person who said he didn't want to be a professor at the beginning, and the person now who has no shame at all, the director of the Royal Hospital squeezed the pen in his hand again and again, "This is If you break your own pen, you will suffer a loss!"

The director of the Royal Hospital muttered silently in his heart. He did not dare to think about Zhang Fan, for fear that he would lose his gentlemanly etiquette if he got angry.

 Zhang Fan is just trying to win the army with his weak legs! Your biggest benefactor is going to confer a medal on me. You are just a weakling, so why can't you give me some honors? Anyone who dares to say no will rebel!

 “You are so disrespectful of our professor’s reputation!”

The director of the Royal Hospital always trembles his lips when he speaks.


"I heard that you are cooperating with Roche?" After eating the meeting with the director of the Royal Hospital, Zhang Fan turned to look for Ms. Zeng again.

There are not many opportunities like this, and Zhang Fan will never let go of anyone who has the opportunity. Since the old lady in Mishima won't talk to me about medical treatment and administration, then don't blame me for showing off my abilities!

 Zhang Fan indeed thinks so!

Ms. Zeng was shocked. What is this for? What is this for?

  Why did this dean start acting randomly after sleeping all night?

You can't show off your weapons nakedly like this.

“Actually, Roche is not as comprehensive as us in terms of colon. After all, their main focus is still on endocrinology. Zhang Yuan doesn’t know what statement you received.

  However, you can rest assured that when cooperating with Chasu, our company will spare no effort to give you the greatest support for Chasu Hospital. "

Ms. Zeng no longer has the ease and ease of the elites in the past. Because Zhang Fan's words mean that the table is over and the discussion is over.

“But I don’t see what you call sparing no effort, nor do I see the greatest support.”

 “Surgical instruments have been arranged!”

 Ms. Zeng said with a dry mouth.

 Zhang Fan looked at her as if she were a fool.

Ms. Zeng also knows that this one is too small.

“Laboratory: We are planning to build a colon cancer laboratory in Chasu.”

“No need, Maruzi Country has already been built, and it is said to be world-class.”

 “Um! We can increase investment.”

Ms. Zeng looked at Zhang Fan. Feedback from all aspects of the information, this person loves money, food and antiques.

“If you want to join a team, isn’t investing money the most basic requirement? Do you want to have nothing but a mouth?”

 Old Mrs. Mishima was annoying. She didn't talk to Zhang Fan about world affairs, which made Zhang Fan feel very angry. She was pretending to be a civilized person, so she didn't want others to laugh at her.

Zhang Fan can't care anymore. You are so **** unethical. If you don't treat me like a dish, I'm just pretending to be an egg.

"What do you mean?" Ms. Zeng finally understood that no one who could reach this point, whether it was the Academy of Sciences or the doctor, was given free money.

“I heard that you donated the top operating room of the Royal Hospital at that time?”

“Yes, but at that time, a small liver tumor inhibitor had been developed. And the patent rights for our cooperation with the other party were in our hands.”

Ms. Zeng argued hard, although it seemed so weak.

“Do you think colon tumors are less promising than small liver tumors? Or do you think we won’t be able to solve this in the future? It seems I still have to talk to Roche.”

“Zhang Yuan, for the sake of all Chinese, please stop torturing me. Just tell me what you want.”

This kind of negotiation is too asymmetrical and unprofessional. If there is no agreement, the table will be lifted, and if there is no agreement, the pants will be taken off. She was really powerless. After being the president of Asia for so many years, she had never seen such a person at this level.

 “Isn’t the Royal Hospital already…”

"What's the deposit? They want to cooperate with our hospital and let us train them colon doctors. Do you think being a teacher is that easy? We not only have to make plans, but also pay attention to the process. Finally, we have to The trained doctors are responsible. It’s not easy!”

Zhang Fan had already thought in his mind that these doctors were all talented and could be used as donkeys after removing the tea element. There were not as many surgeries in Mishima as there were surgeries in Huaguo, so a large number of surgeries were used as teaching materials. Then not only did they have to train them, they also had to train lower-level doctors for Zhang Fan.

“Oh, we can also support an operating room.”

 “Oh?” Zhang Fan was not satisfied. When I'm about to get mad.

“No, two! No more. These two hospitals will probably have to compete with other hospitals, and the production of instruments has been scheduled for a few years.”

 Ms. Zeng almost cried.

“Hey, it’s really unpleasant. Why does the Hunan guy lose a little bit of the Hunan guy’s refreshing energy when he goes abroad? Just watch the three melons and two dates to ambush me.”

 Actually, Zhang Fan expected one room! Unexpectedly, I still have acting talent. Hey, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little complacent. If we follow the saying in the future, it starts with appearance and is loyal to talent!

Zhang Fan not only came into contact with GlaxoSmithKline, but also with some so-called personal funds. Of course the effect is not particularly good.

After all, no matter how good the Chasu Hospital is, there are still many choices to choose from, so Zhang Fan originally thought that he would make a fortune when he went out, but when he woke up, the billions in wealth in his dream were gone!

 “I’m still not strong enough!” Zhang Fan said to Lao Chen.

In the past few days, Zhang Fan took Lao Chen around to rob. Some funds will invest a small amount, but most funds are just polite and have no way to donate. And most of those who invest a little bit are some private funds with Chinese origin.

Zhang Fan really wants to say something: If you look down on me now, I will make you look down on me in the future! But I just feel a little middle-of-the-road.

 The most important thing is the anger. Chasu Hospital is so not famous!

After talking to Ms. Zeng that day, a foundation consultant who had invested some money came to the hotel to find Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan doesn’t care about other people’s investment. The main reason is that they are all Chinese talents.

“We still know Zhang Yuan’s level...”

  Anyway, what he meant was that Zhang Fan would definitely lend a helping hand if needed in the future.

Zhang Fan groaned and wanted to send him away. Mommy invested less than 500,000 yuan, so you want me to be your boss's family doctor. It's such a beautiful idea.

 As a result, before leaving, he gave Zhang Fan a jade bowl.

Zhang Fan didn’t want it at first, because this thing didn’t look as beautiful as the current bone china.

The light yellow jade bowl was dotted with tiny dots, as if it had been eaten with black sesame paste and not washed for a week.

 “From the Song Dynasty!”

 Then Zhang Fan didn't mind it anymore. After all, this thing is better than the glass Shao Hua bought at the scenic spot.

 In any case, if you don’t see a rabbit or a hawk, this bowl will be used as the consultation fee in the future.

 After contacting the major bosses, Zhang Fan hurriedly went to the ward to see the surgery patients.

 This is the conduct of a doctor.

 Others are things other than the main business. There is a hammer, a hammer, a hammer if it works, and postoperative ward rounds, which are a must.

Zhang Fan was wearing a white coat, leading Zhao Yanfang and Zhao Jingjin, and behind them were a group of white doctors.

 A large group of people roaring.

 All six patients are recovering well and their intestines have been ventilated, which is also known as farting.

They have all started eating. Although it is liquid, once people eat and can excrete, they can actually circulate. Although they can't jump up and play basketball for a while, they won't die inexplicably.

Zhang Fan, the first five patients, had nothing to say. He was already weak, and even the locals had to listen to the English he spoke for a long time. Zhang Fan didn't ask any more questions. He touched the wound and asked if it hurt. After checking the post-operative examination, I arranged the post-operative treatment and went out.

 At the last one, it was the ward of the old man who had fought against the golden retriever.

Zhang Fan gently opened the door, and the middle-aged man kneeling at the door of the hotel carefully fed the old man rice cereal.

"How is it? Is the old man recovering well?" Zhang Fan asked softly.

 “Professor Zhang, thank you!” The middle-aged man stood up excitedly. Zhang Fan quickly held it down.

 Then he looked at the old man.

This old man was so weak before the operation that he almost looked like an adult and had no energy at all.

Now that the operation is done, everything else is fine. One look in his eyes showed that he is a stubborn old man.

 “Where are you from?”

Hey, this old man felt like a lifesaver when he saw Zhang Fan didn't say it, just like looking at a young boy.

“I’m from Lanshi, and I’m currently working in Chasu. Does the old man know about Chasu?”

"Hmph! When we went to Bangzi Country, there were many people from Lanshi. I was from the Northwest Military Region back then. Why didn't Cha Su know about it?"

 After speaking, the old man tilted his head, looked at the gloomy weather outside the window, and sighed softly.

“Isn’t the country so powerful now that it can train world-class doctors like you? Is the country rich now?”

 In fact, although the old man arrived in Mishima, his life was actually not good. He couldn't understand the free TV, and he had to pay for the understandable TV. Information about the outside world was actually passed on by word of mouth among a circle of Chinese.

And because their living standards are underground, their relationship circle is actually a group of people who are very similar to them.

 They just know that China is pretty good now, but they don’t know how good it is.

Perhaps they no longer worry about China, but this old man is different. He opens his mouth to ask about the country.

Zhang Fan didn't know why, but he felt inexplicably sad in his heart.

“Old man, don’t worry, the country you dedicated back then is now in good health!”

 After saying that, the old man said nothing, closed his eyes, and waved gently.

As if asking his subordinates to leave, Zhang Fan turned around and took a look when he went out. There were crystal clear tears hanging from the corners of the old man’s eyes!

Just when Zhang Fan was preparing to receive the medal, Chasu called.

"Zhang Fan, there's an earthquake. The hospital is about to enter the earthquake area!" The call was from Ren Li.

 (End of this chapter)