Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1284: Rebellious person

Chapter 1284 The Retrograde

 There is an extreme shortage of doctors in the emergency operating room.

At this level, in fact, most of what doctors can do is to protect the wounded and evacuate the earthquake area when rescuing survivors.

 Hemostasis of bleeding, fragility of coma, and resuscitation. As for subsequent treatment, the patient must be transported to a secondary backup hospital.

 Because this operation is not about sawing wood, the saw is too slow to move the axe. For example, an operation for a fractured thigh and femur does not talk about the rescue of hemorrhagic shock or any other symptoms of the patient. It is just a bone fracture. Such an operation does not count as preliminary preparation.

 Not to mention postoperative treatment, the operation time alone takes at least about an hour. Therefore, there are a total of five emergency operating rooms. Even if operations are performed, they cannot perform many operations. Therefore, the operations at this time are actually emergency treatments.

For example, if a limb is amputated, we need to find ways to stop the bleeding and protect the limb, and then give the patient symptomatic treatment, and then transport the patient out for specific treatment in a second-tier hospital.

 However, if the operation is not performed, the person will die and if it is too late to function, then life-saving should be considered first.

 Medical rescue is very different from other rescues.

 China's disaster classification is divided into five levels: micro disaster, small disaster, medium disaster, major disaster and catastrophic disaster.

 A catastrophe is considered a disaster if a thousand people die. And the current statistics from disaster medicine are: 95% of disaster deaths occur before the victim reaches the hospital. Moreover, the most frightening thing is that 72% of the incidents in the Asia-Pacific region did not have the ability to handle fifty casualties at one time.

 So when a big event comes, what onlookers see is excitement, but for the individual victim, no matter how big the snowflake is, as long as it falls on the head, it will be a disaster.

 So, when I saw the protest march over whether to wear a mask or not, I really don’t know what I feel in my heart.

 Have they not been struck by disease?

 When treating large-scale casualties, the first step is to make a judgment and mark obvious parts of the injured body: I ​​means immediate treatment, II means emergency treatment, III means light, and 0 deaths!

 The on-site medical personnel are divided into two categories, one is the assessment team, and the other is the treatment team.

 Dedicated personnel for assessment and treatment.

 The treatment is divided into four groups, red group, yellow group, green group, and then the transport group of group O.

 In the event of a large-scale disaster, it is allowed to assess the lightly injured as seriously injured at the scene. Moreover, the principles for treating large-scale disasters are:

 Save the life first, then the injured, save the serious first, then the minor.

Therefore, the treatment at this time is often cruel. Doctors consider saving lives quickly, rather than carefully considering other aspects.

For example, when the male lower body is injured, even if it is damaged and needs to be removed, the doctor must obtain the consent of the patient and family members, and even need to ask a superior expert for consultation before the removal can be done.

And during a disaster, if there is necrosis, the doctor will just cut it out for you in order to save your life. At this time, you don’t have the chance to stand up and say I’m okay, and you can still be guaranteed. possible.

 “Quick, electric knife!”

  The child's leg hit his pelvis, causing slight damage to both calves, and the femur cracked like a green bamboo that had been pressed by a heavy object.

 That is, a child. If it is an adult, it will probably be broken even more severely.

 Zhang Fan is the surgeon and the operation has begun.

  Zhang Fan and Wang Yanan cooperated quickly during dissection and hemostasis without even making a sound, just like two robots.

“Wang Yanan, where is Wang Yanan? There are not enough doctors. Patients with pelvic fractures and massive bleeding are already in shock. Hurry!”

Outside the operating room, Lao Gao was constantly accepting patients. He assigned the patient to the operating room and the doctor immediately.

 There are obviously not enough orthopedic surgeons at this time.

 Zhang Fan listened in his ears and was anxious in his heart.

 “You go, get off the stage and go to the next operation.”

Hearing Lao Gao's anxious voice, Zhang Fan could only let Wang Yanan leave.

 “What to do here!” Wang Yanan was also anxious.

 “Bayin, come and help me!”

Bayin’s hand holding the gauze to wipe the instrument stopped, and he looked at Zhang Fan with a dazed expression.

 Honestly speaking, let an ordinary attending doctor compare his vision with Bayin, and compare their views on surgery.

 It doesn't work out, but Bayin is really better. Because Bayin's job is on the operating table. She doesn't have to deal with patients, give medical orders, or talk to patients. She just works as a device nurse.

Furthermore, since Bayin started working as a nurse, he has seen not only 1,000 but also 800 surgeries. Sometimes, when young doctors are performing simple surgeries, Bayin can even give a few words of advice! The sentence is also to the point.

However, it would be difficult for Bayin to be an assistant in surgery.

 “Quick, what are you waiting for!” Zhang Fan shouted.

Bayin didn't refute, put down the gauze, and stood as an assistant on the operating table.

 “Be more lively, don’t be motionless like a piece of wood!” The sadness in Zhang Fan’s heart turned into anger.


 The heavy rain finally ended and the sun showed its face.

  One hour, ten hours.

 Twenty hours.

 The soldiers kept searching, not to mention people, even the search and rescue dogs were whining tiredly.

 Doctors are the same. When they are hungry or thirsty, they eat chocolate and drink glucose. I don’t dare to take a big drink because I have to go to the bathroom if I drink too much.

The originally sweet chocolate feels like eating fatty meat after eating too much. It is sweet, greasy, and makes you feel nauseous from time to time.

“I didn’t expect that I would vomit after eating chocolate one day.” During another operation, Wang Yanan frowned and said to the head nurse beside him.

The head nurse nodded slightly. She was not in the mood to talk. If she had changed the time and the place, she would probably have talked about some **** topics.

It’s so depressing. During normal operations in the hospital, everyone doesn’t talk much except when they are on the same stage with Zhang Fan. But as long as they are not on the same stage with Zhang Fan, everyone still talks very frequently.

 Today, everyone is silent.

 Persistence, persistence and persistence.

 What else can be said, how else can it be said.

Now that the large troops cannot come in, they are a bright light here. They are working, and the wounded have hope. This light cannot be extinguished.

Xue Fei’s legs were covered in mud and water, and he didn’t know whether it was the injured person’s blood or his own blood.

 He ​​wiped his face and looked at the sun that was about to set. He really wanted to find a place to sleep.


 However, when he heard the shouts of the soldiers in the distance, he set off again with the stretcher team of doctors and nurses.

 The sky is getting darker.

 The helicopter transporting the wounded will come again, and it will probably be the last one of the day.

 There is no shortage of supplies, really, not at all.

 “Let’s rotate! If the doctors get tired and collapse at this rate, treatment will be delayed even more.”

 Lao Gao has to use his hands to lift his legs when he walks.

 Entering Zhang Fan's operating room, Zhang Fan was already undergoing his fourth operation.

The child on the first station was corrected for shock. After fixing the fracture, he was immediately moved out. Zhang Fan didn’t know if he could hold his leg in the future because the skin damage was too severe and there was no chance or time to graft him with skin at this time.

Bayin continued to cooperate with Zhang Fan's surgery with tears in his eyes. At first, the young woman held tears for the people in the disaster area, but later she was scolded by Zhang Fan for holding tears in her eyes.

 Chasu Hospital, no one has ever been scolded by Zhang Fan like this!

 It’s true that the young woman is wronged. If it were normal times, Bayin would have started rolling around and crying, but not today!

"The notification from our superiors tells us to persist for ten more hours. After ten hours, the road to Jinzhi will be opened. If we persist for ten hours now, we can treat ten more patients. Director Gao, you go to each operation Room to encourage everyone.

 Let everyone hold on. When we are in the hospital, sometimes there is no one around. Even though we are on duty for seventy-two hours, we still persevere. In just ten hours, we will definitely be able to do it! "

Zhang Fan didn't even raise his head. He knew that it was no longer the same as usual.

 How can the intensity on weekdays be compared with now?

 However, there is no other way but to persevere.

 The country has launched a Level I response and mobilized experts with experience and means in earthquake disasters across the country to form an expert group. Various hospitals, especially provincial hospitals that can adapt to plateau operations, have also sent medical teams to Jinzhi.

 The operation of the helicopter really made a great contribution.

 Many wounded were sent to secondary rescue stations.

 At the rescue station, Zhao Jingjin was the leader of the rescue team, and Lao Zhao led the doctors in busy operations. The doctors from Bird Market had long been integrated into the tea treatment team by Ouyang.

Ouyang is now the commander-in-chief here.

Whether you have a license plate with an A or an O, whether you are wearing a white coat or a green military uniform, you must obey Ouyang's orders here, and the orders of outside leaders are not Ouyang's orders. big.

 Because this time is equivalent to war time!


As the sky darkened, the troops running forward rushed to the disaster area with all their might. The helicopter had to transport patients when it came out, and it had to transport supplies when it came in. They could only rely on climbing mountains and wading in on the 11th road to get in.

"Comrades, the paratrooper comrades have already entered, and the helicopter group has also entered. Now we are the only ones on the road. Work harder, comrades, even the doctors from Chasu can run in. Why can't our Tiger Regiment be able to get in?" .

 Can we agree? "


"Yes, we can't agree. Today, before the sun sets, we must enter the disaster area. We are the people's soldiers. We come from the people. When the people are suffering, we must work hard no matter how tired we are."

Comrades, if you are not tired, think of the 25,000 Red Army soldiers; if you are tired, think of the revolutionary veterans! "

 In the advancing team, the cadres kept cheering, and the soldiers' clothes became wet and dry.


In the brightly lit thirteenth round, large equipment kept coming and going, and the roaring sound of machines seemed to say to God: "We are not convinced, we are not afraid!"

The sun finally set, and the silver-white moon slowly climbed up.

The soldiers, their faces covered in sweat and covered in mud, marched 50 kilometers into the disaster area on a 5,000-meter plateau.

 A group of young doctors have been operating continuously for nearly twenty hours.

 This is the rebel in China!

 (End of this chapter)