Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1295: A mouthful of wind oil essence

Chapter 1295 A mouth full of wind and oil

 Just like the nature of Chinese people, when going to disaster relief, everyone is really united. Even going to the bathroom is collective, as if the medical team of hundreds of people became one person at this time.

It is convenient to get off the bus. Men are on the left and women are on the right. On the left side, there is a row of people standing and sprinkling water. On the right side, there is a row of white flowers with faces facing inward and buttocks facing outward. Even the sound of Izuku seemed to be moving in unison, swishing and pulling without any clutter.

 It is forbidden to do so. Really, everyone’s mental state is different at this time. Even the various physiological functions of the human body have been collectively transformed into a commonality.

But when I came back, things were different. It was like a flock of sheep without a shepherd dog. Some of them wandered slowly with a splayed gait, and some insisted on trying the wild flowers on the roadside. Anyway, they were very unorganized. We walked all night when we came here, but when we went back, it was still daytime and we didn't walk much all morning.

 Especially when we are far away from the disaster area behind us, everyone feels like they are alive. One moment one needs to go to the bathroom, and the other moment one gets motion sick and wants to vomit! Some people even got into arguments over each other's sleeping positions.

Especially when it was almost noon, Zhang Fan just wanted to eat some uneaten combat rations in the car and continue on his way.

This time, it was like poking a hornet's nest.

"Oh my God, Zhang Yuan, are you trying to make me vomit? This dry food is sweet and salty. If I eat it again, I will vomit. I think I have irritable bowel syndrome. This is a work-related injury. Zhang Yuan, please spare me and let me have a hot meal!"

  Several young nurses in the operating room, especially Bayin, jumped the most. There have been many people dealt with by Zhang Fan in the past few days. The doctors, especially the surgeons, are embarrassed to say anything. But although these little nurses in the operating room dare not retaliate openly, they can still find a little trouble. of.

 Really, Zhang Fan has a big head.

 He also felt guilty for these little girls. Really, I am not a hard-hearted person. Look at these little girls. When they came, they were white and tender, and they could make water flow when you pinch them. Now, their faces are as rough as the heels of an old man, and their rosy lips have changed. The skin was peeling and cracked, but only the big eyes were still so bright.

 There are only three county towns on the road from Jinzhi to Chasu. Southerners in the northwest don’t understand it very much.

For example, it is estimated that a few hundred kilometers can reach a province in the south, but in the northwest, especially in the plateau areas, the Gobi Desert has not been able to reach a town.

 After walking all morning, Zhang Fan and the others had just arrived at the edge of Jinzhi County, a place located at the junction of three counties.

When this kind of place was stable in ancient times, it was a military station. In times of war, this place was where the king of the mountain roared with tigers and dragons.

 Now, this place is a multi-ethnic gathering area. Because there have been people in this place since ancient times, the eating habits here are different from those in the frontier. Really, there are no places in the northern and southern frontiers that have the same eating habits as this place.

 The locals have the habit of eating Sichuan peppercorns. Sanchuan people are greedy and like to eat peppercorns, but Sanchuan people like spicy food. And this place is just pure shit.

When the motorcade arrived, a group of people got off the car and dispersed. Zhang Fan thought about asking everyone to find a larger restaurant to eat together, but no one responded.

Because it is a transportation hub, on both sides of the road in this small town, there are either small restaurants or small hotels and big car shops that cost 30 yuan a night.

 Seeing a team of several hundred people, the proprietress of the small restaurant and the waiter serving the dishes were enthusiastically soliciting customers, and their dancing bodies were like uncles dancing at the door.

Zhang Fan took a look and saw at a glance that they were almost all traditional pockmarked noodles! This reminded Zhang Fan of the joke Dadongzi said about the gas station.

I haven’t had a bite of hot rice in a week. To be honest, Zhang Fan’s mouth started to water when he saw the hot pot of noodles.

 “European Courtyard, do you want to eat here?”

 “Okay!” Ouyang is not as particular about food and drink as Zhang Fan, she just needs to be clean.

The boss enthusiastically greeted the guests with noodle soup, and soon the so-called mochi noodles came out.

 One of the special features of borderland cooking is that tomatoes can be used in all kinds of rice, and they also like to use spicy skin that is not spicy at all.

This place has also absorbed the characteristics of the frontier. In a bowl of sea bowl as big as a head, there are white noodles, green spinach leaves, and red pickled spicy skin. The soup is red and shiny, and there are lumps and lumps of sauce. beef cubes. Really, it looks quite appetizing.

 After Zhang Fan took a sip, his face turned red. It's not spicy, but numb. How can I describe this kind of numbness?

It was like going to the dental hospital to have a tooth extracted and being injected with anesthetic by the doctor. Really, it is not an exaggeration at all. The more he ate, the more numb he became. After a bowl of numb noodles, Zhang Fan felt that his tongue was enlarged.

Then the breeze blows through and you take a breath of cool air, like a mouthful of Fengyoujing. Close your mouth and raise and lower your jaws like countless ants crawling.

For example, the peeing Bayin said, "This is more powerful than Docaine. Ouch, ouch!"


The swaying convoy finally arrived at the hospital. When the order to disband was given, the crowd was like prisoners on probation. One by one, one by one, they ran faster than a rabbit and left the hospital toward home.

 “Old Chen, take care of the sheep!” After saying that, Zhang Fan stepped on the accelerator and ran away with the smoke rising.

"Chief Wang, let me tell you something. The rescue team brought back some sheep from the pastoral area. Please handle them and clean them up. Please!" Old Chen got into the car, then picked up the phone and called the person in charge of logistics. Section Chief Wang called.

“Chen Yuan, you are so polite, I will take care of this.” Lao Wang thought there were only a few sheep, but he came to the motorcade to take a look.

 Lao Wang was crying, half a truck of sheep, how many sheep are you talking about?


Zhang Fan drove into the villa area and saw Shao Hua waiting at the door from a distance. He seemed a little thin. The sun was setting, and a golden sun shone in the yard. Shao Hua stood beside the magnolia lace that was stained with gold and blooming. Above, it’s really like this: the shadow falls on the empty steps and the early moon is cold, and the evening breeze in Xiangsheng Courtyard is gentle.

 “Hua Zi!” Zhang Fan jumped out of the car and looked at Shao Hua, who had lost a lot of flesh on his face, and felt really uncomfortable in his heart.

Holding him in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance, the wind blew by, and Shao Hua's hair caressed Zhang Fan's face.

 This is care, this is home, this is my woman!

 Old man Lu went to the hospital to sit in charge, and became addicted to it. He was going to start training for county-level doctors during the day in the next few days, and he was so busy that he went home.

Mrs. Lu was worried and went to the hospital.

 So there are only Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Fan in the family.

Shao Hua cooked Zhang Fan's favorite braised fish, braised shrimps, big crabs, and steamed rice noodles, a table full of dishes. Shao Hua was busy from morning to evening, and finally the man in his life came back safe and sound.

 The two of them chatted while eating, which was very warm.

Zhang Fan has a habit of never telling Shao Hua about dangerous or sad things that happened when he returns home. He only talks about happy things, such as eating sesame noodles!

Shao Hua didn't understand it at first, but gradually, Shao Hua also understood that men and women are never partners but companions.

Partners can share the burden, but partners must always take care of Zhang Fan's manly card.

And Shao Hua did not tell Zhang Fan that he was worried and frightened at home, and had nightmares at night that made him cry.

 Because all this has passed!

"I've packed up all the things you checked back from Mishima. Why did you go all the way to get a gray bowl? It doesn't look like porcelain."

  "Sugar-coated bullets, if you put them away, they should be worth some money."

“The family is not short of money, so don’t do stupid things!”

 “Well! Aren’t you still worried about me?”

 “Of course I’m not worried!”

 “I’m making you worry!”

 “Go and take a shower, you stink!”

 Just like children, they start fighting when they are full of food and drink.


 In every corner of the city, every family that had been evacuated from the disaster area had similar experiences to Zhang Fan's family.

 No words all night!

The next day, when the magpies were chirping and jumping around outside the window, Zhang Fan also woke up and looked at his watch. It was only six o'clock. He wanted to sleep a little longer, but his biological clock of many years made it impossible to stay in bed.

 Getting up for a run, Zhang Fan ran slowly with the cool breeze blowing from the snow in the summer morning.

  Early in the morning, a group of doctors and nurses entered the workplace in high spirits.

The government has also issued a commendation meeting. The hospital will first hold it on its own, and then select outstanding personnel to go to the Tea Su Government, and the Tea Su Government will then select people to go to the Bird Market.

The hospital wanted to choose Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan refused. Moreover, Zhang Fan opened the small treasury without any pain and started distributing money in the form of high-temperature subsidies.

"High temperature subsidy, isn't it a bit early?" Ouyang was not very happy.

“My Ouyang, as long as the meat rots in the pot, there is no need to be harsh on your own people.” Zhang Fan smiled and made Ouyang tea.

“But, didn’t you say that the hospital will be in difficulty for a period of time in the next few years? Then you start paying out money again.”

"This little money is not of much help to the hospital. Whether it is there or not is irrelevant. But it is different for our employees. In a week, the family members are so scared that they have to abandon their homes and careers. We cannot let everyone Chilled my heart.

 European Academy, times have changed. We can’t just talk about feelings and not welfare! "

The old lady stopped drinking tea, got up and went to the government. What to do? Just find something where you can lose money inside the wall and make money outside the wall!

 Those who enter the first line get a subsidy of 2,000 a day, those who enter the second tier get a subsidy of 1,500, and others get an average subsidy of 1,000 a day.

 For a time, Zhang Yuan’s reputation skyrocketed.

Of course, this is a high-temperature subsidy to the outside world. This tea is now even less than 25℃, so it has started to issue high-temperature subsidies!

 After handling the hospital affairs, Zhang Fan looked at his old man. Old Lu was rosy-faced and confidently training surgeons in the county.

This kind of training feels particularly good to the old man, as if the old man has returned to his peak period, with a group of students and a group of subordinates under his command with a look of admiration and longing.

Seeing Zhang Fan, the old man became impatient and said, "Go, go, don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Seeing that the old man was in good health, Zhang Fan felt relieved.

 Then, after Ouyang came back from the government to get benefits, he was going to meet Ms. Zeng.

"Three things. First, the government is said to want to give Zhang Yuan a good reputation. Second, the Mishima government sent a letter of inquiry and wanted to set up a consular office in Chasu, and the name was set up to cooperate with our hospital. We were rejected by the government, and the government made us mentally prepared. Third, the decoration of the Bone Research Institute has been completed!"

 Ouyang talked about the most important things in the past few days at the meeting, and then everyone looked at Zhang Fan.

 (End of this chapter)