Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1419: Sha Seng

Chapter 1419 Sha Monk

People's aesthetics are really different. For example, when a Chinese girl wears a necklace, she will wear a thin platinum necklace, and then hang a small awl, which may be hidden or visible around the neck. Slender and white, it really has an embellished beauty.

When he arrived in the desert country, Zhang Fan felt an exotic atmosphere coming to him in the hotel lobby. The fat aunt was wearing a sapphire blue robe-like skirt, and then there was a red dot between her eyebrows.

 In the white and greasy complexion, the white flesh scarf under the chin gives people an extra greasy feeling. Then, there is a thick gold necklace hanging on the neck.

There are some necklaces with gemstones of various colors, all of which are thick. At first glance, Zhang Fan really felt like a fat version of Sha Monk. And it’s not just one person, it’s a group of people, sitting around the lounge bar in the lobby, holding bowls inlaid with gems, and they don’t know whether they are drinking coffee or milk tea.

The race of the people in the desert country, how should I say it, their body shape and skin color are obviously like Europeans and Americans. Both men and women are muscular, especially the elderly and wealthy women. Sitting on the sofa, it feels like there are a lot of things on the sofa. White meat.

 Their body shape is like that of Europeans and Americans, but their facial features do not have the strong three-dimensional sense of Europe and America. They have flat nose bridges, high cheekbones, and thick lips. It is obvious that a hooded face hangs on a fat European and American person.

 The large troops from the hospital continue to stay in the hotel to rest. The desert country is quite special. At present, it is slightly like our policy of the Qing Dynasty, which is to close the country.

 Apply when you go out, and don’t go out for anything.

Sitting in a government car, the weather is extremely dry, and I can feel a burning and slight pain in my nostrils when I breathe.

No one spoke much in the car, which subtly made the atmosphere less conversational.

The car slowly drove into a place that didn't look like a hospital. The walls were iron fences, and blue fences surrounded large tracts of grape fields. It was said that it was a hospital, but it was more like a vineyard.

 After entering the hospital, government officials from the desert country also appeared, taking Zhang Fan and the others into the hospital. After entering the hospital, Zhang Fan took a look and thought, Oops! This hospital is very well equipped and has all kinds of large-scale equipment.

It’s a pity that there are no patient numbers. The corridors are full of doctors and nurses, and you can’t see the patients or their families directly.

 Zhang Fan estimated that this hospital was probably the top hospital in the desert country. If it were placed in China, the patients would be so numerous that they could be buried here. But there are no patients here at all. Could it be that there are no patients in this country?

Of course, Zhang Fan was invited to see a doctor, not to cause problems for the medical industry.

After following the people from the Desert Country into the hall, the person from the Desert Country looked like a leader and came over enthusiastically to shake hands and talk with Zhang Fan and the others. Zhang Fan looked at this man in surprise.

Nima is so versatile! Zhang Fan still admires people who are talented in languages. If he had a little bit of talent, the old man would probably give me a doctorate title by now.

Through the translator, Zhang Fan and the others also learned that this person was the health leader of the desert country and was now responsible for receiving medical experts from the two countries.

“I know Dr. Zhang, and he did a wonderful job last year for the wealthy country’s future surgery.”

Zhang Fan politely praised the advanced level of the hospital and was then taken into the patient's ward. To be honest, in this case, both parties have nothing to say. They both know that everyone is telling lies with their eyes open.

After entering the ward, Zhang Fan took a look and wondered: Is this a nursery? There were a bunch of children wearing cooling patches, ranging from as young as ten to dozens.

"These are all children from the same family!" The health leader of the desert country introduced them. Zhang Fan thought to himself, they are really rich in genetic specialties. What a big family this is, with so many children.

Across the protective ward, Zhang Fan and the others began to change into protective clothing. Once they changed into work clothes, Zhang Fan didn't have so many thoughts. It was like a Saiyan transforming, from ordinary people to doctors.

 Enter the ward and start a physical examination. Because the patient is young, only three doctors can come in at a time. Zhang Fan, Old Man Jiang and Zhao Yanfang entered the ward, while others checked the detailed medical records outside the ward.

Physical examination. Old Jiang’s physical examination started when he was two years old. After all, he is the only professional pediatrician here. Zhang Fan and Zhao Yanfang were slightly older.

His blue eyes have lost all energy, and the look he looks at the doctor also makes him feel sleepy. Children don't pretend to be sick. If they feel a little more comfortable, they will start playing. But now, these children are lying quietly on the hospital bed, just like people in their seventies and eighties, without any excitement.

The more he checked, the more unsure Zhang Fan felt. He had never seen this kind of disease before!

You have to say whether Zhang Fan has seen many diseases, quite a few, almost 10,000 kinds of diseases, but currently there are more than 20,000 diseases with diagnostic names, and there are still a few diseases that have no diagnostic names.

Therefore, to work in this profession, you not only need to be knowledgeable, but also have a good memory, and you must also have the ability to draw inferences from one case to another. Otherwise, you can only be a grassroots doctor, looking at colds and handling common diseases.

 Otherwise, when you encounter a disease you have never seen before, you will have to look through textbooks in front of the patient in embarrassment. Of course, most doctors can only become ordinary doctors because they must first enter the ranks of top doctors.

 Not only requires hard work and self-discipline, but also a certain amount of talent and IQ.

 The lymph nodes were not obviously swollen, but there was swelling and pain in the small joints. Moreover, when Zhang Fan touched the child's skin, he felt like he was touching an electric blanket, and the abdominal tenderness was obvious.

“It’s probably Mediterranean fever!” Old Man Jiang whispered to Zhang Fan after checking three or four children.

Zhang Fan was stunned when he heard this. He had never heard of this kind of disease. For the first time, Zhang Fan entered the system during diagnosis and treatment.

 Looking for information about Mediterranean fever directly, the second-level internal medicine is not available, and the result is only a simple introduction.

Zhang Fan was speechless when he saw this. The diagnosis of Mediterranean fever is very simple. It involves recurrent fever and acute abdomen but no obvious lesions are found after laparotomy. If the sustained colchicine treatment effect is obvious, preliminary treatment can be started. Mediterranean fever was not diagnosed.

This is ridiculous. If this is the diagnosis, there are too many diseases that can be diagnosed as this disease.

 In fact, this diagnosis is the result of inferring the answer after having it. The diagnosis of Zhengerbajing is quite troublesome. First, it is necessary to determine whether there is a family history, and then whether there is a mutation in the immunoregulatory pyrin protein, and whether the inflammatory complex of the nucleotide tuberculosis oligostimulating domain appears after binding to the pyrin encoded by the MEFV gene.

 After the above examinations, the last one is that the treatment with colchicine is effective!

 After all, this diagnosis was actually made by doctors through various drug trials.

If colchicine treatment is ineffective, all the above tests are useless. Because colchicine treats many diseases, this disease becomes a reverse diagnosis. First determine the efficacy of colchicine. If it is effective, continue to check the above results. If they are all positive, then the diagnosis can be made.

 So, this disease is very troublesome, and the diagnosis alone is quite troublesome. This disease was first reported in 1947, and it was officially recognized in 1995. The most sick people are mainly those living around the Mediterranean Sea.

For example, Armenia, Turkey, Arabia, etc., China and East Asia also have it, but it is extremely rare.

How to say this disease? When it is latent in the human body, it needs incentives to cause it to attack. For example, high-fat diet, strenuous exercise, cold, infection, emotional excitement and even menstruation can cause the onset of its symptoms.

Zhang Fan was stunned for about two minutes. Old Jiang looked at Zhang Fan strangely. What is this kid doing? Did he hear it?

 Zhang Fan quickly learned about the system, and then said to the old man: "Well, I think so too!"

The old man immediately looked at Zhang Fan with contempt and thought to himself: "You really can't be a leader, otherwise your face will become thicker and thicker. You are a dog's age, and you still say things like, have you ever seen this kind of disease?" "

Zhang Fan ignored the old man and continued: "Quickly look for children over 15 years old who have not been treated, and conduct an amyloidosis test immediately. If the patient agrees, a renal biopsy can be performed on adults."

 This is not Zhang Fan’s superior knowledge of diagnosis, this is what he saw after entering the system.

But this time, Old Man Jiang was shocked and said with admiration, "You can do it, kid. I have seen a case a few years ago, but I still can't confirm it yet. You already know the diagnostic test!"

Zhang Fan said without any embarrassment: "Academician Jiang, the preliminary diagnosis is easy to confirm, but the genetic diagnosis depends on you and our Dr. Zhao."

“Okay!” After Zhang Fan blurted out the diagnosis and treatment methods for the disease, the old man became much more obedient. Otherwise, his nose was not his nose and his face was not his face. He always felt like he wanted to be Zhang Fan’s teacher.

When Zhang Fan and the others left the children's ward and asked the people from the desert country to take them to the adult ward, they met a group of big noses.

Zhang Fan knew at a glance that these people were doctors from the banking country.

 In fact, in terms of region, the medical care in the banking country is very good. For example, Austria, a country with a big egg, had a medical system comparable to that of Germany and Mauritius. Besides, Germany and Mauritius are still among the top few countries in the world, not to mention the past.

But the banking country is an exception in that circle. These guys don't know if they have too much money or something. Anyway, that's all about medical care.

There are even legends that their country’s high-end medical care will go to surrounding foreign countries. It's hard to tell whether it's true or false, but after Qunhuo was invited, he actually looked at Zhang Fan and the others with contempt.

“Hey, hello, I haven’t even looked down on you yet, but you’ve looked down on me first!”

 The leader of the desert country stood aside awkwardly. During the introduction, the group of doctors from the bank country did not pay much attention to Zhang Fan and the others.

 (End of this chapter)