Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1442: Let me give you a trick

Chapter 1442 Let me give you a trick

“Teacher Zhong, remember me!” Old Junima almost cried.

"You were the only one from the frontier who entered the quarantine area in the first batch. Others had to eat big stoves, but you could only eat small stoves. I'm very impressed. Now the department is really developing well. Some of the instruments here are better than those in my institute. advanced.

However, this data is very rough! The one from ten years ago is almost unusable, and the one from just three years ago..."

“The data we have here is very rough, but this is the best we can come up with. I am a director who has seen a lot of things in the world. If it were placed in the Department of Surgery, it would probably be even worse.”

Although he said this, Zhang Fan was still quite disappointed. Hundreds of millions of dollars had been invested in the funds alone, not counting donations from others. He originally thought the hospital was decent, but in the eyes of top experts, Still so rough.

In fact, what is not up to standard? It is just a paper file. The case only contains the description and diagnosis of the patient's symptoms at that time. Some even measure the temperature once a day, not to mention the follow-up visit after discharge, which lasts 10 days and 30 days. Oh my god, here are the follow-up visits in three months and six months.

 The older the case, the less useful it is. Only the case data in the past three years are more detailed.

"It's not up to standard! It can't even be called medical data." The old man didn't save Zhang Fan any face. Zhang Fan's face was dark and hard to tell, but from Ren Li to Lao Ju, even Ouyang's face turned red.

The superior leaders came to inspect the work and criticize it. Ren Li didn't say anything, but Ouyang and Lao Ju would definitely argue with their teeth. But for this old man who stands at the pinnacle of Chinese internal medicine to call them a teacher, they all benefit from it.

“But I am quite optimistic about your measures this time, can you tell me! Almost one hospital has shouldered the epidemic of a city. This is not easy and difficult to do.”

“Director Ju, you are the main person in charge of this time. Please tell Academician Zhong.”

 Zhang Fan suddenly lost his energy.

"We adopt a department partition method, which means that the department is like a hospital. The department is divided into three floors. The first floor is also the most serious floor, the respiratory ICU. The doctors here rotate between two shifts, and the doctors and nurses do not go out after work. Department, just rest in the department.

  The second floor is the general ward, so family members are not required to accompany them, and disinfection is done six times a day..."

 The old man listened carefully to Lao Ju's report.

 And kept nodding. After watching the clinic, the old man asked to see the laboratory of the respiratory department.

 Entering the laboratory, the old man was already immune to the tea hospital equipment. But looking at the scientific research results again, the old man didn't know how to evaluate them.

 “Do you have a postdoctoral station here?”

Zhang Fan shook his head in embarrassment. He was still standing. There were not even a few PhDs in the lab.

Chasu's surgery is now very promising. Even when old man Wu came, he said that Zhang Fan had worked hard in the past few years.

Not only in terms of equipment, but also in terms of leaders, Zhang Fan is not included. Zhao Yanfang can be said to be as good as the scientific and educational director of any hospital. Moreover, Zhang Fan waved his hoe, and the expressions on his face made the surrounding provinces afraid.

Some people have said that the success of Tea Su Surgery as a leader in the northwest was not achieved through hard work, but was bought with money.

Look at the composition of the departments. Needless to say general surgery, almost every discipline has a doctorate leading a project, not to mention the Bone Research Institute and the Intestinal Cooperative Research Institute.

From time to time, an academician comes over to write a topic, and he is not just an ordinary academician. Dunima is a top academician.

 What is even more enviable is that Old Man Lu is always stationed at Tea Su. If the surgery continues to fail, Zhang Fan can only look up to the sky and sigh for another five hundred years.

As for internal medicine, the most developed ones now are cardiology and respiration, but the best department, in the eyes of top academicians, what is it called?

“This won’t work. A hospital without a basic clinical trial teaching base is like a castle in the air!”

 As soon as he said this, Zhang Fan immediately moved like a chicken.

 “Heroes think alike!”

"Zhongyuan, why don't you take charge of the respiratory department for us? Our foundation is too poor..."

The person accompanying him was obviously a clerk from the south. He looked at Zhang Fan strangely and thought to himself: "How can this man open his teeth?"

"Haha, how is the medical school here in Chasu? How many doctoral programs are there?" The old man smiled, not sure whether he was laughing at Zhang Fan for daring to speak, or at Zhang Fan's beautiful thoughts. It took almost half a lifetime of hard work to build your own team from scratch. You just want to poach people with just one sentence. You are really thinking too much.

Furthermore, in the first few years after the redevelopment, Yangcheng was obviously not as hot as the Magic City and the capital. You can tell by looking at the housing prices in the early years.

 But in this place, medical research is no worse than the capital and the Magic City, and it can even take the lead in the pharmaceutical industry. There is even a folk saying that goes, “Every mother can make herbal tea passed down from her family!”

The herbal tea in Yangcheng cannot be described simply as tea. This thing is called medicine. If we investigate it seriously, every household in Yangcheng will be making fake medicine during the hottest time of the year!

“Oh, there is no medical school here. The only thing related to medicine is the veterinary department specializing in animal husbandry!”

 Zhang Fan can finally complain.

“What a pity for such good equipment!” The old man sighed with emotion. Zhang Fan and the others were in a hurry. You can’t just say it’s a pity and then be done with it.

You've come here and you haven't left anything behind, and you don't care about the ethics of the world. You've been around for decades.

“Zhongyuan, actually, I think the epidemic gap between the north and the south is quite big. If you can’t just go to the south, you should come to the north.”

 “Our academicians are in the capital...” an officer who spoke Mandarin as well as Lao Ju spoke.

Zhang Fandu gave him a push and asked, "Did I ask you to speak? You can't even speak Mandarin!"

Of course, just think about it. Once interrupted by the officer, Zhang Fan could no longer persuade him.

“In terms of scientific research, we can indeed cooperate, but we still treat the symptoms rather than the root cause!”

“That’s what I thought. I originally wanted to build my own medical school, but my superiors didn’t agree and said I was talking nonsense! I had no choice, so I invited some experts to give lectures and open advanced classes at Chasu.”

"This can only improve the level of local doctors, which is good in the long run, but it is still not good. There is a big difference between scientific research and clinical practice. After these experts complete their own scientific research projects, or their own hospital equipment is updated, you can still ask Are you moving!"

 “Who says it’s not the case?” Zhang Fan felt like he had met a close friend.

"But you can borrow it!" The old man's eyes were shining, "Borrow it?" Zhang Fan didn't understand, "Should we ask the border government to write an IOU to Yangcheng, and you come here?"

“Haha, no, no. I mean, how many medical universities are there in the border area?”


"There are two schools that are enough. You can borrow them. Borrow a teacher today and a class tomorrow. It won't take long before your own branch school will be established!"

"It seems okay!" Zhang Fan looked at Ouyang, and Ouyang's eyes lit up. An expert is an expert. This is a replica of Emperor Liu's cry for Jingzhou. He had no intention of paying it back from the beginning!

 “I can start borrowing from schools that are worse, and I’ll give out bonuses here…”

 “Since you are planning to borrow it, why not borrow a good one!”

 The old man winked! To be honest, although the old man saw that Cha Su's internal medicine level was average, he never imagined that a frontier hospital could develop to this point. Since there is such a group of people, since there is such a group of people who are willing to fight.

 What's the harm in helping yourself?

The old man spent two days over the weekend to have a thorough understanding of the epidemic prevention operations of Chasu Hospital, and his evaluation was quite high.

“A hospital builds a city’s Great Health Wall!”

Zhang Fan must be very happy, Ouyang is even happier, and Lao Ju is even more indescribable now.

 The cooperation with the old man was also signed. The Respiratory Research Institute of Yangcheng No. 1 Hospital and the Tea Su Respiratory Research Institute reached a brotherly assistance agreement.

Chasu Hospital originally did not have a respiratory institute. Ouyang shamelessly passed the institute in the Department of Cardiology, but no one admitted it.

Originally, Lao Ju wanted to learn to hang one, but seeing that people in the hospital really didn’t take it seriously, he felt it was pointless.

 This time, it was Zhang Fan who said it himself, establishing a research institute. In the next year, funds and talents will be diverted to the respiratory department!

Lao Ju is proud. In the past, when someone called me Director Ju, he would correct me: Please call me Director Ju Mabeike.

 Now I don’t say this anymore, instead it’s changed to: Please call me the director of residence!

Furthermore, not only did he sign an agreement, the old man also decided to isolate the strain of the flu on the spot. Because influenza viruses are often very simple, this time they actually cooperated with mumps, which required thorough research.

 Otherwise, if it breaks out in a super city next time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

 For the laboratory of respiratory department, why is the tea element not separated by itself?

 Let’s not talk about talent, let alone sentiment. The proficiency of a laboratory staff alone can allow Zhang Fan to poach people from all over the world.

 Because this thing is too dangerous. Why can’t countries all over the world, including many rich countries, afford a respiratory department?

This thing not only requires money, but also skilled technical personnel, because it is too dangerous.

 Even if you memorize the rules and regulations of the laboratory very well, once something goes wrong and you get infected, you won’t know where you went wrong.

  Sometimes, just one breath may cause a huge crisis, even if it is a biological crisis!

 So, the Tea Su Hospital can research symptomatic drugs, isolate and culture them, and it’s a bit like chasing the big rooster to fly into the blue sky.

 The old man came and left again. It wasn’t that Zhang Fan was not good at poaching, but he just couldn’t do it. "Are you going to develop, produce, and sell your antiemetic medicine yourself?"

 When sending the old man off, Zhang Fan drove the car himself, with Lao Ju as the co-pilot and Ouyang in the back seat, accompanying the old man to the airport.

 “Yes! I want to make more money!”

 “Haha!” The old man laughed again.

 Zhang Fan’s smile made his hair stand on end!

 (End of this chapter)