Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1540: Don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 1540 Don’t be afraid, I’m here

After talking for a long time, Zhang Fan asked the hospital's financial director, and then he deposited the money in the credit union. Before he even left the house, the chairman asked Zhang Fan with a smile: "I promise to give the lowest interest on hospital loans in the future, and The withdrawal speed is definitely the fastest at Chasu!”

Zhang Fan smiled unnaturally. He had just finished depositing the money and he was thinking about asking me for a loan. This was too...

 Chasu Government, the leader in charge of health is in the office of Boss Chasu. "I heard that Chasu Hospital pays dividends to doctors?" Boss Chasu asked the leader in charge of health sadly.

"It's their antifreeze oil that gets dividends, but not others. However, this antifreeze oil seems to be quite profitable. I specifically asked about it. The production technology is not difficult. If there is a formula, we can also let the city's chemical factory produce antifreeze oil. .Isn’t Chasu Hospital under-produced?

 We can help! "

Upon hearing this, Boss Chasu shook his head, "The idea is good, but do you think you can get the formula from Zhang Fan and Ouyang? Even if you get the formula, the price of tofu will become the price of meat in the end, which is not worth it.

 In their hospital, Academician Li has the highest income this year. Do you know how much Zhang Fan earns? What about Ouyang’s income? "

"I asked, Zhang Fan is not much lower than Academician Li. Zhang Fan's main income is from throwing knives. The cost of throwing knives for a year has exceeded one million. There are also some lecture fees that cost more than 230 for the whole year. 10,000. However, he did not participate in the antifreeze oil dividends.

 Ouyang, over one million, mainly bonuses and salary, other leaders are similar to Ouyang. Those who can throw knives, such as Zhao Jingjin and Luo Zhengguo, have slightly higher incomes. Their secretary is similar to Ouyang. "

The salaries of Chasu Hospital are not backed by any private companies. They are all publicly announced. If you have any questions, you can ask them. Chasu non-medical departments receive average bonuses. Even ordinary security personnel in the security department receive about the same amount per year. Income of 150,000.

 As for other hospitals that joined later, such as Hua Hospital and Digital Hospital, because they were new members this year, their salaries still follow the original regulations, and there is a big gap between them.

But no one is making trouble. Everyone knows that there is no reward without dedication. Now many doctors from Hua Hospital and Digital Hospital have been mixed into the main hospital of Chasu Hospital.

However, the assessment of Chasu Hospital is really a headache for them. There is a small test every three months and a big test every six months. Once you are unqualified, you will be transferred to another position if you are not qualified for the first time. If you are not qualified for the second time, you will directly study off-the-job. If you are not qualified for the third time, you will be fired.

“This income, hey, makes us so passive now! Do you think we can also learn from the tea hospital?”

"Raise wages? This, this is good, but I don't think the bank will agree!" the leader in charge of health said sheepishly.

"What and what? They are giving money and they have the confidence. Let's tear down the east wall to repair the west wall. What are you thinking? What I mean is to send someone over, without making any noise or making a fuss, just to cry about the poverty, and then urge Zhang If you give us the company's dividends, we should pay them out as soon as possible."

"It's hard to say. Don't look at Zhang Fan who is smiling. When it's time to strike, he is no softer than Ouyang."



Zhang Fan will definitely not pay dividends. This year’s income seems to be a lot, but next year’s expenses will be huge. First of all, with the establishment of the medical consortium, there will be a lot more employees, which is a huge expense.

There are also national experiments that have been established, and new projects have to be launched. Tuberculosis will be on the market soon. After tuberculosis is on the market, most scientific researchers will have to change their direction and study other scientific research projects.

 This is also a large amount of expenditure, and it is still an expenditure that may not be able to see the money back. The general timeline for drug research and development is ten years. In other words, it takes an average of ten years for a drug to go from the laboratory to the market.

Also, for gallbladder cancer research, it is not time to spend money yet. When it enters the clinical review stage, money will flow out like a flood.

 Chasu Hospital's current income is the largest part from the international hospital, followed by dividends from various companies, and the dividends from two barrels of oil, and then the dividends from the antifreeze oil.

As for Li Cunhou’s allogeneic transplantation, if it is currently protected by the state, it is estimated that it will take several years to make money. When foreign research is almost successful, it will be released directly.

The income from tuberculosis drugs and state subsidies have just wiped out the initial research and development expenses. If you want to make money, you can only wait for the completion of clinical trials and earn money from foreigners.

Another big one is the men’s antiemetic drug organized by Zhao Yanfang. This is now called Plum Blossoms to Quench Thirst. I originally thought that when it was launched in the early years, I would be more comfortable, but this antiemetic drug directly became a blocking drug, making people unable to vomit. So it is estimated that it will take some time.

Zhang Fan, Li Cunhou, Ouyang, Ren Li, Zhao Jingjin, Lao Chen, Luo Zhengguo, plus Lao Ju, Lao Gao gathered in Zhang Fan's office to discuss some major issues for next year.

“The bigger the stall gets, the more nervous life becomes. Next year when the national experiment starts new projects and the gallbladder becomes formal, we probably won’t have enough funds on hand.” Zhang Fan also said sadly.

"The antifreeze oil in the dermatology department and all the consumables and experimental sites are from the hospital. Why can't the hospital participate in the dividends?" Ouyang said unhappily. She always felt that Zhang Fan was too generous when it came to salary.

According to the old lady’s opinion, an income of over 300,000 yuan a year is already pretty good, but now she has an income of several million. She thinks it is too wasteful.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "Didn't you get fifteen million? You can't divide the money twice. As for the consumables in the laboratory, I'm not afraid that he will use them, but I'm afraid that he won't use them." After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan Then he said: "The Department of Cardiology also applied for scientific research this year?"

On the issue of salary, Zhang Fan and Ouyang have different ideas. The old lady lives a simple life. She lives in the family home of the hospital, does not socialize, and does not have any big expenses. Apart from food and drink, their biggest expense is probably the TV. The machine’s electricity bill was paid.

 So, she felt that there was too much money.

But other people are different. The position of Chasu is not good to begin with. Taking a step to urinate can cause diplomatic problems between countries. If we don't give more money, can we retain people?

For example, in the dermatology department’s dividend this time, two mediocre doctors joined the company directly.

To be honest, it is not easy to find any doctor with serious scientific research ability and clinical ability. Now there are two. Zhang Fan was so happy that he couldn't sleep just thinking about it.

“Well, the Department of Cardiology is planning to study the subject of intravascular embolization, and has already had preliminary discussions with Shuimu Medical College, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Shuangdan University. At that time, the Four Lows will conduct joint research and conduct scholarly exchanges.”

 Ren Li said to Zhang Fan seriously.

 In internal medicine, Zhang Fan has relatively little management, mainly because Ren Li and Ouyang now have an extra Yan Xiaoyu, so Zhang Fan is relieved.

But when he heard what Ren Li said, Zhang Fan had no expression on his face, but he still curled his lips in his heart.

 Scholar exchange, to put it bluntly, means that a borrowed cat does not catch mice, because there are no rigid standards for this kind of exchange. When people come, they can work or not work.

However, Tea Su Internal Medicine can now communicate with the School of Head Medicine, which is considered acceptable. You can’t let others provide you with a platform or something like that. It’s unrealistic. Internal medicine here at Tea Su mainly has no leading figures.

 Ouyang, three or four years ago, she could boast in Chasu, but now no one has invited her for consultation for a long time.

Ren Li is currently only a border expert, but is not qualified for the national level. The same goes for Yan Xiaoyu, who is a frontier expert and not a national-level expert.

This time I was able to communicate with the School of Head Medicine. I guess the name of the national experiment helped.

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether we can achieve results or not. The most important thing is to seize the opportunity to practice more, find our shortcomings, and learn from other people's strengths."

 Zhang Fan said something to Ren Li.

 Ren Li nodded.

After Ren Li finished speaking, each dean then reported to Zhang Fan all the major events of the year.

 Zhang Fan doesn't like meetings, so this meeting lasted for almost another day. The hospital is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things going on.

 Lao Gao has finally had his second spring, and now Ouyang is no longer suppressing Lao Gao. Before, Ouyang would have stared at Lao Gao with wide eyes.

 Lao Gao is currently in charge of science and education. He is responsible for all the hospital-affiliated kindergartens and primary schools. The most important one is the clinical department of Tea Su of Frontier Medical University, for which Lao Gao is also responsible.

“Zhang Yuan, we still have to work **** teaching staff this year. The Medical University is urging teachers to go back every day. They seem to understand a little bit.” Lao Gao said with a smile.

Chasu’s benefits are so good that when the teachers at the Medical University were rotated, they didn’t want to go back. At the beginning, the school pretended not to know and liked to stay in remote areas wherever they wanted.

 Slowly, however, I realized something was wrong. Not only did several teachers not come, they also resigned. After leaving his job, he directly joined the establishment of Chasu Hospital. Then, when it was time to rotate, the doctor at Chasu actually applied to stay on.

 This is a problem. After the final bonus was given to the teachers, they were supposed to be rotated, but the teachers who didn't have a position quit.

 Hmm, this is just extra money, why don’t you let me go?

The teachers made a big fuss, and the school finally came back to its senses. I sent a dozen teachers away, but when they came back, only two or three were left.

If there are only a few rotations, there will be no teachers left in the clinical department of the school. So the leaders of the Medical University were also afraid.

 In the words of the principal: “I never expected that Chasu Hospital would actually hide its intention to annex us!”

But now the clinical department has been assigned to Chasu Hospital. If we regret it, let alone the students, the border government will not do it either.

School leaders regret it. Students cannot be tough, but teachers can, so the rotation quota for the new year has not been released so far.

“Haha, it’s okay, don’t be afraid. In ten thousand years, I think we will have more teachers.”

Ouyang looked at Zhang Fan curiously. Seeing that Zhang Fan was keeping secret, he looked at Lao Chen. Old Chen looked innocent and blinked as if to say: "Zhang Yuan didn't tell me!"

This time, Zhang Fan decided not to let others interfere and handle it himself. Otherwise, it would be too scary to make a 985 school principal furious again.

Chasu Hospital’s tuberculosis drugs are finally on the market, and five hospitals in the east, west, south, and north launched new anti-TB drugs at the same time.

 For a time, the eyes of countless countries were fixed on China.

 (End of this chapter)