Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1542: The right to speak

   Chapter 1542 The right to speak

   Ouyang, who was named by Yang's mother, is different from the previous Ouyang.

  Zhang Fan sent Ouyang over a million yuan. Not only did Ouyang have no heart, he also said that Zhang Fan was a prodigal. But it's different now. After Yang's mother praised Ouyang, Ouyang felt that he was a hero now.

For example, Ouyang now doesn't speak so loudly anymore. He doesn't criticize and educate doctors and nurses who are late for the nose instead of the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes. , what's the matter this time? You blush if you're not ashamed, she won't give up.

   Now Ouyang is speaking in a tone of an old mother, calmly and politely. You even have to care about each other's life. Do you have no money to take a taxi? Don't have a boyfriend, don't you have a girlfriend? Anyway, very concerned about it!

   Several latecomers were scared to tears by Ouyang. In the past, although Ouyang pointed to his nose and scolded people, everyone was not burdened at all. Everyone knows that Ouyang's calf protector, although he scolded fiercely, there was no follow-up. But today, the old lady, like an old mother, kindly started to reason.

   Several nurses were frightened and cried, "I'll never be late again!" They thought they were going to be fired, otherwise, why is Ouyang so kind today, the kindness has become another person.

   Seeing the little nurses were so moved that they cried, Ouyang suddenly found out that this kind of education was so effective.

   Everyone can't adapt to Ouyang's changes.

Lao Chen also came to Zhang Fan specially, Zhang Fan also smiled, he knew that the old lady can't pretend for a few days, and the old saying about this thing is finished. Still beat the table and curse mother.

   Zhang Fan didn't have time to see Ouyang's changes, but his heart was raised today.

  The medical industry is different from some industries. In some industries, as long as there is no problem with the big system, some small technical details are wrong, and after discovery, the modification is over, and there is no major problem.

   But medical care is different, the system cannot go wrong, and the technical level cannot go wrong either. Because this is a matter of life!

   For example, there are many injections of Chinese medicine, is the system wrong? They are all old recipes. They have been used for hundreds of thousands of years. Although there is no clinical data, can it be proved wrong by time? That's right, but why are more and more Chinese medicine injections being taken off the shelves?

   This is a technical problem! Simple and rude pharmaceutical methods, taking it for granted to understand the pharmacological changes, lead to various uncomfortable symptoms of a large area of ​​drugs, and cause 80 to 90% of the people in China to be allergic. Is this possible?

This traditional pharmaceutical company in Huaguo is really worrying. For example, there is a company that has a secret formula in its hands. As a result, the research and development of this product does not make much money a year. After making money, it goes to buy stocks. After a year, selling medicines makes money The money is not as much as the money earned from investing in stocks, it is really a prodigal!

  What Zhang Fan is worried about now is the technical flaws of the tuberculosis drug. One person uses this drug, and it works very well. Ten thousand people use this drug, and the effect is also good. It seems that there is no problem.

   But once the number of people reaches several million, after tens of millions, the small flaws will be greatly magnified. Therefore, Zhang Fan is worried that the direction given by the system is correct, and the general direction is correct, but Zhang Fan cannot guarantee that the details fully conform to the results in the system. There will definitely be a difference from R&D to pharma.

   The number of people who inject drugs is rising little by little.

   "At present, the number of injections in my land has exceeded 100,000!" The director of a prevention center in the magic capital reported the data with a happy face.

   After the report, he found that something was not right. Not only the director of the young tuberculosis laboratory had a serious look, but also several other national-level experts had a cautious look.

   "Is something wrong?"

   "Su Province's injection exceeded 100,000!" Reports from all over the country also came back, and it started to break through the 100,000 level from 10,000 people.

   "Is it over three million?" Zhang Fan asked. The person in charge of the Capital Network Center immediately clicked on the microphone and reported, "Director Zhang, just over three million."

   "Data of adverse reactions, is there no feedback yet?"

  "There are no adverse reactions so far!"

   Zhang Fan felt a little calmer when he heard the news. There have been no adverse reactions at the million level, indicating that there is no problem at the technical level of the drug.

  Injection data, not only Zhang Fan is worried, but many people are also worried.

  For example, some foreign media stationed in China, although they do not have aggregated data, but through the number of people at an injection site, it is possible to estimate the number of injections.

   News, especially foreign media, has a characteristic in reporting news. That is, when a hot spot appears, everyone rushes to release it, and after the hot spot passes, there are very few people who continue to track it.

   This time, it was no exception. First, there were all kinds of tuberculosis in the foreign media who were not optimistic about China, and then Mother Yang came out to stand up in person, and the field of public opinion became a battlefield.

   Then a group of younger brothers under Mother Yang began to enter. This made the issue that was originally a technical dog's concern turned into a gossip. For a while, this matter could no longer be hot, and it started to scald.

   At the beginning, everyone was quarreling over ideology. Jin Mao said that China has human rights, freedom, and coercion. The quarrel was very enjoyable.

   And Hua Guo said that he is responsible to the people, you are not responsible, you are just the lackeys of capital, you only care about the rich and not the ordinary people.

  Anyway, you come and go, and your skin is bald from friction.

  As a result, Golden Retriever looked at it, such a quarrel, and there was no result. Now Huaguo's spokesperson has become more powerful. So while they started collecting data, they began to invite world-renowned experts to interpret them.

"Although I also hope that someone can develop an effective drug for killing tuberculosis, but this is impossible. The scientific research level of Huaguo has not yet reached the level of solving this problem. I have heard of Dr. Zhang Fan. , is an excellent surgeon, but he has little achievements in microbes and genes.

   I suggest that China and other countries in the world use this drug with caution, and should continue to observe and conduct effective clinical trials. "

   Mishima invited the director of the Mayo PCR Laboratory this time. What does this laboratory do? Actually, it is dedicated to the research of global infectious diseases. This laboratory can also be called a gene amplification laboratory.

For example, in recent years, new AIDS testing, hepatitis B, avian disease, oncogene testing and diagnosis, DNA fingerprinting, individual identification, paternity testing and forensic evidence, animal and plant quarantine, animal and its derivative products testing, animal Feed, cosmetics, food hygiene testing, genetically modified crops and genetically modified microorganisms, etc.

   They have a lot of achievements in it, and they made a lot of money!

  When Mishima's most influential Dongdong C broadcasted the scientist's interview on a global live broadcast. For a time, the impact was huge, and even some interested people in China began to shout, everyone should be careful, the world's chief scientist has come out to speak, this drug will not work. The director of a laboratory became the chief under the propaganda of a caring person, and this is no one anymore.

   "What should I do?" a leader of Yangma asked the leader of the propaganda.

   "They have experts, don't we have them? Ask the R&D experts if they are interested in being interviewed. If not, invite the same experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to interpret it."


  In this way, the leader of Yangma called and told Zhang Fan the whole story. Zhang Fan hasn't paid attention to the news recently, and his heart has been mentioned in his throat these days. Who cares about gossip.

   But when Mother Yang told Zhang Fan that the director of Mayo's PCR laboratory in Golden Retriever came out to speak, Zhang Fan asked Wang Hong to find the show for him. After watching it, he decided to accept the interview with Mother Yang.

   If the media continue to use human rights and freedom, Zhang Fan will not lift his eyelids, this is just listening to the crickets, don’t they still grow crops? But the director of the gene amplification laboratory came out, and what he said was not completely unreasonable, this Zhang Fan was about to speak.

How should I put it, what ordinary people say about this level of research, Zhang Fan will not care, just like Tao said, ordinary people and rocket experts raise the bar, why don't rockets ignite with matches, rocket experts look at him, all Count the rocket experts lost.

  It is different now, and the top experts have come out to speak. Zhang Fan had a reason to teach each other a class, not because Zhang Fan thought this class would be famous.

   He is pragmatic. After going to work, he made Ouyang's training more pragmatic. Although Ouyang seems to be going a bit off the road now, Zhang Fan is more pragmatic.

  If you don’t speak up, it will become troublesome to make money from TB drugs abroad. Making money from drugs, to be honest, this business is sometimes difficult.

   It’s free, I developed it with real money, isn’t it free, will it be developed in the future? Therefore, making money is definitely not possible in China. Only by selling medicines abroad, Zhang Fan is not a person who loves science without borders.

   But now everyone's authority has come out to say that this medicine is no longer good, can Zhang Fan not take it?

   This is the power of the right to speak. Uncle Mao once said that if we do not occupy it, we will be occupied by the enemy.

   Now I see that my bicycle is going to be turned into a car, and I was stopped by someone, can I not work hard! Looking at the state's subsidy, Zhang Fan doesn't really have any thoughts in his heart. There are too many people who share the money. If you look at a few academicians, you can't drive them away now.

According to Zhang Fan's idea, these academicians should be selfless when splitting money, say no with a just face, and work like a model worker, hard-working and not complaining, but unfortunately they can't. Several academicians are waiting for state subsidies with wide-eyed eyes. It is said that the distribution coefficient has been fixed.

  Not only academicians, but all participating groups are eligible for subsidy.

   Zhang Fan's role in this drug is to raise system problems, and these old men and other teams are perfect to fill in technical problems. Who is important is important. If Zhang Fan takes it all alone, he will probably not talk about poaching people in the future. It is estimated that...

   So Zhang Fan was helpless to these old men.

   Seeing that Zhang Fan is willing to be interviewed, Yangma also has the heart to compete with Dongdong C.

   They first wanted to invite Zhang Fan to the capital for an interview, but Zhang Fan really had no time, and the telephone interview was not effective.

  Yangma directly sent a strong interview team to Chasu.

  In the government, "Mother Yang wants to come to Chasu?" The boss of Chasu asked the propaganda boss in surprise.

   "Yes, just received the notification from the superior, the interview team estimates that they will be able to come to Chasu in the afternoon to conduct an interview with Zhang Fan of Chasu Hospital."

"Hey, why are you just interviewing Chasu Hospital? Without our support, Zhang Fan can fly so high? How much have we paid, and now the government-connected vehicles have been requisitioned by Chasu Hospital, what did we say, we still Instead of leaning over to serve them, why can't we do an interview.

Comrade   , our work is still not in place.

  In this way, you can discuss with your superiors and see if you can give our government a little time to appear on the scene. "

   "It's not us, it's you who want to leave the country!" Although the boss of the propaganda felt uncomfortable in his stomach, he solemnly agreed to apply.

  Chasu Hospital, Wang Hong heard that Mother Yang was coming to the hospital for an interview.

  Be good, the woman was so excited that she didn't know what to do, so she almost asked Zhang Fan: what should I wear and what hairstyle should I wear.

   Zhang Fan took a look, hey!

   "Old Chen, tell the European hospital, Yang's mother will come to interview in the afternoon and let the hospital make preparations."

   told Lao Chen that it was not simply to let Lao Chen be the speaker, but to let Ouyang be in charge and Lao Chen to implement it. After all, it was Yang's mother who came here, so you should pay attention to environmental hygiene and so on.

   Lao Chen was stunned when he heard that Mother Yang was here. "I'll go, Zhang Yuanniu, I've provoked Mother Yang."

   But he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately went to Ouyang.

  Ouyang was in the office, seriously processing this document. After being praised, I haven't fished in the past few days. Otherwise, I will either water the cactus or go home to watch a stick drama. Want her to deal with documents honestly, there is no door.

   "Mother Yang is coming?" Ouyang shuddered when he heard it.

   "Oh, such a big thing, why didn't you say it earlier, hurry up, call the directors of each department for a meeting first, do you think I should get a hair perm or something?"

   (end of this chapter)