Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1674: Chapter 126 Sore nose

 Chapter 1674 Chapter 126 Sore nose

 “Hey, you’re a security guard!” Old Man Wu lowered his head and said to Zhang Fan in the same low voice.

Zhang Fan was stunned, then gave a thumbs up to Old Man Wu and said, "You are so knowledgeable!"

Actually, Zhang Fan didn't understand what the old man said. Is there any difference between a governor and a governor? They sound the same. The governor heard this from Zhang Fan when he watched He Jiajin's version of Bao Qingtian. He didn't know what he was doing.

While the people above were still talking nonsense, Old Man Wu said softly to Zhang Fan: "This thing is not easy to do, you have to find a way. In other words, you only have the right to understand, not even the right to make suggestions. You can't do it well." , not only does it work in vain, but it is also easy to make mistakes.”

As soon as the old man said it, Zhang Fan probably had some ideas in his mind.

Muttered for a moment, Zhang Fan moved his head to the old man's side, "To convince people with force? Anyway, both sides can't fall, so how about just pushing him flatly?"

The old man was stunned, then laughed and cursed: "If you don't learn it well, you don't know where you learned it."

Then he stopped talking. He originally thought that Zhang Fan should imitate his junior brother, convince others with his virtue, and use his scholar's demeanor and temperament to influence others. However, he didn't expect that this kid, who was like a bandit, suited his temperament quite well. So, he didn't say much.

The old man didn't say anything, so Zhang Fan thought he was acquiescing.

I was quite proud of myself, "Although I don't understand the book bag drop, I still understand the essence. Isn't it just pressing down and spanking? It's very formal. No matter how you stroke or press, it's the same. If you don't have strength, it's patrolling, if you have strength, it's Press, almost!”

Not long after he finished speaking, he saw the leader on the stage looking towards Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan curled his lips and said to himself, "It's just for show, why do you need to be so serious? Are some elementary school students secretly eating spicy strips in class?"

 In fact, what the leader meant to Zhang Fan was, you kid, remember, I have a share of credit for today's nomination.

To be honest, Zhang Fan was not well received by his teachers from elementary school to junior high school because their company was relatively poor, and Zhang Fan’s school was an elementary school for children of Petrochemical. In the 1980s, the children of Petrochemical were wearing Back to back, I said something "sorry".

Zhang Fan, who was wearing old cotton shoes and never knew what English was, was also naughty. Of course the teacher didn't like it.

It was better when I went to high school, but when I went to university, I was marginalized again.

 After graduation, he immediately became a star, so he was a bit lacking in the boss's little actions and various ambiguous looks.

If Lao Chen were here, he would definitely understand it instantly.

  The leader’s little look was in vain. Zhang Fan didn’t understand. Zhang Fan thought that he was dissatisfied with the leader by talking small talk to his uncle, but he was not happy anymore.

 Zhang Fan was actually not dissatisfied with the leadership, but with the ministry's allocation.

Because compared with the funding for hospitals in the capital at the same level, the funding for Chasu Hospital is just a drop in the bucket. Moreover, so far, the ministry has not sent anyone to review the International Medical University, and the funding is still based on the level of a college. This makes Zhang Fan Feeling bad.

 In the past, when he had no money, Zhang Fan might have been shameless enough to come to the ministry and flatter the chief appropriation section chief with a smile. But it's different now. Zhang Fan would rather be so unclear than come here.

 If he has the time, wouldn't he go and flatter the academician?

"In recent years, we have also made certain achievements in basic medical and clinical medical care, such as the establishment and application of key technologies for ectopic auxiliary liver transplantation and multi-organ combined transplantation, the pathogenesis of systemic rheumatic immune diseases and Research on immune intervention…

 A large number of research and research teams have emerged that have made significant contributions to the advancement of medical science and technology in our country. Once again, after comprehensive and rigorous review and evaluation by the position position and the expert group, it was decided: "

Then the leader paused and looked up at the people in the venue as if he was making a rounds.

Zhang Fan felt nervous when he heard this, "There is probably no hope for antiemetic medicine, because not only do we have our own people, but we also have the Wanzi Country. There should be nominations for the other two items!"

“The 2013 ministries and commissions report: the allogeneic skin transplantation project of Chasu Hospital, the establishment and application of key technologies for ectopic auxiliary liver transplantation and multi-organ combined transplantation in Modushan Hua spleen fossa, and research on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Zhongyong cerebral small vessel disease. National Technology Progress Award.

The study of the Tuban Hospital's Tuberculosis Vice Influenza Five Frozen Dry Vaccine is also the National Natural Award of the National. "

 After saying this, Old Man Wu smiled slightly, and then he actually took the lead in applauding.

He even turned to Zhang Fan and said: "The organization still approves it. I must continue to work hard in the future. Although I am applying, I can't be proud!"

 Zhang Fan just wanted to open his mouth and say something modest.

As a result, the bad old man said: "Although I have applied for it, my superiors may not be able to approve it. The Natural Award has been vacant for several years."

 “Uh!” Zhang Fan couldn’t even open his mouth. Seeing the old man's narrow smile, Zhang Fan's originally excited energy suddenly calmed down.

Yes, where did this go? Of course, the old man hasn't had a meeting for several years, and he won't tell Zhang Fan the purpose of coming to the meeting this time. Maybe one day, when the old man is gone, Zhang Fan will suddenly understand and suddenly be able to Understand the old man's thoughts, and then learn from the old man's appearance and imitate the appearance of the previous generation to guide, love and care for the next generation.

Chasu reported double yolk eggs. In fact, under normal circumstances, this will not happen, and allogeneic transplantation has already been funded, and Lao Li is an academician.

It’s a pity that top-level medical research has not been outstanding in recent years. As a last resort, allogeneic transplants can only be used to make up the numbers. Of course, there is a high probability that they will not win the prize by then.

 It’s like handing out candies in kindergarten. You’ve already been given a lollipop and you’ve already put it in your mouth. Now you want the white rabbit. This is too much.

 Lao Li is no longer what he used to be.

Back then, he was like a drowned rat, with a few dejected Ph.D.s, looking for money all over the world, causing major universities to avoid him like the plague.

Now Lao Li is shaking, Zhang Fan is having meetings, Ouyang is traveling, and Li Cunhou is directly invited by Zhongyong to give lectures, go to outpatient clinics, and go for ward rounds.

 Jinyi’s return to his hometown is nothing more than that.

 At present, the only academician of Huaguo Skin is Lao Li, although he has jumped out of the mean. But now Zhongyong is even more annoying than before.

When the invited Lao Li arrived at the affiliated hospital, the director of the hospital greeted him at the door. In the past, before Lao Li could see the director, he had to go through his secretary first.

However, Lao Li still behaves like a scholar, very restrained and very polite.

 Both parties are quite happy.

Old Li led a team to check the ward. The director of the Department of Dermatology at that time gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, there is no way. Who made Lao Li succeed?"

When Academician Li came to the clinic, Zhongyong sent several doctors to help him. They were thinking of letting Lao Li come back. Why should you, Zhang Fan, be the only one poaching people, but we, Zhongyong, couldn't use the shovel?

However, Lao Li is not stupid. He only talks professionally and does not talk about anything else. Whenever he talks about Lao Li, he pretends to be confused.

 In the outpatient clinic, there are too many people who come to see Lao Li for treatment, and there are many related households.

 Because there is only one academician in the Department of Dermatology, it can be said that Lao Li is the first person in the Department of Dermatology in China.

"Li Yuan, you have to do me a favor. This is the child of one of my buddies." Zhongyong, the deputy director of the Department of Dermatology, said to Lao Li with a smile.

The director would not ask for Lao Li, but the deputy director had a good relationship with Lao Li back then. They were both in the opposition party anyway, so we all got together to keep warm.

“Hey, you’re being polite, you’re not sure, and I guess I can’t either. Anyway, you’ve opened your mouth when you have time, so bring it over and have a look.”

 Lao Li said it politely, but he still had a transcendent mentality.

 “Thank you.” As he spoke, a couple and a child were brought in.

  The man looked like he was full of wine, **** and wealth. As soon as he walked in, he greeted Li Cunhou with a smile. After introducing each other, he put an envelope in Li Cunhou's drawer without saying a word.

  This is with an introducer. Generally speaking, if there is an introducer, for example, if the introducer has some energy, usually no extra money will be charged.

As soon as Lao Li was about to refuse, the deputy director said: "Li Yuan, this is just what I want. Don't worry about me. He has a lot of money, so it doesn't matter."

 Once he said this, Lao Li didn't force himself.

 Then he started to look at the child directly. When the child came over to take a look, Lao Li's expression changed.

“This needs to be treated as soon as possible. The sooner a hemangioma of this color is treated, the better the effect. Otherwise, it will cause trouble if the eye nerve is involved.”

“You are the first person in China, and you are also a Ph.D. in Golden Retriever. Can you give me some specific suggestions?”

The man frowned and asked softly. Although the colorful flags were flying every day, the family knew that the matchmaker was marrying him. Besides, although they complained, he was still his biological child after all.

“Aurora treatment is too small for children. I think it is better to use new materials for allogeneic transplantation. In this regard, we are the only country with more mature technology in China.”

"Is the surgery dangerous?" the young woman asked cautiously. This person is the number one skin expert in China. It took several people to get in touch with him.

Moreover, the deputy director of Zhongyong Dermatology Department also said that if Li Cunhou said no, it would probably be the end, and removing the golden retriever would be useless.

 This made the young woman even more polite.

 Lao Li checked the child again, thought for a moment, and then took out the phone, "Zhang Yuan, is the meeting over? There is a special patient here. I think you should come and take a look."

Zhang Fan had just finished the meeting and was helping the old man to walk out. As soon as he answered the phone, the old man said, "Okay, go quickly. My assistant is at the door. I will go back to the Magic City today. You don't have to worry about me."

When Zhang Fan heard this, he still said: "You should do less surgery. It's time to rest. You have already finished the surgery. How can we, the juniors, grow up?"

 “You kid, it’s okay, I understand. You can’t die yet!”

Because there was a patient, the old man urged Zhang Fan to leave quickly. Zhang Fan looked back at the old man who was holding the back of the chair and looking at him in the distance. He still felt a sour feeling in his heart, "I'm old, I can hardly stand anymore!"

 (End of this chapter)