Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1710: Come on, perform a show

Chapter 1710 Come on, let’s perform

Zhang Fan doesn’t quite understand where the lunar calendar and the solar calendar came from. But to be fair, no one seems to worry too much about the Gregorian New Year, except for the emphasis in superior and subordinate documents.

  January 1, 2014 is the same as in previous years, there is no difference. A week ago, the office and general affairs system of Chasu Hospital had already filled up the goals for the next year, as well as the achievements and shortcomings of the previous year.

 In fact, there are very few serious implementations of the Eight Classics here. Most of them are carried out in accordance with routines and regulations. For example, the 14-year plan of the Department of Cardiology is to popularize 100 lectures on hypertension and reduce hypertension intolerance in tea areas by a certain percentage.

 To be honest, this is all nonsense. It is just a pile of numbers. The tasks assigned by superiors are unrealistic, and the tasks completed by subordinates are also a fool's errand. Lectures are held every three days, not to mention issues such as doctor preparation, but first of all, finding an audience is a problem.

Lectures in the hospital are definitely not like those who talk nicely and give out eggs like buying health care products, but just some boring doctor's instructions. This is not allowed, that is not allowed. Who wants to be a student and be disciplined for nothing.

The first day of the new year is no different from the usual days, except that there are slightly more leadership meetings. However, the first day of this year is a little different.

 Because the scientific research director of Chasu Hospital is getting married, and he is also the younger brother of the dean.

The villa area of ​​Chasu Hospital is covered with bright red "Happy" characters, and I don't know when they became popular. All the holes in the ground of the community are covered with red paper.

In Zhao Yanfang's villa, Lao Zhao got up at five o'clock to receive makeup from the makeup artist. She had never put on makeup like this in the first half of her life. When she was in a hurry, she would even wash her face and leave without applying any oil, so Lao Zhao, who was sitting in front of the makeup mirror, felt a little uncomfortable.

 Lao Zhao’s parents also received tea. In the past, Zhao Yanfang said she was taking tea, but her parents didn't say it, but they still felt a sense of loss.

Our girl has been a top student since she was a child, and she has been studying all the way to the end. She cannot stay in the capital city, so she must stay in other big cities.

 Unexpectedly, the girl who was wandering around ended up in such a place. Lao Zhao's parents said that it would be fine as long as their daughter is willing, but in fact they are not very willing. Moreover, the person they are marrying is a second marriage, and it is said that he is a very powerful expert. However, the old man and the old lady are still greatly discounted by this skill.

 How powerful can you get to such a small place?

 Before I came, I was not satisfied, but after I came, the old man and the old lady were a little at a loss.

I live in a villa. When I open the door, I can see big trees that are thicker than people. The green Cha Su River is like the wealth of water in front of my house.

Moreover, the utensils at home seemed to be very good, which made the old man and old lady feel a little more at ease. Even if they were remote, they were still from China. After the old man and old lady went to Chasu Hospital, they felt unhappy. The relief was completely gone.

 The hospital is too big. This is not the Chasu City. It can be directly called the Chasu City of the Chasu Hospital. The whole catechin market has been severely affected by the catechin hospital.

Everywhere you go, you seem to see something called Chasu Hospital Union. Even entering a high-tech zone in the city is like entering a tertiary industry company in Chasu, all with the name of a hospital.

"These are all the work of Dr. Zhao Yanfang. These buildings that have gone up one after another are all Dr. Zhao's hard work and achievements." After Lao Chen walked around with the two old people, he said The old people all have the feeling that their daughter came here by mistake.

 In fact, what Lao Chen said is not wrong. For the hospital to be so confident now, it can be said that antiemetic drugs account for a large part of the success.

 The old man is very satisfied with his life and work. He was a little worried about his second-married son-in-law, and he would not be notified until later. This feeling of being forced to get on the train to pay for the fare is very uncomfortable for the old man.

 After meeting Lu Ning, it can be seen that the old man is quite satisfied except for the lack of hair. He is a scholar at first glance. He is elegant and fair.

 Satisfying the parents of the coach was something Zhang Fan emphasized. Zhang Fan felt that he was more attentive to Zhao Yanfang than his junior brother. The junior brother is just a bud. Apart from making the other person's belly bigger like a teddy, he really doesn't have any other intentions.

 In the past, it was Ouyang's job to appease the family members. Ouyang is very tired of doing this kind of thing. To be honest, sometimes it is more difficult to face the family members of the work unit than the leaders of the Cha Su government.

 In the past, the hospital was not big, and families and work units could come to the director for everything.

The male doctor is no longer able to support his family through gambling, and is cheating on him with his mistress. The parents are short-sighted, and Ouyang has to find ways to put out the fire and bring peace to the family.

 When it was Zhang Fan's turn to comfort his family members, he felt much more relaxed. Zhang Fan generally would not and would not dare to come to Zhang Fan for trivial matters, which were generally considered major matters by ordinary people.

 In fact, it is easy to do such big things, such as whether there is a school district for children to go to school. This kind of thing is really difficult for ordinary people. For Zhang Fan, it is just a phone call.

For example, if your parents or your spouse are seriously ill and have no money, you can find Zhang Fan, and he will get all the exemptions and exemptions that Zhang Fan can, and even help find various kinds of assistance.

 As for conflicts between couples, they used to go to the leader, but now almost no one does it. I don’t know if it’s because Zhang Fan is young, but maybe he thinks it’s best not to take this path if possible! Therefore, most of the troubles faced by a person in a company are due to money.

 Early in the morning, God is so generous with the clear sky. Tea element in winter, in the blue sky, although the wind is cold and silent, it is clean. Under the blue sky in the distance, the snow-white sky hangs on the horizon, extremely white and extremely blue. The wedding convoy set off from the hospital community. It was all an off-road convoy, Zhang Fan's Cruiser.

Chasu, Borderland is very special in terms of cars. It is not easy to gather a team of Mercedes-Benz and BMWs, but it is much easier to form an off-road team. Chasu Hospital alone can do it for you.

Zhang Fan's car was driven by the squad leader of the small car class. On the wide road, citizens looked curiously at the wedding team coming out of the hospital.

Today, everyone in the hospital, including Zhang Fan, turned a blind eye. All the doctors and nurses who were not on duty came to attend the wedding.

In Zhao Yanfang's villa, a group of female nurses and doctors who used to wear white coats are now dressed up in colorful sweaters and coats. They look much more beautiful than before.

The chattering girls were discussing how to block the door and make it difficult for them to get married. Wang Hong took the lead in setting up various obstacles in the villa.

Zhao Yanfang’s parents were worried that the place would be deserted and unpopular. Looking at it now, the candies prepared by Guaiguai were probably not enough. The old couple couldn’t close their mouths for joy. Isn’t that just how people are? Someone comes when you get married, and someone gives it to you when you die.

“Sisters, in the past we were the recipients of criticism in the hospital. We must not let them off easily today!”

 “Okay!” Everyone shouted in agreement. What she said was a bit against her will. Wang Hong was the one who started the trouble. She was probably really offended, but others might not be.

 Several of the bridesmaids that Shao Hua was looking for looked at a group of doctors and nurses who were usually quiet and serious in surprise. The contrast was so big that they didn't dare to agree.

 The best man was found by Zhang Fan. Ma Yichen, Xu Xian and a group of singles were invited by Zhang Fan, wearing smart suits.

Shao Hua spent a lot of effort to find the bridesmaids. Zhang Fan specifically said that they couldn't be too young or too beautiful, and they had to make up eight. There was really no one for the last one, so Jia Suyue had to come and participate.

Jia Suyue was not very happy at first, "I can't get married after being a bridesmaid for more than three years. After being a bridesmaid for you for a while, I am already in a very difficult situation."

"There are many young doctors in the hospital today, maybe you will see the right thing." Shao Hua irresponsibly fooled Jia Suyue, "You can't wear high heels, don't make up too elaborate, just be casual, be casual, you just make up for it. ."

  Amidst the sound of firecrackers, the convoy entered the villa area of ​​Chasu Hospital. In Chasu, apart from the government villa area, only Chasu Hospital has a villa area.

 So the villa area is full of people from the hospital, and every house is like a toll station. If you pass one, you will be stopped.

To be honest, Lu Ning's wedding was grander than Zhang Fan's.

At the wide entrance of the villa, Wang Hong looked like Erha, with only her head exposed from the window, "Perform a show, and your best man group will perform a show."

 Then a group of girls with no heads exposed shouted in unison: "Perform, perform!"

Because they are all in the hospital, they almost never drink. Even if they do, they will pretend not to drink in a group of people, so there is no threshold for depth charges.

Although Xu Xian and Ma Yichen are top academics, singing and dancing are really not difficult for them. Although Lao Lu got married in a hurry, they just discussed it last night. Eight people in black suits, black leather shoes and white socks. Although it is a bit weird, they can stand. They stood in a row and danced Jackson's dance steps in unison.

 It really has a youthful feeling.

Even after the dance, the door was still not open inside, and the groom’s family members were allowed to perform. Nima Luning was here alone, and there were no family members. We can't let Mr. Lu come out and sing Dongfanghong.

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Hong with his eyes, but Wang Hong seemed not to notice.

There was no way. There were too many people making noises, so Zhang Fan had no choice but to come out reluctantly.

 To be honest, he was really unprepared. He was not good at dancing and singing, he was not good at it.

 “Two little goats, two little goats.”

 The people around laughed loudly, and everyone inside and outside the door started shouting.

 “This is your dean, so young!” Coach Zhao’s parents were also happily leaning on the window to watch the performance.

Zhang Fan was embarrassed, and he didn’t know who had inserted a microphone. This was embarrassing for Zhang Fan to speak loudly.

 “Two little goats, grazing on grass…”

 Zhang Fan's singing was accompanied by laughter, and Zhang Fan was willing to take the risk. He loves to laugh, but he is thick-skinned now anyway.

  The more you sing, the happier you become.

At the banquet, many leaders came, and they were very considerate. As a leader, Ouyang took the stage and talked about revolutionary love, which Ouyang is good at.

 Even before the cold dishes were served, Zhang Fan’s phone rang!

 (End of this chapter)