Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1735: Assign tasks

 Chapter 1735 Assigning tasks

 Chasu Hospital held a meeting. Except for the unhappy face of the Niao City Government, everyone else was still confident that it would succeed. Especially Li Cunhou, this guy's personality is like a candy. He is very resilient and will definitely be indomitable once he sets a goal.

 In terms of emotional intelligence, this person has negative emotional intelligence. But the main strength or tipping point of scientific research requires this kind of undivided attention.

 The hospital meeting was generally upbeat.

 But in the high-tech zone, the managers of major companies, led by Ms. Zeng, looked like they were constipated.

They know very well that Zhang Fan is not a soft-hearted and kind-hearted layman. If you want to get on Zhang Fan's train, the ticket is not a matter of 10 or 20 cents. I wanted to get on the bus, but it was too expensive. I didn’t want to get on the bus, but it was fast.

This is no longer a tangled issue, but a matter of taking sides.

 Following Zhang Fan, you must first listen to Zhang Fan. Future research and development and even business must be affiliated with Chasu Hospital. If you don't get on the train, there will be no chance of an explosion.

Especially in the high-tech zone of Chasu, these companies all understand that if they do not support it this time, once Chasu Hospital succeeds, they will no longer have the opportunity to cooperate.

 The problem is that not only is the investment this time huge, but there is also a risk of failure.

Chasu's anti-emetic drug was introduced after it had been successful, and there was almost no risk to speak of.

 The same thing this time is that as long as it really succeeds, everyone will set off fireworks and eat cake together.

 The difference is, what if it fails? You can't even hear a splash when these real money is thrown in.

The meeting at Chasu Hospital lasted only one day, and they lasted for three full days. They quarreled on the first day, got along with each other on the second day, and finally made progress on the third day.

 The final conclusion is that no matter how evil Zhang Fan is, he can represent an era because Zhang Fan gave them too much confidence. Even Chasu Zhang of Chasu Hospital is not willing to engage in replicative scientific research. In their eyes, this is a sign of strength.

Therefore, after careful and complicated decisions by the medical companies in Chasu High-tech Zone, fourteen companies formed a new investment company through various equity exchanges, an investment company that specifically serves Chasu Hospital.

In other words, if there is a situation in the future where the head office and Chasu Hospital have to choose between one and the other, they will no longer have to be embarrassed.

 These companies in Europe and the United States are very good at this kind of thing.

 In Zhang Fan's office, "It's not necessary. This is a bit too much. Hey, it's also difficult for you to make huge sacrifices for world health."

Zhang Fan grabbed the investment contract and said he was polite, but he never let go of his hand.

Chasu High-tech Medical Investment Company plans to invest 10 billion US dollars into the Chasu PD-1 laboratory this time. Of course, the money will not be given to Zhang Fan all at once.

They understand that once they give it to Zhang Fan in one go, Zhang Fan will definitely spend it on you in one go.

This time the investment is of a ladder type. At a certain point in the results, some funds will be released. Only when the experiment is successful can all the funds go into the laboratory.

Heimaimaijiang looked at the contract and said, "Don't you worry about us?"

However, he also knew that he should not impose too much pressure on others. Having this kind of investment would probably make it difficult for them.

“The seats for the meeting cannot be given in vain. Now we don’t have enough start-up funds, so we must let them pay in advance.”

“Don’t we still have a few billion dollars to start our own business?” Ren Li asked curiously.

Before Zhang Fan opened his mouth, Ouyang spoke first, "How can it be enough? How can it be possible? One by one, you heard that you have some money and you all started projects.

Obstetrics and gynecology are even taking the “ladies’ route”, can the hospital not consider it? If you say enough, your project will not be carried out. Ren Shu, your cardiology department, why don't you refund part of the money first? "

Ouyang was so anxious that everyone in the conference room, from the director to the bookkeeper, stopped talking.

 Zhang Fan's face didn't change much, but he was still happy in his heart.

“In this way, we cannot stop other projects just because of one project. Skin cancer and rheumatoid disease are important, but aren’t high blood pressure and diabetes important? They are all important. We must have strong hands and cannot walk on one leg.

 European Academy, I’ll leave it to you to deal with the Chasu government. I think the problem shouldn’t be big, right? "

Ouyang nodded and asked again, "Chasu Government, what is your goal?"

This was a well-rounded question. Zhang Fan smiled and said, "Territory, we really can't let people go bankrupt, right? They are not good enough in the first place. If we take advantage of the hospital to go bankrupt, we won't bear the blame." "

"Yes, many new doctors in the hospital are staying in the dormitory. Although the conditions of the dormitory are good, it is not a long-term solution. Take this opportunity to buy more land around the hospital. The family home of the hospital is more useful than building a shopping mall nearby. What's the matter? , everyone should come to the hospital quickly."

 Ouyang supports this point.

"Well, we have to rely on the European Academy here. As for the Bird Market, to be honest, I don't know much about it. Judging from how lavishly spending money the boss and the second child are, I guess we won't have much left after chasing the Bird Market. .”

Zhang Fan This is the truth. In fact, Zhang Fan didn't think about how much money he could ask for from the bird market. His main purpose was to let the bird market pick the small ones when they picked peaches, and Niima would share half of them.

 This is half, it’s too much to take.

“So, this is a long-term and arduous task. Is there any leader in the family who is willing to take the initiative to take over this task?”

 After speaking, Zhang Fan looked around.

 Definitely, none of the clinical leaders are qualified. Even if they were willing, Zhang Fan would not agree. The only non-clinical leaders are Comrade Lao Chen and Chi Haidong.

 Lao Chen is the chief housekeeper of the hospital. It does not matter if a clinical leader does not come to the hospital for a month or two, but if Lao Chen does not come to the hospital for three days, the hospital will be in chaos.

 So Lao Chen definitely can't do it, and the only one left is Comrade Chi Haidong sent by Bird City.

As soon as Lao Chi heard this, he knew that this job was tailor-made for him. Rather than being called upon, he might as well take the initiative.

 After Lao Chi came to Cha Su, he was actually not ostracized much. Unfortunately, the boss of Bird Market was replaced by the second one, and his role as a leader who came from the policy was no longer effective.

He has a good mentality, and he likes his current situation very much, with high salary and benefits, and no responsibilities at all. He is also someone who is waiting to retire.

  Unfortunately, this state cannot be maintained.

“Zhang Yuan, let me go to the bird market to coordinate. The leaders at home all have their own work. I am familiar with the people in the bird market, but I am afraid that I will not be able to complete the task.”

This is also very important, and it is clearly stated that it is not that I don’t want to work here, but you don’t let me do it. It’s okay to let me go now, but if it doesn’t succeed, don’t make an issue with me.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "Chi Shushu, the main purpose of this trip is to make the Bird City Government feel the pressure. As for how much we can ask for, we don't insist on it. In one sentence, our Chasu Hospital is also in the egg market." Come on and dance.”

 After the division of labor was clear, Zhang Fan was also a little tired.

 It’s not that he had too many surgeries, but that Shao Hua’s early pregnancy reactions have been more severe these days.

 In the past, Shao Hua prepared breakfast for Zhang Fan. Now, although he has invited a confinement nanny, she does not live at home, so Zhang Fan prepared the breakfast.

 This thing, a meal for pregnant women, Zhang Fan makes sense when talking about it, but the reality is very difficult.

Finally, I made some cold dishes and added a little oil. As a result, Shao Hua started to hiccup before the dishes were even served.

Shao Hua couldn't rest well because he couldn't eat well. Zhang Fan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

I also supplemented with B vitamins and tried to make my meals less greasy, but I still had hiccups.

 This is the gap between medical advice and reality.

Therefore, don’t listen to the legends about medicines that can cure diseases. Unless it is drugs, the general treatment of diseases is rarely effective immediately after taking the medicine.

 In the past, Zhang Fan rarely went home at noon. He almost always ate at the vegetarian restaurant. After eating, he would go back to rest for a while, and then start the operation in the afternoon.

 It can’t be done now. Zhang Fan must go home at noon, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

 When I got home, Shao Hua's mother was also there, and my own mother was also there.

"Hua Zi is better than me. When I was pregnant with Hua Zi, I couldn't even eat a mouthful of food, so I struggled through it. Xiao Shitou also did better than Hua Zi's father. At that time, I had hiccups and I, Hua Zi, Grandma Zi and Hua Zi’s father said I’m squeamish. Hey, it’s better to be an educated person, and being a wife of an educated person is much more considerate.”

"My mother-in-law, please don't praise me. I will tell Shitou when he comes back. His wife is pregnant and he is too busy to stay home. This woman needs a man most only these few days. If she doesn't come to him in these few days, The heart can really make a woman sad and sick, Huazi, whatever you want to eat, mom will cook it for you."

Zhang Fan heard the two old ladies talking as soon as he entered the door, and he felt very emotional.

 The elderly at home are not only reasonable but also have high emotional intelligence.

 Many conflicts in families, especially those between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, are actually caused during this pregnancy. A small problem becomes a permanent problem, and finally turns into a big irreconcilable conflict.

Zhang Fan washed his hands, touched Shao Hua's forehead, felt her body temperature, and then helped to cook. To be honest, the skills of the two old ladies were really not as good as the professional confinement sisters.

 In the evening, Zhang Fan chatted with Shao Hua. Whatever Shao Hua wanted to talk about, Zhang Fan accompanied him to chat.

 From gossip to things before marriage, Zhang Fan chatted with Shao Hua as patiently as possible.

 Finally, after Shao Hua slowly fell asleep, Zhang Fan entered the system.

 Work is important, but family is more important. As a man, since you have taken on this responsibility, you can do as much as you can.

 In the system, Zhang Fan kept experimenting on the PD-1 platform.

To be honest, Zhang Fan's success rate in the system is very high. An unfamiliar operation can only be performed three times without failure.

 But in this experiment, Zhang Fan failed even once from the moment he entered the system to the time he fell asleep unknowingly.

 (End of this chapter)