Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1756: Ten King Kong

Chapter 1756 The Ten Great Vajras

"Our hospital has a world-class rehabilitation department. Now that the child is in a deep coma, it is recommended to undergo rehabilitative recovery treatment. After all, she is the second person in the world who can be rescued from rabies. But the cost of rehabilitation is A bit expensive…"

Zhang Fan was embarrassed to open his mouth to others. Even though he was already the director of the hospital, he dared to shamelessly engage with the government and partners to ask for money, but he still couldn't open his mouth to the patients.

This kind of thing can only happen to Lao Chen.

"How can it be more expensive than the cost of treatment?" After the patient entered the hospital, it was hard to say what happened to other people in the two weeks. The patient's mother had really aged ten years. The original image of a plump and graceful lady could now be seen between the temples. It’s time for hoarfrost.

“I can only say that it’s more or less the same. We’ll treat it first and do it week by week, so we can save some money.”

 Lao Chen said it very euphemistically, meaning just forget it if it doesn’t work.

"It's okay, money is not a problem. As long as you have confidence, I fully support it. I will have people send the money over now."

 The cost for one week is 250,000 yuan. Money seems to be worthless at this time but it seems to be very valuable.

 Chasu's rehabilitation department used to be under a single name, with doctors from the neurology department serving concurrently. The hospital doesn't take it seriously, and neither does the doctor. It was just for the purpose of creating a top-three A brand. To put it bluntly, it was just to fool the superior inspection team.

Later, Zhang Fan was greedy for the Special Orthopedic Hospital to provide rehabilitation for sports stars, so he forced a few postgraduate students with surgical background to work at the Special Orthopedic Hospital for rehabilitation. Although they studied, they had not yet graduated, so he could only invite the Special Orthopedic Hospital. The doctor who came to Chasu assisted in the treatment.

That is to say, Zhang Fan's position in orthopedics, other doctors probably wouldn't be able to afford this kind of money. There is a legend in the Golden Retriever Chinese circle that a star in the NBA is the athlete who crashed in the previous paragraph. When he usually plays ball, There was an old Chinese lady with me.

This is not the fortune-telling kind, but a good massage from someone with a hand. It is said that every time I play ball, I can't do without the old lady.

Huaguo’s massage is really good, but now there are not many real masters in Huaguo. Most of them are the ones who fall down the iron fence and fight with you in the name of massage. This also makes massage. This word is a bit colorful in China.

The medical circle is very busy today, and there are too many hospitals. There are a lot of sarcastic remarks being made at this time, and pink eye is common in every industry, and the medical field is no exception.

 After a week of rehabilitation treatment, Zhang Fan brought the medical team to check the ward. "The effect is not obvious." Zhang Fan checked the patient's nerve reflexes. They were almost the same as a week ago, with no changes.

What should I do? This situation is just like a surgical operation. The result of the operation is so beautiful that it can be used in textbooks, but the person dies.

 “Give up!” Ouyang said softly to the doctor and family members. In fact, he was talking to the family members. After treatment, the patient has no change at all, which is not a good thing.

 What’s great about modern medicine is not how much more advanced surgery and treatment are than before, but the rapid development of supportive treatments. Someone has said that in more advanced ICUs, almost all running organs can be replaced by machines, from heartbeat to breathing.

 This has also led to changes in the concept of death. The current standard of death is brain death.

As soon as he said this, the patient's mother collapsed, crawled on the girl's body, and cried desperately, "Girl, please move, move, move, move and show them, you are asking for your mother." My life, girl!"

 The doctors looked at the family members and patients calmly. To be honest, the doctors really didn’t have any concerns at this time.

  Perhaps some people say that doctors are cold-blooded. How do you call this thing? He is just like a yellow appraiser. After working as a yellow appraiser for five years, he will not be excited when he sees a naked girl running around the pasture.

At this moment, Ren Li suddenly shouted: "Zhang Yuan, the patient's finger, the patient's finger."

Zhang Fan immediately looked at his little finger and saw that the patient's distal knuckles were slowly moving, as if he was trying to grasp something.

“Quick, quick, hold her hand, hold her hand, look at the brain waves, look at the brain waves, quick.”

 Doctors are indifferent to death, but they are absolutely excited about being able to pull patients out of death.

 The doctors immediately became busy, and various data began to be slowly collected.

“Zhang Yuan, it works, it works, it works!”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Fan rubbed his hands and said, "Continue the treatment. The plan is effective. Come on, comrades."

 For three days, the doctors at Chasu Hospital took turns on duty, never leaving the patient's side for a moment, and thick records of cases were recorded quite clearly.

 The medical records at this time can be said to be the most valuable treatment experience. This thing is worth a penny, as long as it can save the patient's life.

But to say it’s worthless, this thing is currently only available to other people’s golden retrievers, and it won’t show it to you, and no data will be leaked out. It just tells you the result, “I saved a rabies patient.”

 Three days later, the patient started talking. A week later, the patient was removed from the ventilator and could eat some liquid food.

 For a time, when the short video of the patient eating was posted on the official website of Tea Su, the Chinese medical community was directly shocked.

 Those who talk nonsense are still talking nonsense.

"I said at the time that Chasu Hospital still has a solution. Look at the people who are questioning you. Without explanation or refutation, they just follow the treatment plan I mentioned at the beginning, deep anesthesia, and it will definitely be effective for the patient. Look, what I said at the beginning was right..."

There are also those who ridiculed, "What's there to show off? Golden Retriever was already successful the year before last. Chasu Hospital is just picking up people's wisdom. If it's gone, Zhang Fanima is really lucky!"

 The real top medical treatment has already contacted Chasu Hospital early.

“Zhang Hospital, Zhongyong Hospital, Digital Hospital, Xihua Hospital, Yaxiang Hospital, Baiyunshan Hospital... they all want to get our medical records, what should we do?”

Ren Li looked at Zhang Fan worriedly, biting her lip, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

Zhang Fan didn't hesitate at all, "Send them all. Anyone who needs it will not only send the medical records, but also all the gains and losses we have made during this period."

"Okay, Zhang Yuan, I understand." Ren Li turned around and left with a face of joy. When she came, she was really worried that Zhang Fan waved his hand and said, "Sell him one hundred thousand yuan."

While Ren Li was filing medical records for major hospitals, Ouyang was also very busy.

 First, a report was sent to governments at all levels, "Through the hard work of all staff in our hospital and after fifteen days of non-stop work, the first patient with rabies symptoms in China has been effectively treated. Currently, the patient has..."

 The meaning is also very clear. We have done beautiful things, and now it depends on your performance.

The Chasu government immediately sent a red-headed document. The director of the Chasu Office personally came with the document, "European Institute of Technology, congratulations. This year's first prize for science and technology in the Chasu region goes to Chasu Hospital."

Not long after, the Niao City Government also came and "rewarded Cha Su Hospital five million yuan."

European Hospital is eager to try to get more such patients. The money is too easy to make, one is 5 million, ten is 50 million, so what income does it have to worry about.

 This matter was stopped by Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan knew that this time, he was really lucky. Maybe the virus was weaker, because in the system, rabies would still be controlled by vaccines in the future.

 “Why don’t you think the country has expressed anything? Why don’t you urge me?”

 In Zhang Fan’s office, Ouyang was a little angry.

Zhang Fan has a big head, how can he urge him like this? Saving lives and healing the wounded is the essential work of the hospital, and the patients also pay for it.

Just when Zhang Fan was dumbfounded, the ministry also generously gave Chasu Hospital a big red envelope, which directly granted him ten national-level famous doctors.

This time, Zhang Fan was a little dumbfounded. This thing is probably something that the ministry is relatively willing to give away, and only a few of them can be given to each province every year.

For example, in Bird City, there are two nationally renowned doctors, one is the president and the other is the vice president.

 This time, although they did not specify that it was a reward for rabies treatment, it was directly a reward of ten places.

Chasu Hospital has been a little excited these days after everyone knew about this quota. Isn't that what being a doctor is all about? These days, anyone who is qualified and works hard has become a model worker.

For example, Li Xiong from the Department of Urology is said to have made a slogan of removing 100 prostates a year.

Not to mention Lao Ju, Harbin English shouted at the top of his lungs early in the morning with the respiratory department, which could be heard throughout the hospital.

Even Ouyang couldn't bear it anymore. He came to Zhang Fan's office when he had nothing to do. What he meant was, have you got the results yet?

The excited group of old men and women made Zhang Fan a little crazy.

 At night, after falling asleep with Shao Hua, Zhang Fan thought about it silently.

Ordinarily, for this kind of honorary portrait, as long as the dean is from a business background, the dean will usually have one quota.

However, Zhang Fan didn’t want to take it himself this time.

“The old lady must have one, the old home must have one, and it’s time to give this product a bigger honor. There was SARS before, and there was tuberculosis later. This time, the support team worked tirelessly.

There must be one Lao Huang from the Department of Infectious Diseases. Every time there is an unrest in the epidemic, Lao Huang is the vanguard. He never complains or complains. This should be given to her.

 The director of gynecology must give one, and the director of pediatrics must give one..."

On Monday, Zhang Fan invited Ren Li to his office early. Before Zhang Fan opened his mouth, Ren Li spoke: "Zhang Yuan, please don't consider me for this title of famous doctor. The old comrades of the hospital have been fighting on the frontier for many years. They have no merit but hard work, can you think of giving them priority?”

As soon as he said this, Zhang Fan held Ren Li's hand and said, "Isn't this good? Why should I give you one? Without you, the Department of Internal Medicine..."

“Really, I won’t participate, I’m not qualified yet…”

 Zhang Fan was moved to the core of his heart after saying these few words. Damn, he didn't consider Ren Li in the first place. He called Ren Li over early in the morning just because he wanted to work for Ren Li.

 But the people in the hospital didn't know, everyone thought silently in their hearts, there is no more places.

 Then, Zhang Fan invited Lao Gao to the office again. Everyone muttered silently that the two places were gone.

Not only the ordinary doctors were worried, but even Ouyang opened the door of the office wide, waiting for Zhang Fan to call her.

 (End of this chapter)