Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1793: Heimaimaijiang is a **** scholar.

Chapter 1793: Heimaimaijiang is nothing but a scholar.

Not only Zhang Fan had no experience in such a major trade fair, but also the other leaders of Chasu Hospital. Even Ouyang, the most experienced person, was unsure.

 Actually, to be honest, compared to other highly educated people, doctors are actually relatively ignorant about matters other than the human body.

The Gallic Chicken and the Bangzi Country somehow managed to join forces even in the venue with a wink.

Although Zhang Fan sensed something unusual, there was nothing he could do about it. This kind of matter should be contacted privately in advance, and then after the sale is successful, a release meeting should be held with great fanfare.

But how can a group of people in a small rural town have this kind of understanding? Even Li Cunhou had traveled across the ocean to the European Golden Retriever, and he had no experience in this area.

Of this group of people, only Zhang Fan has a slightly better knowledge of buying and selling. He has experience in buying and selling instant noodles, but this thing is incomparable to Kang Shuaifu back then.

Zhang Fan shouted out 50 billion without even mentioning the unit. As a result, the venue was completely silent, as if no one was bidding at an auction.

At this time, colleagues watching the live broadcast felt a little bit in their hearts. To be honest, there are some people who hope to sell tea ingredients at a high price, and there are also people who hope to sell them at a low price, but there are not many people who hope that they will not be sold.

Especially those who sell at low prices account for the majority. At this time, people watching the live broadcast start to comment.

"It's more expensive. Zhang Yuan is still young. The confidentiality of this technology is relatively poor. Once it is commercialized on a large scale, it will be too difficult to keep it secret. With these 50 billion yuan, Zhang Yuan wants to make money in one fell swoop. Alas, It's rough, it's rough, it's a disadvantage if you don't age enough to be a leader."

 This is a nice thing to say.

The bad thing is: "Fifty billion yuan, this black guy is really beautiful in his heart. He treats others as fools. Look, no one bids. He's a bastard. He wanted to show his face. Just look. How many media have been invited to come here, this is embarrassing and has been thrown out of the country."

 Because of the huge momentum this time, not only ordinary peers are watching, but even some big names in the industry are watching.

When the principal of Su University heard that Zhang Fan was asking for 50 billion, he couldn't help but feel cold in his stomach. He just hoped that the tea technology could be sold, but he definitely didn't want to sell it at a high price. .

Because, the more money Zhang Fan has, the more noise and frequency of teasing him will become. He thinks it is a good thing to sell some money so that Chasu can continue to carry out scientific research, but he definitely does not want to make Chasu full at once. , and then shamelessly blame myself. The news that the three Ph.D.s of Chasu reported to the South China Sea has spread in the circle.

To be honest, the principal hasn't had a good rest since hearing the news. Now that this **** has money, he knows without even thinking that his school will be ruined again.

“Is this technology really so valuable?” he asked the dean of the clinical medical school worriedly.

The dean thought for a moment and said, "Technologies that can penetrate half the sky are often not cheap. If you are looking for a similar product, you can compare it with Sildenafil Citrate. More appropriately, this technology can be compared with Tea Su's own anti-inflammatory drugs." Vomit medicine for comparison.”

As soon as he said this, the principal couldn't sit still and his face turned purple. He didn't know how this old man knew the price of sildenafil citrate!

In the Zhongyong Dermatology Department far away in the capital, there was no trace of anything strange on the faces of a group of doctors. Everyone's expressions did not change from beginning to end. The subject leader in the director's office had already put a picture on his face. The paper was rubbed back and forth, as if Li Cunhou was being pinched again.

He knew very well that today, if he found a mediocre dermatology clinic and sold it at a high price, it would probably be ruined. This was not a question of money, but it seemed to be a question of money, because the only way to compare the difference between him and Li Cunhou was with money.

If it is sold at a high price, then there is a high probability that the field and research direction he advocates will be completely defeated by Li Cunhou.

It doesn't matter whether he has money or not. Zhongyong's annual donation is enough for him. However, he was defeated academically by Li Cunhou, who kicked him out of the hospital. This is something he cannot take over and cannot accept.

To be honest, the people who were really nervous watching the live broadcast were probably the people from Chasu Hospital and the president of Suzhou University, and this guy was the only one left.

The president of Suzhou University really wants to say something: I really don’t feel like participating!

Li Cunhou felt something was wrong at first sight and could not remain silent. He quickly started to boast about his achievements again.

At this time, a middle-aged man from the Gallic Chicken Phalanx who looked like an industry insider stood up and wanted to pass the microphone. Although he looked quite young, he had a handsome face, gold-rimmed glasses, and dark hair. His hair, in a suit and ties, is much better than that of Li Cunhou, who is bald on the back of his head and dare not show others.

"Hello everyone, I would like to first of all congratulate the teasu medical team for their achievements in skin repair. As a Chinese who studied abroad and worked abroad, I was excited when I heard that the team was coming to China and to the teasu team. . And when I heard about the achievements of Chasu Hospital this time, I felt even more proud."

Zhang Fan and Ouyang glanced at each other. Ouyang had doubts in his eyes, while Zhang Fan was very happy, as if to say: Did you see, we are the ones who can speak.

Ouyang ignored Zhang Fan and looked at him seriously.

"However, I have three questions here. First, why does your hospital not choose top journals when publishing journals, such as Nature, The New England Journal of Medicine, or Cell and Science? It just publishes in the Chinese Journal of Reconstructive and Reconstructive Surgery. I'm confused.

 Furthermore, in the discussion of this paper, the concepts are vague and even the data is extremely brief. This irresponsible attitude towards science is wrong.

 Secondly, this kind of research is also one of the current hot spots, but when the leader of the tea group bid such a sky-high price, did he get rid of the burden..."

 It is not easy for scientists to fool scientists, but sometimes it is easier for scientists to fool their colleagues who are half-understanding than it is for Zhang Fan to fool his superiors.

 Because colleagues who are half-informed can easily become superstitious! For example, some doctors do popular science to explain some viruses and predict this and that. To be honest, ordinary doctors can't predict at all. You can't even predict a cold. How can you predict others?

“Let me go, this big boss is Wang Jianzhong. He went to the Capital Medical University in the early years and became the first batch of government-sponsored overseas students. He is good in the same fields as Academician Li Cunhou.”

"Well, I also found out. This guy is amazing. He is a lifelong honorary professor at Cariff University and an honorary academician of Gallic Chicken. This is probably a bit higher than Chasu Li Cunhou. After all, he is influenced by Mishima and Gallic Chicken. admittedly."

"I think what others say is reliable. It feels like trying to find someone to take advantage of by shirking the blame. Although I haven't read the paper on the technology, but at this price, based on the current level of Chinese medical care, it's still worth 50 billion to sell it." No, I estimate that if the secret formula is packaged and sold, it might be worth this price."

 For a time, Cha Su was no longer in the group, but this big boss was the one.

After listening, Ouyang's triangular eyes stood up, turned around and said to Wang Hong, "What's the background of this person?", and Zhang Fan's originally dark face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot. Ouyang finished Wang Hong's introduction. Finally, he turned slightly and asked Zhang Fan, "Tell the truth, how is this technology?"

"What he said are all specious things. He didn't publish it in top foreign journals because he didn't have enough time. But here in China, I have some face, so it's no problem to add anything. He is Chinese and understands the mentality of Chinese people better. "

When Zhang Fan and Ouyang were whispering, the old handsome guy suddenly said: "The dissemination of science is very important. When a major discovery is made, if it is the same as the Tea Su Hospital, from exaggeration of language to scientific behavior The fraud is a breach of trust in scientific research. Maybe no one will discover it yet, but it is only a matter of time.

I suggest that the Tea Su team finally publish all the experimental data, let the data tell the facts, and let the data prove your innocence! "

Some people watching the live broadcast couldn't help but clapped their hands, "Yes, you are right, science should be shared. This kind of hospital is a medical tyrant. It's almost 2014, Hua Su." There are still people like this on the land of China!”

 For a time, those who scolded Cha Su and Zhang Fan were very happy.

Zhang Fan couldn't help it when he heard Wang Jianzhong's words. He rarely got angry, and when he was about to stand up with a strong hand, Ouyang grabbed his arm.

Zhang Fan endured it for a moment and turned his head to look over. Ouyang gave him a look. Although it was just a glance, Zhang Fan had already seen clearly, "I'm not dead yet, it's not your turn yet."

The moment Ouyang withdrew his eyes, he heard a bang, and everyone who was speaking and listening in the venue were startled.

Old Mrs. Ouyang stood up and said, "You are such a wolf-hearted person who is wearing human skin and talking nonsense. What evidence do you have to accuse us of fraud? What qualifications do you have to accuse our Chasu Hospital of hindering the development of science and technology."

 Let me tell you, we people are not afraid of the shadow being distorted, but it is not the result of traitors like you who seek glory. Our technology was developed by our Chinese medical scientists who worked hard day and night.

Why should I give you a mouth of white teeth for free? Why doesn't your Gaul Chicken Health and Medical Research Institute disclose the research results?

Don’t go out and hide a piece of sheepskin, and you just pass it off as red wool. I tell you, there is no way..."

Wang Jianzhong's face couldn't be redder. He really didn't expect that someone would curse like this in such a high-end academic setting, "You, you, how can you curse?"

“Swearing, my old age would have killed you alive a few years ago. I will tell you now that your team is not qualified to participate in the next meeting.

 Now take your master and get out of here. "

For a moment, the Internet was quiet. Everyone looked at the old lady in a rage. For a while, no one knew who said it first: "Zhang Fan is just a bastard. This is a bastard. This is the real one." Damn it, this live broadcast is global!"

 (End of this chapter)