Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1797: Donkey on the grinder

Chapter 1797 The Donkey on the Mill

Shao Hua knew that Zhang Fan was usually very tired from work, so he thought it was the little kid playing in his belly, so he endured it without calling Zhang Fan. But today, he felt that the play was a bit severe, and Shao Hua endured the pain in bed. I couldn't help but curl up a little, but I didn't expect that the movement was already very light, and the people around me felt it immediately.

Although Zhang Fan was asleep, he actually didn't dare to sleep soundly in the past few days. Keeping one eye open and the other closed was a bit exaggerated, but it was definitely keeping his mind on it.

Shao Hua is full term. Zhang Fan, as a doctor, understands better that it is only in the past few days. The more I understand this process, the less sure I feel. This is the difference between male doctors and female doctors.

To be honest, pregnant female doctors should eat and drink as they should, and some even bother their husbands after eight weeks of pregnancy just because they are in good health. However, male doctors cannot do this. Even if they know it is safe, they would not dare.

How can I say this thing? It's like standing up to pee without peeing. Women think this thing is too crazy, even if they have eight-pack abs. But any guy with a kindergarten diploma thinks this is too easy. Yes, after all, the difference in body structure of this thing creates a difference in mental state.

Zhang Fan stood up and immediately asked: "Are you feeling a lot of pain? Are you holding in your urine?"

 “Well, I’m a little bit stuck in my pee.” Shao Hua’s face was already a little flushed, not because he was shy, but because he was in pain.

Zhang Fan knew as soon as he heard this that this was coming!

 Before delivery, the fetus will first descend into the pelvis, from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen. The descent may cause pressure on the bladder and cause frequent urination in pregnant women.

"It's okay, relax." Zhang Fan gently stroked Shao Hua's face while gently shaking the bed, then tilted it to the side, and Shao Hua easily sat in the wheelchair.

As soon as Zhang Fan and Shao Hua turned on the light bulb in the room, Zhang Fan's wife had already woken up. The old lady looked at Shao Hua: "Hua'er, do you have a stomachache? Don't be afraid. This is a hospital. Everything is ready. Are you hungry?" Are you ready? I'll get you something warm."

"You're sleeping in bed, it's okay." Zhang Fan said to his mother. Then she pushed Shao Hua out of the ward. The old lady didn't listen to Zhang Fan at all, and chased Zhang Fan out with a blanket.

As soon as Zhang Fan came out, the nurse on duty ran over: "Zhang Yuan, Sister Shao, this is..."

“I have contractions, let’s go to the obstetrics and gynecology department.”

  The young nurses had already been told what to do. They nodded while calling their head nurse and the obstetrics and gynecology department.

 Before Zhang Fan even reached the obstetrics and gynecology department, Lu Shuyan and two midwives met Zhang Fan.

 “Hua Zi, does it hurt? Are you seeing redness?” In the past, Lu Shuyan and Shao Hua had a normal relationship, that is, they knew each other and had dinner several times.

However, after being hospitalized this time, the relationship has improved. Lu Shuyan has been in charge of Shao Hua from the pregnancy test to now. Shao Hua didn't have the airs of the dean's wife, which made Lu Shuyan not only like Shao Hua. Some people never become friends even after knowing each other for a lifetime, and some people become sworn friends within a few days. This thing really cannot be said.

· Pushing into the delivery room, Zhang Fan followed suit, but Lu Shuyan pushed him at the door. Shao Hua went in. Lu Shuyan stood at the door and rolled her eyes at Zhang Fan, "Come in later."

 Zhang Fan opened his mouth but didn't go in. Zhang Fan looked at the female doctor in surprise, then looked at her son, and said in her heart: "Is Shitou the dean? Why doesn't he look like him? This doctor is really strong!"

 Actually, it was for Zhang Fan's good. If you go in at this time, you will see edema and blood. If Lu Shuyan's character was not good, she would definitely let Zhang Fan go in. Although she thought Zhang Fan was in good health at the time, there is still a bottom line in life. Now she actually enjoys using her unsuccessful feelings back then to get some small privileges. As for other thoughts and declinations, it is meaningless. After all, there is still a bottom line in life.

You said that as a working woman Wei Xiaobao, if something like this can make the news, it shows that this thing is still inconsistent with the views of most women in China.

As soon as Shao Hua entered the delivery room, the director of the nursing department came, then the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department, and then Lao Chen came with a set of children's clothes.

"It's okay, Zhang Yuan, I'll go in and take a look." The director of the nursing department rarely teased Zhang Fan and patted Zhang Fan's arm, like a close friend.

The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department said to Zhang Fan before entering the door: "I'm planning on doing this for just a few days, that's all. Zhang Yuan, don't be anxious."

Looking at Lao Chen holding a set of clothes, Zhang Fan's nervous heart relaxed.

 “What are you doing, it’s so late at night...”

"I can't help you. These are small clothes I gave to my child. The old lady washed them three times and dried them in the sun for several days. When they come out later, they will be warm and comfortable to wear."

 After a while, more people came. Xue Fei came with his wife, Li Hui also came with his wife, and everyone who was close to Zhang Fan came.

Zhang Fan was also a little embarrassed, and he felt bad for disturbing others so late at night.

 Before he said a few words, heart-wrenching cries began to sound inside.

 Zhang Fan knew as soon as he heard it that it was Shao Hua's voice.

 When he was about to go in, Ouyang also came.

Ouyang took Zhang Fan's arm and said, "Why did you go in? What do you have to worry about? Don't you worry about your own hospital? When you went in, Shaohua's hope was pinned on you, and her strength was exhausted."

 Others did not dare to pull, Ouyang not only pulled, but also criticized, Zhang Fan nodded, gritted his teeth and waited quietly.

 “Husband, I want to have a caesarean section, husband, I can’t do it anymore.”

Shao Hua's cries could be heard from inside, and Zhang Fan's heart was like a rag being torn apart by an old cat, churning.

 Really, those who have never experienced this kind of thing cannot understand it at all.

"The voice is so loud, but it still has strength. Bayin will go to youke to get some food and drink, and more from Red Bull. It will probably take some time before the first baby is born."

Look, how many young elites have come to the hospital department directors? The royal family does not have such treatment for the princes. Cheer up, and when the children see me later, why do I look like this! "

Ouyang was already standing at the door of the delivery room and had already started making arrangements. Zhang Fan was embarrassed to worry after saying a few words.

"Wang Yanan, you don't even have a partner, why are you joining in the fun? Why are you going in? Come out, come out, stand here, no one is allowed in." Seeing Wang Yanan trying to squeeze in, Ouyang blocked the door and drove people out.

 Wang Yanan’s face was so red that he had nowhere to hide. The old lady didn’t care. She usually didn’t talk to people, but she would definitely tell them that it hurts for a long time.

When it comes to giving birth, some people can be envied by women all over the world. For example, when Zhang Fan was in the obstetrics and gynecology department, there was such a person. He had a stomachache, was not good at nursing, and did not call the doctor, let alone I called my family members and went to the bathroom. Before I even got to the bathroom, I heard a crash and the child came out.

 It was so smooth, so simple, it didn’t even hurt, and it just came out.

 Some cases are really cruel. They hurt all night long, but the doctor said no, and they had to open the abdomen. It can be said that the pain was in vain.

 Generally, the labor process is divided into three stages.

The first stage is relatively long. It usually takes 11 to 22 hours for first-time mothers and about 6 to 16 hours for multiparous women. At this time, the contractions are regular. In human terms, regular stomach pains begin. This kind of pain is the gap. It will hurt for a few minutes, and then let the pregnant woman rest for a minute, catch her breath, and drink water.

Then the pain builds up, and many people can’t survive it at this time. They often hear loud encouragement from obstetricians and gynecologists and nurses, “Scream, stop shouting, keep your spirits up and you will gain strength.”

 At this period, at the beginning, pregnant women can still roll around on the bed. Once the fetus has descended and the **** and **** have passed, they no longer even have the luxury of rolling around on the bed.

 Just open your legs and lie on the delivery bed. This position is uncomfortable for normal people, let alone pregnant women.

Hands are spread apart almost completely, and then the entrance to the entrance is facing the midwife. The doctor has already started to disinfect the entrance to the entrance. When these are ready, he will know the position of the fetus at any time.

“Hua Zi, wait until the pain subsides. Take a few bites and drink some water.” The director of the nursing department stood beside Shao Hua, stroking Shao Hua’s hair while holding chocolate and Red Bull, with warm water beside him.

 During the labor process, medical staff will encourage pregnant women to drink high-calorie, easily digestible foods in small amounts many times in order to maintain sufficient physical strength.

To be honest, giving birth to a child can almost all the man's early efforts be concentrated on this night, allowing the woman to use it all at once.

That is Shao Hua. If you are an ordinary pregnant woman, what you will hear at this time is: "Open your mouth quickly and eat. You must eat. Don't shout now. Shut up. When you are asked to shout, shout louder!"

 The second stage of labor usually lasts from 40 minutes to 3 hours. At this stage, not only the pain intensifies, but the doctor may also ask for alms to assist the fetus's position, such as straightening the head, pressing down the shoulders, etc.

It seemed like the intestines in the stomach were about to be pulled out, and then the doctor put his hand in. Really, a man should be good to his wife for no other reason than the pain alone.

Multiparous women go relatively smoothly at this stage, and some even complete it within a few minutes or without even feeling it.

 “Get ready for lateral incision!” The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department looked at the situation and said to Lu Shuyan.

The side incision is for tearing, and the tearing is non-linear, just like a piece of paper torn apart, just like a dog bites, the canine teeth are staggered, and the side cut is linear. The recovery of this kind of incision is obviously much better than that of the canine teeth. .

Zhang Fan was turning around like a donkey outside the door. He had laughed at Li Hui before, and even laughed at his junior brother. But now it was his turn, and he realized how they felt at that time.

 (End of this chapter)