Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1856: No, the quote is low

 Chapter 1856 Not good, the price is too low

“In 2014, the governments of Ethiopia, Italy, France, Pakistan, and Hungary jointly nominated Dr. Zhang Fan as the chief scientist of the WHO. Representatives of member states voted to approve the nomination and invited Dr. Zhang Fan to become the chief scientist of the WHO Asia Region. Regional emergency incident manager!”

 At the meeting on the second day, after Zhang Fan’s report was finished, the experts’ reports immediately left everyone feeling a little bit bored. It's like someone has already danced the tango with a car model, but the remaining people are still using magnifying glasses to describe whether the car model's stockings are one-piece or not. Originally, the one-day report, Zhang Fan's report was three Hours.

Among the remaining experts, some lasted for five or six minutes, and some were as short as introducing themselves. There were also smart experts who came up and talked about their understanding of Zhang Fan's report. The report lasted one day and one morning. It ended hastily.

“He’s really here to mess up the situation!” When the Chinese experts who came with him laughed and joked, the WHO also launched a big move, which also put Zhang Fan at a loss.

 “Don’t refuse!” The leader grabbed Zhang Fan’s hand and said flatteringly.

 “Why can’t I refuse? Isn’t this obviously taking advantage of me?”

 “We will go out, we will go out, you must not refuse.”

Zhang Fan definitely won’t fall for his trap. Even his own hospital can’t figure it out. In order to become famous, he then donates a bunch of vaccines to Africa. Zhang Fan comes from a small family, which is really heartbreaking. He doesn't care about big goals or high-level plans. What he knows is that these medicines were created by the doctors at Chasu Hospital who spent all day and night in the laboratory boiling sperm and blood.

 Zhang Fan was unable to donate to foreign countries, so his superiors offered to donate in the name of Tea Su, and all the expenses were covered by his superiors. With this sentence, Zhang Fan accepted the title of chief scientist, but Zhang Fan did not accept this Asian thing.

 “You are willful!”

“People have the capital to be willful. If you come up with a tuberculosis drug, you can be so willful.”

"Tch! I saw Zhang Fan drifting off. I heard that he would rather refuse the Lasker Award than publish a paper on tuberculosis."

 “It’s true, it’s fake, it’s the Lasker Award, so you just rejected it?”

"Yes, I just refused to accept it. If it were me, I would definitely not accept it. This is a minor Nobel Prize. Hey, it's a pity, it's such a pity."

WHO tried to get Zhang Fan to publish the tuberculosis drug paper, but Zhang Fan was not moved at all. It’s not that he was distracted, he always kept one sentence in his mind: Science has no borders, but scientists have borders. You can say that Zhang Fan is narrow-minded, you can say that Zhang Fan is petty.

However, he knows that his current willfulness and going to Stan are like robbing a bank. The most important thing is that he has a backstage. He has the big backstage of China behind him. Otherwise, if he were in Iraq or something like that, he would probably be able to do it if he tried. The one with a piece of cloth on his head was kidnapped by himself.

WHO is also very disappointed with Zhang Fan's stubbornness, especially representatives from Europe and the United States. They think why China has become like this in recent years and why it is so disobedient. Unfortunately, they can only point fingers.

“Zhang Yuan, since you are here, let’s do an operation.” In the GSMN hospital, the director smiled very kindly.

Zhang Fan felt that since he wanted to cooperate, he should give others a good impression, "I'll take a look at the patient's medical record to see what the disease is."

 The director was slightly embarrassed, and then began to introduce the patient's identity.

"Oh, the nobles of Mishima, or the kind with titles, aortic valve insufficiency? Let me look at the medical records." Zhang Fan insisted on looking at the medical records first. He was also a little curious in his heart, what kind of disease is it that still requires Throwing knives.

The director gestured, and a doctor from GSMN brought the patient's medical record. Zhang Fan did not look at the course of the disease, but looked at the examination. When he opened the examination, the first thing he saw was that RPR was positive.

"Because Chasu Hospital has published several papers in cardiac surgery, especially in terms of valves, the surgical improvements of Chasu Hospital are better, so this patient named Zhang Yuan to do this surgery. He has a special status and went to China. It is inconvenient for the country to meet Zhang Yuan when he comes to Geneva this time..."

 Zhang Fan shook his head, "I'm pressed for time, so I'm really powerless."

Just kidding, there is nothing you can do if you encounter this kind of surgery in China. Now that you are abroad, it is unreasonable to have to undergo this kind of surgery.

 Syphilis was one of the diseases that nobles were most afraid of before AIDS. It’s hard to say whether Russian Vladimir was killed by syphilis, but it’s true that Mishima’s royal family was almost overturned by syphilis.

 Now for AIDS, syphilis can be transmitted in more ways, such as close contact or public toiletries. Many greasy uncles take advantage of others and think that if they wear a condom, they will be fine. Anyway, they are not afraid of other people's wives. To be honest, you may be able to survive AIDS, but you may not be able to survive syphilis.

The incubation period of syphilis is 7-60 days and 4-6 weeks respectively. If you have a history of syphilis, if papules appear on the coronal sulcus, penis, and foreskin of the penis, and then arch into nail-sized indurations after 1-2 weeks, then You must be careful, as it could lead to syphilis. And once the induration ruptures, the pus inside is rich in Treponema pallidum, which is extremely contagious.

Seeing Zhang Fan shaking his head, the other party said mysteriously: "The other party is a Duke."

Zhang Fan glanced at it and thought to himself, it doesn’t matter if the other party is the president!

“Time is tight, time is really tight, I have to leave soon.” Zhang Fan didn’t say anything else, he just said, I don’t have time.

The director took a look and said, “He is also one of the shareholders of our hospital and can provide certain support during cooperation.”

Zhang Fan stopped believing in such empty promises after he was three years old.

"Time is really tight. I'm just curious. No one in Europe can do this surgery?" Zhang Fan was bored. Doesn't it mean that you have status?

"The main reason is that he asked his colleagues about the most advanced surgical methods at present, and his attending doctor told him honestly, saying that Teasu has been at the forefront of other countries in valve surgery technology. If you don't come to Geneva, He might not have chosen it, but you are here."

"Hey! Damn, this is my fault." Zhang Fan cursed in his heart, but still shook his head and said nothing. To be honest, no doctor likes to do this kind of surgery.

What's more, now, Zhang Fan has no responsibility to perform surgery on the other party.

“How about I ask him to talk to you?”

 Zhang Fan continued to shake his head, thinking there was nothing to talk about.

 The director took a look and realized that Zhang Fan was out of luck.

 Said directly: "He is willing to pay!"

Zhang Fan glanced at the other person, "It's great to have two coins."

 “How much? Of course, time is still very tight.”

The dean Zhang, who had heard about Cutcho before, was shameless. Now he really understands that there is no wrongdoing him, Tai Nima shameless.

 “Ten thousand silver coins!”

 “Let’s go now! Book a flight.” Zhang Fan said to Wang Hong.

 “No, no, no, we can talk.”

 “Can we talk?”

  “It can be discussed.”

“First of all, you should know the risk of this operation. I am not talking about the risk of the patient, but the risk of the doctor. Second, the difficulty of the operation, and third, for such a noble person, is his health worth ten thousand?”

 “Let him talk to you!”

 After a while, a middle-aged and elderly man with a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets and few hairs came over. Although he was wearing a suit and tie, he was not energetic at all, and there was a trace of trembling on his face, which was caused by pain. Because of the sickly white skin, the two red spots on her cheeks are particularly obvious.

 This is a sign of heart failure!

Moreover, his hair loss was obviously not the hair loss of ordinary people. It was in patches, as if it was pulled out in a fight with his wife.

  He didn’t shake hands either, he just nodded.

 “I need you to perform surgery on me, please give me a price!”

The other party was very straightforward. When Zhang Fan heard this, he liked such straightforward people. When he came up, he told him what title he had and how much energy he had. It was all idle. Now it is estimated that the brother in his trousers is like a toad. The whole body was covered with pus.

Zhang Fan can't describe the country of Mishima. A survey by the World Health Organization said that the probability of men being raped in Mishima has exceeded that of women.

 Is it possible that there is something wrong with the brain due to **** marriage?

Zhang Fan looked at the other party, and then without hesitation, directly quoted the price. He really didn't want to perform surgery on the other party, so he just said the price that he couldn't agree on: "One million!"


Zhang Fan was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, "I'm talking about Yinbang!"

"I didn't say she was a soft girl." The other party even looked down on her slightly.

Hmm, Zhang Fan feels a little regretful. The price was too low. Why are you so rich?

Since he has spoken and others have agreed, Zhang Fan will not be able to open his mouth no matter how much he regrets it.

 “Your surgery requires a team.”

 “Understood, I can look for…”

 “No, I mean my own team.”

Although Zhang Fan felt extremely uncomfortable, this was definitely not a problem for the bald Sir.

 Zhang Fan really didn’t have the courage to perform such an infectious surgery and work with an unfamiliar team. Especially in foreign countries, if you are not careful, you will be cut by a razor, suture needle or something, and there is nothing to say.

 “Now you can contact your team.”


 In the hotel, “Do you think the price is going to be lower?”

Just as Wang Hong was about to speak, Lao Chen spoke, "Zhang Yuan, you definitely didn't want to lower your price. I also saw it at the time. When you quoted the price, the muscles on the man's face were trembling. I guess this is the maximum price he can accept." , if it were more, I think he would have chosen another doctor."


"Absolutely." Lao Chen began to calm Zhang Fan's hurt heart seriously.


 There is something that Lao Zang never said

Of course, my uncles are all good people

But you may have friends who like to eat secretly

Here, Lao Zang secretly said something

It’s best to give some advice to your friends

Take safety measures and don’t lick each other’s tongue, etc.

Once this thing is infected, it will not be discovered at first

 Then he goes home and infects his wife and children


 It’s really not worth it!


 (End of this chapter)