Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1879: most ideal school

 Chapter 1879 The most ideal school

 September, tea tea is finally out of season when it can be seen but not eaten. Although the city is as beautiful as a flower in summer, it is of no use. Especially the people who have lived here for a long time don't feel much. There are just more trees, the sky is bluer, and the flowers on the grassland are more gorgeous.

How to describe this thing? It’s like a coquettish young woman licking her lips at you. Unfortunately, it’s useless through the screen. But it will be different after September. After all, most people are job seekers. This is genetic. What is carried inside is even deeper than the belt inside the womb.

 September, the first of all, the unforgettable fruits are on the market.

For example, pomegranates, pomegranates as big as a sheep's head are not uncommon. Especially in places where ethnic minorities gather, the foreign cries are particularly loud. Although it is equipped with a simple press, it is absolutely pure pomegranate juice.

Wash a pomegranate, wash it, and throw it into the press. The man with bare arms roared, and the pomegranate juice flowed out. Although the roar was a little exaggerated, the ruby-like pomegranate juice was absolutely It's delicious.

Especially in the evening, after a hot day, a large glass of ice-cold pomegranate juice with a sour and slightly astringent feel is like taking Qiqiao, making the heat and boredom of the day disappear without a trace. Of course, you can't drink too much of this stuff, because it's not peeled. If you drink too much, your mouth will be a little numb, which is the feeling of tongue muscle paralysis.

In the past, Shao Hua wouldn't let Zhang Fan drink this kind of pomegranate. He said it was a pomegranate peeled and it wasn't washed clean. It wasn't as good as the packaged one. Anyway, he didn't let Zhang Fan drink it. In fact, Zhang Fan didn't say anything. As the saying goes, those who make vermicelli don't eat vermicelli, and those who make ice cream don't eat ice cream. You really can't be too careful with this stuff. If you really do, you'll be shot.

But pomegranate sellers have to sell them in front of the hospital. Sometimes Zhang Fan would have a drink after get off work and then go home. Of course, he would never admit it when he got home. There is nothing to say about apples, flower girls and the like.

 The most important ones are early-ripening grapes and cantaloupe.

Grapes that have not been killed by frost can only be said to be sweet, as if they lack a bit of the settled taste. Of course, these were all given to Zhang Fan Baihu by local people. Anyway, Zhang Fan couldn't tell which grape was before the frost and which was after the frost.

I ca n’t eat a hundred pounds and a few dollars a pound. Anyway, I know this sweetness, the sour.

As for the cantaloupe, when it is ripe and on the market, the whole city is filled with the smell of melon and fruit. Coupled with the huge sycamore trees on the roadside, the whole city looks like an enchanting young woman spraying perfume. As soon as you get close, you will feel happy. Ma had a physical reaction.

The 14th-year students of Chasu Mizuki International Medical University also followed their parents and gathered from all over the country to this small town in the Western Regions. The emphasis on being all over the world makes this small town, which is already rich in languages, seem to have reached a new level of foreign style.

"Oh, the milk here is really delicious. It's even better than the Australian milk Ala drank in Shanghai. I just don't know if the protein content is high, but it won't pass the quarantine. Niuniu, you are not allowed to look for it here. My target, I won’t stay in a good place, I won’t go to a good capital city, and if I insist on applying for this university, I don’t know if I’m out of my mind.”

The mother of a family of three kept scolding the tall girl. Although the girl was so tall that the mother had to raise her head, she still had a hint of babyish innocence on her face that had not faded. But the girl was used to her mother's nagging, and it was as if she didn't even hear her.

Instead, he curiously looked at the exotic scenery on the street and said, "Dad, have you noticed that there seem to be shadows of Chasu Hospital everywhere in this city. Look, the top lights of taxis are all marked with the location of Chasu Hospital. , the bus stop signs seem to have branches of Chasu Hospital in all directions.

This city feels like a city wrapped in a hospital. "

"This can only be said that the city is too small. Oh, you two are stupid. You are like uncles from the countryside. Why are you surprised by everything?"

 In the city these days, it can be said that hotels and inns are almost full of guests, and even the big and small restaurants in the city are overwhelmed.

Because the Chasu Hospital has given a greeting to the Chasu Government, in the past few days, all the staff of the Chasu Government have been dispersed, and they are all staring at the Station and Pier Hotel, fearing that someone will buy it with a knife at a glance. Killing of passers-by happens everywhere, not only in the northwest, but also in the most virtuous capital.

 However, there are not many opportunities for Chasu, and this may be the last chance for Chasu, a small border town, to rise. In order to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, the government is directly responsible for everyone. Anyway, it is willing to do whatever it takes, and it is even so busy that the government agencies and units are no longer alive.

  The first school jointly run by the rich people of Chasu, Shuimu and Chasu, not only Chasu Hospital and the Chasu government paid great attention to it, but even unrelated people stared at it curiously.

There is also a group of academics who are looking forward to attending the Tea College of Medicine. After the semester started, these top students suddenly dropped out one by one. The dissatisfaction of parents and people who eat melons about tea is real. After all, cities outside the fifth tier do not have the neon lights of metropolitan cities, nor the skyscraper cement pillars. Like fertility worship, they have erected a tower in the city. Big pile.

  But for these top students, this small city is really a good place for study.

The population is not large. Except for the highway in front of the hospital, which is jammed during peak hours, even the buses in other places are slow and leisurely, like an old oxcart returning home at sunset, slow and peaceful.

Furthermore, there is nothing to say about the environment. The clear blue sky, looking into the distance, the snow-capped peaks, the red flowers and green willows nearby, the contrast of the scenery is really extreme.

 The final thing is that the school has invested heavily in education.

Although the foundation in each discipline is not strong, the teachers invited for large courses are almost all the best in the corresponding disciplines in China, and academicians here do not seem to be rare at all.

Even academicians with little reputation in general surgery can’t get the position of lecturers in large lectures. Sometimes top academics get excited when they think about it.

 Thinking about it again, I am so excited that I have to compete with the top medical students in the country for a scholarship, and I can’t sleep.

If the internal driving force of Chasu Hospital is the turbocharger, the school is directly the supersonic engine of the aircraft.

 “You didn’t go home?”

"Yeah, you haven't gone home either? Why haven't I seen you in the past few days? Could it be that you found a big-eyed beauty to rent a house to live in a world of two?"

 “I’ll go, you can see this! What about you, too?”

 “Hey, yes, yes.”

 In the dormitory of the freshman-to-sophomore dormitory, two boys who had not met during the summer vacation met together. Both of them seemed to be talking passionately about their personal lives, but in fact they were just talking nonsense.

 To return my girlfriend, the five girls will rebel.

Because the Tea Su Medical University clearly stipulates that regardless of whether you are a good student or a helper, you will be ranked first in all subjects if you have completed your credits. If you want to get a master's degree directly, you must practice in a hospital for one year. If you are qualified, you must have three signatures from the teacher, director, and business dean to be considered qualified.

These two guys are the two most outstanding boys in this class, and they are very competitive with each other.

 After the holiday, they didn’t go home. Instead, they went into the hospital department for internship.

 One was admitted to the General Surgery Center and the other was admitted to the Bone Research Institute.

Although they are both surgeons, the doctors and teachers were treated like donkeys once they entered the department. During this holiday, neither of them left the department.

 School was about to start, so the two of them met.

 After having an awkward chat about the non-existent big-eyed girl, the two of them went to the library again with their professional books.

 Scenes like this are seen too often in the Tea College of Medicine.

I don’t know whether it’s because today’s kids are low-key or because top academics have different brain circuits.

If this happened before, I would have stood at the door of the dormitory to show off, "I was an intern in the department for the whole summer, and the teachers praised me as the embryo of surgery."

But these people nowadays are secretive as if they are afraid that others will know that they work so hard because they are not smart enough and don't work hard enough to make up for it.

 The school’s results also gave Zhang Fan confidence.

 At present, about 60% of students have obtained qualifications for master's and doctoral studies.

This kind of online enrollment rate is rare in any discipline, let alone a school.

Many people don’t know that studying for a master’s degree and a Ph.D. actually requires determination, endurance and mental strength.

Once you lack a little bit, and watch your high school classmates drive and drink and pick up girls, but you can only go to the laboratory every day, your mentality will appear.

 Can’t even get a diploma.

Moreover, Chasu's Shuobo also needs to add physical strength.

Not only do you have to do experiments, but you also have to go to the clinic with the teacher for surgery, and you have to attend class handovers early in the morning. Not only do I have to compare with other students from my own teacher, but I also have to compare with other students in the same department because of scholarships.

If undergraduate scholarships are based on exams, master's and doctoral scholarships are more complicated.

 The experiment must be done well, the outpatient service must be good, and the surgical management must be good.

 Really, with this kind of labor intensity, even the fifth girl is almost wasted.

Of course, whether in school or hospital, students are really not picky about tea food.

Especially the parents of new students this year, they cursed each other before entering the school.

 After entering the school, I was so shocked that I didn’t dare to speak.

“Oh, the library sells coffee, and the coffee beans are ground on site. This costs about 100 yuan.”

"It's free with a student ID. It's okay if you don't have a student ID or a teacher's ID. If you don't have either, it's three hundred a cup, no two prices!" A passing student with a long mouth said in a showy way, and then left.

 After the parents entered the cafeteria, they did not dare to speak.

“Dad, don’t you think your child can earn a few thousand yuan for food this month? Look, this is a school cafeteria, it’s just a high-end cafeteria, it’s not an exaggeration.”

“Five yuan a meal, don’t waste it.”

 A senior student who was passing by said something casually.

 The newborn mother looked at the girl's slender figure and said, "Really, how can you still be so thin with such good food?"

 One sentence almost made the sophomore girl almost cry. Eating all consumes the brain. Can I gain weight? I haven’t even touched the end of the scholarship this year and last year.

 The girl became more and more angry as she thought about it. The person who planned to go to the dormitory for a lunch break turned around and went to the library.

The study atmosphere in the school is particularly good. In the words of other schools, this thing is made possible by money. In fact, this is not wrong. Since ancient times, studying has been very expensive.

 Now that we have Principal Gao’s ideas and Dean Zhang’s pockets, the school will no longer be able to develop.

 Zhang Fan has to pee!

 (End of this chapter)