Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1913

Chapter 1913

 Actually, what I want to ask is whether Zhang Fan's surgical skills are as good as the legend says.

 Double gland department, in general hospitals, this is a welfare department. First of all, it is clean. Although the Department of Glandular Surgery is a sub-department of general surgery, this department has been sublimated and is no longer a **** removal brigade.

 There are many sub-departments of general surgery, but there are not many sub-departments that are clean and do not have emergencies. Double glands count as one.

 Most people cannot imagine how dirty a general surgeon is.

 General surgery, once a nauseating operation is encountered, the doctor can really feel relieved for several days and lose his appetite. For example, if you have intestinal obstruction, after you open it, you will have a stomach full of over-fermented stool, and the doctor will take it out in spoonfuls.

 Pooping at this time is not something you can do by going to the bathroom, holding your phone, and plopping it a few times. If the soup is watery and the ladle in the operating room is not suitable, you have to use a stainless steel curved plate or an iron bowl, one bowl at a time. Even if you squat on the toilet on weekdays, it doesn't seem to be much.

But for this kind of obstructive surgery on the operating table, it's no problem at all to prepare seventeen or eighteen bowls of hot yellow soup. The doctor holds it with both hands and wipes the edges clean every time. It's like a canteen owner giving Bowls of spicy soup are served. If you have bad teeth, you can swallow some kelp, enoki mushrooms and the like alive.

 Really, the doctor doesn’t have to imagine it himself.

The sour smell can make doctors hiccup, swallow hard, and hold their hands steady at the same time. After an operation, the sight of yellow-brown food can make doctors upset for a long time.

The situation in the Department of Glandular Surgery is different. All surgeries are elective, and they are also clean. The white coats worn for one month are cleaner than those worn in the General Surgery Department for three days. Especially without emergency surgery, this matter would be too sweet in the hospital.

  However, many other surgeons have a natural disdain for bi-glandular doctors.

 Do you despise the chain? There is no such thing.

For example, the director of the Tupin Department of Bianglandology had an operation at noon. He was a little lazy, so he did not go to the cafeteria. Instead, he ate a working meal in the operating room.

 A doctor in the Department of Orthopedics once said in a rumor: Does a bag cutter deserve to have a working meal?

At that time, when the matter was brought to the attention of Lao Huang, he acted like a stick and finally let it go.

 Because this department is in a general hospital, the technical content is really not that high.

However, now Chasu Hospital is no longer an ordinary hospital. After the hospital announced the development of a breast cancer vaccine, all the PhDs who applied to come to the hospital to work as mobile researchers were already Zhongyong, Mizuki, and Xihua. Nowadays, students in ordinary schools have begun to lose confidence even in applying to Chasu Hospital.

Especially in the past few years, Zhang Fan asked his grandfather and grandma to invite these doctors. I can’t describe the joy I feel in my heart now. According to the current level and level of Chasu Hospital, to be honest, a newly graduated Ph.D. already has no advantage in the hospital.

 In the past, if someone asked someone about the level of breast surgery at Chasu Hospital, Zhang Fan would be too embarrassed to brag about it.

 But now, when instructor Jingshu asked Zhang Fan tactfully, Zhang Fan didn't need to be modest at all.

I said something directly: Director of Breast Surgery at Anderson is now the Breast Director of our hospital. In terms of breast surgery, he is still not among the top three.

When this sentence was sent to instructor Jingshu, the instructor felt that this legendary doctor seemed unreliable and that he would not brag like this.

The instructor didn't dare to say anything, so he quickly asked his wife who was far away in Golden Retriever to find out if it was his student's brother who was bragging.

 As a result, you won’t know if you don’t ask, but you will be shocked if you ask.

 The position of Breast Director at Anderson is currently vacant, and it is said that several people of similar level are competing for it. The former director was really Chinese, and he actually went to a hospital in China that I had never heard of, Chasu Hospital.

In the golden retriever country, there are many Chinese doctors, but most of them seem to have problems integrating into the main world. For example, there are many third-generation brothers in the upper echelons of the hospital, and the main force in the department is Dr. Bangzi, especially in orthopedics, plastic surgery, and orthopedics. They almost have a monopoly on the highest level of existence. Many doctors in gastroenterology and endocrinology are particularly good.

As for Chinese doctors, they often seem to be more powerful in the field of private doctors. Other Chinese doctors in Golden Retriever seem to be a bit lacking in general.

Zhang Fan knew a doctor who went abroad to work as a doctor. He was fired by the hospital for no apparent reason, saying that his personality was not suitable for the hospital. Then this senior brother let his nurse wife support him for several years.

At this time, Instructor Jingshu felt that he had been a little neglectful. He was not very happy when the student was forced into the school by an acquaintance in the magic city. Now, he understands that this is a noble person.

Zhang Fan is not too enthusiastic. Seeing a doctor is similar to doing small business on the street. You must not be too enthusiastic. Once you are too enthusiastic, the customers will think you have some agenda.

Zhang Fan ate a lot of the dumplings in the evening. Zhang Zhibo grabbed the dumplings and smeared half of his face, but he also ate a lot.

 In fact, patients with diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids should eat less dumplings, especially dumpling soup after meals.

 Take a sip and your blood sugar will rise dramatically. If you don’t drink it, you feel like you are missing another step in eating dumplings. Also, for the sake of refreshing taste, dumpling fillings are often high in salt and oil. If your family has this underlying disease, you must be careful when it comes to dumpling fillings.

After dinner, the family gathered together and chatted happily. After Zhang Zhibo sucked his milk, he actively participated in it, as if he really understood. Whenever the old lady and old man praised him, he actually felt a sense of affirmation. This is the expression.

 In fact, there is nothing to talk about, just a few words that were repeated over and over again. What was Zhang Fan and Jing Shu like when they were young? Zhang Zhibo is smarter than them both now. He can climb quickly and never makes trouble.

This is for sure. Today's children are much better than children in the past in terms of not making noises. First of all, there are significantly fewer parasites in their stomachs. Back then, Zhang Fan still remembered that one of his friends, after taking anti-parasite medicine, He squatted in the garden, called his father and mother to pull a bunch of them, and then used a stick to pick up a bug that was almost one meter long and swaggered all over the street. He was so stunned that his father beat him with the sole of his shoe.

 Furthermore, because today's children are rich in various vitamins, even the growing pains are relatively mild, and of course they will not cause trouble.

Zhang Fan would definitely not say that. Home is not a place for reasoning.

 At night, Zhang Zhibo insisted on sleeping with his little aunt.

Zhang Fan said not to let your aunt rest, but he was still proud in his heart.

Since having a child, Shao Hua seems to have entered a refractory period. Not to mention chasing Zhang Fan with a desperate attitude, he even sometimes treats Zhang Fan a little bit.

 After cleaning up and figuring things out, Zhang Fan lay on the bed and relaxed his body before Shao Hua came out of the bathroom to wash up.

 The hospital phone rang.

“Master, there is a critical patient here. We are not sure about the operation.” As soon as Zhang Fan answered the phone, Ma Yichen’s voice came out.

Moreover, before Zhang Fan could speak, Ma Yichen was already busy, and he didn't even have time to wait for Zhang Fan's reply.

Zhang Fan sighed inwardly and greeted Shao Hua while getting dressed.

It turns out that there was a dispute at the night market in the northwest.

 To be honest, in the past few years, there were often quarrels at night market stalls like, "What are you looking at me for? I'm just looking at you." But this time, it's not your fault.

 Because of Tea Su, there are more and more young people in the past two years.

 The business of the night market stalls has also improved a lot. A researcher specializing in small molecules in the Chasu High-tech Zone took his girlfriend out for dinner after get off work.

 This researcher is a serious and honest person who studies hard and works hard.

He is just over 1.6 meters tall, and he is also a lover. He has always liked the school beauty in high school. From high school to graduation with a master's degree, he is also a long-term lover.

There was no hope at first, but now Chasu's income is obviously much higher. I don't know if the school beauty is moved, or if she has had enough fun and wants to get married.

The two of them came together and lived in a 200-square-meter house in a pharmaceutical factory in the High-tech Zone, which was very comfortable.

The technician's girlfriend didn't cook at night, so the two of them went to the night market out of curiosity.

There are not a few beautiful women who like sheep intestines and rice lungs. So desperate, I bumped into my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend.

There is really no way to explain this matter. The drunk ex-boyfriend scolded the school beauty while describing her physical characteristics.

The school beauty also had a bad temper, so she gave her ex-boyfriend a beer bottle when she went up.

 After the beating, you might as well come on if you can, but she hid behind her current boyfriend.

 After drinking and seeing blood, the ex-boyfriend stabbed the woman directly with a mutton skewer.

My current boyfriend has not had a fight since elementary school, so he has no experience.

  Even before the game started, the researcher was seen falling straight to the ground.

His face was as pale as a frost-killed persimmon.

 Sometimes, when people are unlucky, they really have nothing to say.

 An iron skewer for mutton skewers is so thin, but when you are not lucky, there is no way to tell.

 The iron skewer penetrated directly through the down jacket, and then penetrated into the liver area along the gap between the ribs.

This is not the most unlucky thing. The most unlucky thing is that this iron stick is directly pierced into the inferior vena cava as if it has a navigation device!

When 120 sent the researcher to Chasu Hospital, when general resident Ma Yichen opened the abdominal cavity, blood spurted out like a boiling pot of soup.

 The gauze was stuffed inside pocket by pocket without even having time to count.

 When Zhang Fan rushed to the hospital, the researcher on the operating table had a belly full of rotten cotton, like a doll that had been disemboweled by a naughty bunny.

“The iron stick was stuck in the liver area, either the inferior vena cava or the hepatic portal vein. I really have no choice!”

Ma Yichen said to Zhang Fan while changing positions back to back.

 (End of this chapter)