Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1968: To guarantee or not to guarantee

Chapter 1968 To protect or not to protect

Zhang Zhibo, who had not eaten the ice cream, did not make any trouble, but he was pouting and unhappy. He did not dare to kick Shao Hua, because he knew that Shao Hua would really punish him.

But he still has a way to trouble his mother. It doesn't matter if he can't eat the ice cream, but he doesn't stay at home and has to go out for a walk. This was his method of tormenting Shao Hua, and the little **** was very thief.

Zhang Fan's car was speeding through the city in the evening with its lights flashing, and even had to go in the wrong direction on some sections of the road. With the prosperity of Chasu High-tech Zone, Chasu Hospital has become the most prosperous street in the city.

Zhang Fan was a little helpless about this. In the early days, there were rows of various breakfast stalls in front of the hospital that would be removed at ten in the morning.

 With breakfast stalls, there must be night market stalls. At first, it was because it was intended to be convenient for hospital patients and medical staff. The city wanted to rectify it.

Zhang Fan also helped to talk, and then it became commonly known as an agreement. In the morning and at night, let alone driving in this place, it was just walking. The bumps and bruises were like a pedestrian street.

 The situation has become such that Zhang Fan has no choice but to open more doors.

 Other people's hospitals already have four gates, but Chasu Hospital has eight gates. The south gate that Ouyang used to show off is now full of small merchants and hawkers under the plaque. Under the rows of yellow plaques are oil pan cages.

 It seems funny, but there is also a hint of warmth.

Every time Ouyang needs to show off, she always chooses noon. However, she doesn't mind the vendors at the entrance of the hospital at all. Someone said that it's not possible to ask the government to intervene, but Ouyang said, it's great, just change the door. Money is a drop in the bucket for us, but it may be a source of income for small businesses and hawkers.

People like Ouyang, who become stronger when they are strong and become weak when they are weak, do not boast of the benevolence of a doctor, but the kindness in their heart has not dissipated.

 Because of the tacit consent of Zhang Fan and Ouyang, the street at the main entrance of the hospital is almost the place where hospital patients and their families save money and eat.

Zhang Fan entered through the most remote gate. When he walked to the emergency center, a large number of people had already arrived, at least hundreds of people.

 After parking the car and getting off the car, when Zhang Fan appeared, a group of people cheered to make way for Zhang Fan. Not many people knew Zhang Fan at Chasu Zhenger Bajing, but there were indeed many who knew Zhang Fan's car.

The person who got off the Cruiser with the flashing red badge was still in the hospital. It must be the director Zhang Fan.

Although every time something happens in the hospital, people say that Zhang Heizi is corrupt again, but when things really happen, they will still think of Zhang Heizi.

“I haven’t seen the patient yet. Please be patient. We will do our best. Please believe us!” Looking at the crowd gathered around him, Zhang Fan quickly waved his hand.

Zhang Fan nodded, waved his hand to signal the patient’s family members not to come over, and then hurried inside. In the past, Zhang Fan thought it would be nice to say something nice and give patients some peace of mind. In fact, the more he works in this field, the more Zhang Fan understands.

No matter what you say that sounds nice, if the treatment cannot keep up, it will be false. It is even better not to say anything, and don’t even give people a little bit of hope.

Sometimes, when the only life-saving straw they can grasp strikes again, it is no more cruel than the first nightmare.

There is no time to comfort, and there is no need to comfort, because the surgery that Wang Yanan couldn't bear is no longer as easy for Zhang Fan as it was then.

When he entered the emergency center, he saw Wang Yanan and others in the first aid room.

"what's the situation?"

The head nurse of the emergency center immediately reported to Zhang Fan: "The child is eight years old and was injured due to a large fireworks explosion half an hour ago. His left upper limb was directly damaged and suffered extensive third-degree scald burns."

 “Is Dean Li here?”

"almost there!"

 While talking, Zhang Fan had already changed into his white coat.

 Looking at Wang Yanan's back, Zhang Fan felt very happy.

 In the past, when Wang Yanan performed surgery, he would naturally feel like he was showing off his skills.

Perhaps she felt it herself, but she still couldn't avoid it.

This is similar to showing off your wealth. Although it is not illegal, it always makes people feel uneasy.

In the hospital, I don’t know if it’s Zhang Fan’s prejudice. Anyway, doctors with better family conditions show off their surgical skills.

Why Zhang Fan didn't show off his skills back then? It was because Zhang Fan regarded this job as a craft to support his family.

 Wang Yanan regarded it as a hobby.

 Three months of exchanges with golden retrievers suddenly made Wang Yanan feel like he had grown up. Although he was still so sarcastic, he felt that he had stabilized after the operation.

 At the very least, he no longer takes the lead in grabbing sick patients, as if he has returned to his original nature.

 The training in China is very short and fast. I don’t know when this operation started. Anyway, the training for doctors usually lasts for three months, and half a year is generally not much. For technological improvement, it is about seeing the world.

Cha Su’s trip to the Golden Retriever was short and fast this time, because Cha Su sent him to the Golden Retriever not to learn surgical techniques, but to improve his management level.

 Comparatively, it takes a longer time for golden retrievers.

  When the second wave of doctors passed, Mayo Hospital protested, but nothing happened. Zhang Fan took the time to provide multiple rounds of training. This kind of thing was rare, and the department director couldn't count on just one person, right?

Zhang Fan's heart skipped a beat after entering the operating room.

Years of peaceful life have made it rare for Chinese people to see patients injured by bombings.

 Actually, there are quite a lot of them in hospitals.

 Those involved in mining, firefighting, and those injured by firecrackers.

Especially the most common injuries caused by firecrackers, often in the hands. Sometimes some people try to be brave and hold firecrackers in their hands.

  As a result, my hands were fried like burnt and blooming bamboo.

 But Zhang Fan had never seen the injuries caused by the explosion this time.

  Not to mention that he was injured by a firecracker, Zhang Fan thought he was attacked by a grenade.

The left arm of the eight-year-old child was empty, and there was a faint trace of smoke rising from the burnt skin. If it was a grenade, the child might have fainted.

But these **** fireworks are not very powerful at all.

Under the charred face, the child moaned over and over again: "Mom, it hurts, Mom, it hurts so much, Mom, my arm hurts so much."

 The child not only has extreme pain in his shoulder, but also has phantom limb pain.

 This is both physical and mental pain. For an eight-year-old child, this is too cruel.

 It was so cruel that even Wang Yanan didn’t know what to do.

 The scorched black skin and the white bone stubble on the shoulders were slowly squirming in the dark red blood with pain.

 Shoulders and neck feel like a piece of milk tofu dropped into soot.

 Tears flowed down in a broken line. I was in pain, and I seemed to understand vaguely. My arm was gone, and my arm was blown away.

 At weddings on the grassland, cannons are not originally fired, because in pastoral areas, firing cannons would startle the herds. But as we enter the city, everyone’s living habits blend with each other.

   Han people have become fond of drinking milk tea, and people in pastoral areas and settled in cities have also learned to set off firecrackers when getting married.

Is this blasting a good thing? Is it a custom that needs to be continued? As a doctor, Zhang Fan doesn’t know much about P2P or C2C. However, considering the children who are injured by bombings every year, Zhang Fan thinks there is nothing wrong with this thing. Keep spreading it.

 Perhaps some people would say that Zhang Fan was too worried and too pretentious. In fact, if he really had to see someone injured by a cannon once, he might never dare to set off a cannon again in his life.

“A lot of tissue has been burned and necrotic, and a large area of ​​debridement is required, and the stump of the limb is severely damaged. I think, I want to save his arm, Master, but all the surrounding blood vessels are contracted.”

 “The stump, let me see how the bones are.”

In residual limb surgery, if the bone quality is good, whether it is a leg or a finger, if the bone quality is good, there is a high probability that it can be repaired.

 Even if it has no function in the future, incompleteness and completeness have no function. This is definitely not the same concept. Patients with residual limbs face strange looks, which is a potential pressure.

Therefore, for such a severely damaged limb, the doctor can put a useless arm back on with great strength, which is better for the patient than any words of comfort.

 However, some doctors are already hard-hearted. For example, if the spleen ruptures, it is most likely to be resected directly. According to surgical clinical guidelines, the spleen must be sutured, and the spleen cannot be sutured before it can be resected.

  Although this thing is not that useful after adulthood, it is an organ after all, not a leek or a hair, and it will not regenerate after being cut off.

 Actually, sometimes doctors are also conflicted.

Good intentions may turn into bad things, and turn into bad things that deceive oneself.

For example, after splenectomy, the biggest problem is usually infection. With the current treatment method, common infection is no longer a big problem.

But suturing the spleen may cause necrosis. Once necrosis occurs, a second operation will be required, and the patient may even become infected or even die.

 At that time, when the family members block the department and demand an explanation, the doctor may regret it. As this trend gradually formed, there were no more doctors to suture the spleen.

  After all, they all have families and families, and they rely on this professional to raise their children.

 “What situation, what situation.”

 Li Cunhou rushed to the hospital out of breath. As soon as he entered the emergency room, before he finished speaking, he saw the child on the operating table and the stump of Zhang Fan's hand held in both hands.

"Bone, the bone is a little damaged and burned." Zhang Fan was not sure. This not only depends on medical technology, but also depends on the child's own recovery.

This recovery is quite cruel, even crueler than surgery.

“Go and talk to the family members, see what they think, and clearly inform them of the risks of the surgery.” Zhang Fan said to the deputy director of the emergency center.

Among the people who go to Golden Retriever to communicate, Xue Fei is the most progressive. From the weekly reports, Zhang Fan can tell that this guy really understands the advantages of the Golden Retriever Emergency Center.

 So, everyone else rotates every three months, only Xue Fei has not come back yet.

 (End of this chapter)