Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2018: Who else?

Chapter 2018 Who else?

Zhang Fan is not sure about the development of other industries, but in the development of medical care, there are too many related departments that need to work together, otherwise nothing can be done at all.

 It's a bit like the theory of water in barrels. What you look at is not the longest, but the shortest.

 Chasu Hospital’s scientific research in recent years can actually be described as: just dabbling, but really not getting in. It is definitely not the kind of scumbag who cheats girls with his quotes.

 Zhang Fan knew this very well.

 Scientific research really requires money!

 But just having money is not enough.

Zhang Fan dares to treat liver and gallbladder cancer, gallbladder cancer, and liver tumors. He is not even afraid of how much it costs.

 Because there is support for this thing, there will always be results. After all, if you randomly recruit a few people from your own sect, even if they are not the strongest on earth, they will at least be in the top 100.

 Let him do the pancreas, and he will get a little trembling!

 Because there are so many departments related to this thing, from internal and external gastroenterology, to pharmacology and toxicology, endocrinology, and immunology departments.

There is a guy in one of these departments who says that getting a pancreas is a so-called new concept, maybe it's a job to make money and run away.

For example, if the blood calcium and blood lipids of the pancreas are increased, if the endocrinology department does not provide adequate support, the surgeon can only hang his hands on his chest and stare.

 The organs surrounding the liver are none to be trifled with.

Especially the pancreas, this thing is really fierce.

 For example, for alcoholic pancreatitis, based on the current treatment level, it is difficult to say the effect of treatment.

 If you have respiratory diseases, quit smoking and pay attention to avoid catching colds and infections, etc., the respiratory system recovery of patients in their 80s and 90s is absolutely effective.

But the same cannot be said for the pancreas. Once simple alcoholic pancreatitis attacks, it will undergo organic changes. Whether you quit drinking or continue drinking, the doctor has no idea whether it will turn from acute pancreatitis to chronic pancreatitis. A little bit of certainty depends entirely on God throwing a sieve.

 Abstracting alcohol can at best reduce the number of episodes of alcoholic pancreatitis, that's all.

 So, when many people drink to make a living or for other reasons, they drink hard, then lie down on the toilet and stuff their fingers down their throats until they vomit, and then continue drinking again.

Try not to use this kind of operation, because this kind of operation is extremely easy to induce pancreatitis attack, so remember it.

 At the end of September, the grass grows tall in autumn, and the wildflowers on the tea plain are like high-end carpets, covering the endless tea plain.

The fat and strong livestock have been eating deliciously on the summer pasture all summer. The tails hanging behind the lambs' buttocks tremble when they walk, and they are so fat that it makes people drool just looking at them.

 At the end of September and early October, Chasu Hospital held its annual free clinic on the grassland. The vast convoy was divided into many groups, and each group was led by a leader at the level of the hospital director.

The people in the Chasu urban area are very unhappy with this kind of behavior, because why don’t the urban areas have such a good thing? Seeing a doctor is free of charge, and some particularly powerful experts even come to their homes to see the doctor in person.

This guy is so bullying, so when the convoy was about to set off from Chasu Hospital on a crisp autumn morning, the people in the city, especially those who were foul-mouthed, began to curse.

“Nima, Zhang Heizi from Chasu Hospital is taking the doctors to eat mutton on the grassland again. Every year you go there, you make every doctor in their hospital fatter.”

"It's just that medical treatment is getting more expensive day by day. Look at the fleet of Chasu Hospital. Is this a hospital? The bus companies don't have as many buses as they do. Oh, why don't you set up a free clinic at the door of our community? I Just go out in the city, and you have to come in to register the day before to see a doctor, Yaoshou!"

 The common people’s eyes are really sharp on this point.

Chasu Hospital really has more cars than Chasu Bus Company, including more than a dozen surgical vehicles, dozens of 120 vehicles, six or seven inspection vehicles, as well as logistics supply vehicles and water purification vehicles.

 Line after row of cars, like an army.

 Chasu Hospital holds this free clinic every year. Not only the traffic police of the Chasu Government come out to help, but now even the Chasu Government sends people to follow.

Especially those who are stationed in the urban area of ​​Chasu will also send troops to follow.

At the mobilization meeting, Ouyang was dressed very solemnly and held a microphone and loudly encouraged the doctors who were about to set off.

 The old lady rarely expresses her opinions on major hospital matters now.

Even sometimes, when Zhang Fan asked in person, the old lady would be very impatient and said: Do you want to ask me about this?

how could I know? My salary in one month is not as high as yours. You come to ask me?

 I don’t know, but I thought the old lady had a problem with Zhang Fan. In fact, no one could have a problem with Zhang Fan.

For example, the old lady would scold Ren Li privately, saying that the dough would not make it to the table.

I will also scold Lao Chen, and he will know how to cheat in one day.

 In the past, I would occasionally say a few words about Zhang Fan, but now I never say anything bad about Zhang Fan except that he has a dark face.

This is not out of fear or any other factor, but to establish Zhang Fan's authority.

It seems to be like, look, I respect Zhang Fan, but you still keep shouting about Jiang day and night?

 It’s a pity that there are no eggs.

If Zhang Fan hadn't been so skilled, he probably wouldn't have been a good dean. After all, he often smiled like a sunflower, which made everyone feel, especially Ouyang, that he looked like a bun seller at the entrance of the hospital.

 The free clinic at the hospital lasts for one week. In the early years, this kind of free clinic was a bit of a formality.

It's not too far away, right at the urban-rural fringe. Hang up a flag, set up a stall, and then ask the young man in charge of the hospital to take a photo and publish it in the Tea Daily, and that's the end of it.

The doctors were all young doctors. They went to the local free clinic and prescribed simple medicines. The doctors were fooled and the people didn't take them seriously.

Many policies, especially policies that benefit the people, become formalized because they do not produce benefits or benefits, and eventually become a waste of money and waste for the people.

For example, after-school delay was originally intended to reduce the burden on working parents, but in the end, they only charged money for tutoring? Give me some guidance!

 The motorcade set off in a mighty manner.

Zhang Fan also led a team, but there was no one at home. Shao Hua and Zhang Zhibo were with Jing Shu in the Magic City. The four old people were all at the farm. The weather in Chasu City has been too hot recently.

Not only did they not come to the city, Zhang Fan also drove Old Man Lu and Old Lady Lu to the farm to escape the summer heat.

 Zhang Fan became a loner.

Chasu Hospital is very powerful now. Each medical team can be compared to a second-level hospital.

Zhang Fan looked at the motorcade behind him, feeling filled with a very satisfying sense of accomplishment.

There are dozens of medical teams in one hospital, and there are dozens of second-level hospitals. Zhang Fan really dares to stand on the top of the mountain and ask: Who else is there in Huaguo Hospital? Who else is there at Huaguo Hospital?

In terms of scientific research, Chasu Hospital cannot compare with the Capital City, or even Sanchuan Roujiamo. Clinically, there is no comparison with this thing. Everyone says they are the best.

 But when it comes to emergencies, Cha Su comes first. There is really no one who dares to speak out now, because this is something that needs to be practiced.

Look at the number of deployments of Chasu Hospital in recent years, especially after merging with Chasu’s digital hospital, Chasu Hospital is shouldering some of the responsibilities of a digital hospital.

Ouyang stood upright at the entrance of the hospital and greeted the team as they set off.

She has to stay at home, and the hospital's helicopter, especially Huahua, is immobile. Once something happens, it is the fastest trump card of Chasu Hospital.

Moreover, with Ouyang here, Zhang Fan really felt like he was on vacation.

 No need to worry about anything!

Ouyang has been outdated.

 But when it comes to overall mastery, the old lady is still a master.

 Zhang Fan's group includes a cardiologist, led by Na Duo. There are general surgery, led by Ma Yichen, and pediatric surgery, urology, and orthopedics.

 These are some of the disease departments that are more common on the grassland.

Of course, the most important thing when going to the grassland is obstetrics and gynecology.

 In the free clinics held every year, obstetrics and gynecology are the most important.

The obstetrics and gynecology team leader in Zhang Fan's team is Lu Shuyan.

Because they live in the grassland chasing water and grass, many pregnant women do not have premarital check-ups, and it is difficult to get a pregnancy test during pregnancy. Therefore, the probability of one death and two lives is much higher on the grassland than in the city.

 Many people think that Chinese obstetrics and gynecology are not like this. In fact, far away from the city, there are some things that cannot be said.

There are still many places where the young and old are poor. Zhang Fan has become famous throughout the country for being stingy in the past two years.

 But Zhang Fan has never been stingy in matters like this.

 Medical care, hospitals, hospitals exist not just for scientific research, not just to create high-end technology.

 The real purpose of a medical hospital is to treat patients.

 Many hospitals have developed to this day and have neglected the basics! One is to talk about how many beds our hospital has, and the other is to talk about how many inventions our hospital has.

Did you know that the registration queue at your hospital can last for a month?

  Do you think you should always tell Nai Weng when doing family sacrifices: Your number is up!

 Is there any solution?

Zhang Fan said very arrogantly: Our hospital has solved the problem.

 Chasu Hospital’s current triage diagnosis and treatment system has been criticized a lot by the people of Chasu.

It is said that Chasu General Hospital is reserved for wealthy people for medical treatment, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

 In fact, Zhang Fan never refutes the scolding.

 Because there are almost no experts in the outpatient clinic of Chasu General Hospital, there are only some emergency clinics. Instead, experts and even academicians have been assigned to various triage hospitals to provide outpatient registration services.

  What the main hospital really has to deal with are some emergencies and some difficult surgeries. Appendicitis surgeries are almost no longer seen in day operating rooms.

The biggest advantage of this model is that it does not increase the time for diagnosis and treatment for patients.

To put it simply, for example, a hundred patients come to see a doctor, one to see the breast and another to see the bladder.

 Getting together, not only queuing up to register, but also queuing up to take the elevator.

 But in Chasu, several triage hospitals have divided the staff.

  The breast surgeon went to a specialized breast hospital, and maybe one hundred became ten. There may be a queue, but it won't squeeze a person with a large cup bra into a button shape.

Zhang Fan believes in the big community and small society model. Many hospitals feel that they are so awesome that they have turned themselves into a big government and a small community.

Not only is the hospital clogged, but the roads around the hospital are also clogged, as if there is prostatic hyperplasia.

 To see a doctor, you need to peel off the skin!

 Several branch hospitals have to conduct treatment rounds in the main hospital every week, which makes the final round of the disease in the main hospital.

On the way out to the grassland, Zhang Fan half-closed his eyes, but unfortunately he couldn't sleep for a while. The few female doctors in the back were busy checking, checking, checking, without stopping along the way.

It was like a group of rats got into the car. He didn't know very well. He usually shouted about losing weight and not eating this or that.

  But I can't stop eating potato chips. Is this to lose weight?

 (End of this chapter)