Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2071: The whole family mobilization

  Chapter 2071 The Family Story

  The most uncomfortable thing in the world is not the 100 meters. You run for 13 seconds, and others run for nine seconds and nine.

  You won't be annoyed and put half a catty on your chest.

  The really uncomfortable thing is that every time you are nine seconds nine, others are ninety-eight cents every time.

   This is the sorrow of Ji Shengyu and He Shengliang.

  The brilliance of the ancestral line did not know how many generations of masters were overshadowed. In modern society, who knows the vaccine expert who used his own son as a specimen? Who knew Aunt Lin who never got married in order to stay in Zhongyong!

  Why, many people know about the ancestors?

   Not only was old man Qiu powerful back then, but also the inheritance was orderly.

  Especially in the Chinese culture of Huaguo, sometimes it seems that some people's ultimate pursuit is to live forever.

   Zhang Fan looked at Huo Xinwen who was arrogant and domineering on the defense stage, although he pretended to be indifferent, he was so happy and proud that he couldn't bear it anymore.

  The defense is over, but it is not over.

  Because the defense this time has surpassed the ordinary defense.

  Because many questions were too advanced, not only the experts of the defense team could not convince Huo Xinwen, but Huo Xinwen could not convince the experts of the defense team either.

  If this is placed on the body of an ordinary doctor, this matter will be difficult to say. Because Huo Xinwen's family's master is Cha Suzhang.

  Although Zhang Fan can't arrange for someone to stamp Huo Xinwen for an interview for graduation, he can definitely guarantee that he won't be bullied.

  Hua Guo's thesis has problems, and the problems are not small.

   There was a joke back then, saying that he was a Ph.D., and his graduation thesis was submitted to a core journal in Huaguo.

   Then, the other party returned it. The returned opinion is: the topic is not novel, and the major is not clear.

   As a result, the doctor did not give up, and directly submitted the manuscript to Cell. Although it was not published in the main journal, it was still published in the sub-journal.

  This matter is a scientific research accident, but other core journals are not afraid, just say that our review is stricter than cells, and the story is told in one sentence.

  The Education Committee came here to tell Zhang Fan in person that more experts are needed to participate.

   Then, in this spring, when the days were filled with loess and cow dung, the major experts in general surgery and gastroenterology from all over the country put down their work and rushed to the capital in all directions.

   "Oh my god, I didn't participate in any discussions in this group or express any opinions. If something happens in this group, it has nothing to do with me."

   Some melon-eating guys and girls in the medical group were dumbfounded.

   "I think the country is playing a big game of chess!"

   "When the hammer hits, anyone with eyes can see that Zhang Heizi is about to usurp power. Have you seen it? Now the princes from all walks of life have come to Beijing. Zhang Heizi shakes people, and the boss also shakes people."

   "You know what, the health system only has general surgery and digestion? Is the usurping of power only called general surgery and digestion?

  Don’t open your mouth if you don’t understand…”

  There are all kinds of guesses, but no one really thinks that Huo Xinwen is Nezha.

  Old man Lu also came to the capital from the frontier.

   Accompanying Lao Lu said that the old man came here with a smile all the way, and he didn’t dislike the wind and sand when he got off the plane, and he still smiled with his mouth open!

   "This is a blessing for our higher education in Huaguo. There are such young experts in this field..."

   "This is what Huaguo Health has accumulated countless days and nights over the past few decades. There was Mr. Qiu before, and now there are talents like Expert Huo. This is our medical staff..."

  Medical and sanitation began to fight first.

  In Huo Xinwen's thesis, the data is not detailed, but Zhang Fan immediately called the First Research Institute of the Banking Country after seeing the controversy.

  They immediately began to copy Huo Xinwen's paper.

  If the papers cannot be copied, some of them are too cutting-edge to support the current scientific research equipment, such as the theory of the explosive head back then.

  Some papers cannot be reproduced purely because this paper is made up by him.

  So, under the premise that it cannot be copied, it generally doesn’t matter whether your paper is edited or too cutting-edge.

   will be put on hold, waiting for the test of time.

  However, Huo Xinwen's experiment was successfully replicated, and the transplanted mouse pancreatic tumor cells obviously lost most of their activity.

  This shows that Huo Xinwen's thesis is a success.

  After this result appeared, the controversy disappeared, and some universities even wanted to cooperate with Huo Xinwen.

   At this time, Hopkins from the Golden Retriever sent a congratulatory message without saying anything, and sent Huo Xinwen an invitation letter directly as a professor.

   Immediately afterwards, the Bank Country First Hospital, where Huo Xinwen had been, also sent an invitation letter.

   Then Li Jiapo, No. 1 in Asia, also sent it.

   "Hey, that's great. I wanted her to study hard for a few years, but..." Zhang Fan held the letter in his hand, and was very entangled in complaining to several education committees and old man Wang.

  Old man Wang's face was blue and purple, and he turned to old man Lu and said, "Is this your apprentice?"

  Old man Lu’s reverent waist was half-bent at this time, "Senior Brother, you can beat as much as you want, and scold you as much as you want. I will trouble you this time!"

  Zhang Fan was stunned, and said in his heart: "This old man..."

  When no one was around, the old man said: "You are stupid, what's the point of you arguing with them now?

  Huo Yatou came back from abroad, but don't go back to Cha Su, continue to contact several postdoctoral sites and ask her to go in and take a look. "

  Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't understand, the old man felt very uncomfortable.

   It's all my fault, I didn't guide the boy's research path smoothly, he doesn't even understand the rules.

  Zhang Fan definitely doesn’t understand. He knows a hammer, so he believes in two, one shovel and one ticket.

   For the next scientific research, people like Huo Xinwen, no matter which scientific research center they go to, will be a favorite.

  If it is an ordinary genius, it will be up for sale at this time.

   But who is Huo Xinwen? Her master is known as the leader of Northwestern Medicine. It is hard to say whether there are many others, but there is definitely a lot of money.

  Huo Xinwen never had to think about the issue of scientific research funding, so she didn't have to go to other scientific research centers.

  Just do your own research directly,

   At this time, you can't fight alone, you must have a team.

  Where do the people on the team come from?

  She is different from Zhang Fan, what Zhang Fan looks for is handsome, but what she needs is a partner.

  So, the advice given by the old man is to go to various doctoral programs in China to visit and exchange.

  Now Huo Xinwen's cards, not to mention Zhang Fan's face, for this heavyweight paper, which has not been moved for three years, and the paper will make a lot of noise if it is moved, which doctoral program in China, the other party will not be warmly received.

   Moreover, in terms of digestion, the Army has always been better. The old man is not a good person either, he has already started to stand in front of his disciples and grandchildren to touch people.

   Otherwise, facing the old king, would he be so reverent? You are an academician, and I am also an academician. I still have such awesome apprentices and grandchildren. Do you have any?

  That night, Huo Xinwen was on the news, not at 7 o'clock, but science and education news. It's just a matter of one sentence.

   People outside the industry probably didn't hear it.

   Those who are feasible are blown up.

   "I'll go, get my Ph.D. degree certificate on the same day, and be hired as a professor at Mizuki on the same day?"

   "There is a shady scene. Zhang Heizi dragged his master and uncle to find a professor for his apprentice. Nima, there must be a shady scene."

  This kind of talk is so fierce in the eyes of ordinary people, something may happen to Zhang Fan and Huo Xinwen.

   Actually, in the industry.

  Because of this professor's question, Zhongyong and Mizuki almost had a quarrel,

  But because of the cooperation between Chasu and Mizuki, and Mizuki also agreed, when Huo Xinwen does research in the future, they will use whichever department they need to support.

  Cha Su, in the hospital, Huo Xinwen's generation and Zhang Fan's second batch of students were all dumbfounded.

   "Elder Sister is a professor?"

   "If the teacher draws the line according to the senior sister, will we not be able to graduate?"

   "Hey! Hurry up and eat, and continue to the operating room. Hey!"

   "There is also a reason for the teacher's partiality. Huo Xinwen is better than us. Hey!"



   "Well, in the past six months, you have to hurry up and run through all the doctoral programs of pancreas major in China, and if you see suitable people, pay attention, and I will help you find them.

  You don’t need to worry about anything, the project has been sorted out in the past six months, and I will arrange it for you. After you transfer to the doctoral program, I can almost prepare it for you. "

   "Master..." Huo Xinwen burst into tears.

   "Why are you crying, you're worthless, that's fine, today is your good day, call your family, and call your wife when you're done!"

   Before Zhang Fanren arrived at Chasu, he called Yan Xiaoyu.

   "How much money is available."

  Yan Xiaoyu didn't ask, and directly reported the data: "There are still more than 10 billion dollars. If it is not enough, you can transfer some from Ms. Zeng. The dividends of the Golden Retriever Special Orthopedics Department this quarter can also be reminded."

   "That's enough, let's make a report. We want to build a pancreas center, an independent pancreas center. The equipment will be budgeted according to the most advanced equipment at present. We will invite designers from the Harvard Research Center."

   "Okay, I'm going to make a report right now, the designer probably won't be invited!"

  The design of the scientific research center is different from other architectural designs, but Zhang Fan is not worried at all. You said that the designer of the aircraft cannon is not easy to deal with, and the designer of a broken building is not difficult for Zhang Fan.

  In May 2015, big news broke out about tea.

  Establish a world-class pancreas research center.

   For a moment, everyone in the circle was dumbfounded.

  Because they knew that Zhang Fan was not bragging. Unlike some, the so-called is the so-called.

   But there are still people who are jealous.

   "Don't you have two coins? What's the big deal!"

   "Damn it, Zhang Heizi is trying to push his big apprentice towards an academician. How shameless! With such a powerful platform, if you put a dog on it, even a dog can become an academician."

  Zhang Fan is in the open, while Old Man Lu and Old Man Wu are behind the scenes.

  The two old men have been in this business for a lifetime.

   Who doesn't know?

   "How about it, don't mess with it, come and help my Huo girl, don't worry, she is not like her master, she is definitely not domineering!"

   "Are you abroad? Why don't you call me back, the space here is limited, and it will start in half a year."

   My wife has allergic bronchitis, Lao Zang frightened me

   Said that you are not good at taking medicine and not taking medicine on time

   In the future, it will be the villain on TV, pointing at the medicine bottle while clutching his neck

   As a result, she lost sleep

   Hey, but these days a cough is measured by the hour

   Cough old Zang's heart is broken



  (end of this chapter)