Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2090: Three people made a marching stove

Ren Shushu has been quite busy these days, but it’s not that there are too many patients in the hospital. In fact, there are relatively fewer medical patients in summer than in winter.

 In winter, especially in the north, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases increase exponentially due to the sharp drop in temperature. Moreover, many patients with chronic diseases often cannot bear the changes when the seasons change and pass away.

The emergence of migratory bird elders in recent years is actually a way to change biochemical methods.

For example, elderly people from the south can come to the north in summer, but heat stroke and air-conditioning disease are still a super killer for the elderly.

Mr. Ren recently attended the government’s drought and flood prevention meeting. At this time of year, hospitals must maintain a reserve force of personnel.

In terms of drought resistance, there is not much medical treatment, mainly to prevent waterlogging. This meeting cannot be thundered every year.

 In the past, it was Zhang Fan who did it. As Zhang Fan gradually changed his mind little by little, Zhang Fan handed over many things.

 The internal medicine department is not busy, but the surgery department becomes busy at this time.

 First of all, a group of half-grown boys with super loud voices were sent to Erwai. There is also a group of young men who fantasize about secondary growth. After the college entrance examination, they are deeply afraid of being discriminated against in college, so they hurriedly come to have their skin removed.

 Because of the large number of people, Chasu Hospital has a dedicated skin incision clinic in summer. Anyway, there are young men and children walking with their legs crossed in the hospital every day.

Especially the primary school students wearing disposable paper cups with tea cups printed on them. I really feel like laughing when I see him in pain.

 There are also some elective surgeries, and we will also choose to come in spring and summer.

 The most important thing is that Chasu Hospital is now a special medical center, and almost all difficult and complex surgeries in the northwest are sent here.

 In previous years, patients in Northwest China usually went to either Roujiamo or Sanchuan. Now there is an extra tea element.

 Chasu has a lot to offer here. Food and accommodation are cheap, and medicines are cheap. Compared with the top three hospitals of the same level, the cost of Chasu Hospital is lower than other hospitals.

 But the shortcomings are also obvious. The border is too big and the tea content is too high. However, it is no better now than when Zhang Fan was buying tea.

Chasu's airport has become an international airport, and the first high-speed rail in the border area is from Niaoshi to Chasu, and the expressway is eight lanes in both directions.

 Most of the Northwest Expressway is two-way with four lanes, but the Chasu Expressway is of a higher grade.

  At the beginning, several neighboring Stans were quite critical of this expressway.

As soon as Mr. Ren returned to the hospital, he was invited over by Wang Hong.

“I’ve heard about their scientific research, and even allocated some funds to it.”

"Oh, do you know about this subject?" Zhang Fan asked a little surprised. According to Zhang Fan's idea, if the endocrinology department really wants to achieve results, it will probably have to wait until he slowly clears out these ladies from the department. Maybe we can see it.

 But now, the scientific research that Mr. Ren knows about is probably not a lie.

“The project was carried out by the director and deputy director of endocrinology, together with a group of master’s students who just graduated from our medical university last year, in conjunction with Laoliu Hospital in Modou.”

 “Huh?” Zhang Fan meant, why didn’t I know about this?

“It’s a collaboration between departments, and this time the collaboration is with their ninth department of endocrinology.”

As soon as he said this, Zhang Fan understood a little bit.

These nine departments are quite special in Laoliu Hospital in Shanghai. It’s not that the department is special, but that the members of the department are special.

This department can almost be said to have brought together a group of doctors who failed to compete for the directorship of super hospitals.

Health care is very special. For example, sub-top players in other systems often go to other countries once they fail to compete domestically.

 But medical care is not good. Chinese nurses are in great demand when going abroad, but it is more difficult for Chinese doctors to become doctors in more developed countries.

 And once you get older, it gets even harder.

A hospital that can bring together a group of sub-top leaders who have failed in competition can only do this kind of thing in Magic City and Dayu Village.

 In other places, even if you want to, you can't do it.

 However, relatively speaking, they are still unable to match the top bosses in terms of resources.

 The endocrinology director of Qiansu is also worried.

Hospitals are getting better and better now. Not to mention surgery, internal medicine alone has undergone tremendous changes.

 Respiratory and intrapsychic diseases can now attract academicians to come for exchanges. In addition, the close cooperation between internal digestive system and tea element has led to several spin-off scientific researches.

 As for departments such as neuroendocrinology, which used to have the same status as endocrinology, they are also becoming stronger and stronger because they are affiliated with the corresponding surgical departments.

 But the endocrine system is not good. A group of ladies and ladies who wear black stockings all day not only fail to work hard, but sometimes even hinder their efforts.

The director and deputy director of endocrinology are also talented people. They found a new way and found a group of directors who had failed in the struggle and even hooked up with each other.

 The failure of these people in competition is not necessarily due to technology. There are too many factors involved.

They have no money. Although the Department of Internal Medicine is not as wealthy as the Department of Surgery, it is still enviable compared to other hospitals.

 Furthermore, Chasu Hospital is well-equipped!

This is really not bragging.

 At present, the equipment of Chasu Hospital is almost the best in the world.

The two departments slept together to make a living.

 When Zhang Fan heard what Mr. Ren said, he felt a little bit like he was being prostituted for nothing.

 Because Chasu Hospital does scientific research, when did it become a financial sponsor? Others pay for it and we do our own research. Well now, these losers are sneaking around...

"What project are they working on?" Zhang Fan's tone was not very good.

Mr. Ren smiled and took out his notebook and began to enter the password.

In the past, doctors and nurses at Chasu Hospital were given computers as part of year-end welfare benefits. Zhang Fan didn’t know much about this, so he just bought whichever one was more expensive on the market.

 Later, due to the successful scientific research on antiemetics, tuberculosis, and HPV, his superiors originally planned to let Zhang Fan purchase a batch of laptop computers.

As a result, Zhang Fan was reluctant, and in the end, his superiors provided professional computers for free to the staff involved in scientific research at Chasu Hospital.

There is no brand, and it is a bit like Zhang Fan’s confidential phone number.

 Thick ones can be used as self-defense weapons.

Ren Li typed on the keyboard almost twenty times.

Zhang Fan also had to sigh, what a good memory.

“Well, we started cooperating last year, and intestinal microbial-derived enzymes produce secondary activation and repair of pancreatic β-cell host isoenzymes.”

Zhang Fan took a breath of air as soon as he heard this.

How do you say this thing? An enzyme is like a key.

Moreover, biological locks are quite special. They can be opened by specific keys, and they can also be opened by some suspicious keys.

For example, carbon monoxide poisoning does not mean that when carbon monoxide is inhaled into the body, it will directly poison the person to death.

 It is that this substance combines with hemoglobin, taking the place of oxygen, and then the hemoglobin happily carries carbon monoxide in and out. It seems to be busy, but in fact it is doing useless work.

 This is probably the case for enzyme proteins in the body.

 The general principle of diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is that if you eat too much, the beta cells of the pancreatic islets are used too hard to spit out the insulin that breaks down sugar, and then they begin to break down.

  Just like the craftsmen, they often made spiral movements, and then after reaching the age of forty, the brother could not lift his head, and his corpse was laid out.

 Brothers lay their corpses out. It’s hard to say whether this will affect the couple’s relationship.

  But if beta cells are damaged, it will affect your health.

 Sugars are a good thing when they are broken down into ATP, which can make you run and jump. If it is not used up, it can turn into fat and make the breast glands enlarge.

 But once it cannot be decomposed, it is poison to the body.

 Entering the blood vessels will make the blood vessels rough, just like making stockings look like they have been dug countless times by claws, turning stockings into woolen socks.

Especially for capillaries, once something goes wrong, such as eyes or heart, blindness is no joke.

 Not only blood vessels, but also nerves.

 Many diabetic patients will experience numbness in their hands and feet, which feels like being hit by a microcurrent all the time. If you have never felt this uncomfortable intensity, do not touch the switch. You can squat for half an hour and then stand up to feel it.

 The current treatment for diabetes is probably to reduce glycogen absorption and inject insulin outside the body.

 The benefit is obvious, that is, delaying vascular neuropathy. Because no matter how you control it, this kind of thing outside the body is not as good as the micropores inside the body.

 It’s just like picking your nose, no matter how others help you, it’s not as good as doing it yourself.

 How can beta cells be activated? This is a quite complicated issue. First, we need to find the running programs of cells and proteins in the body, and then look for the keys and corresponding locks.

 Many diabetic patients seem to have their beta cells resurrected some time after their first injection of insulin.

 This is academically controversial.

 Some people think it is stimulating and can resurrect cells for a second time.

 Some people think it’s because they have to take a break before working again.

 But after a while, it didn’t work anymore.

 The project that Chasu Hospital is currently cooperating with Modu Laoliu is to find the key to cell resurrection.

 Ren Li turned on the computer and turned to Zhang Fan.

Although Ren Li is in charge of internal medicine, she is not like Zhang Fan who can perform any surgical operation.

 Hence, her control over internal medicine is not as good as Zhang Fan's.

 Zhang Fan looked slowly, his brows getting tighter as he looked.

 After reading it, Zhang Fan closed his eyes, leaned on the boss's chair, and stopped talking.

Ren Lixin said that even if she spent some money, she couldn’t be so angry.

She thinks the endocrinology research is quite good. Even if it fails, it can still produce some data on glycogen decomposition.

 After all, the progress of scientific research is not achieved overnight, but a lot of data is compiled into a paper, and then bit by bit, it is finally given homework by a certain scientist.

“The direction is right, but the process is wrong.” Suddenly Zhang Fan said something.

Ren Li opened her mouth and looked at Zhang Fan with her big innocent eyes, "You..."

“Our Department of Surgery is also studying this project. I was able to retain the former dean Zhongyong in our hospital because of this project. Although Huo Xinwen’s scientific research is not focused on pancreatic islets, it is still relevant.

These guys, hey! Don’t you know how big a pot can cook a big meal? "

 Zhang Fan felt a little distressed.

“Invite the two directors of endocrinology.” Zhang Fan thought for a long time and finally asked Wang Hong to invite them.