Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2097: Surgery cost

Professor Amano Atsushi, known as the master of surgery in Maruko Country, stood firmly on the small bench behind the surgeon, not moving a step. Even if a doctor wanted to change positions with him to observe, he would refuse by saying that he was the supervisor of the princess' surgery.

 He must see how Zhang Fan performs this surgery today, because he cannot do this kind of surgery.

Once surgery involves words such as reconstruction, replacement, repair, etc., it is usually a major surgery. Of course, repairing some kind of membrane can be simple. Some even repair it after it has been punctured for a short time. I don’t know what it is for.

 The development of extracardiac surgery, to be honest, is one aspect of improving surgical technology, but the most important aspect is the leap-forward development of surgical equipment that has brought about the current rapid development of cardiac surgery. Especially for cardiac surgery, packaged medical treatment has a significant impact on the outcome.

 The so-called packaged treatment actually means that all treatments are provided in one system starting from the moment you enter the hospital, without the patient having to find the corresponding department.

For example, perioperative medication (anesthesia!), critical care, cardiology, and nephrology also play extremely important responsibilities here.

 A few years ago, a foreign medical expert said to cardiac surgeons: If your hospital does not have these necessary supporting conditions, please change the medical environment or transfer the patient to other hospitals.

 It sounds a bit equipmentist, but it is also true.

For example, Zhang Fan’s surgery today required establishing extracorporeal circulation first. This thing is actually to create a heart outside the body, which can still form a blood transfusion circulation for the body without the heart.

There is a chronology of major events in extracorporeal circulation equipment. The first type of implantable left ventricular assist device failed in 1963, and then continued to fail in 1966. In 1970 and 1978, assistive devices transitioned to heart transplantation. In 2000, the first clinical series of implanted whole heart assist devices was Device successful.

 Here, has the doctor's technology improved? Absolutely, but compared with the rapid improvement of equipment, the improvement of the doctor's technology is somewhat dispensable.

For example, in the extracorporeal circulation in 1963, the blood oxygenation of arterial blood and venous blood was not well combined, but the extracorporeal circulation in 2000 was already computer controlled.

Even the blood circulation under computer simulation is almost indistinguishable from that of a real heart.

 But, just like that, the failure rate of cardiac surgery is also as high as 7%, which is already a big number!

Such a high failure rate also makes cardiac surgeons more and more valuable.

This can also be said in reverse, the equipment has improved so accurately, but why has the surgical technology not improved by leaps and bounds?

This surgical method proposed by Zhang Fan is theoretically possible, but no one has done it yet. Why? It’s because of the high standards for doctors’ skills.

 The operation begins and the chest cavity is incised~!

 There is a large incision directly under the xiphoid process. The ribs are as soft as cookies under the rongeur.

 Open the heart and begin to establish external circulation.


 “Cool down! Stop the cycle!”

At the same time as every word was spoken, the sound of surgical hemostats could be heard crisply in the operating room.

Every major blood vessel carrying the heart outward, whether named or unnamed, is clamped shut.

Every step here is dancing on the edge of danger of bleeding. He is a big blood vessel and he is still an old man.

Sometimes, accidents almost accompany the entire operation process. For example, an undetected vascular dissection can explode on the operating table as soon as the forceps are removed.

 “Rewarming, cerebral perfusion!”

  The operation was very fast. It could almost be said that the best doctors in cardiac surgery in northern China were gathered on this operating table.

Although Zhang Fan has the right to use the scalpel, electric knife, scissors and other sharp instruments, the cooperation of the assistants is also quite powerful.

Zhang Fan didn't need to worry about blunt dissection, preparation, hemostasis outside the wound margin, or blood vessel protection. They created a quite comfortable surgical position for Zhang Fan.

 Can't even be picky.

 “Tilt the operating table!” The operation entered the heart. At this time, the serious operation had just begun.

How would you describe the heart? The heart is as big as a fist and has blood vessels that supply other body organs.

 The blood vessels that supply the heart are several hearts wearing golden armor attached to the surface of the heart.

This golden armor is fat. Because the heart is a cardiomyocyte, it is not wear-resistant. Therefore, when many people eat animal hearts, they will find fat. In fact, this fat acts as a wear-resistant agent.

  Cut, enter. If it enters the heart from outside the chest, the members of the surgical team are like a demolition team, using whatever roughness is needed.

For example, a rongeur, how big is it? The pliers used to build tree branches are similar to large rongeurs.

 After entering the heart, Zhang Fan and the others acted like thieves.

  Pliers are all used for ophthalmology.

 Enter the heart, if looking down from the direction of the operating light.

 At this time, the heart is like a birthday cake for a five-hundred-year-old lady. The places visible to the naked eye are filled with metal pliers.

 Metal pliers are placed one by one on the heart like birthday candles.

 At this time, the speed must be fast and stable.

 First repair, patch, like a piece of patch taken from gray stockings and placed on Zhang Fan's hand.

Zhang Fan's hands were as nimble as tongues, and he had already gotten in before he even noticed how it moved.

Professor Amano Atsushi's heart clenched violently, because although he could see this place clearly, he still didn't understand how Zhang Fan did it.

 Outside the surgical observation room, a group of directors could not even see clearly.

By the time they came to their senses, the repair was complete, and the inner edge of the heart was like a repaired membrane, flickering in and out.

 The reconstruction began immediately afterwards.

This operation is very difficult. To put it simply, an **** fistula can make doctors and patients think deeply.

 It is so difficult to move the **** that almost 99% of doctors are at a loss.

 Heart reconstruction is even more difficult.

 There should be no trace of bleeding here. Once there is bleeding, the blood will agglomerate here and it will become a super plate.

And the heart muscle is different from other muscles. It has super endurance. From birth to death, a person's heart almost never stops.

 It is malleable, but it is too brittle.

If it has both endurance and flexibility, just like the cavernous body, it is estimated that myocardium will be used for cavernous body repair in the future.

 But, it's too brittle. Even a slight touch may cause a small pit to appear in the heart muscle.

 The operation lasted from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon.

 The doctors on the operating table changed from being relaxed at first to becoming heavy.

 The diaper between my buttocks went from warm to cold, and the skin that had started to be irritated by uric acid even stung a little.

 The sweat on my head can be wiped by the nurse, but there is nothing I can do about the pain in my legs, I can only endure it.

 The leaders of the observation room come and go, and come and go.

  To cut out, to build, to measure.

To be honest, heart surgery requires more precision than brain surgery.

 Surgery on the brain is like carving a pattern on a tofu, while surgery on the heart is performed in a small water pump. The casing must fit tightly between casings.

Moving slowly, Zhang Fan’s hands could hardly be seen moving while sewing.

Many doctors in the observation room couldn't help but imitate Zhang Fan's operations with their own hands.

"It's too difficult. How did Zhang Yuan train himself?" Experts can tell the degree of difficulty at a glance.

Although they cannot perform this kind of operation, it does not delay them in evaluating the difficulty of this kind of operation and the quality of the operation.

 Finally, everything is finished.

Zhang Fan straightened his body slightly, and there seemed to be inaudible bones snapping all over his body.


This exhaust gas is not farting, but shaking the heart to remove gas from the left and right atria of the heart. Because the normal heart is filled with blood, extracorporeal circulation causes air to enter the heart.

 The pliers were slowly withdrawn one after another.

 The cardiopulmonary bypass begins to withdraw.

 Visible blood slowly enters the heart.

At this time, not only Zhang Fan's heart was aroused, but also everyone in the operating room was aroused.

 Blood enters, and the beating heart begins to pump blood beyond the body.

 Once, twice, the equipment alarms sounded one after another.

 “Blood oxygen rises!~”

 “No bleeding!~”

“Blood pressure is elevated, heart rate is normal!”

 One minute, two minutes, ten minutes.

At this time, the doctors on the operating table remained motionless, quietly observing the beating of the heart, and data feedback from the anesthesiologist kept coming to their ears.

 The suffering at this time is even more difficult than during surgery.

At this time, it is like a gambler opening a fortune. No one can say whether it is big or small.

 Finally, the loop is completed, so the data obtained is normal.

 “Close the chest!”

Zhang Fan said softly, although there was no sound in the operating room, everyone could clearly feel that the air pressure had been reduced countless times.

 In the observation room, "It was successful, leader, Zhang Yuan's surgery was successful, and all vital signs are normal!"

 The director of Capital Hospital excitedly reported to his superiors.

 The tone was excited, and the expression was excited. In fact, he didn't know how many times he had undergone such operations, and there was actually no ripple in his heart.

 Because he did not do the surgery, he was the reporter.

“Okay, okay, okay, you are all heroes, I will report to my superiors now and make sure to make a list of all surgical personnel!”

 “Yes!” At this time, the dean felt a little bit in his heart.

 Outside the operation, the director of Chasu Cardiology Department stayed close to Zhang Fan.

 Because the operation took too long, he was afraid that Zhang Fan would not be able to stand.

“I’m a little tired, and I’m going to take a rest later. But before I take a break, please send me some digital drawing tablets and your hospital’s three-dimensional analog positioning system to Chasu.”

The director of Capital Hospital thought Zhang Fan was joking. He held Zhang Fan's hands and said thank you with a smile: "This is for tea, you can't ship it back!"

Zhang Fan said seriously: "It's okay!" Then he turned to Wang Hong and said: "Contact the Border Residential Office and ask them to come now!"

Wang Hong immediately called.


The dean of the capital was dumbfounded, not only shocked by Zhang Fan's shamelessness, but also shocked by Zhang Fan's influence, because Zhang Fan gave him the feeling that he was from the frontier.

At this time, the deputy director of Fuwai said to his director with admiration, "Zhang Yuan is so awesome. The first office is as if it were run by his dean."

The director of Fuwai let out a long sigh, "You just know, do you think he stayed at the border just for two taels of raisins?

 Others wait for their superiors to give them to them after their surgeries, but he asks for them directly. Do you believe it or not, the equipment that Zhang Fan asked for today will definitely be sent to Zhang Fan by his superiors. Even if the Capital Hospital is demolished, it will be sent to him. "