Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2109: An era must have its own posture

Chapter 2109 An era must have its own attitude!

In the hospital auditorium, if you stand on the second floor and look down, without looking carefully, you would think that the people below have taken off their pants and turned their buttocks upward.

 Practitioners in the medical field are actually no better than programmers when it comes to baldness, especially doctors who perform many surgeries. As soon as their masks and hats are on, blood circulation in the scalp is poor. Nima Tintin is so short of blood that he can't even lift his head, and the same goes for his hair.

  It's just that the person himself died for you to see.

 Many people like to wear hats. It doesn’t matter if they have a lot of hair or thick hair. If there are only a few sparse hair, it is better to wear it sparingly, like the one who had his hair and beard connected and sang the first snow. What happened? In just a few years, he wore a hat and became bald.

In the auditorium of Chasu Hospital, the big bosses in the front row couldn't help but lean forward at this time. Some bosses not only watched it themselves, but also asked their assistants to record the video.

However, this kind of third-hand video is probably not clear enough by then.

 But they were very aware of Zhang Fan's problems.

 There is a threshold for even observing the surgery, and it will probably be troublesome to ask for a video later.

 This kind of international annual conference in previous years was not like this.

 Generally, a theme must be determined.

 Just like opening a restaurant, there usually has to be a main cuisine, such as Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, seafood, heaven and earth.

Then some experts who have been reviewed by the organizing committee will come on stage and start giving speeches on some of their recent achievements in this area.

For example, how many girls did you order, how much did you spend, what was the girl’s feedback afterward, and what was the difference between the girl’s attitude the second time you went there and the first time.

Although the metaphor is crude, it is actually the same.

Furthermore, this kind of meeting usually lasts for five days, with the last day being a summary. Often after this kind of meeting, the clinical guidelines for the new year will be modified based on the speeches of these big guys.

 This is the case every year. After these guidelines are released, many countries begin to translate and modify their own national clinical guidelines.

 Sometimes we don’t say they are exactly the same, but there is almost no change.

Medical care sometimes sounds contradictory.

For example, individualization has been emphasized, and whatever is lacking is emphasized.

 Can be used in daily treatment, who can give you individualized treatment.

 Nowadays, some hospitals almost no longer conduct physical examinations. When seeing a doctor, they only look at the examination report. Then he prescribes medicine, collects the money and leaves. This kind of operation is personalized with a hammer.

Furthermore, sometimes there are conflicts between the enforcement unit and the regulatory unit, such as clinical guidelines. This thing is a guideline, not a regulation.

But the regulatory authorities don’t care, why do you use omeprazole for appendicitis? It doesn’t work in other people’s guides, so why would you use it? Are you better than other people’s guides? Deduct money.

 So, medical treatment is really complicated.

  The operation was done very quickly because Zhang Fan had to undergo surgery training. He not only performed it on the operating table of Chasu Hospital on weekdays, but also performed it in the system every day.

 So, this surgery was a lot better than when Zhang Fan was in the capital.

 Once a technology is formed, all that remains is proficiency.

The road to the main entrance of the hospital has been blocked, allowing people to pass but not cars.

The people were definitely not happy, and they cursed and left when they turned around in their cars.

 But some walking people feel as if they are being insulted and cursed. "You're a fool, is the director of Chasu Hospital being detained? Are the police and reporters here to seize the stolen goods?"

 Because of the expansion of Chasu Hospital, it is more troublesome for ordinary people to see a doctor than before.

 In the past, if someone had a headache or fever, he could find an expert just by signing up.

Sometimes, such as Thursdays and Fridays when there are fewer people, even one number can have three or four doctors around.

  But now, no matter what time you go, it’s so crowded. Let alone finding a chair to sit on, even the steps upstairs are like a pile of sacks, full of people.

 And almost all of them are outsiders.

This makes these old people a little unhappy. I don’t know whether the level of hospitals has improved or not. Anyway, what I do know is that it is more difficult to see a doctor than before.

Moreover, they are people who know the difference between the branches of the main hospital. If you have a headache and fever and you ask them to go to the branch, they can drag you to file a complaint.

 Therefore, the triage system of Chasu Hospital can hardly triage outpatients except for some inpatient surgeries and inpatients.

  As long as he is not hospitalized and does not undergo surgery, a patient who weighs 100 pounds will have 90 pounds of negative bones.

The locals in Chasu are also conflicted. When they are not seeing a doctor, if they meet an outsider who comes to Chasu for treatment, they feel a sense of pride that cannot be concealed in their hearts. When someone asks for directions, they wish they could take you there.

 But when I go to see a doctor on my own, I get angry.

 After all, people from small cities have never seen so many people.

So on weekdays, the old ladies and gentlemen who have nothing to do will move a small bench and sit under the big tree opposite Chasu Hospital, and all kinds of gossip are flying in the sky.

  If a day is not arranged for Zhang Heizi from Chasu Hospital, they all feel that their day is not satisfactory. When such a hospital meeting is held, the more the police prevent people from gathering, the more they like to stand at a distance and watch the excitement.

 Just like the uncle and aunt at the entrance of the village and alley.

 The operation went quickly. The doctors who came to the international conference this time were indeed world-class cardiac surgeons.

When Zhang Fan's surgery was almost completed, someone had already pointed out the pros and cons of the surgery, and even the surgical path was pretty much described.

 You really can’t underestimate the world’s heroes.

However, for medical treatment, especially extracerebral and extracardiac surgeries, this kind of statement is almost impossible to have.

After Zhang Fan closed his chest, no one in the venue knew who was taking the lead. First, the people in the front row stood up and applauded, and then those behind him also stood up and applauded.

At this time, a group of undergraduates were confused. After entering the heart, they could not understand it at all.

I watched Zhang Yuan fiddle with it with tweezers, sometimes sewing, sometimes cutting.

 But now that I can understand it, I really admire it.

You can describe this kind of surgery from beginning to end, which shows that your basic skills are strong. You may not be able to perform it after describing it.

 This is why doctors who specialize in brain and heart surgery are so expensive.

 It is not very obvious in China.

 Golden Retriever is extremely obvious in this aspect. There, the income of surgery is higher than that of internal medicine, and in surgery, the income of doctors who can independently perform extracerebral and extracardiac surgeries is directly at the top of the industry.

The applause at this time is not only a recognition and respect for Zhang Fan, but also a hope that Zhang Fan can explain this surgical method clearly to everyone.

 If possible, it is best to use a hands-on teaching device.

When Zhang Fan entered the auditorium with a few assistants, the atmosphere became even more lively.

Zhang Fan was not polite and struck directly while the iron was hot and began to explain the surgical procedures.

Zhang Fan is the best at this kind of thing.

 The more clearly you realize the advantages of surgery, the more you want to learn it.

 For drawing, the digital drawing board stolen from the Capital Hospital is much better than an honest blackboard.

"This is donated by our hospital to Chasu Hospital. This is donated by our hospital to Chasu Hospital." A vice president of Capital Hospital who came to participate in the meeting said excitedly to the people around him several times, just like this operation It's the same thing he did.

"Experts and professors..." Zhang Fan began to explain. As a result, the wrinkles on the foreheads of the people below, especially the bald Huang Maomen, seemed to be carved on them, and each one was more wrinkled than the last.

Some people even wanted to stand up and ask: "Swordsman Te Zhang, which language do you speak? If you can't, just speak Mandarin!"

 In the venue, Li Cunhou also realized something was wrong.

Although today’s topic is not dermatology, it is also a grand event of Chasu Hospital, and Lao Li came early to sit and listen.

He has participated in many international conferences, and even when they are held in smaller countries, such as Italy, they are equipped with simultaneous interpreters.

Originally, he proposed that the Chasu Hospital should also prepare it, but Zhang Fan hesitated, saying that it was a small place and couldn't find so many translators for a while, and then saying that everyone's English was pretty good.

 Lao Li felt that what Zhang Fan said seemed to make sense.

At this time, Lao Li realized, "Nima, Nima, these are all good names?"

Actually, Zhang Fan is reluctant to part with money. It's not that Zhang Fan is stingy, but he is really reluctant to part with money.

For example, adding the word "air" in front of a lady's name, "Guaiguai", directly represents the rhythm of kidney cutting and consumption.

If you add simultaneous translation, you will be billed by the hour. But if you add a medical profession to the simultaneous translation, you will be billed by the minute. But if you add a cardiac surgery department, Zhang Fanzhen Reluctant to part with it.

Back then, Zhang Fan and his friends had a friend with polio when they were in college. After five years, most of them had found jobs. Not only Shangguan overseas, but also prefectures, counties and villages, or pharmaceutical companies, equipment dealers, anyway, they are all employed.

 But this guy with polio is having a hard time finding a job.

what to do? At that time, many people advised him to take the rural health certificate exam if that didn't work.

 As a result, he was so generous that he went directly to the capital, where he reportedly lived in a basement for more than two years.

  After obtaining the qualification of simultaneous medical interpretation, the gears of fate began to turn.

At that time, the domestic medical and golden retriever pharmaceutical companies were in a fierce competition, and people seemed to be paying dozens of dollars a minute.

It took three or four years to get everything. Later, I went directly to the fishing village and partnered with a businessman on a street to build a hospital specifically for delivering babies for celebrities and rich people. At that time, there was no such thing as a confinement center. It seemed to be called a postpartum hospital or something like that. .

 It is conceivable how much money he made back then, but later on, only the top people in this industry could make money, and the average translator has become the same as a reporter.

Li Cunhou saw it and quickly called Gao Jingjing over. He whispered a few words. Gao Jingjing stood beside Zhang Fan neatly and started to translate.

Zhang Fan was still a little unhappy. Lao Li looked at him and wanted to curse, "His spoken English must have been learned from Lao Ju!"

 Zhang Fan explained every step of the anatomy and decomposition clearly and clearly.

When discussing cooperation, Zhang Fan will be tempted, but in medical treatment, one is one, and two is two. Zhang Fan will never say that he has a hand, and then not explain it clearly to everyone.

 Zhang Fan still has this kind of ethics.

 The venue was quiet except for Zhang Fan's voice and the sound of some big guys sketching on the drawings. In thirty minutes, the drawing board was already filled to the brim with writing.

Zhang Fan took a step back, read it from beginning to end, and then let out a gentle breath.

Hold the pen and lightly draw it on the heart valve.

“Then, this surgery is completed. Compared with traditional surgery, this surgery improves the patient’s survival rate by more than 60%..."

Zhang Fan watched quietly on the stage, while everyone in the audience was silent.

 Read it once or ten times, but there is always something unclear.

 However, after Zhang Fan’s detailed explanation, it seemed as if everything suddenly became enlightened.

 It’s like a young man who entered the port all of a sudden and shouted in his heart, “Wow, this is what it is like, it turns out it’s here!”

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan puffed up his chest, and Gao Jingjing beside him also hurriedly puffed up his chest, which was not much bigger than a thumbtack.

“Surgical techniques are not static. As contemporary doctors, we must not only inherit the surgical methods of our predecessors, but also create and innovate surgical methods that belong to our era.

With a little delay of everyone’s time, the first observation of the cardiac surgery repair and improvement surgery came to an end. thank you all! "

 Zhang Fan bowed lightly.

 Then he turned around and walked towards the audience.

“Yes, we need to have the techniques of our time!” Some old people muttered softly. At this time, there is no benefit. At this time, there is only the solemnity of this profession.

Slowly, a few old people in the front row began to stand up and applaud, and then the applause turned from drizzle to hail as big as eggs.

 “Why are you applauding again, dear, the boss is so mighty!”

The most tormented group in the venue was this group of undergraduates. Although the master's students knew that they would not be able to perform an operation of this level for the time being, they could understand. They knew the purpose of the operation and the steps of the operation.

 But it’s difficult for undergraduates, they really can’t understand it. Obviously according to the textbook, the incision cannot be made here, so why did the dean make the incision?

 Is the dean wrong or the textbook is wrong? Really, this feeling of confusion is too uncomfortable.

 In fact, this is an opportunity to improve your learning level.

  Why do the students of Shuimu Zhongyong change drastically in four years after entering university?

 Is the teacher super powerful? I have to admit that the teachers are great, but that doesn’t mean they are several times better than other universities.

 After all, everyone’s teaching materials are similar.

The really great thing about a university of this level is that every year there are countless top figures on the planet giving reports.

I often learn from these people’s experiences and then verify my own learning. To be honest, even if they are not great, they have already squandered their annual education funds.

 In ordinary universities, there may not be a few people who can come to give lectures a year, and the ones who come are all entrepreneurs. When you go on stage, you brag about how you earned your first pot of gold and how you seized the opportunity.

This is really just for bragging.

 Technological progress and getting rich are two different things.

  Under the screenshot of the operation on the digital drawing board, a group of doctors and young doctors were gathered around, discussing non-stop.

A lot of people have already gathered around Zhang Fan.

  Of course a signature is not required.

 Instead, ask about cooperation and training.

"Please be patient. After the meeting, there will be a reception. At that time, everyone is welcome to speak freely. The meeting will be adjourned for ten minutes, and experts will come on stage to give reports."

Wang Hong hurriedly stood beside Zhang Fan.

After the crowd dispersed, Ouyang quickly gave up his seat and held a cup of tea. "Take a sip quickly. After the operation, there will be lectures right after. You must be exhausted. The effect is good. I can't even look at them." Blink.”

Ouyang was so proud that his teeth were sticking out.

Looking at Zhang Fan and taking a sip of water, Ouyang said in a low voice: "Hey, guess what, I don't know who spread the news about our hospital's annual meeting, and many hospitals protested to the ministry and said they wanted to watch the live broadcast.

 The Ministry of Justice called Ren Li, and I answered it. I ordered three more operating carts for you, imported from Germany, totaling six. Originally, I was only given two stations. It took me a long time to work before my superiors agreed. "

Zhang Fan didn't know whether he was really surprised or pretending to be surprised. He gave Ouyang a thumbs up and said, "Oh my God, I worked so hard that I couldn't get one. You got three for us. Darling, let's go this year." During free clinics, there is no need to grab a car.

One operating cart for each surgery department will be enough for them to be proud for a long time. "

 After praising Ouyang a few words, Zhang Fan went to the bathroom.

 Then I came back and sat down not long after.

The second expert scheduled for the meeting also came on stage.

He is a foreigner with only a little hair on his forehead, and he has made a splash, just like the old man with the best kung fu in the Star movie.

After this guy came on stage, he had a wry smile on his face and said, "Dear colleagues, originally I was preparing for surgical repair of tricuspid valve disease.

But now it seems that there is no need for it, because this surgery by Surgeon Te Zhang has perfectly solved all the disadvantages of my surgical method.

Since the tricuspid valve cannot be talked about, there is no need to talk about it, but according to Zhang Yuan, our era should also have the same surgical techniques as this era.

 I want to talk to you about heart tumors! I have been preparing for this topic for a long time, but there are still many shortcomings. Originally, I planned to find an opportunity to invite some colleagues in the industry to communicate privately.

However, I have no choice but to talk about this defective heart tumor today. "

This person started to explain without writing as he talked.

 At first glance, you can tell that he was really forced and unprepared.

 There are not many people doing research on cardiac tumors.

It’s not that this direction is impossible, but that primary malignant cardiac tumors are extremely rare.

 Most malignant cardiac tumors are metastatic lesions.

Often without treatment, the heart fails rapidly after transfer, and the patient dies before even persisting in the first round of treatment.

 So, there are not many people researching in this direction.

 But this guy actually has something to say.

Zhang Fan turned around and looked. Wang Hong came over immediately, lowered her head slightly and leaned over.

Zhang Fan whispered close to Wang Hong's ear: "It's best to ask about this professor. It's best to find out his preferences."

I don’t know whether it was because this direction was too narrow, or because after a round of climax, the atmosphere in the venue was not so serious.

There are still many people going to the toilet and getting up to answer the phone.

 (End of this chapter)