Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2128: Wash your mouth before eating melon

Chapter 2128: Wash your mouth before eating melon

 The beauty of tea is in autumn. The tea element in this season is like a plump young woman, not only in full bloom but also with a coquettish and plump mature beauty.

 Many people come to travel to the frontier, almost always in the summer, after all, there is summer vacation.

But the summer tea is just like a child who has just graduated from high school, it is simple. Endless green, green mountains and fields. The grasslands are green, the forests are green, and most are dotted with sheep in the mountain valleys.

There are too many of this kind of scenery across the country. When it comes to green tea, the tea content is not very good. For example, the green tea from Wolf Soldier in the south is green all year round.

 The beauty of tea is truly autumn.

Different trees grow in an orderly manner in the forest. Looking from a distance, they are green, golden, red, and orange. A gust of wind blows, making them colorful.

  The snow on the icebergs has decreased, and the rivers have become more transparent. The meandering rivers and blue-white waves surround the forest. Just like a string of extremely precious jewelry necklaces.

And the city is also so beautiful that it makes people eye-catching, with red pomegranates hanging precariously on the branches, and golden hawthorns in patches. For a snack like Zhang Zhibo, standing under the hawthorn tree on the way to the kindergarten, he can’t walk. Moved.

Saliva can flow down along the fingers that are put into the mouth.

 Furthermore, the most beautiful place in the border area is Chasu! White-capped snow-capped mountains, various colorful forests, turquoise lakes, blue skies, and the girl singing pastoral songs slowly transitioning!

Really, when the sun is slightly hot at noon, lying on the hillside, half-squinting your eyes to face the sun, smelling the fragrance of flowers and trees, listening to the girl's pastoral songs, if you still have a delicious meal of hand-caught mutton in your stomach, darling, Ni This is the life of Immortal Ma.

Zhang Fan felt very comfortable after leaving the International Medical Department.

 Feeling that the greening of the hospital was not in vain, and he was not happy for three seconds, Zhang Fan hurriedly said to Wang Hong: "Hey, hurry up and ask the security department to come and persuade me."

As soon as I went out, I saw two old ladies hitting pomegranates with crutches in the distance. One has a cast on his right leg, and the other has a cast on his left leg.

Why! Even now, he is still under the pomegranate tree, half-hopping and half-hopping with a cane to hit pomegranates. Sometimes, you are also extremely helpless.

 I don’t know why, the more these half-aged and half-young people are, the more uneasy they are.

 Looking at the orthopedic surgeon who arrived, the security guards from the security office, and the scolding aunt, Zhang Fan was still very happy and did not deal with the director of the orthopedics department.

 When you are in a good mood, everything you see is pleasing to your eyes.

This group of half-aged MILFs are not afraid of the security guards with guns, not to mention ordinary security guards at Chasu Hospital. In the hospital, the old man wearing a urine bag and the old woman wearing a plaster cast are both untouchable.

They even formed some kind of patient club, either singing a chorus at noon or performing talent shows for you in the middle of the afternoon.

The erhu is hung with a sound system, and the music played by the erhu is called Youyuan, the squeaking Yu Opera and Huangmei Opera are played, and the Qin Opera is shouted at the top of one's throat.

 As a result, the hospital security office, like the urban management in the city, often conflicts with these elderly people.

"Zhang Yuan, how is the situation?" Lao Li did not spend time in the laboratory today. He was waiting for Zhang Fan in his office in the administrative building.

 When I saw Zhang Fan passing by the office, he scurried out like a rabbit.

 “It’s not a big problem! I’m hooked!”

 “Ouch, what am I talking about? You are not qualified to be a doctor.”

"Of course, I am also talented in business!" Zhang Fan couldn't help but boast.

 Among the leadership team of Chasu, if anyone believes that Zhang Fan has business talent, it is probably Lao Li.

 Others generally say something against their will on this point.

 Lao Li really admires Zhang Fan. When he couldn't get sponsors back then, it was Zhang Fan who took care of it for him.

Now, it seems that the one who can deal with the old man in the emirate is still Zhang Fan.

At the International Medical Department, not long after Zhang Fan left, he looked like an old man entering Alzheimer's disease. His eyes came to life and he wandered around a few times.

 As soon as he stretched out his hand gently, someone immediately put the mobile phone in the old man's hand.

  I don’t know how this is trained.

If Zhang Fan was in a daze for a long time and then stretched out his hand, Wang Hong would probably be able to put the handkerchief in Zhang Fan's hand.

“Investigate the specific situation of skin cancer drugs in Chasu Hospital.” I didn’t know who I called, but after a few simple words, the old man hung up the phone.

Zhang Fan was also dozing off and touched the pillow.

His idea is very simple. Don’t the rich countries have good relations with Europe and the United States? If I sell the medicine in a rich country, I don’t need to look at the golden retriever’s face!

 In fact, rich countries are now also pursuing breakthroughs in national income, such as six-star hotels and the world's most advanced sports rehabilitation centers.

 Although people spend the day playing with birds and walking dogs, they are actually constantly looking for breakthroughs.

Zhang Fan thought he had extraordinary eloquence, but in fact he was constantly looking for different ways of development.

Many countries, especially small countries that wear gold and silver, want to become a second banking country.

In the afternoon, after the old man finished various examinations, the call came over, "Chief, we can do it! The Golden Retriever is greedy for the medicines of Chasu and wants to join, but Zhang Fan, the swordsman, is reluctant to part with it. Now is an opportunity for us!"

The director of the International Medical Department invited Zhang Fan to the department again.

 The department directors of the hospital all treated Zhang Fan not only with respect, but also with awe.

Don't look at Heimaimaijiang who never talks about little doctors and little nurses, and even makes the little nurse make fun of him and make him look bad.

  But when it comes to the level of department director, he is really cunning.

Li Xiong is awesome, he has been in charge of the urology department for many years.

 As a result, Hei Majiang's silent blow landed him in the second clinic.

 Even if Li Xiong wanted to stay in the outpatient clinic of Chasu Hospital, he had no chance.

 This is a denial from the beginning to the end for Li Xiong, who has been an expert for decades, not to mention the catastrophe.

“Zhang Yuan, I checked everything for the old chief according to the regulations, but the old chief doesn’t know why and insists on seeing you, so I also..."

Zhang Fan smiled and did not explain.

“The swordsman is special and can do it. Who is the master, or is your country the master?”

The old chief would definitely not sit in front of the hospital bed with Zhang Fan and negotiate the price point by point for you.

They just set a general direction and don't worry about specific things at all. They just report the results to others in the end.

“It must be our hospital, but I’ll report it first. It shouldn’t be a big problem!”

 As an ordinary person, for this kind of thing, you should report it first and then work according to the instructions.

Zhang Fanima always gets on the bus first, and then thinks of ways to make up for the ticket. If there is a chance, she will definitely do it for free.

For example, a phone call came to the liaison officer.

The liaison officer hung up the phone while breathing in the air-conditioning and went to report. He had no time to complain.

“Well, you can do it. Can Zhang Yuan not catch me off guard like this in the future? Our director is still contacting Yijijie.

 As a result, you found another home directly. "

 As long as you can do it, Zhang Fan doesn't have the patience to wait.

Although Li Cunhou said that golden retrievers cannot be researched in the short term, what if scientific research really happens by mistake and people find the right direction?

  Sometimes, a scientific invention is not about how powerful you are.

 The distance between scientists of the same level may be as small as the gap between Gudao and Yangdao. Sometimes there is too much water and too much oil, so if you don't make it right, people will find the right direction.

 Yan Xiaoyu, Ms. Zeng, and Kaoshen, who was struggling, entered the negotiation team, and Lao Chi, who was far away from the wealthy country, was also a member.

 He is not happy to take the God test. He is now focused on medical training, but every time he is dragged by Zhang Fan to be a strong man, he is easily criticized if he does not do well.


“Zhang Yuan, have you heard of another big move recently?”

 Zhang Fan was in the operating room looking for surgery. When he saw the mediocre hospital director, he called him.

“Hey! This guy is interesting.” Zhang Fan looked at the caller ID and felt happy.

 The style of the newly appointed dean Zhongyong is obviously different from that of the old dean.

 The old dean could not defeat Zhang Fan, but he was not afraid of Zhang Fan, let alone fawning over Zhang Fan. Anyway, if you come with a steel gun, I can at least give you an iron moor.

There is no way to make me admit defeat.

Moreover, as long as Zhang Fan doesn’t take the initiative, he will never contact Zhang Fan. He also has a good reputation!

 For a while, the old dean directly blocked Zhang Fan’s phone number.

 But the new dean is a bit interesting. She can't beat her, but others can join her.

Zhang Fan is definitely not someone who can be fooled by just a few nice words and a piece of candy.

 Forget about Zhang Fan, Zhang Zhibo can fool you for three seconds even if you give him a candy. If the candy goes into his mouth and he ignores you, he will still ignore you.

“Hey, your family has a big business. I heard that the country has recently increased the subsidies for mediocre hospitals. The leader is too biased. I will definitely talk about it at the next meeting..."

 Zhang Fan directly did not give the other party a chance to open his mouth.

Nima, Lao Tzu digs a person, you are overwhelming, and now you see the benefits, that is, Dean Zhang Yuan short!

“Is there really no chance of cooperation? In fact, the effect of our strong alliance will definitely be effective..."

Zhang Fan curled his lips and cursed in his heart, who could have such a long mouth and let the news out so quickly?

 A strong alliance? Don't be ridiculous, why did you do it earlier? Now you are here to steal money!

 The public is very easy to deal with.

It's like Cha Su owes money to the bank. If I don't have it, I don't have it. Next time I don't have money, I will still dig out your butt.

 You are so capable, you put my building up for auction!

 In a few words, Zhang Fan dismissed the Zhongyong dean.

That's great. Next time you really want to poach someone, I can just kowtow to you! Now, no way!

 A man is a man who can bend and stretch. Many people who have been wandering between being awesome and not being awesome often can only stretch but cannot bend. Sometimes it really hurts people's face! After hanging up the phone, Zhang Fan wandered around for a long time, doing an emergency surgery for intestinal root obstruction.

“Hey, now I can only do **** removal surgery? You must have done this on purpose!”

 An operation, which took half an hour to dig out feces, and the hands and arms were stained with a layer of something like the curry rice grains of the third brother.

Zhang Fan looked at the two residents beside him who wanted to laugh but dared not, and sighed helplessly.

 For intestinal obstruction, especially for elderly patients who have not had a bowel movement for more than ten days, this operation is really to provide doctors with means.

 A belly full of fermented feces, black, yellow, and granular. The smell couldn’t be suppressed by the disinfectant in the operating room!

 Not to mention the smell, and the quantity is huge!

The curved disks are bent toward the outside, really like plates of curry meat rice, and you can vaguely see the rising steam!

There is no other way. Now that surgery is developing well, people have the right to pick and choose.

 After leaving the operating room, Zhang Fan's phone rang again.

 “Hello?” Zhang Fan looked at it and saw an unknown phone number.

 His number is unknown to most people, and there has never been a call saying that you have won the lottery and your account has been frozen.

“Zhang Yuan, hello, hello, I am Yu Liujun, I...”

 Zhang Fan hung up the phone.

Zhang Fan didn't have to guess, he knew that this must be for skin cancer drugs. Damn, I won't even give him the honor of being moderate, let alone Yu Liujun or Yu Dachui.

 At noon, Zhang Fan didn't have much appetite to eat. He had just finished serving the curry rice and felt uneasy. The smell of fat from intestinal fermentation was really similar to the smell that occasionally came out of the kitchen.

Zhang Fan hesitated a few times at the door of the cafeteria, whether to enter or not.

The call came from Lu Shuyan from the Department of Gynecology.

 Zhang Fan got through immediately.

“Zhang Yuan, please come here quickly. There is an operation that I really can’t do.”

"almost there!"

After saying that, Zhang Fan turned around and started running towards the gynecological operating room, "Okay, you go to eat. You don't have to follow me in the hospital!"

 “Okay!” Wang Hong didn’t say much. She had a lot of work in a day.

  After entering the operating room and changing clothes, Zhang Fan frowned. Today he fell into a stinking den.

 The doctors in the operating room did not look nervous. Didn’t feel that sense of urgency!

This thing, people, stay in the hospital for a long time.

You can really encounter any weird and weird things.

 For example, a young man fell from the sixth floor and fell into the garden. When he was taken to the hospital, except for the pee and stool in his pants, everything else was fine.

At that time, almost all the examinations that could be done in the hospital were done. If the young man went out to sue the hospital for over-treatment, he would definitely be able to sue him.

 Mainly because it’s so scary. On the sixth floor, even if you drop a lump of iron, there will be a trap!

 This young man, except for a few scratches on his face and body, everything is fine. It was quite frightening, and I was scared to the point of urinating and defecating.

  Sometimes, it’s different.

 A junior high school student, his classmates played a prank on him and pulled out the bench when he sat down.

 It’s just such a small height, probably less than one meter.

The junior high school student fell to the ground and the back of his head hit the concrete floor. When he was sent to the hospital, his vital signs were gone!

 The door to the operating room opened, and an indescribable stench hit my face.

This kind of odor is different from the stench of intestinal obstruction. The stench of intestinal obstruction is the dry toilet for men entering summer. And this kind of stench has a fishy smell that cannot be avoided at all.

As I walked forward, I saw the female patient in the lithotomy position, with her legs spread apart, her perineum prepped with skin, swollen and rotten, fresh wounds, and old wounds mixed together, with blood accompanied by constant secretions. Bubbles mixed with mucus.

Really, at a glance, Zhang Fan wanted to put his hand into his crotch and use the 84 to disinfect himself thoroughly.

The most terrifying thing is that around the perineum, the unbroken and rotten areas are densely covered with countless small vesicles. In the translucent vesicles, white maggots can be vaguely seen squirming!


“Well, it’s a very serious case of myiasis. If you look at it, not only is the infection near the perineum serious, there are also a lot of parasites in the vagina.”

Zhang Fan took the amplifier, what is this thing?

 Just like a gun, some gun bodies are transparent, and some are directly made of stainless steel.

 The same thing is that the muzzle of the gun is like the mouth of a cormorant. When the trigger is squeezed, the mouth opens! I guess if you often look at craftsmen like Tokinre, you should have seen this thing.

 This patient in the obstetrics and gynecology department has been suffering from high-level paralysis for many years. His children at home are very successful and he is very busy with work and business.

 He hired a nanny for the old lady.

 As a result, the nanny was a little irresponsible. When she noticed the smell, she opened it and saw that the bottom was rotten into a piece of rotten flesh.

This disease is currently most common in Africa, and is also found in some underdeveloped areas.

 In cities, it is usually seen in elderly women who have been paralyzed for many years, but there are also cases in normal women.

Generally, a normal woman will ask about the medical history. After the treatment, the doctor will usually give her partner numerous instructions to maintain oral hygiene. They must maintain oral hygiene. Wash fruits and melons more often. If you really need to use your tongue, please rinse more. Rinse your mouth, benima is causing trouble for us.

Zhang Fan opened his **** and almost jumped back while sitting on the bench.

The flesh walls in the Nima tunnel are covered with insects. The white worms have bodies inside the flesh and tails outside the flesh.

The white flesh-colored tail that keeps swinging is like countless flesh teeth. When the vaginal canal is expanded and the space becomes larger, the flesh teeth stretch out one after another, as if they want to bite Zhang Fan's face.

“What should I do? The amount is too big, and laser cauterization is not even needed!”

 “It’s so abominable, this nanny is so irresponsible!”

 The adults are easy to deal with, but the most troublesome thing is the eggs.

  And it is in the hollow organs at the end of the body. Even if it is administered, the effect is extremely insignificant!

 “Let’s remove the adult worms first!”

Zhang Fan held tweezers in one hand and a head-mounted microscope and began to operate.

Really, this insect looks much more ferocious when magnified.

 The monster model in the movie, placed in front of this enlarged bug, is the younger brother.

Not only is it covered with tentacles, it is also covered with downy barbs.

Picking bit by bit, Lu Shuyan held the curved plate, and the insects in the curved plate were piled up one after another.

The worm that is still squirming is placed in a curved plate, and Lu Shuyan hiccups for a while and then hiccups for a while.

 After removing the adult worms, use an electric knife to burn out the skin follicles hiding the maggots.

 After these are completed, debridement begins again.

 Large pieces of rotten meat were scraped down one by one.

 Creamy liquefied fat, as disgusting as you want it to be.

 It's really like ice cream that's about to melt.

 All the big and small vaginal lips have been cut off, and it feels like there is only a slit left in the **** from back to front.

 The most troublesome thing is not this.

 The most troublesome thing is that the eggs inside the **** cannot be completely eliminated.

This key can't be cleaned, and it won't take long for it to relapse.

 “What should I do?” He looked at Zhang Fan in a daze facing the rotten meat.

 Lv Shuyan was helpless.

In terms of technical difficulty, this operation is almost not difficult.

It's like eating steamed ant eggs with a toothpick, it's just a matter of patience.

“Rinse, add 15% chloroform to paraffin oil, and rinse continuously.”

 “Is it useful?” Lu Shuyan asked a little doubtfully.

 “Give it a try!”

Then the hard PVC flushing head was inserted and flushing started.

 A large amount of meat-washing water-colored liquid made a circle inside and began to flow out in large amounts.

 After a while, I saw white wriggling larvae floating on the surface of the liquid.

 “Let it last for 48 hours and then expand it to take a look.”

In the dressing room of the operating room, Zhang Fan vaguely heard the nurses next door chatting.

“When I go back, I must brush my mouth with a hand-washing brush. Every time I ask him to wash fruits, he does it in a perfunctory manner. When I saw this patient today, I almost peed.”

“Who says it’s not the case? I think Zhang Yuan can’t even stand!”

 (End of this chapter)