Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2138: Don't just rely on money

 In Kuaike County, Zhang Fan has seen very few people in recent years. Because after Shi Lei came to power, he took a cautious path. He was not as lucky as Batu. After he became the dean, he went to job fairs in the mainland every year, and he was present in almost all job fairs in colleges and universities across the country.

 This guy even went to Shuimu Zhongyong’s job fair!

There were a lot of people here, and he tried hard to protect them, but unfortunately none of them were as perverted as Zhang Fan back then.

 Sometimes Shi Lei would deeply review things in the dead of night.

Same school, same method, why can Batu get a young man who reached the basic level in a few years, but why can’t I? Is it because of wrong posture?

 If one move doesn't work, use the second move!

Shi Lei is not very good as a doctor, but he is really good as a dean.

 Quark Hospital is the first county-level hospital to rely on Chasu Hospital. The hospital always has two director-level Doctor Chasu stationed at Kuark Hospital.

Every time a doctor arrived, Shi Lei would hold a meeting immediately and then ask the director of Chasu Hospital to serve as the deputy director.

 Arrange a special car, arrange food and accommodation!

This guy can cause trouble, although compared to Batu, he doesn't seem to be that strong.

 But compared with the previous dean, he is obviously much more professional.

 At least I won’t be woken up by a call from the hospital’s emergency department at night, let alone have a troublemaking peasant woman put her fingers in her mouth.

Having not been here for a few years, Kuaike County is obviously much larger than when Zhang Fan came here.

When Zhang Fan came here, there was only one street in the county seat. It is no exaggeration at all. Except for one street, the rest were all urban and rural areas.

Nowadays, there are commercial CBDs. I don’t know how the business is. The circle of high-rise buildings has made the current Quark lose the characteristics of the past.

At the entrance of the designated hotel of Chasu Hospital, the tall and fat hotel manager trembled when he saw Zhang Fan from a distance, and trotted over with a smile on his face.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are the magpies hanging by the window chirping today? It turns out it's Zhang Yuan. I haven't seen you for several years. I really miss you. It was you who performed my knee surgery. Made for.

 After the operation, I feel much stronger than before. I often show my wife a trick called rabbit kicking an eagle, and she says it’s amazing! "

 As he spoke, he wanted to hug Zhang Fan.

 Back to Quark, Zhang Fan felt relaxed.

Moreover, Zhang Fan will not resist the enthusiasm of some people here. Because we know the basics, such as this fat man, what bad intentions can he have.

Honestly bragging, Zhang Yuan is my buddy.

I stayed in the county town for two days and the city was several times bigger than before.

 But the population is several times smaller than before.

Shi Lei was so publicized that he wanted to go to the streets to attract people to come to the hospital, but there were still only three or two patients coming to the hospital every day.

“Chasu has developed tremendously in the past two years. People who can live a little better now have all moved to Chasu. Now there are only people from the four major bureaus and two major courtyards on the street. This year, all the high schools in the county have been merged.”

In Shi Lei's dean's office, Zhang Fan and Shi Lei were sitting on the sofa, chatting.

Zhang Fan did not expect to encounter such a situation. The mighty troops marched into the county town, but in the end they didn't even hit a single rabbit!

 In fact, in recent years, with the construction of highways and high-speed rail stations, no matter how hard the work is, most people have bought houses in Chasu.

How could it be like Zhang Fan and his friends back then, when it snowed and the door was sealed, you couldn’t even fly out.

 After chatting for a while, Chen Lulu walked into the office with her waist slightly thicker than a willow tree.

“Zhang Yuan, what do you want to eat for lunch? Can you use horsemeat naren? Shi Yuan just bought it from the pasture, and it’s still steaming!”

 Chen Lulu used to sell medicine in a pharmacy, but somehow she is now the director of the General Affairs Office. She was wearing heavy makeup, a large pearl necklace hung around her neck, her hair was thick and shawl-length, and something like a purple satin sheet was draped over her shoulders.

I don’t know if this thing is for heating or what. Turning around and looking from behind, those who didn't know thought that Sha Monk had come in.

“Haha, guests do as the host does, guests do as the host does!” Zhang Fan quickly replied with a smile.

"Zhang Yuan is the same as before, he is easy to talk to..." Chen Lulu wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw Shi Lei's eyes twitching, she curled her lips and went out.

“Hehe, it’s a small place in the countryside, Director Chen, Director Wang, don’t laugh at me. Zhang Yuan is familiar with this place. This director came to the hospital with Zhang Yuan back then.”

Zhang Fan didn't smile, just nodded. There were some things that he couldn't explain clearly. Many people think that what they do is mysterious, but in fact, people who are familiar with it will know what is going on.

How could Shi Lei, a man with many official fanatics, allow his director to be so presumptuous?

After staying in the county hospital for two days, Zhang Fan left the hospital with his troops and went directly to the pastoral area.

As soon as we left the county town, the world immediately turned into a vast expanse of white.

Except for railway lines and highways, everything else that can be seen is a vast expanse of white. What is thousands of miles of ice? This is thousands of miles of ice.

The convoy walked for a long time, and it was already in the afternoon before it entered the gathering point in the pastoral area.

The identical houses, with the white snow in the distance, large flocks of sheep, cattle, faint smoke from cooking stoves, and groups of young boys chasing and playing, are really beautiful.

 No windows, just like the Hobbit village in the movie.

But as soon as I got off the car, I was hit by the smell of animal fumes. The biting cold wind mixed with the smell of animal fumes was like an operating room for intestinal obstruction.

 One breath of it can make you suffocate.

 Director Bart of the Township Health Center saw the convoy of Chasu Hospital and smiled with his gold teeth shining in the winter sun.

“Adasi, we are finally here. I was watching at the gate of the stronghold in the morning, but I didn’t see you coming. We are finally here!”

 “Why, do you need to shear sheep in winter?”

 “Haha, don’t cut it, don’t cut it!”

When Zhang Fan was assigned here, Bart was very happy. Zhang Fan thought that his superiors sent a doctor to make him happy, but he didn't expect that because of the manpower, he could go home and shear sheep.

 There are more patients in the gathering points than in the county.

Old aunts, bow-legged old men, and groups of children riding horses gathered at the entrance of the rural health center.

“Why does it feel like Zhang Yuan knows people everywhere he goes? Didn’t Zhang Yuan become the assistant to the dean not long after graduating from university?

 Why does it feel like Zhang Yuan has been a barefoot doctor in the countryside for many years and has acquaintances wherever he goes? "

  Several new doctors who came to the hospital were particularly curious.

 This situation was beyond their imagination. Going to class, going to the laboratory, and going to the hospital, their lives were very simple. According to their ideas, Zhang Fan should be the same as them.

 However, when they arrived at the prefecture and county, they truly understood that Zhang Fan was different from them.

“What is this? Do you know that when Zhang Yuan was at his best, he had a monopoly on flying knife surgeries in the Chasu area?

Which township health center in Chasu area has he not been to? Which pastoral area in Chasu has he not been to?

 To say something unpleasant, Zhang Yuan stood in a pastoral area and shouted, which is definitely more effective than the local leaders shouting. "

Xiao Chen showed off his skills to some new doctors.

 “You can do what others cannot!”

They couldn't help but admire him. Let alone the flying knives, they couldn't stand the conditions here alone.

 Zhang Fan’s expression remained unchanged as he hugged and shook hands with the familiar herdsmen!

 There are more internal medicine patients in rural health centers.

 Those who are dizzy can’t even walk. One blood pressure check will cost 200!

Physicians and surgeons all have a stethoscope and a blood pressure monitor. In fact, most of the medical work is this boring basic daily routine.

The simplest one, for example, when many people feel dizzy and dizzy, they will immediately judge that they have eaten too much, their blood pressure is high, and their blood sugar is high.

 Then I felt that others should also be able to judge.

 In fact, this is not the case. To be honest, in real life, almost most people do not know that dizziness is one of the characteristics of high blood pressure. I thought that maybe it would be better to take a nap. If I couldn't sleep, I would drink two sips of wine. If the two sips of wine didn't seem to be there, I would drink two more sips, and then I wouldn't be able to wake up.

 There are many such things.

To be honest, basic medical care and top medical care are both important.

 A week later, the free medical clinic tour ended.

 When they first arrived, many new doctors at Chasu Hospital were in a state of distress.

The environment is not good, and you live in a drafty tent. The next morning, maybe a cow tongue can be stuffed in to wash your face.

But in just one week, many people have integrated into this group. When they first arrived, the children in the pastoral area looked at this group of people timidly.

 But a few days later, when the children stuffed milk lumps into his mouth, something deep in his heart seemed to be touched.

 Chasu Hospital really provides a lot of salary and income.

 However, according to Ouyang, the human heart cannot be satisfied and must be filled with other things.

 So, freshmen are in the preschool education of tea.

  Newly recruited doctors go to the countryside for free clinics every year.

 In fact, it is all to let them have a little more in their hearts.

Only by being far away from big cities can this group of doctors feel a sense of accomplishment other than money as doctors.

As for the effect, Zhang Fan dare not say.

 But, doing it is better than not doing it.

 In the past few days, Zhang Fan has been annoyed to death by Wang Yanan.

 It’s really annoying enough.

 Wherever Zhang Fan goes, she follows him.

He doesn’t talk to you either. Just like Zhang Fan’s guard, he stares at Zhang Fan with an indifferent look.

Zhang Fan felt that this guy wouldn't be able to stand it for a while.

 As a result, Zhang Fan couldn't stand it any longer.

“It’s not that I won’t give you money for your scientific research, Zhao Yanfang can’t even get it approved, so what’s the use of my opening my mouth.”

“You agree first, I’ll go find Dr. Zhao.”

“The hospital belongs to my family, right?”

 “It’s definitely not from your family, you’ve got it right!”

“Go back and show me your papers, then I’ll convince you. If you didn’t open a debt collection agency, you’d be wasting your shamelessness!”

“It’s useless for you to support Xu Xian. Now I can’t even take the first step of scientific research. You still call me a fool and a waste of scientific research funds.”

 Getting Zhang Fan’s promise, Wang Yanan taunted Zhang Fan as he walked.


 It would be a lie to say that I was not tired during the one-week free clinic. Almost all the doctors, one after another, were general practitioners. They really gave the patients step-by-step instructions on how to take their medicines.

 This form of free clinic is more effective than team ice-breaking activities.

When they arrived, the new doctors were silent. When they came back, they were already chatting and bragging.

There are also those who show off, "Look, the milk pimples given to me when I was ill are so delicious. They are better than the ones in the supermarket that cost dozens of yuan."

His sour brows were wrinkled into rags, but he was still showing off.

 In fact, this is the sense of accomplishment.

 After returning home, Zhang Zhibo flew into Zhang Fan's arms like a bird.

 “Stinky! Daddy stinks!”

Zhang Zhibo has been taking vitamin D3 and DHA since winter. Then there is the control of snacks. Shao Hua is very strict about this.

Sometimes, when I hold Zhang Zhibo to brush his teeth, I feel that Shao Hua is not his biological mother.

On Monday, before Zhang Fan entered the hospital, Wang Yanan was standing at the door of the hospital, waiting for Zhang Fan with a mouthful of steamed buns and a mouthful of milk tea.

 Zhang Fan is really convinced by this guy.

At that time, when the rotation came, she would live and die in the Department of Orthopedics. No matter what other people said, she would die in the Department of Orthopedics anyway.

 Almost since the hospital opened, there have been no female doctors in the orthopedics department, but this one was a success.

Even if her uncle was from the Health Bureau, she wouldn't be able to retain him without his shamelessness. At first, Ouyang was opposed to Wang Yanan being admitted to orthopedics, and he wanted to place Wang Yanan in pediatrics.

 As a result, the Erpilian face of that year is now the king of orthopedics.

 Sometimes, a person’s character is really too important.

The same thing happened today. I was afraid that Zhang Fan would default on his debt, so he stood guard at the door of the hospital early in the morning.

“Here, the paper, I revised it for two days when I got home over the weekend. If you don’t understand it, ask someone to take a look at it. Don’t reject it right away. Let me tell you, our scientific research is definitely..."

 “Either you take it back, or you stop talking nonsense.”

"I was serious!"

In the office, Zhang Fan invited Zhao Yanfang and the head of the embryonic teaching and research group of the Medical University over.

“Look, I think I have some ideas.”

Zhang Fan ran this paper through the system, and a lot of experimental results came out.

 They are available in almost all departments.

This time, Zhang Fan thought carefully and invited Zhao Yanfang and the embryonic team leader.

 Because this scientific research is relatively basic.

 Some scientific research, especially scientific research with very fine branches, generally works or does not work.

 As for this kind of basic item, the final results are not many. But the more this kind of scientific research, the greater the investment.

“Well, Zhang Yuan, I think this first step of scientific research is relatively easy to succeed, but it’s hard to say what happens next. Whether it can be applied clinically is still unknown.”

 Zhao Yanfang could tell as soon as he saw it.

The long eyebrows of the group embryos are all close together.

“Zhang Yuan, this is a very important research, and I think we must pay attention to it.”

 There is a huge difference between clinical research and basic research.

Although the two people have different opinions, one thing that is certain is that Wang Yanan and the others are really not here to fool Zhang Fan and cheat him out of money.