Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2150: inverted V

Many diseases are so inexplicable that you can’t even think of them, let alone seeing them.

 Some people say that so far, nothing created by humans has surpassed the human body itself. This can also be reflected from another aspect, which is medical care.

Looking at the diseases currently named after functional syndromes, you will know that chronic diseases that cannot be cured in the heart or intestines and cannot be diagnosed with certainty are almost all functional syndromes.

 The master's degree in pediatrics, which has not yet graduated, gave everyone ideas for diagnosis and treatment, which made everyone suddenly enlightened.

 Many people think that the certificates of a group of professors were created by themselves.

How do you call this medical thing? It’s a bit like successful learning and a bit like solving crimes.

You are successful, no matter what you say, you are awesome. Or after solving the case, everyone thinks that the thief is so stupid that a group of experts and world-class detectives took decades to find the thief.

Actually, to use a simple example, if your mother hides something, your father and your children will look for it together. Maybe even if the house is torn down, they may not be able to find it.

As for pediatrics, this thing is also weird. Pediatricians can treat adult diseases, but non-pediatricians may not be able to treat pediatric diseases. It’s so strange.

 The scene under a colonoscopy shows polyps ranging from a few millimeters to about three centimeters, covering the intestines. The buildings are jagged and jagged, just like the buildings that accompany the capital.

This disease is particularly difficult to diagnose because it waxes and wanes.

 When it is bad, people feel like they are no longer able to survive, they are as skinny as a stick, and they feel like they are going to kill them, but then they get better again, just like normal people, just like they are recovering from a serious illness.

“Do you know what kind of disease this is now?”

Zhang Fan took the colonoscope and took out three tissue specimens. After taking a few photos with the camera, he slowly exited the patient's intestines.

“CCS!” A doctor standing nearby immediately announced the abbreviation of the disease.

Zhang Fan nodded. Under normal circumstances, this kind of disease can only be recognized by the involution king. Most doctors have never heard of it.

 Diseases are almost always spoken in English abbreviations in hospitals. It feels like doctors are communicating with each other as if they are spies. What Dunima is talking about is blackening.

 In fact, most of the current medical standards come from Europe and the United States. For example, more than 90% of clinical guidelines come from Europe and the United States.

 What is this thing for? It is actually a reference book in the hands of the teacher.

  Why do we say abbreviations? Because the alphabetic characters in Europe and the United States are too troublesome, especially in medical applications. Sometimes they can be hundreds of letters long.

For example, the Chinese diagnosis of CCS is: gastrointestinal polyps-pigmentation-baldness-nail atrophy syndrome accompanied by non-specific fungal infection of the lungs!

If this were in English, the next half of the article would have to be the name of this guy!

 This disease is rare. It was first reported in China in 1985, and it was published in a defunct journal.

If it weren’t for brush dogs, I wouldn’t even know what this disease would be called.

 Until now, the cause of this disease is not known. And this disease kills with a slow knife.

I don’t know. A large amount of protein is lost, and then various inexplicable symptoms appear. For example, the whole body is like a boiled egg with the skin peeled off. All white tigers and black tigers are younger brothers in the face of this disease.

  There are many complications and they are not fixed yet. This wasting disease is extremely difficult to treat.

 Even the complications of the same disease are not necessarily the same.

For example, lung diseases often have the most complications related to circulation and breathing.

 But this disease is not a disease, and any complications may occur.

 This patient has tinnitus and pigmentation!

 Large-scale consultation looks like a colonoscopy.

 In fact, if there is no consultation, there will be no word from the master of pediatrics.

This patient is probably still in the Department of Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, taking various medications!

 The final outcome is that the money is gone and the people are gone, because almost all the medicines taken do not work. This is the uncertainty of medical treatment.

 Furthermore, treatment is also troublesome.

 Treatment must be carried out in stages, because for large polyps in the intestinal tract, one-time surgery is absolutely not possible.

Have all eaten fat intestines, and I feel that the fat intestines are not stewed to a paste, and it is quite difficult to bite.

 In fact, the legendary large intestine sashimi is not so laborious. Because during the cooking process, these proteins are dehydrated, while the uncooked ones still contain a lot of water!

 So, during surgery, this thing is particularly dangerous. A slight poke will create a hole.

 Two doctors in the hospital had a fight about this before.

 Speaking of a urology doctor, he just arrived to perform a relatively difficult operation. It was the first time he performed the surgery himself, which was a bit laborious and slow.

As a result, the general surgeon next door who also just arrived to attend the surgery felt bored and wandered around after the operation.

 Other operating rooms are filled with doctors above associate senior level, and he does not dare to make mistakes.

 The result was found in the urinary tract, hey! An attending dog!

 He stood behind the surgeon, lying down and watching.

 Generally, doctors from other operating rooms are not allowed to hang out in other surgeries.

 But everyone came in, and the little nurse didn't dare to say anything.

Just look at it, quietly.

But this guy has a bad mouth, and it's his first time to perform a major surgery such as urology. The sweat on his forehead is as dense as lotus pods, and he is probably very nervous.

As a result, this ordinary foreigner lay down behind the person and said: Yo! Broken intestines!

 After saying that, the little nurse in the operating room next door was full of curses in the corridor. They were all ready, and the person who was going to operate was gone.

This guy immediately ran out for surgery.

 As a result, the urinary person will suffer.

Stop the operation first, extend the incision, and look for the cut intestine!

  After three hours of work, just like a butcher washing a pig's intestines, he cleaned the intestines from beginning to end, but he didn't find any rupture in the intestines.

The superior teacher's eyes rolled out when he came in. Qili praised him for accepting the operation and then completed the operation.

Even from the beginning to the end, I didn’t even communicate with the urology doctor.

After the operation, the urology surgeon went to the general surgeon with tears in his eyes. The two had a fight in the dressing room of the operating room, and then went to take a shower arm in arm.

 Hence, the intestines are extremely unfriendly to non-specialist doctors.

Furthermore, it is not easy to perform such a large-area surgery. The laser must be used to kill the polyps one by one.

It's like welding in the intestines, a hole will appear if you don't pay attention.

And the area of ​​the operation cannot be too large at one time, otherwise too much will be done, and there will be scars. If you are not careful, it will cause intestinal obstruction.

 The difficulty of this operation is average, as it requires a large amount of blood and a full tube.

Hundreds of polyps, densely packed, more than 100 at a time, performed in three or four times.

The doctor estimates that the hand that presses the button will be swollen.

Zhang Fan will definitely not do this kind of surgery, unless he really can't do it. This kind of surgery requires a skilled worker, mastering the strength, controlling the depth, going in and out, almost without changing the posture!

To old doctors, this kind of surgery is purely a surgery without any improvement. However, for young doctors, this kind of large-scale surgery is an opportunity for training.

  It's like a young boy who saw the world for the first time and was taken directly into the club and thrown on the bed together with his mother.

 Generally, if this kind of surgery is performed, there will be almost nothing that will be a bottleneck in intestinal endoscopic surgery in the future.

  Instructions were given, and Lu Shuyan was specifically told to write a paper about this patient and send it out. After saying that, Zhang Fan left. When Lu Shuyan turned around to talk to Zhang Fan about the department expenses, Zhang Fan was nowhere to be seen.

Zhang Fan is not a fool. Why don’t you run away immediately after handling the matter and wait to be slaughtered?

Just after passing the obstetrics and gynecology department, I saw Xue Fei limping out of the emergency center.

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics are the departments closest to the emergency center. “Are you going to play mahjong again?”

Xue Fei is good at everything except playing mahjong.

Before I was a director, I could work at the mahjong table with a few young women all day and night, especially when I was not married. I would be paid on the first day, and then my grandmother would give him the money the next day. Clean and tidy.

 I beat my chest with regret every time, but I can continue next month.

  After getting married, things got much better. His wife Chuan Meizi was not a vegetarian, and she often fought with Xue Fei over playing mahjong.

Every time Xue Fei was beaten, it was like being scratched by a cat.

At that time, when I was young and playing against three players, I felt that I was awesome and had leveled up.

 As a result, as I get older, I develop problems with my lumbar spine.

When there are many people, Xue Fei grits his teeth even if it hurts. When no one is around, or when he is at home, he lies on the bed and sighs like a paraplegic.

Moreover, after he turned thirty-five, he never fought with his wife!

“No, don’t mention Lao Li, I haven’t played mahjong in years!”

Xue Fei muttered something unhappily, and then said: "Paronychia, it hurts me so much!"

His waist was hurting before, but now he has paronychia on his thumb. Xue Fei walks like an old man pretending to be an old man, bending over to support his back and not daring to put his feet on the ground.

 “If it doesn’t work, just pull it out!”

Many people have paronychia. When you go to the hospital, the doctor is like an executioner. After inserting a shot of lidocaine, he will pull it out directly with a pair of pliers.

 But this thing is easy to relapse.

 And there is no good way. Some people often go to the hospital to have their nails pulled out, and every time it is like going to the criminal law.

 “Hey, forget it, I’ll bear with it!”

Just when Zhang Fan was about to say something, Lu Shuyan behind him spoke!

Zhang Fan was shocked because he chased this guy out. Zhang Fan glanced at Xue Fei again and said to himself, you are delaying me!

“As a doctor, there is nothing you can do about paronychia, so your job as director is in vain.”

 Xue Fei just likes to quarrel with female doctors.

 For example, when I meet Wang Yanan, I always start a fight, and the same goes for other female doctors. It feels like this guy is not popular, but at the critical moment, there are many female doctors thinking about him, which is very strange.

 “Do you have any idea?”

Xue Fei glanced at Lu Shuyan. His feet hurt and his back was sore. He didn't have the strength to fight with her today.

“You go home and cut a V-shaped gap in the middle of the nail with paronychia. Then wait for it to grow slowly. Slowly, the nail will not grow towards the sides, but will grow towards the middle.

 Don’t understand anything! Still being the director! "After speaking, Lu Shuyan looked at Zhang Fan.

  Meaning, you don’t understand very well either!

Zhang Fan was about to leave, Lu Shuyan grabbed Zhang Fan’s white coat and said, “Several projects in the department have been shot down recently.

 You have opinions about me, but you can’t bring your emotions into work! Take a look, our department and laboratories are now all doing odd jobs for others, and we don’t even have any projects of our own. "

 Actually, this guy knows it very well. The project to kill her was not operated by Zhang Fan, but by Zhao Yanfang.

 Because the hospital has a big project recently, Zhang Fan told Yan Xiaoyu and Zhao Yanfang to keep their pockets tight.

 Then some projects that can be done or not are suspended.

 And the project that Lu Shuyan and others used to make money to write a thesis was immediately shot.

This kind of shooting means that if your project dies in the hospital, don’t come to me with this thing again in the future.

Lu Shuyan was a little reluctant, but she couldn't defeat Zhao Yanfang. She finally caught Zhang Fan today and she would definitely not let him go.

Xue Fei stood aside. His paronychia no longer hurt, and his waist was no longer sore. He leaned against the edge of the garden, took out a cigarette, and smoked while watching.

Due to the general environment, Zhang Fan would grit his teeth and give money to scientific research in some departments, even though he knew that they were just there to make money.

 Because many departments may not be able to produce any scientific research.

For example, in obstetrics and gynecology, there has been almost no major scientific research in the past few years. Let alone Tea Su Hospital, there is no scientific research in obstetrics and gynecology in the world.

 But Chinese doctors are cautious and need scientific research papers, what should they do?

At this time, Zhang Fan could only pretend to be deaf and act stupid. He had to give money. Then no one would go to the obstetrics department. What would happen when the baby was born?

 But recently, Zhang Fan really has no money.

 Zhang Fan explained for a long time.

Lu Shuyan then left cursing and said that if she didn’t pay her next month, she would ask the female doctor from the department to go to the hospital to cause trouble.

 “Look at the hammer!” Zhang Fan cursed Xue Fei, turned around and left.

Xue Fei was stunned for a while while holding the cigarette in his hand.

 “Nima, you know how to bully me! What the **** is this?”

 Along the way, I met the directors of several departments and asked cordially if I could release some funds to them.

 Zhang Fan had already thought of this at the beginning.

 I didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

“Tell me, who among our major departments still has a small treasury?”

 In the office, Zhang Fan sat on the chair irritably, unable to read a single word of the document.

 When you make up your mind and take a look, it feels like everything is about money!

“The dermatology department still has some money, but the weather has not yet entered the coldest period, and the benefits of antifreeze cream will have to wait, and the rest..."

Wang Hong thought for a while and suddenly said: "Zhang Yuan, there must be money in the God Test!"

Zhang Fan became more energetic when he heard this. How could he have forgotten this thing?

 Call this guy immediately.

 After a while, the fat and pig-like Shenqiu came.

This guy has gained weight like a balloon in the past two years. A scientific researcher has directly become a company CEO.

 Hold your legs together and it feels as wide as a noodle table!

“Come, have a taste, it’s good tea. When I went to the capital, I only bought two taels of it. It’s all the leader’s stock. I’m not even willing to drink it. I’m going to reward you today!”

 In fact, Zhang Fan has a hammer and good tea, and now he has learned how to sell tea. Anyway, tea is expensive when I say it is expensive!

 Kaoshen's hand holding the tea cup was shaking a little.

  The teacup that was placed at my mouth was not drunk, but I put it down gently, as if I was afraid of dropping it.

“I have some stones recently, and Director He Xinyi won’t let me drink tea!”

Chaoshen is not a fool, and not only is he not a fool, he is also a thief.