Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2153: The disaster of the second spring

Chapter 2153 The Disaster of the Second Spring

If you were to choose a province in China with a good accent, it would probably be difficult to choose. But if I had to choose who has the most complicated accent, it would probably be Ba Min.

This place is not big, but the accent is complicated enough. The general accents can be directly divided into southeast, northwest, and middle. The small accents cannot be classified directly. In some places, if you leave the village, you will not understand the words of the next village.

In the early years, there was a legend, I don’t know whether it is true or not. It was said that during the war with Wanzi, a group of people from Bamin were invited to be correspondents or telegraph operators. Anyway, Wanzi couldn’t translate it.

The medical treatment in this place is also quite unique.

In several major provinces on the coast of China, although Li Jiapo's medical care is relatively good, the other major provinces don't think highly of Li Jiapo, and they even look down on Wanzi Country.

 In the early years, we were still learning from the Maruko Country. Once they got a little richer, several major provinces no longer focused on Asia. Candidates who study exclusively in Europe and the United States, and department heads, must have experience studying abroad in Europe and the United States.

 To put it bluntly, it actually requires a Golden Retriever’s study abroad experience.

 But in Ba Fujian, medical care has a good relationship with Lijiapo.

Many experts from Lijiapo will come to Bamin to fly knives or be specially invited experts.

 The medical treatment in Bulk Province, Qiantang, and Shanghai almost all seem to be integrated into one, while the Guangdong and Guangxi, Gansu and Poland, Sanxiang and Four Rivers further south are integrated into one.

 Especially, the medical treatment in Sanxiang, Four Rivers and Guangdong and Guangxi has a particularly serious impact on each other.

 But Bamin Dudu is a little out of place with the neighbors around her. She is like a very independent ice and snow girl. She opens her mouth like my mother won't let me play with you!

Zhang Fan came to Ba Fujian this time, to what is known as the most beautiful city in Ba Fujian. It is also a rebellious city that looks down on its own capital.

  Sometimes if there is such a city in a region, the capital city is actually quite embarrassing.

Zhang Fan’s nephew, a teacher, is also a highly motivated person. He graduated from Old Tang in his early years and has a liver-gallery background.

 After working in the hospital for two years, he found that there were too many people in the field of liver and gallbladder disease, and he could not get ahead. Then he changed his scope of practice and became a specialist in extracerebral surgery.

 In large hospitals, the bigger the department, the harder it is to get ahead. There are a lot of talents, but it is quite difficult to find food across majors.

However, at the time when he changed careers, there were still only a few sparrows in the hospital's outside world. When he entered the outside world, he got a doctor outside the outside world.

At that time, there were not many doctors in Shenwai, and those who were there were old doctors. At that time, doctors with doctorate degrees from outside the world were either in the capital or the devil's capital, and there were still not many people who came to Fujian.

Within a few years, he entered the management of the hospital. When the general surgeon who entered the hospital with him was still competing for the team leader, he was already the vice president.

 Choice is sometimes more important than hard work. This sounds like the problem.

 But who had such a vision at the time? General surgery was developing so well, with high bonuses and many talents. Many of the hospital’s presidents were from general surgery.

He can grit his teeth and jump out. If he succeeds, he is a legend. If he fails, he is a miracle.

However, being born halfway always seems to have some shortcomings in business.

Although he jumped out of the general foreign service department, his relationship with Lao Tang has always been good and well maintained.

Unlike Zhang Fan, the old man was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth. Now he no longer looks to the black guys, but puts his hope in the next generation.

This teacher’s nephew would take time out to visit Old Tang every year, and he would always give him small gifts during the holidays. Supposedly you are already the dean, is it necessary to be so humble?

 But there is no comparison between people!

This time when something happened, he didn't call anyone. The first call he made was to Old Tang.

When Old Tang heard this, he couldn't help himself with this matter, but he still thought of the best way for himself, a defecting student.

“Contact your junior uncle. This surgery can only be done by my junior uncle.”

 If only the teacher's nephew's face was all he wanted, Zhang Fan would probably not be invited.

This time, a small workshop owner had a tumor on the right side of his neck behind his ear. Small workshops in Fujian should not take it lightly.

How awesome is this boss, not to mention how much assets he has? It is said that before the transformation, half of China's special cigarettes were produced by others. It felt something was wrong, so he stopped early, even if he made a lot of money every day. He is also a ruthless person who gives up his business as soon as he is told to give up.

 Then enter the tourism industry.

  Sometimes, you have to admire someone's eccentric approach.

 Other people’s tourism industry, such as contracting tour buses inside a scenic spot, but he doesn’t, he contracts temples!

 If his business can reach this level, he is really a hero.

However, it is too common for men to have trouble with beauty.

This boss’s neck tumor has actually been around for a long time, and is about as big as an adult male’s fist.

At first the fortune teller said that this person would be rich and noble, and he would be rich and noble.

 Actually, when I was young, I didn’t have much money, so I didn’t take it seriously. Later, when I really got rich, I really believed what this fortune teller said.

Now that I have more money than I can spend in a lifetime, I suddenly find that I am still quite strong. It was associated with a girl who sang and danced.

Spent a lot of money, held her hands, and took off her clothes. As a result, he fell in love and insisted on marrying this girl.

People who can usually be killed out of the grass should not be so high-spirited.

Moreover, this girl probably just endured the humiliation and let him suppress her for the sake of money. She didn't really want to spend the rest of her life with him.

 I don’t know if he doesn’t want to hand over the money or if the other party just wants a cash transaction. The girl said it’s okay to get married, but you need to remove the knot on your neck.

 Otherwise, we will still play a friendly league.

The man thought about it and realized that he already had money, so it was time to give up this rich bag.

They didn’t go to a certain field and went directly to Zhang Fan’s nephew’s hospital for treatment. They also didn’t let local doctors do the surgery. They directly invited an academician from Li Jiapo to do the surgery.

 Every examination showed that it was a benign tumor. As the saying goes, it was just an extra lump of flesh.

 Just cut it off.

 Enter the operating room and after the incision, I was dumbfounded.

 There was something wrong with the tissue in the basal layer, and after a quick medical examination, it was discovered that it was cancerous.

 What’s even more troublesome is that the cancer adheres to the nerves in the neck.

 The back of the head and the neck are a surgeon’s nightmare.

 Many people like to have their neck massaged when they get a massage. Some masseurs even squeeze their necks and make a cracking sound when they twist.

 Honestly, it would be safer for you to get a shady massage than to twist your neck like a twist.

 Neck massage and serious orthopedics are all so easy that you can’t move them. You still want people to do miracles with great force. You don’t want to live anymore!

At that time, the academician from Lijiapo stopped the operation. He opened it and sutured it gently. After leaving the operating room, he started to cause trouble for the hospital.

The hospital's equipment is not good enough to detect adhesions or not. Why do you still need a flying knife for this kind of surgery with imperfect inspection?

 This operation cannot be done!

 This operation put Zhang Fan’s teacher nephew in a dilemma.

 The patient is lying in the hospital ward, and his family members come to greet him every day with relatives and friends.

 The township party culture in Fujian should not be underestimated.

The teacher's nephew has always been concerned about the position of the dean, and the dean has always been unable to do anything about the teacher's nephew.

 This time I seized the opportunity.

 They are also prepared to kill them all.

The teacher’s nephew, who had no other choice, invited Zhang Fan over.

“Dean, it’s bad, Cha Suzhang is here.”

 “Selimu, why is he here?”

The dean was born and raised in the local area. When he heard that Zhang Fan was coming, he couldn't help but start cursing.

 He can not give face to others. For example, when Old Tang comes, he can pretend not to know.

 But Zhang Fan can't.

Although Zhang Fan's current status does not concern you, Ba Min, his words can be spread very high.

“Zhang Yuan! Oops, Vice President Feng invited Zhang Yuan over but didn’t say anything to me. It made me seem like I didn’t understand the rules.

 Zhang Yuan, don’t mind, I didn’t even know you were coming.

 If I knew you were coming..."

Zhang Fan smiled, he came here to save Lao Tang’s face. As for the rest, he was in no mood to care.

  Can't even control it.

“Let’s take a look at the patient first!” Zhang Fan finished his courtesy and said to the two deans with a smile.

“Okay, Dr. Zhang, please! Quickly, let’s inform the hospital that Dr. Zhang is here for ward rounds. Let’s all come and study. Bring your notebooks. After the ward rounds, everyone must write down their thoughts!”

Zhang Fan shook his head inwardly, there were too many people, no wonder the teacher’s nephew was extremely polite along the way.

 It’s because the opponent is too strong, and with just one click, he takes away the initiative.

 Entering the intensive care unit, there was a rich man lying on the bed, his head wrapped like the third brother.

After a group of people entered the ward, Academician Li Jiapo, who heard the news, also hurried over.

When he met Zhang Fan, the academician almost cried. Holding Zhang Fan's hands was really like meeting a fellow member of the digital army in a movie.

 Why is it said that not everyone can do flying knives?

Many hospital directors have been working for half their lives and still cannot fly.

This thing is not because others look down upon him, but because he himself does not dare to fly for fear of leaking his butt.

For example, to diagnose a tumor, imaging data is not only auxiliary, but the gold standard is pathological examination.

 Without a medical examination, anything could happen.

Just like back then, there was a breast specialist who was very good.

The wife of a coal boss had an imaging examination and said it was a malignant tumor. The boss invited someone over and the examination also said it was malignant.

To be sure, the experts asked a local tycoon to charter a plane to bring him a large team of more than a dozen people.

 After the incision, it turned out to be benign. I don’t know how many times of medical examination, no malignant changes were found.

The team of more than a dozen people worked hard and finally cut into a meat bun that even a resident doctor could make, and then went home!

This expert never lets others talk about this matter, and gets into trouble with others whenever he does, because it's embarrassing!

 This is good, often it is obviously benign, but after cutting it open, you are dumbfounded.

 This academician is an expert in the field of head and neck surgery, and his main focus is on thyroid.

This time I heard that a rich man wanted to remove a benign tumor. He originally wanted to make some money.

As a result, his eyes turned green after being cut open, and he had no choice but to do anything.

If no one takes over this operation, I guess no one will invite him in the future.

 “Ah Selinmu, you liar!”

 Don’t say that southerners don’t have anger, southerners are quite angry.

 After the family members saw the expert from Li Jiapo, the boss’s wife yelled and cursed. If the family members hadn’t stopped him, I guess she could have come up and scratched him a few times.

“This is Zhang Yuan, you may not know it. Does your clan brother Ma know? He has a good relationship with Zhang Yuan.” The dean introduced Zhang Fan to the boss.

 The boss still looks very excited.

 Zhang Fan didn't say anything, just put on his gloves and opened the bandage.

 What comes into view is that the cut looks like a dragon fruit has been bitten in half.

 The organization inside is still squirming with the boss's movements.

 Red blood flowed out every minute.

 The most fearful thing about malignant tumor surgery is that it cannot be cut cleanly, and there is also the fear of rupturing the tumor.

 Because this thing is so abominable.

 If everything is not clean, the follow-up will be suicidal treatment. Either you kill the tumor or you kill the patient.

 Otherwise, it won’t take long for the tumor to come back again.

For example, why is brain cancer surgery so difficult?

 Because many brain cancer surgeries can only remove about 80% at most, and epilepsy is a common postoperative complication.

 It is more troublesome to cut through the tumor.

There are many ways for disgusting tumors to spread, one of which is implantation metastasis.

For example, if a tumor is cut open and the tumor cells spread with the blood, they may become cancerous there.

For example, during liver surgery, the tumor ruptured accidentally.

 Blood flows to the surface of the intestines and to the bladder. It doesn't take long for bowel cancer or bladder cancer to appear.

 Some doctors may not even handle it well, and cancer can appear in you through direct incision.

This kind of surgery, to be honest, it is almost difficult to find someone to take over it if it is second-hand.

“Let’s talk about the condition with the patient and the patient’s family, and arrange for surgical exploration later. It’s not certain whether surgery can be done or not. The tissue has been destroyed, so it’s hard to tell what’s going on inside.”

After Zhang Fan said something, he left the ward. Wang Hong did not follow Zhang Fan, but followed the deputy director and began to explain the condition to the patient and the patient's family.

Wang Hong occasionally goes crazy, but she is quite a thief at critical moments.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t have followed Zhang Fan all the time.

 Entering the doctor's office, Zhang Fan started to read the medical records.

Half an hour later, Wang Hong came in, walked to Zhang Fan, and whispered to Zhang Fan who was looking down at the medical record: "I have explained everything that needs to be explained, it is very formal!"

 Zhang Fan nodded.

After closing the medical records, the hospital director smiled and asked: "Zhang Yuan, can you say a few words?"

 “Okay, let me say a few words.”

Zhang Fan was not polite either.

 Open the learning blackboard in the department directly.

 Then he directly drew an anatomy diagram of the neck.

 Zhang Fan's first-hand anatomy diagram directly made the people in the department quieter.

 When I first came here, some had heard of Zhang Fan, and some had not.

 There are those who are convinced and there are those who are not convinced.

 When a hand of pictures was placed on the blackboard, every one of them became serious.

 Medical drawing is very important. Why did my master quit this profession? I guess he was not good at drawing, so he went to write.

“The lesion is located behind and below the ear. According to the impact data, the depth and breadth are significantly larger. At present, not only the medulla oblongata and spinal cord must be considered, but also blood vessels.

  More consideration should be given to the patient’s postoperative hypertension…

 According to the current situation, our surgical plan is to remove as much cancerous tissue as possible without damaging more nerves and blood vessels.

 The patient's current life status is acceptable. I need an anesthesiologist, three extracerebral assistants, and several operating room nurses.

Who wants to have the surgery with me? "

When Zhang Fan began to explain the surgical plan, the eyes of a group of doctors were bright!

“This is the difference. If the doctors in Lijiapo had followed this plan, how could they be as ugly as they are today?”

 There are particularly many postoperative sequelae of surgery outside the brain and neck.

For example, with regard to hypertension, some patients who do not have high blood pressure may develop significant high blood pressure after neck surgery.

 (End of this chapter)