Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2156: Mother and son connected

Shao Hua and Zhang Fan's characters, it seems that Zhang Fan is more popular. In fact, this is an illusion. Shao Hua's character is more cosmopolitan.

Originally Zhang Fan was also a simple young man, but he entered the management team early at a young age. Ouyang is as old as a fox, Lao Chen vividly demonstrated the scheming of middle-aged men, and Chen Qi's lack of bottom line. , Batu Shilei and their intrigues.

To be honest, if it weren't for Ouyang and Old Man Lu who were blocking the way, the bowl of wine in Zhang Fan's stomach would have been drunk to death before he even got up.

For example, Chen Qi. At first, Zhang Fan thought that Chen Qi was a very nice person and could do anything to your heart's content. However, as a result, even when Zhang Fan decorated his office and was given books, it was a trap. This did not mean that Zhang Fan would be buried.

 It was just a backup plan just in case.

Without Ouyang, Zhang Fan would have been either buried by this group of people or blackened by this group of people.

The workplace is similar to the battlefield. Many people with good reincarnation skills are actually tricked to death on the road.

Zhang Fan is lucky, and Zhang Fan is also a man who is content with a small amount of money. He just stays in Chasu without moving a step.

  It seems that the development space is limited, but in fact this state is the best. In Cha Su Zhang Fan, it is like a turtle array.

It’s hard to say whether we will win or not, but there is no doubt whether it will be tough or not.

  Outside the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department, more and more experts are coming.

At this point, if Zhang Fan parachuted into a large hospital, he would probably not be able to achieve this effect in seven or eight years.

For example, the director of Zhongyong Hospital, in terms of reputation, her name is greater than Zhang Fan's.

  However, Chinese people pay attention to the fact that the flesh is not on the folds.

 As far as the control of a hospital is concerned, President Zhongyong and Zhang Fan are not on the same level.

Just a hospital director and books can make her head grow bigger.

As for tea books, there has been a fine tradition since Lao Huang's time, and business matters have never been discussed.

 In the Ouyang era, it was directly transformed into a human-shaped stamp.

 Until the Zhang Fan era, Mr. Ren mainly played a cute role.

The leaders of Bird City were angry with him several times, thinking that Zhang Fan was suppressing Mr. Ren and making him unable to breathe, so he sent several waves of people over. The result was good, as soon as he entered the door, Zhang Fan and Mr. Ren joined forces to suppress and beat him.

 The bird market really doesn’t understand what’s going on.

 When everyone sees it clearly, the tail will no longer be big.

 In the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Lu Shuyan's mouth was as bitter as if she had swallowed a mouthful of pig gallbladder.

 This is an unnecessary disaster! If there was anyone in the hospital who understood Zhang Fan's mind best, she was definitely one of them.

She has a certain degree of confidence in her appearance, but she didn't let Zhang Fan's elephant stand up and shake it at first, so she came up with the legend that the antiemetic drug was developed by Zhang Fan for himself.

Although it was a joke, she knew very well that this black guy was definitely not some kind-hearted young man.

 He is a hammer!

 There is no time to discuss with the family and the patient whether to cut off the uterus or not. Now it is no longer a question of whether to discard the organ, but a question of whether it can be rescued.

 Maternal surgery is not easy to perform.

 Surgeries on newborns are more difficult.

This kind of unexpected surgery is just a first aid chapter in the textbook, and then the doctors are left to deal with all kinds of strange accidents.

 So the system of surgeons is extremely rigorous, and whatever the superior doctor says is whatever it is, because for many things, textbooks are just principles.

 It’s like your mother-in-law can know how to make balls, but can you really make them? It’s laborious anyway.

 Since the sun has not risen in the early morning, the obstetrics and gynecology surgery building of the hospital is already brightly lit.

  Chief experts from various disciplines are here.

“Circulatory support, multiple times in small amounts, simple drugs, the child is too young! Kidney failure must be prevented.” Ren Li is responsible for the maintenance of the circulatory system.

“Administer small doses of respiratory agonists, and do not exceed the safety window. He only weighs six or seven kilograms, and the dose must not exceed..."

 Yes, for a child who weighs only 6 or 7 pounds, the amount of medication he needs to administer is almost over a thousand ml.

 Zhang Fan's operation was extremely fast, and it could be said that he used all his strength.

 At this time, it is actually a race.

 A race with death.

 If the operation can be completed before the child's system collapses, everyone will be happy with the result.

 Once a system collapses, it can be said that there is almost no solution.

 Because the child is so old, what medicine can you use?

 His system cannot handle it. For example, the effect of cardiac stimulants is achieved, and the child's liver and kidneys fail.

 Furthermore, because the fracture has already occurred in the fetus, it directly causes problems with circulation and breathing.

 Speed, acceleration.

Zhang Fan and Wang Yanan, two children, had their heads clashed together, and they heard the collision of metal.

“Untie the ligation, quickly, loosen the ligation, the repair is complete!” Zhang Fan’s urgent voice was conveyed to Wang Yanan.

Wang Yanan opened the vascular forceps neatly, click, click, click, the sound of the metal teeth popping open was so nice.

When the vascular clamp was opened, the surrounding blood circulation finally began to circulate smoothly, and there was no trace of bleeding around the lower legs!


The anesthesiologist responsible for anesthetizing young children sat on the ground as if paralyzed, wiping sweat while watching the ECG monitor with relief.

“I’m so awesome. I used four combinations of drugs to maintain the child’s vital signs for a one-day-old child. I’m so awesome!”

The anesthesiologist was mumbling, as if he was stunned.

 Actually, this is called a sense of accomplishment.

Especially when there is no chance of treatment, it feels so good to be able to take the person back from the hands of the King of Hell as if he were born. It is so good that it can be said that almost the climax of a fight between a man and a woman may not be as good as this.

Moreover, why do older doctors have such a sense of accomplishment?

 After all, some greasy middle-aged men can only do three or four strokes, or even lose the pleasure from three or four strokes.

 But this sense of accomplishment is not only satisfying, it also lasts for a long time. Sometimes, it can last for several days or even weeks.

"Clean!" Zhang Fan finished the operation here, took off his surgical gown, wiped his hands with iodophor, continued to put on a new surgical gown, and turned to Lu Shuyan's operating table.

 Zhang Fan took a look with his head and saw that the operation was done well.

 However, the patient's blood pressure could no longer be maintained, nor could his heartbeat.

Lu Shuyan anxiously searched for the bleeding point, but there was no bleeding at all in the surgical field of vision, but the patient's blood pressure continued to drop.

“No, stop looking for it, it’s not bleeding. Have you finished cleaning the child? Bring the child over!~”

Zhang Fan took a quick look and saw that Lu Shuyan's surgery was very good and the treatment was very good, but the patient just couldn't wake up.

 What is more sorrow than death of heart? This is it!

 In many Chinese families, the daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law would become enemies during the confinement period.

 Often the little stumbling blocks in daily life gather and break out at this time.

If male compatriots do not have a certain level of emotional intelligence in life, they are often just like chicken feathers.

 The problem is that today’s men only mature at the age of thirty, so how can they handle this matter?

 Actually, the problem lies with the parents.

 The shortcomings of parents are actually a matter of great wisdom in life. What is teaching by words and deeds? Many parents hope that their children will succeed, and they can't wait to force their children to learn some Olympiad or Olympiad.

 In fact, when you have nothing to do with your children, it is definitely good to tell them stories about the pitfalls you encountered at this age.

 Women, especially those during pregnancy, are not only sensitive but also irritable and explosive.

This is inherited from genes, and it is not just for people to look for trouble. I haven’t seen tigresses, leopards, etc., are they more likely to hurt people?

 However, it is also easy to get injured at this time.

 Children as big as fists were blown up like little mummies.

  The nurse's head popped out, holding the distressed child in her arms, her weak mouth reluctantly opening and closing, as if looking for the scent of her mother.

 Gently apply warm water on the child's lips, and the pink little tongue gently goes in and out. It's as cute as it gets.

 “Put the baby next to the mother and let her breastfeed the baby!”

 There is no other way, now I can only engage in metaphysics.

 In fact, this is not a metaphysics.

 Because pregnant women will secrete a large amount of progesterone due to stimulation of the breasts, which will increase the secretion state of the mother and also increase the blood sugar and blood pressure of the pregnant woman.

 There is no other way. Generally speaking, this kind of stimulation occurs when pregnant women are about to give birth and their productivity is insufficient.

On the delivery bed during a normal delivery, a midwife is holding the belly, and the midwife is like a bunny who played arcade machines when he was a child. He grabs the remote control and rubs it constantly, as if to amplify the moves. Often the arcade shop owners are deeply afraid of this. Pull out the rocker for these guys.

 The stimulation in the delivery room is actually the same.

 Actually, Zhang Fan feels that this kind of operation is more painful than exciting!

Whether it will actually cause the mother to secrete progesterone remains to be verified, because there is a passage in the textbook that effective breast stimulation is conducive to increasing fertility.

 But Nima, this stimulation from the midwife does not work miracles with great strength, and great strength may not necessarily be effective.

 When the baby is placed next to the mother, the child does not know how to eat.

 The familiar smell and the natural feeling of a child made him anxiously shake his little head.

I kept looking for it, but it was too small and there was no sound of crying. I saw the child struggling, and his little face kept rubbing against the mother's chest.

The traveling nurse couldn't bear to see it and wanted to help the child.

 “Don’t move! That’s it. It’s okay if the child is tired, don’t worry about it!”

 Zhang Fan looked at the child while watching the ECG monitoring.

The child groped hard and kept crying.

With friction, slowly and finally, the child's small mouth touched the breast. Once, twice, the child finally began to suck.

 A group of people in their decades looked at this scene, their eye sockets were a little moist.

 Once, twice, nothing, nothing could be sucked out. His strength was too weak, and she no longer had the courage to survive.

 Child releases breast glands and wants to cry.

Zhang Fan silently said, Come on, for you and for your mother, come on.

 Cry, cry silently.

 I don’t know if it was secretly that the child also knew that his mother was dying.

 The small head and mouth are once again close to the mammary gland.

 Once, twice

 Finally, turbid fluid appeared in the breast, a little, a little, and then more.

 Then it flowed out from the corner of the child's mouth!

 “The blood pressure is up, it’s up!”

At this time, Lu Shuyan and the others saw tears flowing from the corners of the mother's eyes!

 A group of experts breathed a sigh of relief.

 The most difficult thing about these two surgeries is not the technical problem, but the lack of any medicine.

Zhang Fan specifically gave two explanations to Lu Shuyan. Although there was no need to explain specifically, Zhang Fan still had to explain two sentences.

 After leaving the operating room, Lu Shuyan took a long, smooth breath.

As a result, as soon as Zhang Fan left the operating room, he said to Han Zhongguo who came over: "Han Shu, you have to come up with a charter for this matter.

 Little doctors and nurses, don’t make things difficult for them. The most important thing is to prevent this from happening again in the future, but it is also appropriate to give some appropriate warnings to the department director and superior doctors. "

After hearing this, Han Zhongguo nodded immediately. His serious face and unsmiling expression were already very majestic.

 Because he is not a medical technician and because he brought a safety fund when he came, Zhang Fan still attaches great importance to Comrade Han.

The leaders knew that Zhang Fan had small eyes and were deeply afraid that Han Zhongguo would become the second Chi Shu, so they specially approved a special fund.

  And it’s not just a one-time thing, it happens every year.

I don’t know whether Zhang Fan is looking for the face he has every year, or whether he thinks Lao Han is a talented person.

After Han Zhongguo entered the hospital, Zhang Fan directly handed over safety to Lao Han.

Regarding the warnings from the department director and superior doctors, Lao Han needs to discuss it with Mr. Ren. After all, Mr. Ren is not in charge of personnel.

 After a busy day, Zhang Fan didn't really want to eat in the cafeteria.

Sometimes, people are so strange. In the canteen of the hospital, there are some meat dishes and some vegetarian dishes. There are plenty of chickens, ducks, fish, geese, cattle, horses, pigs and sheep.

 It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to eat, so I just want to eat something else.

 Just like a married man...

 At the night market stall in front of Chasu Hospital, there is a bowl of butter tea, an oil incense, and a bowl of haggis.

The attitude of the boss is not very good, even if the fly restaurant has a good business, the attitude of the boss is not very good.

"My bench is very clean. I wipe it three times a day!" Seeing Wang Hong cleaning Zhang Fan's bench, the boss didn't know why, but his tone was bad, as if Zhang Fan owed him money.

Most people in the northwest are so upright, with joy, anger and laughter on their faces.

But people are capable. Haggis is so common in Chasu. If you can find someone, they can cook it for you.

 But this taste is very special, especially in winter evenings, when the sun sets, the air is cold and the breath is filled.

The hot mutton soup has a sour taste when you take one sip, but it does not make you feel sour, but it can make your mouth salivate.

 A bite of haggis, a bite of garlic, and then a bite of oily lamb soup.

Why! I wouldn’t change it even if I gave it to an emperor.


 In the hospital, the punishment was handed down the next day.

 Department director Lu Shuyan stopped paying department performance for half a year, the head nurse stopped paying performance for half a year, and the superior doctor in charge of the doctor on that day stopped paying performance for two months.

 The doctor who was on duty that day was fined 2,000 yuan, and the nurse was fined 1,000 yuan.

 In the office of the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lu Shuyan’s face was so dark that she was about to bleed with ink.

 “This black guy has a really dark heart. He smiles and says it’s okay, but then changes his mind when he leaves the house!”

The gynecological night shift has also increased patrols.

 At night, after Zhang Zhibo fell asleep, Shao Hua grabbed Zhang Fan's arm.

 Zhang Fan is curious, hey! His defeated general actually asked for a fight?

 As a result, Shao Hua, who was feeling fragrant after washing, grabbed Zhang Fan and asked him what a cold was and what the flu was.

  Unable to let Zhang Fan move his hands, Zhang Fan curled his lips!