Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2158: This thing is not used to find trouble.

Tang Jingjing’s experience made Shao Hua very angry. It would be fine if he was a scumbag. But a man who obviously cares about his family can still raise a family outside. Is this because he is too energetic?

Shao Hua was getting angry while looking at Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan said in his heart: "Silly girl, I am still like you when I have an **** dream. You look at me like a hammer."

Zhang Fan once had a dream, in which he married two wives. Zhang Fan looked around proudly and saw that the eldest wife was Shao Hua. The second wife turned around and saw a man whose name he didn't know, but his face was obviously that of Shao Hua.

Shao Hua got angry, but Zhang Fan actually didn't feel even the slightest ripple in his heart.

You don't have to work in the emergency department of a hospital for a few years or a few months. You can see all kinds of **** things, the kind that can't be filmed in TV series.

 For example, if you have a small boss, your business may not be very big, but this person’s ability to control people’s hearts is top-notch.

 They respect the eldest wife, discuss everything with the original wife, and even transfer all the property to the original wife's name. Then they take the mistress who has been poor since childhood to experience the prosperity of the world, and take the mistress who has a small amount of assets at home to ride the merry-go-round.

There are too many such time management masters.

Zhang Fan was thinking more about what Tang Jingjing was doing at home? Let's come together with Zhu Bing and his wife.

When most people encounter this kind of thing, they will either swallow their anger and pretend not to know, or they will knock on the door and kick the man out.

Tang Jingjing’s first thought was whether it would have any impact on her career.

 Lu Renjia and Zhu Bing still got to know each other through Zhang Fan and Tang Jingjing. Because of Lu Renjia, Tang Jingjing and Lu Renjia’s father also accepted Tang Jingjing into their tea local sect.

After the incident involving Tang Jingjing’s husband, the first person Tang Jingjing looked for was Mr. Lu. After all, he was well-informed.

The old man squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "You are still an agent now, and you are still relatively sensitive. Don't get into a big fight yet. Regardless of whether you still have feelings or not, it is not easy for you to make any moves for the time being. You are now a cadre in charge of the administration.

No matter what you do, you must first let your leader know what you are doing, not what you want to do. "

After listening to this, Tang Jingjing felt as bitter as if she drank coptis. Originally, the Tea Su High-tech Zone was a department-level unit. Later, with the entry of more and more international pharmaceutical and equipment companies, it became a deputy director-level unit, and later became a department-level unit.

Subsequently, due to the increase in the scale of the industry, although there was no further upgrade, the management rights were directly transferred from Cha Su to Niao Shi.

 The top and second-in-commands in the High-tech Zone are directly the bird management cadres.

 She still has some connections in Chasu, but Bird Market is really helpless.

Looking at Tang Jingjing's confused look, the old man said with a smile: "Oh, you, you, you still haven't really seen through it.

Didn’t you have a noble man when you were in Quark? "

Tang Jingjing understood this immediately.

Tang Jingjing didn’t hide it from Lu Renjia and her wife, so she came to Zhang Fan’s house.

Facing Zhang Fan, Tang Jingjing did not hold back and said directly to Zhang Fan: I have a clear conscience and I don’t believe in love anymore, but I don’t want the leader to misunderstand. Zhang Yuan, can you say a word for me?

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and nodded. It’s good to have one of your own in the Hi-tech Zone. First of all, this is the main reason.

 Sometimes, people can’t help themselves in the world!

Zhang Fan's wooden clock is not easy to hit. Since he became the dean, he has almost never negotiated terms with the leader due to personal reasons.

 This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Fan is so tough.


  There have been relatively few things going on in the hospital recently, but several Stans have become more and more enthusiastic about the Tea Su Hospital.

Especially in wealthy countries with a piece of cloth on their heads, although they are wealthy, they also have a sense of crisis. The ups and downs of international crude oil prices are not as constant as in China!

 Hence, people are always looking for new industry breakthroughs.

 Because of the joint laboratory, Chasu Hospital is a little nervous.

Kaoshen took the opportunity to take out the teaching video and make it again. He not only bought it domestically, but also because of its relationship with Chasu Hospital and the Middle East.

This fat guy just treated Zhang Fan as a live streamer selling goods, and even advertised to rich countries. And the tone of the advertisement is not domineering, unlike the Golden Retriever saying to the rich country that we are here to save you, we are the savior.

His advertising style is very simple, that is, we are not here to make money, or we are here to make friends. We are not here to teach you how to perform surgery, or we are here to learn from each other and discuss with each other.

The local tyrant country eats this set. The videos of the fat man in the test of God also sold a lot of money in local tyrant countries. Because of the problem of words, many college students who studied medicine have bought it.

 If you understand it or not, let’s talk about it first.

The rich country thought that Zhang Fan was going bankrupt, so they hurriedly sent the sanitation officials to fly directly to Chasu.

Chasu Hospital, Bird Market, and Chasu are praised by everyone from top to bottom. These are friends who provide help in times of need.

Zhang Fan even generously booked the largest private room in the five-star hotel opposite the hospital. Friends, you must treat them well when you come.

After this product arrived, he first praised the high quality of the videos purchased by Chasu Hospital from a rich country, and then praised Zhang Fan for his good performance in the videos. Moreover, he said that if Zhang Hospital can live broadcast online, they will definitely buy out Zhang Fan’s live broadcast. .

 Zhang Fan also kept praising the other party and asking about the health of his superior.

 After the pleasantries, Zhang Fan’s face turned dark!

This guy thought that Chasu Hospital was out of money, so Zhang Fan started to show off his face.

If they really don’t have money, they don’t have much idea since Chasu Hospital is public.

 If the laboratory is sold, they are willing to take it over. As long as Zhang Fan is willing to negotiate, money is not an issue.

This is ridiculous, Zhang Fan almost died of anger at this guy.

However, now that we are here, it is definitely not possible to buy a laboratory, but it is still possible to buy other things.

Zhang Fan’s teeth were itching with hatred, but his face was still full of smiles.

“This equipment of mine is very cost-effective. For basic hospitals, this equipment is actually quite sufficient…”

It's a pity that Zhang Fan's words are all broken. They just bought a few DRs from the Tea Su High-tech Zone as a token, and they also made it clear that Zhang Yuan ended up personally, so we just treated Zhang Yuan as a rocket. Bar!

 The wealthy country is different from Stan.

 They are really rich, but Stan is not.

Chasu's DR is still quite popular in Stan. Many people don't know that in the several Stans surrounding China, Da Mao had a lot of influence in the early years, and later it was the country of Wan Zi.

In recent years, sticks have also been inserted. I seem to have heard that Stan has many descendants of the stick country or something. Anyway, I don’t know how Northeast Asia and Central Asia got there. It’s hard to say.

  Some equipment from Bangzi Country focuses on cost-effectiveness and is particularly popular in several Stan countries.

 In the past, China’s medical equipment was average.

However, it has fully blossomed in recent years. Unfortunately, in China, it is just like sending home appliances to the countryside and receiving subsidies.

Chasu's DR is actually the same, and Chasu Hospital itself does not use it.

However, it’s still possible in Stan, but the stick equipment is a bit overwhelming.

 The equipment cannot be sold to rich countries, but a large number of tea cardiovascular stents have been sold.

 These stents exported by Chasu only cost a few hundred yuan in China. Due to the application of new coatings, the price of stents has been completely reduced.

Sold to rich countries, the quantity seems to be large, and the income is just that.

Zhang Fan gritted his teeth and could only take his time.

 The sales impact of Kaoshen’s videos is still great.

But the sales abroad are pretty good.

 Domestically it is also very good.

The price of this thing was set by Kaoshen. Here are the surgical videos and explanations of Golden Retriever. Fatty said that the cost is high because it requires the most professional translator. A set costs 3,000 knives. In his words, this is the best in China. Doctor, produced by the best translation, at a good price.

However, the sales in Europe and the United States are not very good, not as good as those in Wanziguo and Lijiapo.

 Mainly because poor countries need more, the general even wants the Tea Hospital to donate a few sets to others.

It is said that the diplomats mentioned it implicitly, but Zhang Fan ignored it. No matter who pays for it, it doesn’t matter whether you are a diplomat or a general, but it is impossible to give it away.

 The domestic price is also 3,000, but it is a soft girl.

The people who buy the most of this stuff are medical students.

Such a level of surgery, if they buy it back, it will actually be of no use.

Look at the video, it’s impossible for you to perform a set of surgeries of this difficulty during your internship, and then the director of the department will be so shocked that he will start training you as a genius hospital.

 Not to mention other things, the vast majority of students cannot read it from beginning to end.

 Those top students who can read it, after reading it, I don’t know if they have learned the surgery. Anyway, they started to question the teacher’s teaching.

 For example, in a classroom at Zhongyong University, a student stood up and questioned the teacher.

“Teacher, the textbook says that this kind of incision should be Y-shaped, and it is said to be the least damaging. But why did Dr. Chasu Zhang’s surgery video show that he made an S-shaped incision?

Furthermore, Zhang Yuan specifically explained in the surgery video that the S-shaped incision is most suitable for this kind of surgery. "

There are not a few people who question this.

Nima's teacher kept scolding people, Nima was good, all of them came to find faults.

 Authority and authority go against the bull.

 It is not good for the teacher to say that anyone is right, and it is not good to say that anyone is wrong.

“At the beginning, the Y-shaped incision was still very good for the surgical field of vision. However, Zhang Yuan’s incision method is an excellent choice after the technology has been improved..."

The teacher can only speak vaguely, because this thing is too basic and the students cannot understand it. It is too difficult, so he makes comparisons on such basic incisions.

 The textbook is for spectroscopy, and the most classic ones are chosen here.

For example, take cauliflower-like growths. To be honest, clinically typical cauliflower-like growths. He Xinyi has taken off the pants of many men, and there are only a few that are extremely typical.

 Because some of these things come from the early stage, some come from the middle stage, and some come after they have already festered.

 There are not so many typical ones.

 The hospital’s funding gap has really been filled by Kaoshen.

 After Zhang Fan saw off the health officials from the wealthy country, Kao Shen was the first one to come to the office in the afternoon.

 Before entering the door, I heard this guy bragging to Wang Hong.

“You know? My videos have been sold all over the world, and many medical institutions have called me to cooperate with me. They think my model is particularly good.

I don't pay much attention to most institutions now, and I am willing to say a few more words to the one at Mayo's level. For other calls from Wanzi Guodongjing Medical Department, I will not hesitate to answer them personally! "

Wang Hong smiled and led Kaoshen through the door.

 After making a cup of tea, Zhang Fan gave Wang Hong a wink. Wang Hong smiled and said she understood and went out.

"Zhang Yuan, we have hard work without credit, right? We don't know how much we spent on translation and video editing. You can't just take it all away and not give us a penny."

“The copyright belongs to the hospital, and the translators you are translating are all medical students, and you still have to pay for them, so you have the nerve to do it. You are just in charge of the food, but you still manage the food in the hospital cafeteria, so you have the nerve to ask for money?

 You are now famous, and major institutions around the world have begun to contact you. You must have a high profile, and don’t just make money in a day.

You are also a president-level figure. You need to raise your horizons, show your qualities, work hard, and strive to reach a higher level next year. "

 Zhang Fan mainly plays a combination of beating and blowing.

Kaoshen's face turned green, "I'm bragging!"

 “Then take bragging as your goal and go for it!”

The hospital is a little nervous now, so Zhang Fan didn't give him any points for the test.

 All the funds will be taken back to supplement other scientific research in the hospital.

 Because joint scientific research is too expensive and lung diseases are too complex.

 Because the biochemical environment of the lungs is not necessarily simpler than that of the liver.

For example, dust in the lungs not only has a deposition effect, but it can also change from inorganic matter to organic matter. You think it is strange or not.

There is also oxygen and action. There is a lot of peroxide in the lungs. What happens here, so it is very expensive.

 But you can’t stop scientific research in other departments of the hospital just because of a lung problem.

 Fatty, deadbeat, all kinds of complaints.

"Okay, I'll give you one hundred thousand, and you can use it as a bonus. I've wronged you this time."

  It’s not easy to pass the test, it’s just like the old monk chanting sutras, it just grinds you, moaning and groaning as if your **** hurts, anyway, it’s the main one and you can’t do it without paying.

About fifteen minutes later, Wang Hong hurriedly opened the door and said, "Zhangyuan Orthopedics Laboratory is calling you!"

As soon as Zhang Fan heard this, he stood up immediately and said, "Okay, I'll go over now. Oops, it's probably something big."

Hurry up and do your work, we’ll talk about it after you’re done! "

Zhang Fan hurriedly walked out the door with his stethoscope in hand.

Kaoshen opened his mouth and cursed in his mind.

As soon as he went out, Zhang Fan headed towards the operating room.

“Zhang Yuan, you don’t want to go to the laboratory?”

 “Did you really call me?”

“Haha, I really shouted, but there’s no rush. I just said you can go there if you have time. If you don’t have time, forget it.”

 Zhang Fan thought for a while and then went to take a look.

 In the orthopedic laboratory, Xu Xian's complexion improved a lot.

It's not because of the research work that I'm happy, it's mainly because Wang Yanan has been busy these days and hasn't come to pick up trouble for several days.

 As soon as you enter the door, several people from Tea Su Orthopedics and Special Orthopedics are there.

Moreover, some experts from Shuitanzi are also here.

“Zhang Yuan, look at it, this ingredient has a very obvious inhibitory effect on tumors.”

 Xu Xian gave Zhang Fan a low-key report.

Zhang Fan didn't read the report first, but glanced at Xu Xian. It shouldn't be. If it was really effective, how could a snake charmer be so low-key? Why don't you stand at the door of Wang Yanan's laboratory and shout twice?

Zhang Fan took it and looked at the experimental data first.

“Uh! Three and a half of the four groups of mice died, and they suffered multiple organ failure. The bone tumor cells in only half of the groups were suppressed.


Zhang Fan covered his forehead.

This is useless.

You have been killing tumor cells to delay the patient's life, but according to your data, the tumor has not spread yet, and you have killed the patient first.