Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2161: united northwest

Chapter 2161 The United Northwest

 There is no change at Chasu Medical University when Zhang Fan is in the hospital and when Zhang Fan is not in the hospital. Zhang Fan is self-aware about the school. This thing is different from the hospital. It is definitely two systems.

 Zhang Fan's presence in the school is just like that on weekdays. It can be said that he is not as famous as Huo Xinwen in the school.

 Huo Xinwen is not only Zhang Fan’s disciple, it is said that she is also a goddess in the eyes of many undergraduates. The goddess in this student's heart is different from the goddess who is single after going to work.

According to a survey conducted by some organization, the better the school, the more popular it is.

I don’t know if this organization is serious or not.

For example, in Chasu Medical University, Huo Xinwen, Wang Yanan, He Xinyi, and Lu Shuyan are all more famous than the principal. The only similarity between them is that they are elders of Thumbtack Sect.

 The students at the school are still very energetic, but the situation in the hospital is different. There are many people from different departments who don’t know each other.

 Zhang Fan is not in Cha Su, so it has no influence on the school. We don’t even know if Zhang Fan is there.

 The laboratory knew that Zhang Fan was not here, but they didn't seem to care much.

 The hospital is different.

For example, in the administrative building, when Zhang Fan was there, the place was like a vegetable market. It was ordered on time every day, and just like a vegetable market, people came and went.

Once Zhang Fan is away, it feels like there is no one working here. Only a few soldiers and generals were left in the administration building, and everyone else seemed to have disappeared.

 However, in clinical practice, each dean responsible for the corresponding business is directly in charge. Chasu's team has been thoroughly trained, and Zhang Fan doesn't need to explain anything. They can take the initiative to take on whatever they need to do.

This thing is like this. If a unit is in a bad state and the supervisor is afraid to leave the house, let alone saying he is on a business trip, you may be out for a day or two, and other people in the unit can show you all your bad intentions.

Su Province, because it was already afternoon when Zhang Fan's plane arrived, he didn't go to school and went directly to the hotel.

It’s hard to say how Sudabie is, but the attached hotel is still very high-end. In particular, several branch schools opened seven or eight small hotels in the name of entertaining students' parents. The business was so prosperous that the surrounding residents felt that the place was shaking every day.

The dean of the clinical school insisted on entertaining Zhang Fan, no matter what Zhang Fan said. In a small forest with jade trees on the edge of the Yellow River, a quiet second floor is located here.

Other hotels and restaurants would like to put their advertisements in the middle of the road, but this place seems to be afraid that people will know about it. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t even see the hotel sign.

And what’s even weirder is that there is no invitation letter at this place and you are not allowed to park. You can come in to eat, but you are not allowed to park.

This place does not have public transportation, nor does it allow you to park if there is no subway. It is obvious that you are not allowed to come and eat.

 What’s strange is that even those who are doing well in this place and don’t have any business card can’t book a private room.

 In fact, there are many ways to do business. In such places, dining is often designated. For example, when you go to a certain unit to do business, they are not only polite and enthusiastic, but also don't accept gifts. If you put out two cigarettes, they will chase you to the parking lot and stuff them in your car.

You feel sorry for yourself and invite others to dinner, but they refuse in every possible way. Finally, seeing that you are really enthusiastic, you just say, "The woods beside the Yellow River."

 Then as soon as you enter the door, the cheapest Yellow River carp is 888!

The dean of the Clinical School spent a lot of effort to entertain Zhang Fan today. Not only was the place quiet, but the people accompanying him were all carefully selected.

 They are all his outstanding students. Several deputy directors of affiliated hospitals and pillars of several departments in Suzhou Provincial Hospital.

Zhang Fan understood as soon as he saw this posture that this teacher was probably not satisfied with the clinical school. However, even if Su University has been riddled with holes in the past two years, the clinical school is not qualified to be the leader.

The atmosphere was very lively. Zhang Fan accepted invitations from several senior brothers. From now on, Feidao will invite Zhang Fan instead of the capital, Sanchuan, and Roujiamo.

 It felt like Zhang Fan had offended knife throwing experts from many places after finishing his meal.

The next day, in front of the administrative building of Su University, the principal had already walked down the stairs and was waiting for Zhang Fan.

“Oh, how can you greet me here? I’m so sorry to be a student!” Zhang Fan quickly took a few steps and grabbed the principal’s hand.

 “Well, you think I want to welcome you!” He smiled with a smile on his face, but his words were very unpleasant.

Zhang Fan was stunned as if he didn't hear it.

 “Tell me, let’s see which team comes this time.”

 Principal, is this messed up?

To be honest, Su Da was very good to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan looked at the digging and digging, and at the beginning it was like a mouse stealing rice, bit by bit.

 Since the first time the entire team was poached from Suda, Chasu has slowly experienced qualitative changes.

For example, the biochemical group, the tea biochemical group is quite impressive in the northwest. Even Roujiamo may not be a match for Chasu.

This is not because tea is so powerful, but because Su University’s biochemistry team was very powerful back then. It is said that Su University’s biochemistry team was mediocre at heart. At that time, it was to avoid the little devils or the big hair. A large number of people who were mediocre in biochemistry came to Su University. big.

Zhang Fan is not here to recruit people this time, nor does he want to provoke the principal.

He quickly told the whole story.

“You’re not poaching under the guise of cooperation, are you?”

“Absolutely not. We already have some knowledge about osteoporosis, and the only universities affiliated to our hospital are medicine and pharmacy. What do people who study chemistry do in the past?”

 “You are looking down on me too much!”

“Don’t say that, I’m afraid of you. Outstanding graduates from other schools either build a library for the school or set up a fund to reward outstanding newcomers.

 But it is good for us at Su University. After having the nationally famous Dean Zhang, he turned around and came back to dig up the school. "

After exchanging a few words, we got down to business.

Zhang Fan also figured out that in some studies, the tea content could not suppress the mean.

 In doing business and doing scientific research, there must be someone who has the final say.

Chasu wants to suppress Zhongyong, but Zhongyong also wants to suppress Chasu.

The two sides have been back and forth many times, but in fact they are not convinced by each other.

Especially this time, Zhang Fanfei wanted to turn bone cancer into osteoporosis. They didn't even think about it, they just picked up their pants and ran away.

 There is no affection or tenderness.

 Actually, China has one of the best osteoporosis rates in the world. The large number of people is one reason, but life and diet are also an important reason.

 Also, pharmaceutical companies do not do serious business in order to make money.

Perhaps those who are a little older remember the Dragon and Mu Zhuanggu of the past. It is estimated that many people had average family conditions back then, but they still had to save money to buy this for their children.

 It was excusable at that time, because China had no ships, no industry, and could not produce fish oil.

Nowadays, various calcium tablet advertisements are flying, but why don’t you tell the people that taking calcium tablets cannot improve osteoporosis?

 People with osteoporosis have a lot of calcium in their blood, and then you take calcium tablets, which will lead to a series of problems such as trace element disorders.

Furthermore, many parents now give their children growth hormone injections because they are deeply afraid that their children will grow shorter. Thousands of growth hormones are given to children as if they are free of charge.

 Some children really need spanking, but some children are simply too worried.

 Many children suffer from osteoporosis after being vaccinated.

There are still many young people who are not only their bodies but also their bones when they should be at their strongest. As a result, with a slight touch, the bone broke.

 In fact, this is all caused by osteoporosis.

 When you are young, it is the best time to store calcium. Bones are the body's calcium storehouse. When you sweat on the court under the sun, you are actually storing calcium. The simplest thing is that a famous tennis player was in a car accident. All the bones in his body were shattered, but his right wrist was not damaged at all.

Stayed in Su Province for four days. As long as he didn't poach people, Zhang Fan was still one of the best graduates of Su University. The principal was enthusiastic and the teachers were kind and harmonious.

Su Province is quite enthusiastic. If Zhang Fan wants to leave, everyone from the principal to the dean will not let him go.

“You are here to investigate, so you should investigate the principal’s office! You can’t leave.”

have to!

Without being allowed to leave, Zhang Fan could only really start investigating.

There are several affiliated hospitals. If you go to one of them, you have to go to the others. Otherwise, someone will call you every minute: What, you look down on our hospital?

  When you were a trainee and an intern, you were a fool, but now you are an adult!

Zhang Fan is not even qualified to reply.

 The First Affiliated Hospital, “Hello, teacher!”

“Oh, you are making a difference, you are making a difference! When I was an intern, I knew that you were a person.”

Zhang Fan awkwardly grabbed the hand of an old lady who was a physician. She had been selling eggs back then. The old lady probably had never met Zhang Fan at that time.

This thing will be different after you become famous and established. Everything is an advantage, everything is a strength.

 That afternoon, the vice president of surgery at the affiliated hospital made an appointment with a cardiac patient from somewhere and wanted Zhang Fan to perform a teaching operation.

 Inspections are almost always on the same day.

  In the affiliated hospitals, the leaders of several hospitals can be said to have mobilized their troops, and the observation rooms were crowded with doctors.

Even the dean of the clinical school organized fifth-year students to observe surgeries.

 In fact, most students are not very curious about Zhang Fan’s surgical skills because they cannot understand it.

 But each one was more curious than the other about how Zhang Fan became a hydrocarbon cadre.

 Some say that Zhang Fan married the daughter of a senior executive, some say that Grandpa Zhang Fan was a colleague of so and so back then, and so on.

However, the directors who really understand surgery stood in the operating room and kept shaking their heads.

It’s not that Zhang Fan’s surgery was not good, but I think it was very good.

 So much so that the former knife-throwing expert felt that his money was wasted in front of Zhang Fan.

“If he had been so easy to deal with, the school would have given him a famous graduate long ago. It’s a pity that this guy has such a dark heart.”

The principal looked at Zhang Fan in the operating room with regret.

 After the end of Su Province, Zhang Fan took Xu Xian and set off towards Roujiamo again.

This time I took the high-speed rail.

 Isn’t Zhongyong no longer friends with Cha Su?

 He felt that tea would be useless if it left Zhongyong.

Zhang Fan was brave this time and directly started contacting other universities in the northwest.


 Zhongyong, the chief director of the Department of Orthopedics, is not only worried about experiments, but also worried about Chasu Hospital. “Go to Su Province, and then go to Roujiamo?

 What does he want to do? If they don’t cooperate with us, and they don’t need to cooperate with Su Sheng and Roujiamo, what can they do?

No matter what he does, as long as he doesn’t start a new bone cancer project and continue to do bone cancer projects, I won’t worry. "

 The academic circles in the capital generally refer to experts from other places as local, without even mentioning the province, just as local.

 The feeling of superiority is definitely obvious.

 It’s a pity that this time, they will probably regret it.

Zhongyong’s scientific research is not progressing smoothly. No matter whether it is modifying chemical molecules or adding an oxygen group and a carbon group, it still cannot improve the problem of complications.

 The same goes for Special Orthopedics, which has brought together many biochemical drug experts, but the problem of complications still cannot be changed.

As for Tea Su, although several schools are not that high-end.

 But there are many people and it is cheap.

“The direction now is towards osteoclasts.”

There is a direction, and the drug is already a finished product. It does not target cancer cells. It has eliminated many structures that can kill cancer cells and made the molecular formula region safe.

This operation is obviously much simpler.

 One week, two weeks, at the beginning of November, it was already snowing heavily.

 White snow covers the entire city, like a world of ice and snow.

 In the Orthopedics Laboratory of Chasu Hospital, scientific research groups from several universities in the northwest have been working together at a critical juncture.

 The lights in the laboratory were almost never extinguished.

 A group of research dogs work shifts to record data.

“The mice in group A have been injected for 72 hours, and no problems have been found so far. There are no abnormalities in any physical signs, and the heart rate..."

“The experimental rats in Group B have been injected for 32 hours, and no…”

 Injection after injection, modification after modification.

 Quality is not enough, quantity is enough.

 After the first batch of the drug was injected, 90% of the mice died.

 It’s okay, I stayed up late that night to revise it, and then continued to observe.

 Northwesterners can also endure hardship.

 “Check bone density!”

The mice were unlucky. They were caught and injected first. After the injection, they were observed. The males and females were even placed together for observation.

  Anyway, all kinds of data from physiology to pathology must be extracted.

 Some mice don’t even want to, and they are directly injected with drugs such as antiemetics, and then they have to perform in front of a group of people.

 After completion, the mice were killed by injecting air, and then the femurs of the mice were cut and extracted to measure bone density.

The same goes for the control group, except that no anti-osteoporosis drugs were injected. Everything else was the same.

 The team of dozens of people was busy day and night.

 Zhang Fan also spent a lot of time in the laboratory this time.

Even when he came home, Zhang Zhibo said in disgust that his father had peed his crotch.

 The sluttiness of a mouse is definitely not much worse than that of a fox.

I don’t know how some people tolerate having pet rats in their homes.

Just when Zhongyong Special Orthopedics was at a loss and almost couldn’t continue the experiments, a paper on the anti-osteoporosis effect of tea was published! ~

 (End of this chapter)