Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2195: A yard of balloons

If Zhang Fan were here, Zhang Zhibo would never stop until he cried twice today. Because Zhang Fan travels frequently on business, Shao Hua usually appears like a weak woman except when he gets angry.

 “Oh, mom is scared, Zhibo wants to protect mom!”

 “Oh, Zhibo is really awesome, he is a man.” Confused by his confidence, Zhang Zhibo had tears in his eyes, but he did not cry out.

The director of the nursing department even praised him a few times, "The children who came for the injection today are the ones who didn't cry because of me."

 “Can you give me another chocolate, ma’am?”

Before Shao Hua could speak, Zhang Zhibo had already begun to feel embarrassed.

The director of the nursing department followed up and gave Zhang Zhibo another piece. Shao Hua was very strict about Zhang Zhibo's snacks.

 “Go to daddy, I know where daddy is!”

Zhang Zhibo is very familiar with the hospital, because the kindergarten is right next to the hospital. Every time he goes for outdoor activities, Zhang Zhibo lies on the railing and looks towards the hospital.

“Okay, you got your injection today, I’ll take you around. You can buy a roasted sweet potato.”

As soon as he heard the roasted sweet potatoes, Zhang Zhibo immediately didn’t want to go to Zhang Fan.

 The warm sun in winter falls slightly on the streets of Chasu, and the sun rays on the body, making it feel warm and comfortable.

 Zhang Zhibo followed Shao Hua. There were not many dried fruits at home, so he had to buy some fruits. Also, Zhang Zhibo’s shoes were too small.

Many people, especially parents of girls, are afraid that their children’s feet will be too big, so they often make their children wear slightly smaller shoes.

 To be honest, this kind of parents should really let them wear their own small shoes.

This kind of behavior, among other things, will first lead to poor foot development in children, and then hallux valgus.

 How painful bunions are, those who have this symptom know best.

 To be honest, this kind of organ malformation is particularly troublesome.

 Don’t talk about whether various correction methods are psychological comfort. Even if you have surgery, this thing will relapse.

Therefore, you must pay attention to children's shoes. It is best to fit them just right, even if they are a little larger, not too small.

On the streets of Chasu, Zhang Zhibo was wrapped like a rice dumpling. Although the weather was sunny, the temperature was still a bit low.

Having a mother who feels her child is cold is also a blessing!

 Zhang Zhibo ate the roasted sweet potatoes hard, with a happy smile on his lips.

As a result, I turned around and saw Doctor Cha Su standing in the square in the distance.

 Zhang Zhibo chased Shao Hua and moved towards him.

Lv Shuyan and He Xinyi wore hair condoms with cold expressions. In the past, it can be said that five years ago, when it came to AIDS, Lijiang in the south and Chasu in the north were the two places hardest hit.

 It’s not that these two places have a high incidence of affairs, but because there are too many flour sellers close to the border.

 A few years ago, when the situation was exaggerated, if you just look for a small forest, you can see syringes and needles all over the ground in the small forest. Some people thought that some hospital was dumping medical waste.

 Hence, from top to bottom, this monitoring is particularly strict, and hospitals are also given the responsibility of publicity.

I don’t know which generation of leaders started to directly let hospitals go to the streets to promote and then distribute free condoms.

 This habit has continued for many years.

There is currently not much detailed data in evidence-based medicine as to whether it is effective. First, both places are too remote, and second, the population is too small.

 These two places have high HIV infection rates due to the influence of nearby countries.

 But no one could have imagined that a few years later, a place would pop up in the southwest region, the capital of Sanchuan!

 The main cause of AIDS transmission in many places is the alternate use of syringes and needles.

But the capital of Sanchuan seems to have instantly become the place with the highest AIDS incidence rate in China, and the most important thing is that the data on sexual **** and drug abuse are almost the same, and have even exceeded drug abuse.

 Why this place is so magical? This catches many people off guard.

 It was as if this place suddenly became like this overnight. Even some ivory towers in the past, lofty ivory towers have become...

 Zhang Zhibo went to look for his senior brother with his calves bouncing.

Shao Hua, Wang Yanan, He Xinyi and Lu Shuyan stood aside and chatted.

 Zhang Zhibo immediately ran to Ma Yichen.

 Zhang Fan has emphasized for some time that people should not be ranked based on seniority.

Everyone else seems to be fine, but Ma Yichen is not happy. She said Zhang Fan is partial, isn't it because there is no official certification? Why can't I be the same?

 Nothing, Zhang Zhibo called Ma Yichen "Big Brother" when he saw him.

 Zhang Zhibo is still very proud that someone so much older than him calls him Senior Brother.

 “Brother, what is this?”

 Looking at the colorful box in Ma Yichen's hand, Zhang Zhibo thought it was food.


Ma Yichen couldn't explain it easily, so he just said it casually.

 “Give me a box!”


Shao Hua finished chatting and took Zhang Zhibo home.

 As a result, as soon as he entered the door, Zhang Zhibo wanted to go out to play.

Shao Hua didn’t take it seriously either. Then Zhang Zhibo went out.

Then when I got off work, I heard shouting in the yard. Shao Hua looked around and his face turned green.

 In a community, there are twenty or thirty little kids, one by one. Each of them is carrying a condom filled with water, dangling in the community.

An elderly woman slapped her thigh and shouted: "Oh my God, my God, what's going on? Where did you get this? Oh my God, my God!"

To be honest, the condoms issued by Chasu Hospital are really made of real materials and are thick enough to be filled with water. Many patients who are sick at home recommend this thick condom!

 Zhang Fan went home in the evening and saw Zhang Zhibo facing the wall again.

This guy is also very tough. When he saw Zhang Fan, his first words were: "Dad, don't eat the sweet potatoes on my table. I'll still eat them when the punishment period is over."

 Zhang Fan chuckled. It’s not good if boys are not allowed to be naughty, especially in some families. Many parents educate their children to be too shy and mature. Anyway, they feel a bit like little adults.

As for Zhang Zhibo, at least he is the king of children in the community now. Anyway, there are several little girls who can chase and give Zhang Zhibo delicious food!

“Jingshu is coming back to celebrate the New Year this year. I secretly told me that I need to urge Jingshu. Academic matters are important and personal issues are also important..."

Chatting with Shao Hua all the time, Zhang Zhibo is better at this. He never worries about gossip. As long as he gives him good food, he doesn't worry much about other things.

His physique is similar to Jingshu's. He doesn't gain weight no matter how much he eats. He eats four or five yogurt pimples a day. His activity level is increasing, but his weight is very standard.

At Chasu Hospital, the annual AIDS prevention publicity is also being carried out, and everyone has no time when working.

 After get off work, I was thinking about inviting some people to attend the lecture. Unfortunately, it backfired. Once I attended the lecture, those who originally had time ran out of time.

 Lv Shuyan and the others had no choice but to ask the diabetes company to distribute blood glucose meters for free, and then they gathered an audience in the auditorium.

 Almost all of them are old men and old ladies, mainly those who came to the TV station, and it was a task from their superiors. Although Zhang Fan didn't worry about it, for several department directors, this matter should be taken seriously.

 Sometimes, Zhang Fan also thought about why it is so difficult to popularize medical science.

This is the reason why people can win by giving away eggs and selling health care products. Sometimes public hospitals are too overwhelming, and they feel a bit superior.

Most of them are unprofitable. For example, in the hotel room in the past, there would be two or three free condoms, which were useful but not useful. These condoms were very useful at critical moments.

 But now, I don’t know why it’s gone.

 In the early morning, snowflakes started to fall again in the plain sky. Zhang Fan got up, washed up, and drank a bowl of goat milk.

 As soon as winter comes, the quality of tea vegetarian dairy products goes up a notch.

Dairy products are thinner in summer, but different in winter.

Of course, Zhang Fan cannot drink milk in winter. He should drink it all morning long.

 After drinking the goat milk, Zhang Fan went out for a run.

To be honest, goat milk is much more irritating than cow milk, and Zhang Fan is not used to drinking it, but the protein supplement is really powerful.

This taste makes Zhang Fan feel sultry when he drinks it, but Zhang Zhibo thinks it is mellow.

Zhang Fan has persisted in daily exercise for a long time. The effect of this thing cannot be seen in the short term, but in the long run, it is very powerful.

For example, Zhang Fan has no obvious varicose veins in his legs. Xue Fei is only three or four years older than Zhang Fan, and he has not done as many surgeries as Zhang Fan, but he already has obvious varicose veins.

 This is the difference between exercising and not exercising.

 Furthermore, Zhang Fan has almost never lost in fights with Shao Hua. The development of the calf muscles can promote the return of the muscles, and the development of the thigh muscles can secrete more testosterone.

 It's just a little inconvenient now. Zhang Fan couldn't run to the hospital before, but now he can only run around the community wall inside the community.

Otherwise, if he ran outside, no one would come out to stop him, but with a classmate behind him, Zhang Fan himself would be embarrassed.

 After the activity, Lao Zou had arrived in the courtyard of the community, standing in the snow stretching his arms and kicking his legs.

 Lao Zou used to smoke, and every time he would stand outside the car to smoke and wait for Zhang Fan. I don’t know why Lao Zou also quit smoking.

Getting in the car, Zhang Fan asked with a smile: "How is it? How does it feel like working in the hospital, girl?"

 Zhang Fan had been polite enough to ask Lao Zou to wait at home several times before, but Lao Zou always agreed and never came in.

Later on, Zhang Fan was no longer overly polite.

Lao Zou's girl is a nurse with a bachelor's degree. After graduation, she took the exam at Chasu Hospital and got second place.

At that time, many people said that Zhang Fan had missed this question. There were so many people famous, and Zhang Fan had no choice but to do so.

Lao Zou’s girl had very good personal conditions. After entering Chasu Hospital, she was transferred to the operating room by Bayin.

"It's good. The girl's income is getting higher and higher now. She wanted to buy a car last month, but her mother didn't want to. She and I have been having troubles at home recently."

Chatting casually along the way, Zhang Fan probably has such leisure time in one day, which is when commuting to and from get off work.

As soon as he entered the office door, Wang Hong had already entered.

 Make tea for Zhang Fan and start arranging Zhang Fan’s work for today.

Before Wang Hong finished making arrangements, Lao Chen came in.

“Jump in the queue, jump in the queue, haha, I have something more important today.” Lao Chen said to the people behind him with a smile.

"Zhang Yuan, it's the end of the year. What will we do with our welfare this year? My superiors have told me in a vague way several times, meaning that if we keep a low profile, their work will be easier."

 “What do you mean?”

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Hong taking the time to hand over the documents that needed to be signed, and raised his head and asked.

“Everyone has worked hard for a year and is looking forward to having fun at the end of the year. Besides, we have not broken any rules. We can keep a low profile, but we cannot downgrade.”

 Lao Chen walked on that hilltop singing that folk song. He knew Zhang Fan too well.

If it were Ouyang, he would definitely say, "Just give out some vermicelli, and no one else will give out any vermicelli!"