Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 2204: Changes in hospital relationships

Since Chasu Hospital was upgraded to a wealthy hospital, the biggest change has been the relationship between hospital doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

 Lang Youqing, who used to be a concubine, could hook up with each other by just looking at each other without speaking.

It's like each other exudes a strange smell. Sometimes, let alone in the hospital, just by looking at each other on the street, the drug dealer can tell that the other person is a doctor, and the doctor can also tell that the other person is a drug dealer. That's it. magic.

Every Monday and every weekend, in the inpatient and outpatient buildings, there are a lot of long-legged people wearing black stockings and pushing red trolley boxes. They feel like they are visiting patients in the hospital, but they don’t dress like they are visiting. , on the contrary, there is an indescribable feeling of a young woman.

This is definitely not an exaggeration!

  I come here to place orders on Mondays, and to settle bills on weekends. I also invite the medical directors to have a meal and sing songs. If the directors are more rough, they will just put a stamp on the desk in the office.

 Generally, the checkout between drug dealers and doctors never goes through any electronic accounts. They are all envelopes containing this week's salary!

Chasu Hospital now does not need Zhang Fan to worry about it. The medical directors themselves have put an end to the cooperation between doctors and pharmaceutical agents.

 Because it’s not worth it! Moreover, Zhang Fan gave clinical pharmacists huge rights and refused to unify prescriptions. This was his trump card.

Many people may not know what "unprescription" means. It is actually simple. The drug dealer stuffs a few envelopes to the director of the pharmacy department, and then the director or clerk of the pharmacy department tallies the prescriptions for a certain drug used by doctors this week and gives it to the drug dealer.

Then the drug dealers will distribute money according to this statistic, one or two yuan!

 Because the salary and bonus are high, Zhang Fan has the confidence to speak.

And his operation is also very simple. If there is such cooperation in a certain department, the doctor will cooperate alone. He will not mention the doctor, but will train the director.

To be honest, if the dean takes action against a small doctor, the effect may not be good if he takes big actions. What can you do to others, have heart-to-heart conversations, make self-examinations, and study while on duty, what else can you do? All that's left is to be fired. Especially this ultimate move, in fact, it is not very easy to use for established personnel within the system.

 You can ask the director to deal with the doctors in the department, and there are many ways to do it.

The effect of the dean's treatment of the junior doctors was average, but the effect of the dean's treatment of the director was immediate. The doctors and nurses of Cha Su were not afraid of Zhang Fan.

But the head of the department knew that Zhang Heizi was really evil and he would not take action easily. If he did, he would be a big evil. If he couldn't kill him, he would be left half crippled.

 In fact, medical representatives do not hesitate to flirt with junior doctors. The director is no longer fit for purpose, so what is the use of looking for junior doctors?

 After this chain of interests was cut off, first of all, the working environment of the department became obviously harmonious. Senior doctors at major hospitals no longer block critical surgeries from junior doctors.

In the past, the biggest surgeries in joint and orthopedic surgery, such as hip and knee surgeries, were done just because they were available. The superior doctor would not let his subordinates do it until he retired. It doesn’t matter if there is one unit or 80 units a day.

Because the rebate for consumables is given to the chief surgeon, and the chief surgeon divides it among his assistants depending on his mood. The price is two to three thousand per machine, and the salary is all pocket money!

 Even if he urinates blood due to fatigue, he will not let others do anything. Those who didn’t know better thought he was so dedicated. To be honest, the doctor below would go home and **** a villain with a needle.

 Now things are getting better, the professional abilities of young doctors have been greatly improved. In the past, the promotion of this kind of doctor relied on going to other hospitals for further training before being able to master some key surgeries.

This is why, in the medical system, competition for a place for further training is sometimes fierce.

 The same goes for internal medicine, such as endocrinology, no one else is required to report. The major clinical pharmacists' eyes widened, hoping to find a good one and report it to Zhang Fan for giving him a bonus.

 In the early morning, after Zhang Fan finished checking the ward, he told Wang Hong to go to the Endocrinology Department of the Second Branch.

Wang Hong immediately ordered his troops to follow him, but Zhang Fan said he had some personal matters.

Wang Hong said oh and gave up following. Zhang Fan sometimes feels a little dazed, always feeling that he is Wang Hong's subordinate.

Not only did Wang Hong have to arrange work for him in the morning, but also the daily schedule. Whether it was Shao Hua or not, Wang Hong had to tell him anyway.

As soon as Zhang Fan went out, Wang Hong called Lao Zou immediately.

 In the past, Zhang Fan could walk from the main hospital to the branch hospital in just a few steps.

Now it’s okay, you have to take a car when you go out, and you have to take a car when you have long teeth. Zhang Fan is always not very adaptable.

 The second branch hospital mainly deals with endocrinology, gastroenterology and general surgery. It is considered a small comprehensive hospital. It's not like the first branch is directly occupied by Laoju, it's directly the respiratory branch.

Although the area here is small, the environment is better than that of the main hospital. There are people coming and going in the main hospital, and it feels like a busy city.

 There were many people saying hello along the way, "Hello, Dean!" This is a general director.

 “Hello, Zhang Yuan!” This is an ordinary doctor we know well.

“Dean, there will be an operation in the operating room of the main hospital later, will you come?” This is a hospital dog that cannot be operated on.

 “Are you going to eat?” These were the nurses who entered the hospital with Zhang Fan back then.

"Late again. Your allowance is not enough to compensate for your lateness." Zhang Fan glanced at the other person and sarcastically said.

"Don't slander me. I got off the night shift today and was busy all night last night. My legs are weak now."

 “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Zhang Fan nodded, unable to answer the question.

 After entering the internal medicine building, there were obviously far fewer people saying hello.

The nurses who took the medicine and took the patients for examination saw Zhang Fan's hesitation and finally lowered their heads shyly.

The nurses in the internal medicine department are still not very familiar with Zhang Fan.

 The young doctors saw Zhang Fan from a distance and ran away to hide early.

They were either shy or afraid to talk to Zhang Fan. Then Zhang Fan followed him to the department. After that, Zhang Yuan punished the director again, and he couldn't explain to the director. Doctors and nurses in several branches are rotated. Every three months, coming to the branch hospital in the summer is considered a recuperation.

 This is not possible in winter, regardless of the main hospital or branch, especially various chronic diseases, which are the most difficult to endure in winter.

As soon as Zhang Fan entered the internal medicine building, he was like a prairie wolf entering the land of a prairie dog, "Yuan Zhang is here, Yuan Zhang is here, it looks like he is going to do endocrinology."

 “Endocrine is in trouble again.”

 “Maybe Gastroenterology!”

 “Don’t talk nonsense, I must have had endocrine removal.”

Zhang Fan walked around the branch hospital for a while. He didn't go to a specific department. He just looked to see if the snow in the hospital yard had been swept away and whether the doors and windows were broken.

 Because it is not a surprise inspection, there is no need to disturb people's normal work, and such surprise inspections are usually held in the summer.

 After a while, Shao Hua called and she had arrived.

 As soon as Zhang Fan got out of the elevator, he saw the head nurse of endocrinology already guarding the door of the elevator.

 “Why are you really having endocrinology?” Although the head nurse muttered in her heart, her face was already smiling.

“Dean, you are here. I will call the director now. Mr. Shao has already arrived in the ward.”

"Okay, you go about your business. How is the department doing lately?" Zhang Fan asked casually and asked the head nurse to do her work.

As soon as Zhang Fan entered the ward, he saw Shao Hua accompanying Jia Suyue and chatting with Jia Suyue's father. To be honest, everything is good for an only child, but it is really difficult for the old man to get sick.

 In the past few days, Jia Su was suffering more and more like several of Xue Fei's friends.

“Oh, Zhang Yuan, I told you not to bother you. You have a busy day in such a big hospital, but you still take the time to see me!”

 The old man sat up immediately, and the sickness on his face was reduced by more than half.

Actually, if Zhang Fan doesn’t want to come, he doesn’t have to give anyone’s face, but Shao Hua’s face must be given.

  Diabetes is a disease that is said to be caused by too much sugar, but in fact it can also be said that it is caused by too little sugar.

 Because all the sugar absorbed and the sugar converted after ingestion are collected in the blood and cannot enter the cells.

 It may seem like there is too much sugar, but in fact the cells are hungry. This is why the patient eats more and more, but his body becomes increasingly thin.

Just after chatting for a few words, Jia Suyue's mother just brought a stool for Zhang Fan to sit on.

The director of endocrinology came in with three deputy directors and the head nurse with two deputy head nurses.

 Some people say that if I go there, there are more department heads in Tea Science than there are donkeys.

 Actually, this is still a small number. How big is the endocrinology ward of this second branch hospital?

There are more than 300 beds. Just these seven people can make their heads grow three times during the peak period in two months.

 “Zhang Yuan!”

The director of endocrinology first greeted Zhang Fan as soon as he entered the door.

 “Oh, I just came to see the elders, what are you doing!”

“You’re not here very often, so we must take this opportunity to show you our work attitude.” The director of endocrinology said with a smile.

 Then he immediately straightened his face and opened the case in his hand, "Let me report to you that the blood sugar of the third bed patient is still under control, but diabetic neuropathy has already occurred.

 Our current treatment options are…”

 Zhang Fan took the plan and looked at it carefully, "Yes, this plan is very good!"

The directors didn’t stay long. After speaking, they checked the patient’s intake again and left.

 Following this, within a few minutes, directors and head nurses from other departments also arrived.

To be honest, when it comes to Zhang Fan, the junior doctors are actually more free, but the directors dare not. Today Zhang Fan came, and Zhang Fan said that he came to see a friend.

But after all, even if Zhang Fan doesn't care, they will come, but if they don't come, what if Zhang Fan is petty one day?

 Waves of chief nurses came and went like a tide.

Zhang Fan saw it, said hello quickly, and left the ward.

Jia Suyue's mother looked at Zhang Fan's back and then at her own girl, not knowing what she was feeling.

 “Is it dark? It’s not dark at all. Why would a man be so vain? Hey!” He sighed inwardly and turned to look at his old man again.

While Zhang Fan was fishing in the branch, groups of students were reviewing hard in the classroom of Tea Su Medical University.

 Because the year-end assessment is coming soon.

This exam is very important! No one dares to despise it.