Path to Heaven

v2 Chapter 480: Just do it

Updated: 2011-07-01

Nangong Yuqing's close-fitting clothes were only covering her chest. After entering the water, she was soaked and stuck to her body. Her figure is taller than Ji Ya itself, almost as tall as Wei Suo, and now only with this thin, close-fitting clothes, it is even more straight and proud.

Out of instinct, after entering the water, Nangong Yuqing made the appearance that she wanted to push Wei Suo away, but then she did not resist, but only slightly raised her head, her eyes closed slightly, and her hand extended But it was the blue silk that spread back after he caught himself into the water.

There was a blue light flash in the water mass, and Nangong Yuqing's last blaze floated out of the water mass and landed on the silver grass blanket in the quiet room.


In a whisper, Nangong Yuqing was embraced by Wei Suo, and before she had time to make any extra noise, her lips were blocked by Wei Suo with a mouth full of masculine breath, like The spirit snake generally came in.

Nangong Yuqing has never been personnel, and double cultivation with his favorite Taoist companions, but almost syncope, just subconsciously holding Wei Suo tightly.

However, Wei Suo was already "a field-tested field", and he and Nangong Yuqing were reunited only a few years apart. It was also a little bit embarrassing. On one side, like a snake, Nangong Yuqing was breathless. With crying in general, with both hands on Nangong Yuqing, Nangong Yuqing became more and more hot.


I don't know how long after that, Nangong Yuqing suddenly stiffened and whispered like a cry. "Weisso, please, don't torture me." She whispered, and after a moment of breathing, she said so beggingly.

"Where am I tormenting you?" Wei Suo smiled, lowering his head.

"Ah!" Nangong Yuqing suddenly screamed suddenly. It turned out that Wei Suo's tongue was actually on her tenderness. The strong stimulation suddenly made her tremble.

But at this time, Wei Suo was completely pressed up...


Nangong Yuqing fiercely hugged Wei Suo, making a deeper, crying cry.

A fiery vitality truly invaded her body, and monks, like mortals, are also engaged in real fish and water joys, and they are considered true couples and couples. At this moment, she has also become a woman of Wei Suo and a fellow of Wei Suo.


At this time, Wei Suo also felt that he was completely melted into the warmth of Nangong Yuqing. All the magical powers and magical powers for a time were not remembered. "Pappapp!" It seemed like two big fish were patting the water, the water in the huge water ball was pounding fiercely.

"Weissau, have you swallowed Aphrodisiac?"

I don't know how long it took, but Nangong Yuqing thought of something similar while gasping, and asked Wei Suo.

"Already swallowed." Wei Suo replied this sentence. Under the subconscious mind's subconsciousness, his Yangyuan and Nangong Yuqing's Yinyuan seemed to blend in with water and milk, natural flow, fusion, Transformed.

Obviously, Ji Ya has also directly passed the Xuansha Da% method, a double cultivation method, to Nangong Yuqing. At this moment, the two people moved slightly, and this method was naturally launched.


This time, Wei Suo's whole body shuddered.

Every yin yuan of Nangong Yuqing washed into Wei Suo's body, and there was a slight cool unique aura integrated into Wei Suo's true yuan.

And every trace of this cool and unique aura is integrated into Wei Suo's true element, Wei Suo feels his Jin Dan's slight shock and is nourished.

In the past, Weisuo had used Jin Dan several times, and Jin Dan suffered a little bit of damage. But now, with this unique aura, Wei Suo felt some minor damage on his Jin Dan. It is slowly healing.

It stands to reason that Jindan's damage can only be repaired by cultivation and true hardening.

In other words, the role of Nangong Yuqing's body is to be able to moisturize the other party's Jindan!

While in Yunling mainland, Wei Suo and Li Yizhan and Xuanyuan ancestors chatted, they heard that the legendary Yin constitution is a rare "curling tripod". The meaning of this curling tripod refers to the female aura's aura and yin yuan, which can eliminate the fire impurities in the monk's body. Being able to remove some of the unfavorable medicine in the body is naturally very useful for monks.

It is said that the "curling tripod" is already very rare among all the physiques of Miaolu Ding, and it ranks among the top. However, if the rumors are correct and Yin Li is really the body of the curling tripod, Nangong Yuqing's physique may be It's better than her.

Moisturizing Jindan directly is like moisturizing the elixir that can strengthen Jindan.

Although Wei Suo still doesn't know what kind of physique Nangong Yuqing is in all the wonderful furnaces, he can feel that this slight aura of Nangong Yuqing has damaged his Jindan. After all the supplements are back, continue to moisturize, and naturally make his Jindan bigger.

The bigger Jindan is, the more powerful it is of course.

Wei Suo's Tianlong Qunxing quenching body technique itself has the effect of first refining the flesh, changing the physical constitution, and expanding the body's consciousness, and indirectly slowly expanding the Golden Pill, coupled with the natural constitution of Nangong Yuqing, if both are the same. Jin Dan can become bigger, and when he is against an enemy, he picks up and smashes people, then he is even more afraid.

Nangong Yuqing was originally the treasure in Weisuo's heart. Weisuo's real development was also after meeting the old man in green robe and Nangong Yuqing. Without Nangong Yuqing, Wei Suo might encounter the murderous monk for the first time in that cave, and he was directly killed. If it were not for Nangong Yuqing to go to the mausoleum under Qingfeng Mausoleum, Weisuo would not be able to take advantage of it and get the heartworm. And now Nangong Yuqing itself is even more precious.

Other monks generally said that they could not enter the cave when they were outside, but Wei Suo could get many benefits from the cave every time after the Nangong Yuqing. This "hole" is like Wei Suo's blessed land.

At the moment, when I think of Nangong Yuqing's baby's physique, and then I think of Nangong Yuqing, this hole has become my own blessing. When I think of the word "hole", Wei Suo is more emotional now, and the sun underneath Yuan's movement in and out is even more surging.

"Weissuo, do you love me?" At this time, Nangong Yuqing suddenly asked the sentence again.

"of course."

"If you love me, what do you do?"

"You don't need to do anything, you just have to do it..." Wei Suo finally showed his wretched nature and worked harder.

"Ah! Wei Suo, I can't eat it anymore." Nangong Yuqing suddenly felt the dizziness of the twirling sky. She was really a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

Practicing the Xuan Sha Da% method, in itself, requires the female Yuan's Yin Yuan and the male Xiu Yuan to merge with each other, and then strangely transforms into Xuan Sha Yin Qi in both bodies. And Wei Suo has now condensed Jindan, and his body is already many times stronger than Nangong Yuqing. Yang Yuan is much stronger than Nangong Yu Qing’s Yin Yuan, and at this moment, he has swallowed the Aphrodisiac. Peng shocked in Nangong Yuqing's body. Although Nangong Yuqing is a virgin body, Yuanyin is full, but under the constant integration of cultivation, Yuanyin has been consumed almost now, and the body is as if it is hollowed out. .

If you continue to practice, not only will the double cultivation techniques on both sides not benefit you, but it will damage Nangong Yuqing's body.

When I heard Nangong Yuqing saying this, I was a little confused, and I kept on asking for the general Wei Suo to wake up and stop the double cultivation technique, but I still reluctantly stayed with Nangong Yuqing for a while, and then let Nangong Yuqing escape. Like his arms, put on a vest.

"Weissau, put on your vest first and wait for me."

After quickly putting on the vest, Nangong Yuqing, who was blushing, said this to Wei Suo, and then swept out of the quiet room, leaving Wei Suo a little puzzled. .

It was a moment later that Wei Suo's eyes widened again, but Nangong Yuqing took Ji Ya's hand, and the two plundered into the quiet room.

"Jiya, his aphrodisiac medicine has not been completely refined." Ji Ya is also a pair of people who haven't understood what happened, but after being pulled into this quiet room by Nangong Yuqing, it was by Nangong. Yu Qing pushed into Wei Suo's arms. "I can't eat enough." At the same time, Nangong Yuqing said so in her ear.

"Sister Yuqing..." Ji Ya finally reacted at this time. Her skin was always very thin. She suddenly blushed like something. She shook her head and wanted to run away like a rabbit.

"Since you call my sister, you have to listen to me." But Nangong Yuqing went straight out of this quiet and took the door to death, "You know, he went on a trip It's very dangerous. Refining and cultivating Aphrodisiac should also help him a lot."

Hearing her words, Ji Ya stopped not far from the door, but her body was trembling because of shyness, and she did not dare to look at Wei Suo.

"Weissau, do you love her?"

At this time, Nangong Yuqing's voice came from outside and asked Wei Suo.

"Of course love." Wei Suo looked at himself as an "old wife and old wife", but still a very charming and charming wife, and her heart was melted again. With both hands stepped forward, he held Ji Ya in his arms from behind.

"If you love her, what should I do?" Nangong Yuqing's light laughter also came in, but the voice was obviously far away. It was obvious that she went to practice pranayama herself.

"If you love her, don't do anything, just do it..." Wei Suo answered Nangong Yuqing.

Upon hearing this conversation between Wei Suo and Nangong Yuqing, Ji Ya's head buzzed and her body was completely soft in Wei Suo's arms.