Path to Heaven

v2 Chapter 500: It's also very wary

In the faint gray mist is a monster with a very strange appearance.

The upper body of this monster is exactly the same as the female nun. Not only does it have a melon seed face, the facial features are exactly the same as humans, the two arms are like two jade lotus roots, the fingers are slender, they look very charming, and they even have hair. Black, with a protruding chest and a delicate and tender look, it is very attractive, but there are black plum-like patterns on the body.

Anyway, if this monster only showed half of its body, most monks would see it from a distance, and they would definitely think it was a female nun instead of a monster.

But the lower body of this monster is a deer, with four hooves.

Wrapped in a layer of blurred white light, the gray mist did not know what method it used to form, but now it is slowly dissipating.

"Sister, I know you are a high-level monster, but it's not that high-level monsters all want such expressions?"

As soon as he saw the monster, Wei Suo suddenly became more depressed.

Needless to say, this monster must be Li Ruohai et al.'s own grade is already an eight-level low-level, and now I don't even know the succubus who has advanced a few times.

According to the map that Li Ruohai gave him, this succubus deer should be in the "Jade Order Passage" behind the "Sword Washing Pool". Look at the instructions on the map. The "Jade Order Passage" is far from the "True Magnetic Abyss". A lot of distance. Now that the succubus deer appeared here, it can only show that the Qilu Mountain had stunned the succubus deer since they came here last time, and the IQ of this succubus deer must have been very amazing. The ambush attack here is not to mention, and the timing is fully sighted, and they will not be launched until they reach the middle of this really magnetic abyss. Now Wei Suo is a bit ahead.

But what made Wei Suo even more depressed at the moment was that now the succubi deer looked at him, and it was actually a smiley expression.

In the small heaven, the silver scale monsters always had such an expression.

Do you need such an expression?

"Sister? Stupid monk, you dare to insult me!"

An extremely beautiful voice, with anger and strong coercion, suddenly sounded.

"Can't you? Can you speak?" Wei Suo almost swallowed his tongue in shock.

It was the succubus deer who was looking at him across from him with a chest full of fat.

Although Wei Suo knows that some monsters have extremely high spiritual abilities, and to a certain extent, their IQ is almost the same as that of the monk, and they can talk. Like his Yangzhi bird, as long as he swallows some suitable spirits Medicine can also speak, but after all, Wei Suo has never seen a talking monster before his own eyes, which really surprised him.

"Your monk is not a strange monster in our eyes, why, stupid monk, I will say your words, are you surprised?" Succubus' deer's face was all sneer at the moment.

"Since you can talk, it's easy to discuss." But what made the succubi deer a little stunned immediately, Wei Suo was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and waved his hand, "We are I want to go in and see if there are any ancient treasures that can be used, spells or something, anyway, the ancient treasures and spells of our monks are not useful to you, we don’t have to fight for you to die. Right. And I called your elder sister at the beginning, this is not an insult. You must be older than me. It’s okay to call you a sister."

" are too shameless to call her sister in order to get close to a monster." The old man in green robe could not help crying out of Weisuo's ear.

"It's a joke." But the succubus did not eat Weisuo at all, sneered: "Your monk and we are a natural rival, I let you go in to get something useful to you, let you After taking it, can it be stronger and kill more of our kind?"

"Those other monsters and beasts are not your kind. You succubus deer, we have never been killed, and there is no deep hatred." Wei Suo did not give up at all. Bargaining like a profiteer: "We are desperately working now, it is not good for everyone. If you still don't think it's enough, why don't we make a deal? What do you want, if we have, we can also provide as much as possible ."

"What do I want, can you provide as much as you can?" Hearing Wei Suo said, the succubi deer seemed a little emotional.

"Of course, everyone benefits, why not do it? It's a barbaric guy who does life and death, if we can, we can work together in the future." Wei Suo saw the show and immediately shot it Pat the chest.

"What are you doing!" At this moment, the succubus deer suddenly changed her face, and looked towards Wei Suo.

"what happened?"

Weisuo turned his head a little strangely. When the succubi deer spoke, every syllable was like a shock of consciousness. Now Li Ruohai and others have not returned to normal at all, even Wei Suo’s yangzhi bird is a dumb look. Turning his head, he only saw Li Ruohai's Sunburst as if he hadn't been greatly affected, and it was quite sober.

However, there is no movement at all in this head shot lizard, and it seems that he is still waiting for Li Ruohai's order.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Wei Suo’s aura flashed in his heart, and what appeared to be reflected. A yellowish aura light shield appeared immediately outside his body. Then he stretched out a hand, and an extremely amazing dark golden sword gas, instantly from him Excited before him.

"Slap!" with a loud bang, I saw that the dark golden sword gas that Wei Suo fully stimulated was crushed by a peach-like red glow.

This peach-like red glow was bombarded with unrelenting force on the earth-colored aura just outside Wei Suo.

Wei Sao's earthy aura of light was suddenly covered with cracks.


Just as Weisuo's aura mask could not support it, another dark golden sword rushed out, hitting on this peach-shaped red glow, and finally bursting this red glow into pieces Come.

"Are you too sinister?"

Wei Suo looked at the succubi deer extremely depressed.

This unexpected yin man was originally his usual method, but he didn't expect this time to be overcast by the succubus deer.

"It seems that you have some skill."

The succubi deer saw Wei Suo blocking her blow, and there was an unexpected expression on her face, but it didn't have any nonsense with Wei Suo. His hands were also swiped forward, and another piece of peach-like red glow came toward Wei Suo. At the same time, inside her nose, two red glows spewed out, and then instantly spread out into a slap-shaped irregular red glow, densely swept toward Wei Suo.


Wei Suo really wanted to cry without tears.

Most of these eight-level monsters seem to have a very wide range of spells, and great magic skills. It seems that monsters of their level, the thickness of the demon element in the body is stronger than the real element in the Jindan monk. I don’t know how many times. As soon as he saw the overwhelming red glow emitted by the succubus deer, Wei Suo suddenly thought of the silver glow emitted by the Hunyuan Yinwa.

Now it seems that the power of this red glow is impossible to be worse than the magic weapon of the top grade.

And it's not counted. The succubus' deer's mouth also groaned at the same time, and the song exploded in Wei Suo's mind. Although Wei Suo had been prepared for a long time, it was obviously the emperor Qi Zhenyuan It took a lot of effort to get up.

The most important thing is that Li Ruohai, who was also a very powerful monk, will definitely not be useful for a while.

Wei Suo was also left to Ji Ya, the strange bead that could withstand the impact of Divine Consciousness, otherwise she would be able to maintain at least one of these people at this moment.

"Finally, you big brother help!"

What makes Wei Suo's face a little more beautiful is that he gritted his teeth and sacrificed the Changhe monstrous volume. Except that the true yuan consumed was more intense than usual, the Changhe monstrous volume was not greatly affected. There seems to be no fine gold in the monstrous refining materials. At the same time, Li Ruohai's Sun Lizard finally stopped being stupid, and he started.

A "pop" loud bang, a yellow light from this radiating sun lizard collided with a peach-like glow from a succubus deer, and it was almost the same power, and it shattered.

Under Weisuo's full excitation, the Changhe River blew out huge waves one after another, and Weisuo continued to stimulate the dark golden sword gas, and it did not seem particularly strenuous to deal with the overwhelming red glow.

"I said, elder sister, you look so charming, why do you want to be so insidious."

"By the way, since you are so smart, you can still talk, so why not find some clothes to wear or something, but you have shown me all."

"But to tell you the truth, your figure is really good, hey, I think most female nuns don't have your size, and those who have such a size may not have your..."

While resisting the rushing red glow, Wei Suo looked at the succubus deer and kept talking.

"'re looking for death!" Succubus deer listened to Wei Suo more and more indecent, especially her eyes kept spinning around some parts of her, and finally couldn't help it, issued a sharp point of anger. Howl.

At the same A pink demon rose from her mouth. The radiant glow above it condensed into a vine-like glow.

"Let's do it together!"

But at the same time, Wei Suo also yelled.


The succubus' deer's body violently flicked, and the good-looking Shuangfeng jumped. She found that she was also on Weisuo. When she was screamed by Weisuo, she did not continue to send out the shock of consciousness. At this time, Li Ruohai and others around Weisuo were all sober Over here.

After glaring at Wei Suo fiercely, this succubus deer also could see the situation very well, and once he gritted his teeth, he turned directly and ran back.

"Sister, your **** is also very warped!" And Wei Suo's next sentence floated to his ears, and almost made the succubus deer spurting blood.

"I will definitely make you look good." While making this sound fiercely, the Succubus did not stay at all, and disappeared in a flash. g! ~!