Path to Heaven

v2 Chapter 505: Sky-shattering

The ninth level monster is originally the most honorable and pinnacle existence among monsters and beasts. Its status among monsters and beasts is just like the **** monk in the realm of Taoism.

The strength of the ninth level monster beast itself is not lost to the **** Xuanjing monk.

And the real ancient unicorn, ancient heavenly dragon, ancient holy phoenix... these beasts have more talented supernatural powers than the ordinary ninth-level monsters, and they have unique sensing ability to many heaven and earth elixir.

Therefore, these monsters, among the nine monsters, cannot be accurately graded.

Because some ancient unicorns and ancient heavenly dragons may consume less heaven and earth elixir, only the strength of level nine lower-level monsters, but some ancient unicorns and ancient heavenly dragons have the strength of level nine top-level monsters.

But whether it is the ancient Qilin or the ancient Tianlong, in the ancient world of monasticism, it is extremely rare. The ancient Tianlong has even been extinct for a long time, and it will not appear for thousands of years!

But at the moment! The body of this unicorn exudes a huge amount of blood like the scorching sun, and the incomparable purity of the fire element is completely like the natural blood of the body. This unicorn is a real ancient unicorn! The same as the ancient Tianlong!

This situation is just like a monk town that has not seen the monk Jindan for thousands of years. Suddenly, there are monks who have emerged from the ten gods.

This ancient Qilin exudes great consciousness, and it is no wonder that the five-fold cultivation of Jindan, a jade sword real person, can't say anything at this moment, but can only issue a violent scream.

At the moment, all the spells and magic weapons issued by Jade Swordsman shattered, and he did not dare to have any obstruction at all, so he could only fly madly and let aside.


Ghost Emperor Real Man and You Emperor's body of light flashed up layer by layer, and their hair seemed to erect.

But at the moment when the two are about to shoot.


The ancient Qilin in the sky let out a trembling roar! An unimaginably huge, with an endless and powerful will, and the coercion of the emperor, who is nine days and ten earths alone, shocked like a shock wave.

The two's bodies shook at the same time, an urge to surrender.

This ancient unicorn sent out at this moment is exactly like the magic of the consciousness, and this ancient unicorn's consciousness is extremely huge, and it has completely suppressed the five monks of Jindan!

"How come there is an ancient unicorn here! Does this sky dome..."


The two Shenxuanjing monks, the Northern Ming Sect Master Yu Huafan and the Wuji Tiangong Palace Master Tiankui Zhenjun, were unaffected. Just as the will of the ancient Qilin hit the two people like a tide, all of them The trick, but it seems to open at the same time, a terrifying energy rises, two gods and mysterious phases larger than Kirin rise at the same time.


The **** Xuan Fa transformed by Tian Kui is full of iron gray, with a pen and a scroll in his hand. At this moment, the hand of the **** Xuan Fa with the pen swipes, and an iron gray appears in the sky in front of him The light pattern, on the scroll, rises a huge gray rune.

In the eyes, two silver-white beams of light emerged from the eyes of Yuhuafan's Divine Profound Fa.

The speed of these three attacks seems to exceed the teleportation spells and magic weapons. It seems to exceed the time and directly hit the unicorn.


This ancient unicorn turned out not to block these attacks in general.

Hit by Tiankui Zhenjun and Yuhuafan, the whole flesh suddenly shot countless thin beams of light, and immediately collapsed.

But at the same time, a more amazing red light, with a more terrifying will, made Tiankui Real and Yuhuafan's Divine Profound Faith a slight shock, rushing to Fangcai Tiankui Real and Yuhuafan, etc. The sky dome fixed by human seal.


The cultivation practice of Tiankui Zhenjun seems to be slightly higher than that of Yuhuafan.

At this moment, he seemed to have reacted to something. The entire Divine Profound Fa-phase suddenly shrunk, turned into an amazing iron-grey torrent, and rushed to the red light!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The red light's non-stop explosions were all suppressed by the iron gray torrent.

The red light on the surface of the unceasing explosion of the surface is awesome as this ancient Qilin's demon!

Seeing this ancient Qilin's demon pill is about to be suppressed, but inside the demon pill, it suddenly burst out a beam of light.

This beam of light is a tiny, miniature unicorn, like the spirit of this ancient unicorn.


In the terrifying gaze of Tiankui and others, this beam of light hit the sky dome of Fang Cai.

"Ah!" At this time, inside the sky dome, all the monks who patrolled and guarded around the sky dome were also screaming violently.

Across the sky, but these monks also saw this ancient unicorn that suddenly came down, and they also saw the amazing scenes of the **** Xuanjing monk and this nine-level monster beast fighting method.


Just as the mini-Kylin-like brilliance shot from the ancient Qilin Yaodan hit the sky dome, the blue crystal column in front of Fei Fan shattered sharply.


In the mouth of Yuhuafan who couldn't see the expression on his face, a word came out.

At the same time, the sky dome that was temporarily sealed and fixed by them showed numerous milky white light patterns.

A whirl of milky white waves of unimaginable speed rushed towards the outside.


From the appearance of ancient Qilin to the present, it is just a matter of breathing. Ghost Emperor and Youdi who have not been able to get started by the huge will and knowledge of ancient Qilin at this time are all faceless screams. Got up.

Jin Dan rose directly above the heads of the two people, and several layers of aura masks appeared immediately outside him.

The first is the real person.

Because of the golden pill that flew at the ancient Qilin, his Divine Profound Dharma phase was the closest to the sky dome. In an instant, the milky white light wave impacted on this Sky Dome collided with his Divine Profound Dharma.


Look] The book will come. It seemed that a piece of paper was burnt out in an instant and turned into ash. The image of Tiankui's reality was just collided with this translucent milky white light wave, and immediately collapsed and turned into fly ash.

The mysterious physiognomy of the monks of the Divine Profound Realm, how huge is the power, but it is simply unable to resist the power of this sky dome, and it is directly impacted and ashed!


The real Jade Sword, the farthest away, saw this scene again and issued a terrified scream! Among the tricks on his body, he burst out countless rays of light, sword energy, and instantly condensed into a huge white sword, slashing fiercely to the milky white light wave, it seemed that he wanted to block it as much as possible, so that the sky Aoi and Yuhuafan escaped.

But there is no use at all.

At the moment of contact with the milky white light wave, Jade Sword Realm only felt the spell he sent out, as if it were a thin branch, facing a giant mountain pressed down.

No words can describe the situation at this time.

No word can describe the speed at which this light wave spreads.


I saw the topmost existence in the Taoist realm, the real body of Tiankui, who was cultivated by the Divine Profound Realm, and the entire body was instantly in the spread of light waves and turned into ashes!

Then the real ghost emperor and the real ghost emperor, without any blocking ability, turned into ashes instantly.

But what makes people very shocked is that the magical tools on these people, including the chariot under the real ghost and real emperor, and the skeleton of the ancient Tianlong, are not damaged. All fell intact.

It seems that this spreading light wave only kills all the creatures who dare to destroy this sky dome, but it does not damage the dead objects that have been refined into magic weapons and magic weapons.

At this moment, Yu Huafan's Divine Profound Fa contracted violently, and the entire flesh seemed to shrink quickly, as if to become a baby.

But in an instant, Yuhua Fan's body was also submerged by this milky light wave.


Even Jade Swords, who is at least a hundred feet away from Yuhuafan and others, was not spared.

Before he could do the rest, the huge white long sword he sent, with his body, was all turned to ashes.

The transparent light wave disappeared in a flash.

The demon and flesh of ancient Qilin have all disappeared.

The figure of Yu Huafan and others disappeared in this sky.

The last thing that fell was the vestment of Jade Swords, and some artifacts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

All the monks in the sky dome screamed with their cold hairs upright after a long period of silence.


Some monks even wept bitterly.

The two monks of God Profound Realm, two monks of Jindan's five-fold training, and a monk of Jindan's four-fold training, even disappeared in the power of the sky dome!

Not counting the real people of Tiankui, the four top monks in the northern part of Tianxuan Continent, even at this moment all fell here.

If the news of the death of the monk Shenxuan Realm is spread, I don't know what kind of shock it will cause.

This sudden situation made most of the monks present unacceptable!

Moreover, the monks present were also the monks of the Northern Mingzong and Youhan Palace.

"That is?"

The first group of monks trembling, walking through the sky domes on both sides, saw that Tiankui and others did not leave anything except clothing and magic utensils, but Yuhua Fan was under the original position, but There is a cyan ball.

The ball is the size of a watermelon, the surface looks like a stone, there is no aura, and there are no runes.

"What is this?"

While looking at this cyan stone ball-like thing, these trembling monks, the "five" character finally expressed by Yu Huafan, what did the "five" character mean? ?