Peach Pit Landlord

Chapter 172: Wu Huaihai's concerns (repeated

[The latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the beginning of the anniversary, the most welfare day. △c, in addition to the gift bag, this time the 515 red envelopes must be seen, the red envelopes do not grab the truth, set the alarm clock ~

However, the facts quickly proved that Li Yuan’s fears were superfluous.

Soy beans and black beans are very interested in newcomers. They first cautiously smothered the smell of red beans and mung beans, quickly relaxed, and shook their tails to accept the two new partners.

Red beans and mung beans are even more rude, and they soon start to play with similar people. The four dogs soon came together and there was no fight.

The gray beans are more vigilant. It has been standing on the shoulders of Li Yuan and watching the two new puppies. Although it seems a bit curious, but did not fly immediately and play with new partners.

Li Yuan scratched the head of the gray bean and smiled at it: "They will be your new partner in the future. If you want to get along well in the future, just like the black beans and black beans, do you know?"

"New partners, new partners!" As if I really understood Li Yuan's words, Grey Bean repeated these three words and added wings to join the game.

Watching the pets have a good time, Li Yuan gently nodded, and then put the purchased koi into the creek. Although the creek is deeper than the knee, an adult can easily cross it, but for these koi, who have been living in the basin, this is already a very vast world.

As soon as he entered the water, Koi would swim happily. Sometimes they come together and they look very lively. The koi, which was originally empty, had more of these koi, and it was a little more angry in an instant.

Although the space environment of the peach core is very good, there are too few living things, and Li Yuan feels a little dissatisfied. So he would buy these koi in the creek, and it feels better immediately.

Look at the lively koi swimming. Li Yuan gently nodded: "This is much better, but... what do these fish eat, even if they don't eat here, they will starve to death?"

However, this problem is well solved, as long as you can check it online. Fish can't starve even if they don't eat for a week, so Li Yuan is not in a hurry to leave the peach core space, but to see the orchids planted in the spring.

The orchid grows very unexpectedly. It has been divided into several bundles from one. Each one is lush, the narrow leaves are green and bright, and the slender stems grow out from the middle of the leaves, and the flowers at the end are elegant and exudes fragrance.

Li Yuan can't see the quality of the orchid variety, but he is convinced that after planting it for so long in the peach kernel space, these orchids will definitely not be the best.

Of course, how to find the experts can be determined. Therefore, Li Yuan is also planning to wait for the orchid exhibition in the provincial capital with his own orchid after the spring of next year. Maybe it will cause a sensation at that time.

After leaving the Tao nuclear space. Li Yuan went online to check what food the carp loves. Carp is an omnivorous fish that feeds on aquatic plants and mollusks.

So Li Yuan went to the Ningxia River next to the farm to catch some water plants, and went to buy some live fish and insects, all of which were thrown into the creek in the peach core space. He believes that in such a good environment, both water plants and fish worms will grow very fast, enough for these koi to eat.

While solving the Koi food, Li Yuan did not forget the red beans and mung beans. He began to buy a lot of meat to meet the appetite of red beans and mung beans. Same as soybean black beans. The two puppies in the Tao nuclear space are surprisingly big, and the food they eat every day is more than that of several big men.

of course. Eating so much food is also rewarding. The growth rate of red beans and mung beans is also very fast. In just a few days, the body size grows a lot, and it is not much worse than the soybean black beans.

In the same situation, Li Yuan has already experienced it once, so I didn't feel much surprised. After the red beans and mung beans grow up, they can also be combined with the black beans and black beans. I have to pay for the security work of the farm.

At present, the farms have more than 20 acres of chicken farms. Red beans and mung beans come at the right time to ensure that the chicken farms will not be harmed by other people and harmful animals.

When it comes to chicken farms, Wu Huaihai, the director of the chicken farm, has to be raised.

The old village chief said that it was true that Wu Huaihai was really passionate about this trip. Since being appointed as the head of the chicken farm by Li Yuan. He came to the chicken farm early every day and was busy until the sun went down. According to Li Yuan, if there is a place where the chicken farm has a place, Wu Huaihai will probably not go back.

However, for Li Yuan, it is a good thing to find such a dedicated employee. Chicken and vegetable farming are two very different industries, and the chicken farm is just put into operation. Even if there is Jinzhu Liyuan, I don’t dare to care, so Li Yuan will often go to the chicken farm and ask those who have just settled down. The situation of black chicken.

Seeing that the boss cares so much about the chicken farm, Wu Huaihai not only does not feel trouble, but is also happy. Because this shows that Li Yuan really wants to run a chicken farm, Wu Huaihai, who wants to take chicken as a lifelong career, is of course a good thing.

However, although Wu Huaihai's experience in this line is very rich, after working in the chicken farm for a while, it is still deeply troubled by some situations. This is not to say that the process of raising chickens is not very smooth, but it is too smooth, and it is so smooth that Wu Huaihai has an unreal feeling.

It is reasonable to say that there are 3,000 chickens in the chicken farm, and most of them are still chickens. Inevitably, chickens will die. However, this law has been completely broken. Wu Huaihai has been taking over the chicken farm for more than a week. A total of 3,150 chickens have not died. They only live and dance, and there is no sign of weakness or illness.

In addition to the death of no chicken, many breeders began to lay eggs even the next day they came to the chicken farm. After a week, almost every hen will lay eggs every day, and many hens will even have two in a day, just like a raw egg game.

The growth rate of those chickens also surprised Wu Huaihai. This is only a few days, all the chickens have grown up a lot, has been separated from the growth stage of the chicks, which is several times faster than the average black chicken.

If not all the chicken feed is Wu Huaihai’s personal It’s impossible for someone to do something in the feed. He really has to suspect that these chickens are eating growth hormone, otherwise it’s impossible to grow so fast. .

Wu Huaihai is a serious person. Although these situations are good, he still dare not care until he understands the reasons. After observing for a few days, Wu Huaihai finally couldn't stand it and found the boss Li Yuan, and said these situations and their own worries.

Wu Huaihai originally thought that Li Yuan would attach great importance to this situation, but Li Yuan’s reaction made him unexpected.

At the beginning of ps.5.15, the red envelope is raining! At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I will grab a round every hour. A big wave of 515 red packets will be lucky. You all go grab, grab the starting currency and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

Ps: Due to a system error, the chapters of the hippocampus timing update are repeated. The content of the previous chapter has been revised, and friends who have already subscribed can go back and look at it. It is free and no need to pay again. However, the vip chapter name can't be changed, so it can only be like this. I did not expect such a thing to happen, causing inconvenience to everyone, please also bear with me.