Peach Pit Landlord

Chapter 80: New customers and price increases

In the face of the numerous ordering calls, Li Yuan’s previous hunger marketing strategy has finally achieved results – he can use more vegetables to supply new customers and open up bigger markets.

However, Li Yuan's vegetables have a good reputation now, and they are always in a state of short supply, so he will not choose customers at random, but will be prepared to give priority to those large and high-end hotels and restaurants.

To this end, Li Yuan wrote down the names of all the restaurants that he contacted, and then used various methods to understand each other's situation.

First of all, the small restaurants are not considered for supply. After all, Li Yuan intends to take the high-end line in the future. If he cooperates with such a small hotel, it will undoubtedly be a way of breaking his own development. It is definitely not worth the candle.

After excluding the small hotel, Li Yuan has removed the list of potential customers from those who are not small in size but have a bad reputation, especially the level of customers.

Although Li Yuan's vegetables sell well, they can't stand the toss of chefs who are too poor. If the chef's level is low, it will be useless to give them the best ingredients, and the things they make will be no different from the pig food.

And customers don't care so much. If they come to Li Yuan's vegetables, but they eat the dishes that are cooked by the chef, they will definitely think that Li Yuan's vegetables are just like this. This is tantamount to smashing Li Yuan's signboard. Of course, he is absolutely not allowed to have such a situation.

However, there are too many customers calling to supply, even if they have eliminated these requirements that do not meet Li Yuan's requirements, there are nearly 100 customers left.

These hotels and restaurants have similar characteristics, that is, large scale and good reputation. Many of them are well-known in the local area. There are even several Chinese-Western restaurants with five-star hotels, all of which have requested Li Yuan to purchase goods.

In the face of so many candidates, Li Yuan is also somewhat embarrassed. After all, the vegetable base has only grown 30 acres of vegetable land, and it has to supply the old customers before. It is impossible to satisfy so many new customers.

The helpless Li Yuan can only conduct the third round of screening, and has omitted dozens of names from the list of potential customers, and finally set the list of the second batch of customers.

Then Li Yuan called another family and told them to decide to supply them. Of course, in addition to Xinghualou and Heyue Restaurant Group, Liyuan has limited supply to other customers. The amount of vegetables he promised to supply was often only half that requested by the other party.

It is precisely because of this, those customers who received Li Yuan’s phone and learned that he would supply themselves were also happy and worried. The good news is that you can finally launch vegetables that even the foodie Huang Danyang highly praises. The worry is that Li Yuan promised that the supply is too small to meet the needs of diners.

However, at present, only Li Yuan alone supplies vegetables of such high quality, so it is a complete seller market. Even if these few new customers are dissatisfied, there is nothing to be done about it.

In fact, most of the customers are very happy after receiving the supply commitment from Li Yuan. Because this means that they can also launch a vegetarian dish that is popular with Huang Danyang, which will definitely bring their business to the next level.

The ability to be selected by Li Yuan for the supply of vegetables also shows that these customers are strong, at least in the industry, and they are top-notch.

In fact, Li Yuan confirmed the list of new customers, and after notifying the other party, the owner of the catering industry added a chilling content when they met. That is, they often ask each other whether the other party has a customer called Li Yuan and is qualified to purchase vegetables from him.

If one of them is a customer of Li Yuan and the other party is not, this will inevitably reveal a smug color with a reserved, and the other side will reveal the twilight, and secretly feel inferior.

Even Li Yuan did not think that the customer who can be called himself has become a thing that the chefs of the major restaurant owners feel that their faces are bright. A small vegetable supplier can have such a big face, and it is definitely no one before.

However, Li Yuan's attention is not here at present. In addition to determining the list of new customers, he has another more important thing to deal with - announcing price increases.

As Li Yuan said to Chen Wenchuan, the vegetable base is all organic vegetables. Nowadays people are paying more and more attention to health. As long as vegetables are labeled as "organic", the price can be doubled immediately.

Li Yuan can assure anyone that the vegetables in the vegetable base are in full compliance with the standards of organic vegetables. In addition, all the vegetables are delicious, and the original price is a bit low.

Therefore, while notifying new customers, Li Yuan also issued a new offer to the other party. At present, the price of green leafy vegetables varies from 15 to 20 yuan per catty according to the variety. Tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and other vegetables are naturally more expensive, starting at 25 yuan per catty, also vary according to the variety, and the most expensive organic sweet pepper, the price is up to forty-five per catty yuan.

This price is also not too expensive, all are limited supply. Even if the customer is willing to pay more money, Li Yuan will not sell more to them. After all, all the vegetables are in short supply, Li Yuan will use the limited supply to develop as many customers as possible.

Because Li Yuan's vegetable reputation is so good, people who have tasted it are impressed by its beautiful appearance and wonderful taste, so this offer is somewhat high, but all the new customers don't want to agree.

What is different from the new customers is that when Li Yuan informed the old customers about the price increase, several customers complained a lot. After all, his previous price was only five or six yuan per catty. Now he has to rise more than three times. These people feel unacceptable.

In fact, Li Yuan decided to set this price, but also carefully considered. After being highly recommended by Huang Danyang, the vegetables he planted were also skyrocketing. In the restaurant, order a plate of such vegetables, the lowest price is nearly 100 yuan, and every day is in short supply.

And such a plate of cooking, at most it requires three or four vegetables. Therefore, even in accordance with the price of Li Yuanxin, these hotels are also very profitable. Not to mention the flow of people brought to the store because of these vegetables, so the benefits created are even more unpredictable. The reason why these restaurants have complained about Li Yuan’s price increase is entirely out of greed.

Now Li Yuan’s vegetables are the emperor’s daughter who is not married, and he is not interested in this greedy client. Directly tell the other party to accept the price increase, or interrupt the supply, there is no third way to go. Anyway, Li Yuan and the old customers only have a verbal agreement, and there is no breach of contract.

On the second day after Li Yuan informed the old customers of the price increase, he received a call from Liu Yuebing. Liu Yuebing, who has always been happy, seems to be somewhat unhappy. He asked Li Yuan: "How do you tell me about the price increase of vegetables? Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, most fire serial The works are all on mobile users please read.