Peerless Emperor System

v2 Chapter 84: Shameless!

And there is also a reason for the beauty of the United States to believe in the words, that is, according to the beauty of the United States did not feel the breath of Yakang in the village.

However, I don’t know why, as always, I feel that something is wrong.

"Where is it wrong... If you have to say something is wrong... this fragrance... not good!"

Suddenly, as if I was thinking of something, my face immediately became iron!

At this time, there was a strange smile on the face of the forbearance before the beauty.


According to Mei Ming, I only felt black in front of me, then fell softly on the ground!


I don't know how long it took, and the consciousness of beauty has recovered.

"you're awake?"

"Let's be beautiful!"

At this moment, after she was awake, she heard two familiar voices.

"Qing? Changjulang?"

However, at this time, Zhao Mei also noticed the environment in which he was at this time, and his face suddenly became blue.

Especially when Zhao Mei discovered that the chakra on his body had been sealed and the hand was still handcuffed, a beautiful face was even more gloomy as if it could drip.

I saw that at this time, Meimei, 390 Qing and Chang Shilang were in a dark environment. This environment is very clear, and it is clearly the cell that the fog is used to hold prisoners!

"Bastard! That guy..."

Said, according to the beauty suddenly raised his head and looked at Qing and Changjulang, his expression was very angry: "Tell me, what happened in the end?"

Seeing the beauty of the anger, Chang Shilang immediately tightened his body, and there was cold sweat on his face.

However, Qing did not respond too much, and slowly replied: "It’s like this..."

As a result, Qing had previously fought with Yakura, and later found that Yakura was controlled, and the things that happened after the emergence of the ten-blade and the soil appeared in detail.

When I heard the words of Qing, I didn’t change much in the first place, but after I heard that Yakura was controlled by the wheel, and those who controlled the Yakang had that kind of horrible power, even if it was beautiful, The way to stay calm, a pair of beautiful eyes full of shocked expression!

"What are you talking about? Those people are really strong enough to get to the point where even the beast jade can be easily taken over? Are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Looking at the beautiful (bbag) face is full of distrustful expression, smiled a bit, slowly said: "It is true that this is true, otherwise, it will not happen now."

Listening to the words of Qing, even if she is not willing to believe this fact, she has to believe.

"So, they really want to hand me over and surrender to that group of guys?"

When I heard the beauty, the green face was very ugly, but I nodded.

"Bastard! A group of greedy assholes!"

At this moment, according to Mei Ming, she only felt an anger that had never been seen before her chest.

Not only because you will be handed out as a chip, but more importantly, betrayed by your own "companion"!

Everything that was done before the Ming dynasty was for the fog and the village, but did not expect that after the incident, the first betrayed the fog in the village!

This feeling of betrayal makes the beauty of the United States a little crazy!

"Hey, isn't this beautiful?"

At this moment, a harsh sound suddenly passed into the beautiful eyes.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Mei turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound.

After looking at the beautiful people, the expression on the face suddenly became calm, like the moment before the storm came!

I saw two people, one is the bald elder who appeared in the previous meeting, and the other is the one who used to be obsessed with the beauty.

Looking at the two people in front of me, Zhao Mei slowly moved his eyes to the body.

"Kawashima is forbearing. If I remember correctly, I should have saved your life a year ago."

When I heard the words of beauty, I had a slight struggle in my eyes, but soon I became a sneer when I was struggling.

"It seems like this, according to the beauty of the adults ... but ... you were to save me, I did not ask you to save me!"

When I heard the words of forbearance, I couldn’t help but scream at the side of Qing and Changjulang.


"Scum, how do you and your face live in the world?"


Listening to the snoring of Qing and Changjulang, I licked my mouth and my face was full of disdain.

At this time, the bald elders also smiled and said: "Hey, you guys really take yourself as a personal thing, according to beauty, do you think you are already a five-generation water shadow?"

Looking at the bald elders, the expressions of Mei Ming and Qing are not very good.

Just like a bald head, the beautiful people are treated as nails in the eye, and the beauty of the bald elders does not have any good feelings.

Facing the ridicule of the bald elders, Zhao Mei only said one word...


"Hey! Smelly, don't give your face a shame! Oh... I didn't think you have it today, I am a little thankful to those people. If it weren't for them, I really don't know how to stop you from becoming a water shadow... Haha Haha, thank you for your withdrawal, I will help you with the position of the Five Generations of Water Shadow!"

"Oh... yes, I forgot, I am here to remind you, there are still three hours to light up, that is to say, your life is estimated to be the last few hours, enjoy this The last time... Hahaha... It’s a pity, I guess you don’t have time to see the day when I took the water shadow!”

After that, the bald elders looked at each other with arrogance and then turned around and said: "Kawashima, look at this nephew, don't make any accidents!"

"Understood, the water shadow adult!"

Hearing the name of the wounded, the bald elders nodded with satisfaction and then left the cell in the congratulations.

Seeing that the two left, and the three people like Mei Ming are almost all angry and gnashing their teeth!

"Let's be beautiful, please don't be angry. For this guy, it's not worth it."

Listening to the words of Changjulang, Zhaomei nodded.

"I know."

At this time, as if to transfer the topic, Qing suddenly said: "Yes, according to the beauty of the adults, how did you come back this time? I heard that Yakang almost took all the talents to round up you..."

When I heard the words of Qing, I thought of what I thought of, and there was a slight smile on my mouth.

"This is... well, it’s thanks to a little handsome guy!"

"Little handsome guy?"


Ten minutes later, after listening to the beautiful words, Qing smiled and said: "I really want to see the man you said, the man who can be praised by you, I have never heard of...".